Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I need a good Creatine shake recipe.

I just been mixing cold water and Creatine with a little bit of nectar.

Lots of flavors to choose from too. Peach, Mango, Banana, Guava...
All workout I've been used to was RUN. Ran, ran and ran.

I'm 25, 6'-0" and 180lbs.

Slim dude.

Need to bulk up, specifically with muscle mass.

I work at a steakhouse where we can eat for free (steak, lamb, pork & chicken). I see members saying red meat is bad? I choose not to eat pork, but are anyof the aforementioned meats that I can eat (I work 4 days a week) while at work bad for me? I thought it would be a great source for helping bulk up (juststarted working here in October).

I'm going to start a weekly routine to workout. Have a bench at home.

But planning on buying protein shakes as well (Muscle Milk or Pro Gain).

So shall I completely AVOID eating ANY of the meats at my job?


I calculated based on my size and whatnot, I'd need to have a Calorie intake of 3,700 per day.

Protein shake isn't something bad to commit to, right? I mean, I'm familiar on when it's best to take (post workout or pre-workout and beforesleep) and as long as I stick to a workout.

Carbs/Day: 450g
Protein/Day: 198g
Fats: 125g

*I got this off of a "weight gain" calculator on a site I forgot

Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Ensure is for senior citizens

man.........october was real busy for me, know ive missed tons in this thread................were in nov 09 now huh

man i never had a problem gaining weight, you guys might think youre eating enough but its really not...........BUT yes matabolism is also very real too.

50 %protein 40% carbs 10% fat is the rule id follow for putting on weight/mass.........hell its what i do now still even. fpr you guys who are real lean hard gains i might even up the carbs more.

what kinds of foods do you intake? back in the old thread i made a huge list foods i eat myself. nuts (specific kinds), fish, brown rice, etc. ill have to update that list. i got that day off today.
Al....know any good, quick and cheap recipes as well (ex. chicken breast recipe, fish recipe, etc)?

Thanks in advance.
Chicken recipe:

2 chicken breasts
black pepper

Stick chicken in pan, sprinkle black pepper on it, put it in the oven for ~1 hr. Voila. No, seriously, that's what I do.
Originally Posted by REDBRIM

All workout I've been used to was RUN. Ran, ran and ran.

I'm 25, 6'-0" and 180lbs.

Slim dude.

Need to bulk up, specifically with muscle mass.

I work at a steakhouse where we can eat for free (steak, lamb, pork & chicken). I see members saying red meat is bad? I choose not to eat pork, but are any of the aforementioned meats that I can eat (I work 4 days a week) while at work bad for me? I thought it would be a great source for helping bulk up (just started working here in October).

I'm going to start a weekly routine to workout. Have a bench at home.

But planning on buying protein shakes as well (Muscle Milk or Pro Gain).

So shall I completely AVOID eating ANY of the meats at my job?


I calculated based on my size and whatnot, I'd need to have a Calorie intake of 3,700 per day.

Protein shake isn't something bad to commit to, right? I mean, I'm familiar on when it's best to take (post workout or pre-workout and before sleep) and as long as I stick to a workout.

Carbs/Day: 450g
Protein/Day: 198g
Fats: 125g

*I got this off of a "weight gain" calculator on a site I forgot

Thanks in advance

If I worked somewhere that offered me free steak, lamb, and chicken, I'd be in heaven.
. Seriously though, the health risks associated with red meat are fromoverconsumption. Red meats have saturated fats in them, and also run the risk of containing carcinogens when blackened too much. I would just be careful whenyou cook it to not burn it, and make sure you're not lathering it up with BBQ sauce or anything like that. Steak/lamb medium rare with a pepper crust is
. I would rather eat a variety of food, get a variety of nutrients, andnot be bored with my diet as opposed to eating the same thing day in and day out. Everything in moderation, as long as you do it right.

Anyway, be careful with your overall consumption of calories. 3700 is a lot if you're not doing enough exercise, and be prepared to gain a lot of fat. When I started working out, I was pretty much 180-185lbs, and 5'11 (almost your stats), and I OD'd on the food (especially protein), and paid for itdearly. I thought I was getting huge and jacked, but I looked at my pictures 6 months later, and I gained a lot of body fat. It's gotten me 2-3 years toget to where I am now, getting my body fat down this low. I'm sure it would've been much faster if I did it properly the first time. Slow, consistentprogress is good progress.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

3-5 is for strength. 6-12 is for size and strength
Weight lifters lift low reps because it doesn't cause as big of a gain in mass as more reps would. That's why you can see small guys lifting huge weights; they keep the reps low to limit the growth in size.

