Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

hahaha the only reason i posted that is cause he said theres no way i was that % BF

nobody cares what you have to say anyway ive seen the posts you make and theyre garbage

im pretty sure someone asked and i gave insight
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

what can I do to build forearm muscles?
I would like to know as well, however from what I've read the only worth while exercises come from compound movements.
I said it a few pages ago, but upright rows and '21's curling with barbell REALLY make mine burn

I think my dumbbell bench press could be ALOT higher if my wrists/forarms weren't that of a 10 year old girl. That's the first thing to give out on me.

Heavy static BB holds for time (usually 30-60 sec) and pinch plates.

Also, if you have the funds I'd suggest purchasing a pair of these.


You can always use a towel to create  a similar effect but these are far superior.
You can also request that your gym buy a thick barbell.

youtube or google tennis ball pull-ups. that'll help with wrist/grip/forearm
If yall are just feelin congested, hop on the bike and clear it up. Mint Tea pre-workout, gum while you workout and you're good to go
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Durden - how tall and how much do you weigh?

6 feet and somewhere between 185 and 190.

Actually its 194.  I just weighed myself.  Ive never been this high in my life.  I couldnt believe what I saw.
Originally Posted by AgentPD21

NT, I'm a pants sz. 34 but I want to be a 32. Any advice?
Fix your diet.  Do cardio and lift weight at least 3 times a week.  If you're really focused, you can get down to 32 in a couple of months.  Note that cardio is not limited to running, it's any activity that gets your heart rate up ie playing basketball, swimming, riding bike, etc.
Originally Posted by AgentPD21

NT, I'm a pants sz. 34 but I want to be a 32. Any advice?
Any workouts for the hip flexors and abs should help you out, cardio as well. Do leg lifts, and bicycle kicks. Then run some. 20+ min. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Durden - how tall and how much do you weigh?

6 feet and somewhere between 185 and 190.

Actually its 194.  I just weighed myself.  Ive never been this high in my life.  I couldnt believe what I saw.
Good weight or bad?

I hoped on the scale last week and saw that I'm up 15 pounds since October
. My strength has gone through the roof and I'm sure some of it is muscle but most of it is fat.

Time to start doing HIIT and avoiding them late night meals
It's about 3 weeks till spring break and I wanna just start burning fat, but still building some muscle. my current workout is muscle building though. Should I go HIIT 3x a week and have it in between days I workout or what? Bc i dont want to stop working out, just maybe less frequently so I could do HIIT more. Or, should i just go hard and do 4 days workout, 3 days HIIT. and do that 7 day schedule until spring break?
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

It's about 3 weeks till spring break and I wanna just start burning fat, but still building some muscle. my current workout is muscle building though. Should I go HIIT 3x a week and have it in between days I workout or what? Bc i dont want to stop working out, just maybe less frequently so I could do HIIT more. Or, should i just go hard and do 4 days workout, 3 days HIIT. and do that 7 day schedule until spring break?

I hear you on this but 7 days a week is too much imo, I've heard 15-20 minutes of HIIT post workout will burn fat but it won't kill your muscles.  If I was you I would do your 4 days working out with 2 days where you do HIIT afterwards and on a seperate day with a day of rest before and after I would suggest doing a circuit training workout either with body weight or with a barbell or some dumbells.
Bout to do some HIIT sprints for 15mins.. I really need to do this like 2x a week the most..
Originally Posted by I3

Bout to do some HIIT sprints for 15mins.. I really need to do this like 2x a week the most..

Are you a skinny guy like me?

Cardio really does cut into muscle gain for me  I only do HIIT 1x a week, just did it this morning for 20 min followed by a 5 min jog at a steady pace.  For the next couple months i'm only focusing on gaining muscle while trying to stay as lean as possible.  After that I'll step up the HIIT to 2x a week and focus more on strength training. Hopefully it works out for me.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Durden - how tall and how much do you weigh?

6 feet and somewhere between 185 and 190.

Actually its 194.  I just weighed myself.  Ive never been this high in my life.  I couldnt believe what I saw.
Good weight or bad?

I hoped on the scale last week and saw that I'm up 15 pounds since October
. My strength has gone through the roof and I'm sure some of it is muscle but most of it is fat.

Time to start doing HIIT and avoiding them late night meals
Good weight def.
Lettuce as the buns? I can see what your saying about the fries, but if you've stuck with a healthy diet for a while I don't see how 1 meal of SOME unhealthy foods is gonna kill all that progress. I say get the bread, skip the fries and maybe something else you wanna eat that is considered a cheat food but at the same time you know you can burn it off.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Lettuce as the buns? I can see what your saying about the fries, but if you've stuck with a healthy diet for a while I don't see how 1 meal of SOME unhealthy foods is gonna kill all that progress. I say get the bread, skip the fries and maybe something else you wanna eat that is considered a cheat food but at the same time you know you can burn it off.
It's a hidden option here in SoCal at a popular burger chain, In N Out...they use lettuce as buns.

But I agree with you.  I used to be so discipline with eating clean.  My one 'bad' meal per week would be a piece of steak with beans and sweet mashed potato.

However I got more casual and I eat a lot more 'regular food' now.  You won't get fit in a week, and eating 'normal food' for a week won't really hurt you as well (as long as you eat in moderation anyways).

I don't really feel bad anymore when I have a cheeseburger combo with a shake when I chill with my dude every now and then.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by I3

Bout to do some HIIT sprints for 15mins.. I really need to do this like 2x a week the most..

Are you a skinny guy like me?

Cardio really does cut into muscle gain for me  I only do HIIT 1x a week, just did it this morning for 20 min followed by a 5 min jog at a steady pace.  For the next couple months i'm only focusing on gaining muscle while trying to stay as lean as possible.  After that I'll step up the HIIT to 2x a week and focus more on strength training. Hopefully it works out for me.

Im pretty skinny, but i've got like some mass haha, im probably like 5'9 145lbs +*% around 13%.  I find it hard to bulk, cos I really have to eat like 3-4k worth of food.  But I mean with everything going on, like the gym, recovery time, basketball - 2 sessions is what I can only really afford to do.  For me its trying to use the gym as a tool to get better conditioning/strength for basketball as opposed to general health or body building.

I think you can afford to do more HIIT sessions if you want to be lean, 1x a week isn't going to cause muscle cannibalization.. especially if your diet is on point.  Sounds like your trying to lean bulk, which is eating slightly over maintenance, if this is the case then I think 1-2x sessions is perfect.
I think 75% of the posters in here are trying to gain muscle and weight rather than lose weight.

It's really hard to decipher which advice is good for you in what you want to do.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

I think 75% of the posters in here are trying to gain muscle and weight rather than lose weight.

It's really hard to decipher which advice is good for you in what you want to do.

Really?  I think its the opposite.
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