Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Quick Question: If I cut out cardio altogether, and concentrate more on weights will I see a drop in fat loss and (obviously) more muscle building?

I've been doing cardio for 20 minutes after every workout and iono I think it's hampering my gains and muscle mass.
Originally Posted by iLLest

Well still I don't want to be 195. =/ I want a lower body fat percentage as well.

I've tried many different ways.

- P90X
- 3 sets of 10
- 3 sets 4-6
- Low weight, a lot of reps

Treadmill after each workout. I'm getting tired of where I'm at. Up till 1 month ago my results were nice. Lost them all so quick I don't know what the +%%# happened.

I'm curious as to what answers you are going to get to this question.
Am I over-working myself by doing 10 sets with 10 reps with my max weight?

On Back day I do:
Seated Cable Rows: 10x10... 150lbs
Cable Lat Pull Downs: 10x7-9... 135lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6x7-8... 135lbs

On Leg/Shoulder day:
Arnold Presses: 10x10... 25lbs
Barbell Squat: 10x10... 135lbs
Dead lift: 5x7-8... 135lbs

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by iLLest

Well still I don't want to be 195. =/ I want a lower body fat percentage as well.

I've tried many different ways.

- P90X
- 3 sets of 10
- 3 sets 4-6
- Low weight, a lot of reps

Treadmill after each workout. I'm getting tired of where I'm at. Up till 1 month ago my results were nice. Lost them all so quick I don't know what the +%%# happened.

I'm curious as to what answers you are going to get to this question.
same answer everytime, HIIT (high intensity interval training, google)

or tabata training
Here's what I look like after a workout with the "PUMP" Flexing (i wished i looked like this 24/7). 

Here's what I looked like before...

I still got a lot of bodyfat all around my body. My stomach don't look nice... especially when I sit down (there's a lot to grab like a handful). My sides don't either. That's why picture doesn't show it. here's the only picture I don't feel that ashamed of my stomach that's recent...


I'm going to continue cutting until my birthday May 30th. And see what I'll do from there. The funny thing is everybody (family, friends, coworkers) think that I look good already and that I should stop cutting and some say I should start trying to build muscle but I don't think I should with the fact that I can grab a handful of
on my belly. At work in my uniform females be sayin I look good and stuff thinking I'm "buff" but a lot of that stuff is fat. I wish I could just stay my size and replace the muscle with fat. So I'm do Carb cycling cutting. I've read you can gain muscle and lose fat with it.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Am I over-working myself by doing 10 sets with 10 reps with my max weight?

On Back day I do:
Seated Cable Rows: 10x10... 150lbs
Cable Lat Pull Downs: 10x7-9... 135lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6x7-8... 135lbs

On Leg/Shoulder day:
Arnold Presses: 10x10... 25lbs
Barbell Squat: 10x10... 135lbs
Dead lift: 5x7-8... 135lbs

Yeah! instead of those 10X10, mix up some sets of  back extension, pull up/chin up, shoulder shrugs in between those major exercises. they're quick and effortless. Plus, your work more muscle parts. 
For legs/shoulder, throw in shoulder laterals (side and/or front), leg extensions, calf extensions, and pullovers. Same thing, they are easy and quick. 
Joshuatree2192 - thanks man. I lost about 110+ lbs and I started going to the gym watching what I ate November 19, 2008 to present.

Hyper Cutter - I lost the first 50 lbs in 3 months just doing cardio 45min - 1hour everyday of the week. And I noticed I was going to the skinny fat direction with no muscle from what I read online (Men's Health forums). Then I lost another 30-40 lbs following this diet plan a trainer in my gym gave me. He wanted me to do circuit training with light weights until I stopped training with him and tried lifting heavy doing the main 3 compound lifts. I lost another 20 or less lbs doing that and following my own diet of 1500-1600 calories (from reading stuff on For some reason I can see my abs now kind of compared to December where I couldn't see my abs and weighed the same weight. I've been !#!$$!% up on my diet like going good for 2 weeks then do bad for 3 days and then back to my diet again for the past couple of months. But I really plan on sticking to it now because my birthday is coming up.
For weight loss, do you guys recommend doing cardio before or after lifting?

What I have been doing is 30-35 mins of pretty intense cardio (360-420 calories) then i do my lifting then either steam room or a light cool down.

Today, I did the exact opposite and I actually liked it ( today was legs too).