Yeah, the weight should also change accordingly. You should be just able to do 5 reps at most with the weight. But don't train to the point of exhaustion. You should never feel depleted after a workout. Training to failure consistently isn't good. You should only use it to break past a sticking point.
you sure about that? I have been told to increase the weights for mass, for example for preacher curls, 140 lbs at 5 reps is better for more mass then 90 at 10
Math that out.... 140 lbs at 5 reps is a total workload of 700 lbs while 90 at 10 reps is 900 lbs of a workload.
So, it isnt best to always go higher weights to gain mass?I do for preachers lets say, 110 at 10, 120 at 8 and 140 at 6 I should take out the 140 and replace it with a 90?

Higher weights typically mean more mass but there are some points where the total workload is higher if the weight is slightly reduced and the reps are slightly increased.

Keep the 140 at 6.

Got it thanks man.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by REDBRIM

All workout I've been used to was RUN. Ran, ran and ran.

I'm 25, 6'-0" and 180lbs.

Slim dude.

Need to bulk up, specifically with muscle mass.

I work at a steakhouse where we can eat for free (steak, lamb, pork & chicken). I see members saying red meat is bad? I choose not to eat pork, but are any of the aforementioned meats that I can eat (I work 4 days a week) while at work bad for me? I thought it would be a great source for helping bulk up (just started working here in October).

I'm going to start a weekly routine to workout. Have a bench at home.

But planning on buying protein shakes as well (Muscle Milk or Pro Gain).

So shall I completely AVOID eating ANY of the meats at my job?


I calculated based on my size and whatnot, I'd need to have a Calorie intake of 3,700 per day.

Protein shake isn't something bad to commit to, right? I mean, I'm familiar on when it's best to take (post workout or pre-workout and before sleep) and as long as I stick to a workout.

Carbs/Day: 450g
Protein/Day: 198g
Fats: 125g

*I got this off of a "weight gain" calculator on a site I forgot

Thanks in advance

If I worked somewhere that offered me free steak, lamb, and chicken, I'd be in heaven.
. Seriously though, the health risks associated with red meat are from overconsumption. Red meats have saturated fats in them, and also run the risk of containing carcinogens when blackened too much. I would just be careful when you cook it to not burn it, and make sure you're not lathering it up with BBQ sauce or anything like that. Steak/lamb medium rare with a pepper crust is
. I would rather eat a variety of food, get a variety of nutrients, and not be bored with my diet as opposed to eating the same thing day in and day out. Everything in moderation, as long as you do it right.

Anyway, be careful with your overall consumption of calories. 3700 is a lot if you're not doing enough exercise, and be prepared to gain a lot of fat. When I started working out, I was pretty much 180-185lbs, and 5'11 (almost your stats), and I OD'd on the food (especially protein), and paid for it dearly. I thought I was getting huge and jacked, but I looked at my pictures 6 months later, and I gained a lot of body fat. It's gotten me 2-3 years to get to where I am now, getting my body fat down this low. I'm sure it would've been much faster if I did it properly the first time. Slow, consistent progress is good progress.

Good adivce. Im in this boat too, trying to figure out the perfect caloric intake number. I want to gain, but not to the extent where I have to cut againafter 3-4 months..

Does anyone know how long usually the body takes to adjust to a surplus (minus water weight)
I3, maybe up the calories slowly every so often. Up it 200 a week or every other week and see how it works. That way, you can't gain too much fat if youconsume too much and not much damage is done.
If you want to stay lean, then make sure you're consistent with your cardio. A few sessions of hiit with one endurance session a week is all you reallyneed.

You may be interested in this site:
Check it out for a sustainable to stay really lean year-round.
I've been slacking on my lifting. I've been preoccupied with running and Rugby.

I need to find good in-season workouts.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

I did 245x4 on the bench today. Its my PR, but I still wasnt happy with it.
who doesn't feel happy when they hit a PR? i was pumped when i first hit 225 x 1

I just didnt feel it. Sometimes when im lifting I can really feel everything contracting and ive got a good flow (blood and bodily), but for this 245x4 itjust felt awkward. When I first hit 135 I felt like a #+@%+%! monster though.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I3, maybe up the calories slowly every so often. Up it 200 a week or every other week and see how it works. That way, you can't gain too much fat if you consume too much and not much damage is done.
If you want to stay lean, then make sure you're consistent with your cardio. A few sessions of hiit with one endurance session a week is all you really need.

You may be interested in this site:
Check it out for a sustainable to stay really lean year-round.

