Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I've been reading this post heavy recently and shoutout to all the people dropping good knowledge..
I figured id share my story eventhoh no one probably cares..

I've been working out for about a year and a half at LA Fitness in FL. When i first started I was 19 yrs and 6'2 250lbs no type of muscle what so ever. never lifted a muscle ever had noticeable b-cup man boobys, size 40 waist and XXL shirts in hypebeast brands, no type of nutritional care and was overall just a fat slob who wasted his money on bud and food. My main motivation for the gym was living in a well-off miami suburb im surronded by beautiful girls and a bunch of swole dudes and i just felt wack. I got tired of fapping to "movie star" chicks and actually wanted to have a girl that bad in real life and i know that wasnt happening if i was still lookin like a light skinned flubber. It was probably a dumb motivation but it worked. So i began going to gym just doing the typical back/bis, chest/tris, and shoulders day with abs thrown in here and there. I mostly used the machines and even the smith machine for benching and ended every workout with the stairmaster and then sat in the sauna. I actually went down to 180 with slight muscle and a little 4 pack showing. People that havent seen me in a while didnt recognize me, I got accused of having a fake ID and had to literally buy a whole new wardrobe even draws didnt fit. During this time I never touched soda, maybe alcohol twice and actually burned everynite before I went to sleep came home drank juice and fell asleep eventhough most times I was starving.

After that I decided that I might as well get swole and begin getting serious. Starting to work legs was the biggest key IMO in getting all around muscle mass. Dont even be scared to do squats just start with the machine till u get the form down. basically now I work out at least 4 times a week and always switch my workout around for ex. one week ill hit tris/back and the next week itll rotate to tris/legs and bis/back. I always throw in abs in between. And I alternate stair master and elliptical machine after at least 3 workouts each week. No HIIT or anything just 15 or 20 mins at a good pace. I dont reccomend sauna if u trying to gain muscle but if ur fat and need to lose weight I truly believe it really helps eventhough its just water weight. After every workout I drink protein shake ( brand doesnt really matter IMO), shower and then eat a big chicken breast on the foreman grill. I have experimented with NO shotgun and Superpump 250 and both worked good IMO. Right now I'm 210 with about 12-13% BF which is nothing remarkable but Im noticeably muscular, have some vascularity and overall just feel so much better about myself. Anytime I feel lazy I look at old pics of myself and Im ready to get to work.

A couple of other tips:
- Don't be scared to eat alot of guys are not eating nowhere near enough to gain any type of muscle.
- I feel its alot easier to cheat meal once or twice a week and make this working out process still fun or it gets miserable and thats how people quit.
- Always start with the heaviest workout for each body part first and switch it up to pyramid, 5x5 , 3 sets of 12 and even 4 light sets of 25 if ur feelin lazy just keep it interesting.
- Cardio at the end of workout
- Do free weights at first and hop on the machines at the end for burnouts
-Girls, espescially milfs are extrememely friendly. I dont even speak Spanish to all these straight from South America fake breast/booty milfs at my gym though and we still manage to have a decent convo. Now if only I figure out how to say "I wanna smash" in spanish ill be set
- Dont be afraid to ask swole people for advice. Theres an Asian and a white body builder that go to my gym and I talked to both of them and they gave me some advice such as eat a protein scoop by itself and then wash it down with water which is gross btw but u can try it.
- Make working out fun and convenient for u or its gonna become a chore and just a temporary phase.

Also has anybody been goin bald since started workin out. When i stated I had a full head of hair but im goin bald hard recently and idk if its related to workjing out or not. And no im not on juice or anything so I was jus wondering if any1 of u guys have similar experience.
I was wondering which is better to get cut, with added muscle as well. i dont wanna get huge, but very cut.

Full body or split routine?
There are days where I like to socialize a bit while I'm working out, and there are days where I like working out by myself, especially when the gym is empty.

Today was one of those days for alone and empty. I just got home from my workout (Back and Bis) and it took me a little over an hour. Sun was shining into the gym, and there were maybe 10 people there (including myself).
Working out the old legs tonight. What is an ideal rep range for squats? I usually stick in the 10-12 range with the focus on form. Should I up the weight and do less reps, obviously focusing on form, with a workout like a squat?
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

I was wondering which is better to get cut, with added muscle as well. i dont wanna get huge, but very cut.

Full body or split routine?
I'd suggest full body and doing a circuit with very little rest.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Working out the old legs tonight. What is an ideal rep range for squats? I usually stick in the 10-12 range with the focus on form. Should I up the weight and do less reps, obviously focusing on form, with a workout like a squat?
Depends on your goals whether you do more or less reps.
get on that yogurt diet.. i lost over 15 lbs on it.. lol.. as funny as it sounds, it has certain bacterias that help ur digestive system
for the guythat mentioned it-
beta alanine IS the big supp right now. There are a bunch of copycat products being released. What I mean to say isthat, I think the first beta alanine product to fe it right was, and still is, Intrabolic.

I keep mentioning it because it is that damn good. Yeah, about 3g of it a day is good.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just ordered from VitaminShoppe:
100% Whey Gold Double Rich Chocolate (5lb)
100% Casein Protein Chocolate Supreme (2lb)
Bodytech Shaker Bottle
For a total of: $66.47 (including shipping)

I think I got a good deal..