What do you guys think? Or does it really make that big of difference, I have read both views online, so I can't really decide.
Originally Posted by iLLest

Well still I don't want to be 195. =/ I want a lower body fat percentage as well.

I've tried many different ways.

- P90X
- 3 sets of 10
- 3 sets 4-6
- Low weight, a lot of reps

Treadmill after each workout. I'm getting tired of where I'm at. Up till 1 month ago my results were nice. Lost them all so quick I don't know what the +%%# happened.
I really confused, your 5'11 195, but look 160. So are frail skinny or are you skinny rocking a beer belly?  Alot of people say HIIT, but it isn't recommended for everyone. You have to be in real good physical shape to peak in those exercises.
Originally Posted by LA213ESPG

Just started Rippetoe's 3x5 program and I'm loving it. I've added at least 10 pounds to all my lifts in the first week and I feel like I'm getting stronger every time. My biggest

improvement has been squats, going from 190 to 215 in the first week. I'm excited to see what will happen in the next couple of months.
can you send or post the workout bro?
Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by LA213ESPG

Just started Rippetoe's 3x5 program and I'm loving it. I've added at least 10 pounds to all my lifts in the first week and I feel like I'm getting stronger every time. My biggest

improvement has been squats, going from 190 to 215 in the first week. I'm excited to see what will happen in the next couple of months.
can you send or post the workout bro?

Call me dumb or uninformed, but i just have not a clue on how Rippetoe 3x5 is gon help with gains or anything really

educate me please
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

gatorad3 -- great job. any advice on how to lose fat around the stomach?

its all about your diet and being in a caloric decifit. They say 80% diet 20% exercise the key to losing fat.

ljlukelj - for me I prefer cardio after lifting. Because doing cardio prior to lifting makes my lifts weaker.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

For weight loss, do you guys recommend doing cardio before or after lifting?

What I have been doing is 30-35 mins of pretty intense cardio (360-420 calories) then i do my lifting then either steam room or a light cool down.

Today, I did the exact opposite and I actually liked it ( today was legs too).

What do you guys think? Or does it really make that big of difference, I have read both views online, so I can't really decide.

I always do my cardio after I lift (minus when I work my legs, I dont run those days). Whenever I run before lifting, I have a lot less energy and struggle with exercises that I'm otherwise fine with.
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

I don't see the huge dramatic gains everyone else is seeing in that guy's pics either. Just one picture where shadows are making his deltoids looks big and another where the extremely low resolution accentuates the fact that he's flexing. Son has the Myspace/Facebook angle game on point. Props on the low body fat % though, however from the looks of your "before" picture doesn't look like you have it in the genes.

BTW, the only picture of the 4 with "enhancements" is the 3rd one flexing on bench, all the rest are natural just cropped to cut out face.

I never posted as a bragging attempt, or looking for praise. Nor do I think what i've done is special. I  started to lift out of curiosity, never with  intentions to be big or jacked, or as competition.  Somebody asked for people who went from skinny to "buff, and I felt I fit that description so I posted.

for those who care, 20-25mins (all i could handle) 4days a week, 6-8 eggs/day,  muscle juice 2544 2x/day, and no sugary foods/soda is what I used.  Didn't really alter eating habits outside of that. all at home. free weights, pull up bar, resistance band, and youtube videos. Was curling 65lb dumbell when I stopped. At the end gained 35lb.

original so i'm not "deceiving" anybody
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by jdub55


How much do you weigh?
I hopped of the scale today at about 145
I'm not big by any means
Do you use any weight with your ab workout? Also, are you working on your lats and lower back
On sidebends yes
On regular situps no
On leg raises no

To be honest I'm starting to think that the 'fat' I think I'm seeing is a figment of my imagination or water weight

I think I'm gonna end up getting a neoprene belt and experimenting

Maybe try 5% after all just to see what it looks like
Thats crazy im 5'11 and 195 as well. I don't know anyone thats 5'11and in the 160 range... thats mad frail. I however do know alot of 5'10& 5'11 that are in the 180-185's.

Question how do I get moredefinition, I've definitely gotten more stronger by being in the gymarms are almost 2inches bigger but I want more definition/cut look interms of my biceps.

My arms are more like the guy on the Left but I want it to be more like the guy on the right

The only major difference between those 2 guys is the skin tone.
Gotta hop on the MAX-OT training bandwagon.

Been on the 4 sets 8-12 reps for awhile and gonna change it up to burn more fat.

Tryna push out 4 sets of 4-6 with much bigger weights.