Cheer for that. Yeah im experimenting with a little surplus for this week. I need to seriously do some cardio though, I only have it on Saturdays(basketball).. I will try and get 2x HIIT sessions a week, hopefully my abs stay ok lol
Is it bad to do cardio after a heavy lifting session? I heard its good cause your body goes straight to fat for energy, but whenever I do it whatever I lifteddoesn't feel as strong, contracted and as much blood flow as there would be if I dont do cardio after.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

I did 245x4 on the bench today. Its my PR, but I still wasnt happy with it.
who doesn't feel happy when they hit a PR? i was pumped when i first hit 225 x 1

I just didnt feel it. Sometimes when im lifting I can really feel everything contracting and ive got a good flow (blood and bodily), but for this 245x4 it just felt awkward. When I first hit 135 I felt like a #+@%+%! monster though.

Same here. When I use heavy weights/low reps, my muslces feel "puffy", but it still feels like they're missing something inside and that Ididn't hit it very well.
When your at your max you need a spotter so you can feel safe to give it your all. Not having a spotter stops me from doing one or two extra reps. Nothing likea good spotter to help you move up.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Joshuatree2192

Is mashed potatoes a bad post workout meal?
That's not a meal.
If possible I would go with sweet potato AKA the super vegetable. Nutrition wise, nothing even comes close. And it tastes yummy too. I usually get pretty hungry after the gym and aside from a scoop of whey protein, I come home to 3 egg whites, a piece of chicken breast or fish with wheat pasta.

Not another person who doesn't eat the yolks.. Jesus
Nothing wrong with yokes..

When I do egg whites I usually do like a 3:1 ratio

3 egg whites for every 1 yoke.. but on some days I just boil eggs and eat em like that...
Originally Posted by blaxoid

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Joshuatree2192

Is mashed potatoes a bad post workout meal?
That's not a meal.
If possible I would go with sweet potato AKA the super vegetable. Nutrition wise, nothing even comes close. And it tastes yummy too. I usually get pretty hungry after the gym and aside from a scoop of whey protein, I come home to 3 egg whites, a piece of chicken breast or fish with wheat pasta.

Not another person who doesn't eat the yolks.. Jesus
Just don't like egg yolks. Never had. I just add a bit of salt and pepper to the egg whites and it's good to go for me.
Same here. When I use heavy weights/low reps, my muslces feel "puffy", but it still feels like they're missing something inside and that I didn't hit it very well.
I totally understand. Its def. a different feeling. I feel as though I can go higher in weight, but as soon as I try I absolutley fail.

When your at your max you need a spotter so you can feel safe to give it your all. Not having a spotter stops me from doing one or two extra reps. Nothing like a good spotter to help you move up.
I hateee using a spotter. Im not exactly sure why but it bothers me to have a spotter. I HATE working out with someone else too, so im sure thathas some effect.

I normally do 2 whites and 2 whole eggs in the morning.
Its official, jump roping is way better than running. I will still do some HIIT but jump roping will be 5 days a week, so much better cardio. I feel like theonly dude praising the jump rope in this thread. I'm still a noob at it but am able to jump rope continuously for 2 minutes
. Can't wait to see how long it takes me to do 10 minutes of skipping.
Originally Posted by Durden7

When your at your max you need a spotter so you can feel safe to give it your all. Not having a spotter stops me from doing one or two extra reps. Nothing like a good spotter to help you move up.
I hateee using a spotter. Im not exactly sure why but it bothers me to have a spotter. I HATE working out with someone else too, so im sure that has some effect.

I'm the same way. I've never worked out in a gym in my life. I just feel like I can focus more when I'm alone. But on the negativeside, I've failed on benching a few times. Thank God I have a safety pad.

But I don't think I can find out my true max now without a spotter since I'm getting up there in weight.

Well, I just had 3 scoops of Jack3d and I'm feeling like a crackhead right now!

Off to workout...
Upgraded from one set of workouts to another to prevent plateau, love the results, and Im continuing to moderate food portion and eat healthier. But its gointo be hard now that we are in "FAT BOY ZONE" Thanksgiving and Holiday parties are coming up
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Its official, jump roping is way better than running. I will still do some HIIT but jump roping will be 5 days a week, so much better cardio. I feel like the only dude praising the jump rope in this thread. I'm still a noob at it but am able to jump rope continuously for 2 minutes
. Can't wait to see how long it takes me to do 10 minutes of skipping.

In your opinion.

Jumping rope probably only seems better to you because its a new challenge that your not good at yet cuz I figure you've probably got bored of running, Iwas there too.

But it's sorta like someone who then says swimming laps around the pool is better than jumping rope. It's all relative. Running is more forendurance, jumping rope is more for rhythm/timing/stability, and swimming is just good for overall general fitness.

It's not that it's necessarily better, its just something new or else why would we see boxers do running up hills when they train instead of doing jumprope for cardio.
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