2 Questions..
1. Anyone feel as if the ON Whey Protein doesn't digest? For instance, as I started using the the Whey and, I found myself going to the bathroom daily as I used the Whey daily.

2. I weigh 154 pounds, how much protein do I need to intake daily according to my weight?

I love VitaminShoppe's shipping... its VERY fast and the packaging is extremely good..

I ordered Monday night, and received my package Wednesday morning, using their CHEAPEST($2.99) shipping method, and this is the second time I received something so fast for them.

Definitely appreciated...
i think peolpe should post their goals when asking a question.
a person asking a question could be trying to bulk and not really concerned with cardio.  they are getting replys from people who are cutting/ not trying to bulk telling them the incorrect info for their goals. everyones idea of fitness is different. some like to be lean or not big at all, others wanna look like arnold.

i know everyone here is trying to help. i just think if everyone posts their fitness goals they could get a better advise form those who share the same goals. 

this is one of my fav threads on NT and theres alot of great info in here. keep it up guys
Originally Posted by rtz13

Can someone post some info on beta alanine? Thanks.
Dont be concerned with it.  Its not a magic pill, nor are there any major health benefits of it.
NT help me out. im tryin to lose my stomach fat so whats the best way to do that. im not tryin to get big. i juss wana get cut and lose my stomach fat. and i havent been to the gym in a long time. i started running today and im cutting out all fast food and sodas.
I'm thinking of getting into this routine (I change abs to back day) -

How does this routine look?
Quads, hamstrings, calves:
Squat 5 x 5
Deadlift 5 x 5
Leg Press 10, 8 ,6
Good Morning 10, 8, 6
Calf Raises 3 x 20, 2 x 10

I've never squatted/deadlifted on the same day, so that'll be new.

Chest, shoulders, triceps:
BB Bench Press 5 x 5
DB Incline Bench Press 10, 8, 6
Military Press 10, 8, 6
Close Grip Bench Press 10, 10, 8
Triceps Over Head Pull 3 x 10
Upright Row 10, 8, 6
Flys 3 x to failure
Dips 3 x to failure

Back, biceps, forearms, abs:
Bent row 10, 10, 8, 6
Lat pull down 10, 10, 8
Preacher curls 3 x 10
Barbell curls 3 x 10
Reverse flys 3 x 10
Dumbbell curls (negatives) 8, 6
Pull ups 3 x to failure

I appreciate any advice
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

I'm thinking of getting into this routine (I change abs to back day) -

How does this routine look?
Quads, hamstrings, calves:
Squat 5 x 5
Deadlift 5 x 5
Leg Press 10, 8 ,6
Good Morning 10, 8, 6
Calf Raises 3 x 20, 2 x 10

I've never squatted/deadlifted on the same day, so that'll be new.

Chest, shoulders, triceps:
BB Bench Press 5 x 5
DB Incline Bench Press 10, 8, 6
Military Press 10, 8, 6
Close Grip Bench Press 10, 10, 8
Triceps Over Head Pull 3 x 10
Upright Row 10, 8, 6
Flys 3 x to failure
Dips 3 x to failure

Back, biceps, forearms, abs:
Bent row 10, 10, 8, 6
Lat pull down 10, 10, 8
Preacher curls 3 x 10
Barbell curls 3 x 10
Reverse flys 3 x 10
Dumbbell curls (negatives) 8, 6
Pull ups 3 x to failure

I appreciate any advice
It looks like a lot of work per session, however it's structured nicely. If you allow a day between you will have enough recovery and you won't be hitting any muscle groups indirectly that you don't necessarily want to.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost


Lower reps for strength (5-6), higher reps for hypertrophy (10-12)?
Pretty much correct.  Strength 4-6, hypertrophy 8-12, endurance 13+ 
I hate shoulder day with a passion, I feel as if I get nothing accomplished.

Can someone recommend me some effective shoulder exercises?

Is it good to work abs everyday or is every other day good enough?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I hate shoulder day with a passion, I feel as if I get nothing accomplished.

Can someone recommend me some effective shoulder exercises?

Is it good to work abs everyday or is every other day good enough?
Shoulder day is the best day for me.
Shoulder/Back is whats good.

Do Arnold Presses

then Dumbbell Presses

Then Lateral Raises
I've been locking out on all my exercises. I've read about it doing some harm, didn't take it too serious but read into it more today.

*starts to feel slight pain in elbows and knees abruptly*

Is it that detrimental to be doing so?

And is there benefits to not locking out? I read this keeps the tension more on the muscles and allows for less rest in between reps. ( i.e. finishing the rep completely then holding that position until you feel you can go down)

Can I get some input guys?

Thanks in advance.
Do Arnold Presses

then Dumbbell Presses

Then Lateral Raises


You don't really need to do Arnold presses AND Dumbbell presses.  I'd say do the dumbbell presses most of the time and switch in the arnold press or something similar once in a while, like every 3rd or 4th shoulder workout.  Doing lateral raises afterwards is fine, but you'd also want to try doing wide grip upright rows, narrow upright rows, shrugs, etc... and don't neglect your rear delts either.  Some people grow big rear delts just from doing back exercises but if it's too small a muscle, you'll always look like a lightweight boxer in a hunched over stance.  I find bent lateral dumbbell raises and wide grip, high seated rows work well for rear delts.
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