BTW, does it make a difference if all you do is DUMBBELL bench presses compared to BARBELL bench presses?
There is a difference between the 2 although it basically comes down to a personal preference.  The dumbbells will help strengthen muscles around the moving muscle and can be done unilaterally which is a pro for them but others enjoy the barbell.

I used to be a barbell guy, but now ive gone to dumbbells and I cant go back to the bar.
Quick Question: If I cut out cardio altogether, and concentratemore on weights will I see a drop in fat loss and (obviously) moremuscle building?

I've been doing cardio for 20 minutes after every workout and iono I think it's hampering my gains and muscle mass.

Yeah, eliminate that cardio for awhile and focus only on the lifting. 

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by iLLest

Well still I don't want to be 195. =/ I want a lower body fat percentage as well.

I've tried many different ways.

- P90X
- 3 sets of 10
- 3 sets 4-6
- Low weight, a lot of reps

Treadmill after each workout. I'm getting tired of where I'm at. Uptill 1 month ago my results were nice. Lost them all so quick I don'tknow what the +%%# happened.

I'm curious as to what answers you are going to get to this question.
same answer everytime, HIIT (high intensity interval training, google)

or tabata training

Just so you know, HIIT isnt a magic pill.  It doesnt solve every problem. 

For weight loss, do you guys recommend doing cardio before or after lifting?

What I have been doing is 30-35 mins of pretty intense cardio (360-420calories) then i do my lifting then either steam room or a light cooldown.

Today, I did the exact opposite and I actually liked it ( today was legs too).

What do you guys think? Or does it really make that big of difference, I have read both views online, so I can't really decide.
It makes a big difference.  Weights first, then cardio after... (if you want to even do it.)
ok so i finally decided to try p90x. i have heard some good things about this program and decided to man up. Can you guys give me some tips/advice on this) i know there has been posts about this but 300+ pgs is too much to read) like do i really need the "yoga mat", and those "brick looking things"? I'm really not into fitness (i just use to be fit because of sports) but now all i do is sit in an office all day and gain any help would be appreciated. Also can i just walk into any nutrition store to get the shakes and protein bars? (which ones would you guys recommend? and any other input you might have.

thanks in advance
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by LA213ESPG

Just started Rippetoe's 3x5 program and I'm loving it. I've added at least 10 pounds to all my lifts in the first week and I feel like I'm getting stronger every time. My biggest

improvement has been squats, going from 190 to 215 in the first week. I'm excited to see what will happen in the next couple of months.
can you send or post the workout bro?

Call me dumb or uninformed, but i just have not a clue on how Rippetoe 3x5 is gon help with gains or anything really

educate me please

  • Week 1:
    • [*]Monday - Workout A[*]Wednesday -Workout B[*]Friday - Workout A
    Week 2:
    • [*]Monday - Workout B[*]Wednesday - Workout A[*]Friday - Workout B
    Etc. For the actual workouts read below:
Workout A:

Workout B:

Assistance Work:

  • Most people cant get it throughthere head that compound lifts also work your arms plenty and alwaysinsist on direct arm work. As quoted by Madcow2,

    "Don't **** with this. Every bodybuilder seems to have
    Attention Deficit Disorder and an overwhelming desire
    to customize everything."

    If you are one of these people note thatyou have the option of doing the dips and chins which give PLENTY ofarm work. Abdominal work is fine to do also if needed.

    I recommend weighted decline sit-ups and/or Hanging Leg Raises at 2x8-10.

  • As for the weight, make sure thatyou use the SAME weight throughout the sets. For example if I do thefirst set if Squats with 200lbs then I do the other 2 sets of squatswith 200lbs.

    Every week make it a goal toincrease each of your lifts by 2.5%. Meaning if I lifted 100lbs for myBench Week 1 then Week 2 I would try for 102.5lbs. If I did 200lbSquats Week 1 I would try for 205lbs in Week 2. Sometimes you will beable to do more but don't mess with your form just to lift more.
Warm-up Sets:

Before all your working setsit is best to do a few warm-up sets. Specifically for your first lift.You don't have to do the whole thing for the other lifts but definitelythe first.

What you do is you ramp your weight up to your working sets.

For Example:
  • [*]2x5xbar (sets x reps x weight)[*]1x5x85[*]1x3x125[*]1x2x155
That's pretty much it.
^Thats the thing, I look at that puny work out and I just cant bring my self to believe that I'm gonna get huge from that, ya know?
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