Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

How big are the capsuls for C-Bol and how many do you have to take pre workout? thanks in advance
I'm back...

Presurge Unleashed is about to be released sometime early March. SOOO looking forward to it. Normally don't do stims or creatine, but its AEN. They don't disappoint.
Just wanted to give ya'll a huge thanks...

Check this thread several times a day, and through info that ya'll provide and me getting used to the habit of being in the gym, i'm totally comfortable going on my own now. I find myself determined to get a good workout while blocking everybody else out. When I first started goin' back, I relied heavily on a friend of mines cause I refused to go alone. How times have changed...

Got a few questions but i'm way too tired to continue writing, so i'll ask in the morning.
stupid not constructive question

but how much does cocaine use affect muscle growth/fitness? short term, not long term

i barely if ever do it but i have recently and probably will on spring break then stop.

its not gonna like put me in a hugely catabolic state and eat away muscle correct?

I doubt its going to effect you at all, as long as you still eat i think you'll be good if it's short term. I don't think it'll put you in a catabolic state or eat away at your muscle at all just hit the gym extra hard before you leave for spring break or spring break starts.

Me personally am still able to eat when i do coke. or eat quite a bit before you do that.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

stupid not constructive question

but how much does cocaine use affect muscle growth/fitness? short term, not long term

i barely if ever do it but i have recently and probably will on spring break then stop.

its not gonna like put me in a hugely catabolic state and eat away muscle correct?
The most jacked guy I know blows through 8balls monthly.

As long as you aren't doing it every weekend it shouldn't really affect you, the day after be prepared to board the bloat train.
bloat? damn

yeah jdub i can eat fine on that or amphetamines (adderall), i dont feel hungry usually but i just remember to eat and i'm fine

thanks for the info

not a regular thing, too damaging to the nose etc but hell its spring break soon i gotta have fun
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

im not a novice lifter im not just spewing !%!@ out my !%* for the hell of it....but once again i digress
Just because youve been working out for years and got a six pack doesnt mean you know everything...
Even Pros ask for help with training and diet. You may not be novice but you got alot of work to do.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

im not a novice lifter im not just spewing !%!@ out my !%* for the hell of it....but once again i digress
Just because youve been working out for years and got a six pack doesnt mean you know everything...
Even Pros ask for help with training and diet. You may not be novice but you got alot of work to do.

true words

ive been liftin a long time an im still learning new stuff

why i like this hobby.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

If you use quality creatine and use it correctly it is fantastic!


best creatine i have ever used..............still using.
I dont see why this would be superior to a regular mono-hydrate.

Anyone with any info?

sup durden

ive used regular mono, con-cret, kre alk, creapure, micronized creatine monohydrate, them popular ones like size on etc.

i rate this the number 1 creatine product i have used to dont need a pre workout stim with this stuff at all for you guys who like to do so jacked etc.......actually the label tells you to not take products like that along with this, strength and workout has been improved since first dose. this is my fist time usin a thermolife product ever btw.

c-bol is creatine nitrate

link ot the write up if you want to learn more in detail
Aside from my heart exploding or having an aneurysm, what are the cons of taking a product like C-BOL? What are some of the pros, in laymans terms.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Aside from my heart exploding or having an aneurysm, what are the cons of taking a product like C-BOL? What are some of the pros, in laymans terms.


this pic looks crazy to me, doesnt even fit the rest of my body i had a crazy arm day that day. like i said c-bol is the best creatine i ever taken, the strength is just crazy an ive def came up since my 2 weeks all around. my chest and abs are very weak in this pic but the pump from this stuff is no joke. I feel ive put on lean mass along with my diet because of this stuff its all im takin, along with Turmeric. I dont take any multi vitamin or protein shakes right now.

i dont recall if i told you guys i had gotten food poisoning? man thatll lean you out crazy i felt weak an wasnt eating so now im back in my serious mode. for those who care im still followin this logic that i posted a while back as far as my routine, an egg whites are my best friend.

my pc at home i think i have before and after pics from just 14 days again ive been putting in work, i think to really test a new product you have to be on point to get the best effect, thats should be common sense though an this def isnt a bloating creatine at all but i have put on a few lbs of course i give more props to diet than this but i def give props on this for pushin my strength.

i just changed my avy my body looks all arond better now it has helped me in the gym.

*this is just my personal review im no rep an i dont even post on just for nt team fitness take my words for what they are an different products work for different people

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

So I've been trying something new...

I've been successfully putting on weight for a while... but my strength really hasn't increased. I pyramid most of my major lifts (deadlifts, squats, bench press, bent over row, military press). So what I'm trying now is doing them on a 5x5 program, and then doing my other exercises normally. Could I gain strength while still gaining mass in this manner?

Ex. For back and hammies, today I did:

Good mornings, 3 x 10
Dead lifts, 5 x 5
Bent Over Row 10, 8, 6, 6
Lat Pull Downs 3 x 10
Close grip row 10, 8, 6
lol Joe is crazy

cocaine is def not a supplement i have ever used before though

TOO much energy before workout, so much...........itll actually KILL you from a heart attack. (i know your not usin it to train, im just sayin)

i bet the pumps are ioutta this world though

this is my new favorite exercise

anyone else do hack squats?
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

Love hack squats. got on em when I hurt my shoulder and couldnt squat
what are your reps/weights like

i like them too i can def feel more in the glutes my last leg day i did hack squats and front squats


it was great the weight wasnt too heavy for either exercise but i felt great/accomplished.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I've been told to take a certain amount of protein per body weight..

I weigh 154 pounds, how much ON Whey Protein scoops should I be taking?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I've been told to take a certain amount of protein per body weight..

I weigh 154 pounds, how much ON Whey Protein scoops should I be taking?

dude just follow the directions use the ON whey to supplement our protein needs or your fitness goal

im more a bodybuilder type so i go with 1.0 to 1.5gm/lb per bodyweight. def focus on your whole foods though.  use your ON why post workout along with carb source. 
Carbohydrates directly support muscle-building by fueling muscles, helping them to remain anabolic. Energy-starved muscles quickly fall out of an anabolic state and fail to grow. Carbs also create a special hormonal environment that plays a critical role in growth--they initiate the release of insulin, which increases protein uptake by muscles. Insulin also helps muscles take in testosterone, the body's chief muscle-building hormone.

I sprained my ankle badly and still recovering but i need to get some cardio in.
I usually like running outside but i can't right now so i was wondering how much can i get of out doing stationary bike for about 30 to 45 mins
How effective is stationary biking?

Originally Posted by Menacin Methods


I sprained my ankle badly and still recovering but i need to get some cardio in.
I usually like running outside but i can't right now so i was wondering how much can i get of out doing stationary bike for about 30 to 45 mins
How effective is stationary biking?


   I do stationary biking, but never for a long period like that only high intensity for 10 minutes usually on day of legs. An eliptical machine if available should be safe for sprained ankle too but more effective
on the hack squats and my legs in general I usually always do high reps minimum 12 reps my legs respond better maybe a week two if I hit plateau of heavy heavy but anyways hacksquats usually 225 - 255 1 warmup set of like 15 real light then 3x12
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