Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Well, this program is meant for beginners and it focuses primarily on compound lifts which are crucial to gaining size. I got this from the article...
Beginners will find Rippetoe's startingstrength a great workout structure. This is possibly one of the bestbecause of the amount of mass being gained by his trainees around 20-40lbs in a good 3 months. Mark's program does focus on the core masslifts which are compound in nature to build maximum muscle because ofthe recruitment of many muscle fibers to push out every ounce of energy you have in every set and every repetition.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Thats the thing, I look at that puny work out and I just cant bring my self to believe that I'm gonna get huge from that, ya know?

You gotta try it.  Right now, I'm doing a variation of it.  I add one isolation exercise for each bodypart on 2 of my 3 workout days.  I plan to do this for a few months and then switch back to one body part per day. 

gatorad3, great work man. That is a lot of work. When you first started out, about how many calories were you consuming? I have a few friends that were in your previous position and they are consuming no more than 1200 calories. Sometimes even around 1000. What would you recommend. Just tell all your secrets because I will just copy and paste it to them.

Good work man
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Thats the thing, I look at that puny work out and I just cant bring my self to believe that I'm gonna get huge from that, ya know?

You're not thinking heavy enough. 
Originally Posted by LA213ESPG

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by LA213ESPG

Just started Rippetoe's 3x5 program and I'm loving it. I've added at least 10 pounds to all my lifts in the first week and I feel like I'm getting stronger every time. My biggest

improvement has been squats, going from 190 to 215 in the first week. I'm excited to see what will happen in the next couple of months.
can you send or post the workout bro?

Call me dumb or uninformed, but i just have not a clue on how Rippetoe 3x5 is gon help with gains or anything really

educate me please

  • Week 1:
    • [*]Monday - Workout A[*]Wednesday -Workout B[*]Friday - Workout A
    Week 2:
    • [*]Monday - Workout B[*]Wednesday - Workout A[*]Friday - Workout B
    Etc. For the actual workouts read below:
Workout A:

Workout B:

Assistance Work:

  • Most people cant get it throughthere head that compound lifts also work your arms plenty and alwaysinsist on direct arm work. As quoted by Madcow2,

    "Don't **** with this. Every bodybuilder seems to have
    Attention Deficit Disorder and an overwhelming desire
    to customize everything."

    If you are one of these people note thatyou have the option of doing the dips and chins which give PLENTY ofarm work. Abdominal work is fine to do also if needed.

    I recommend weighted decline sit-ups and/or Hanging Leg Raises at 2x8-10.

  • As for the weight, make sure thatyou use the SAME weight throughout the sets. For example if I do thefirst set if Squats with 200lbs then I do the other 2 sets of squatswith 200lbs.

    Every week make it a goal toincrease each of your lifts by 2.5%. Meaning if I lifted 100lbs for myBench Week 1 then Week 2 I would try for 102.5lbs. If I did 200lbSquats Week 1 I would try for 205lbs in Week 2. Sometimes you will beable to do more but don't mess with your form just to lift more.
Warm-up Sets:

Before all your working setsit is best to do a few warm-up sets. Specifically for your first lift.You don't have to do the whole thing for the other lifts but definitelythe first.

What you do is you ramp your weight up to your working sets.

For Example:
  • [*]2x5xbar (sets x reps x weight)[*]1x5x85[*]1x3x125[*]1x2x155
That's pretty much it.
I'm gonna give this a shot next week. Only thing confusing me is the warmup sets.
This is my current workout, thoughts?

5 Day workout plan:
Day 1: Chest & Bi's
*Bench Press (Barbell) 2X10, 2X8 (2 sets of 10 reps, then 2 sets of 8 reps. every time you do 2x10 then 2x8 you increase the weight for the 2x8)
*Bench Press Incline (Dumbell) 2X10, 2X8
Dumbell Fly's 2X10, 2X8
Any machine that does chest 4X10
Barbell curl 2x10, 2x8
alternate dumbell curls 2x10 2x8
preachers 4x10

*note: if you do flat barbell bench and incline dumbell press, then the next time you do chest you do incline barbell press and flat dumbell press. keep alternating like this. no need to do decline press, its a waste of time

Day 2: Legs
Go Hard on this day; your legs can lift alot more than you think they can...
leg extensions 4x10 (this is considered as a warmup for squats)
squats 2x10, 2x8
legs press 4x10
leg curls 5x10
calf raises 5x10

Day 3: shoulders & tri's
SEATED military press 2x10, 2x8
shoulder press machine 4x10
seated side laterals 3x10
standing rear laterals 3x10
shrugs 3x10
close grip bench press 2x10, 2x8
french press (aka skullcrushers) 4x10
tricep pulldowns 4x10

Day 4: Back
pull-ups 3x10 (if you can do more than that go ahead, but most likely you wont be able to even do 3x5 the first time you do it)
lat pulldowns 4x10
seated rows 3x10
dumbell rows 3x10
back extension 3xhowever many you can do

Day 5: God rests. take a day off and get ready to go back to day one. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

hombrelobo wrote:

Originally Posted by iLLest

Well still I don't want to be 195. =/ I want a lower body fat percentage as well.

I've tried many different ways.

- P90X
- 3 sets of 10
- 3 sets 4-6
- Low weight, a lot of reps

Treadmill after each workout. I'm getting tired of where I'm at. Uptill 1 month ago my results were nice. Lost them all so quick I don'tknow what the +%%# happened.

I'm curious as to what answers you are going to get to this question.

same answer everytime, HIIT (high intensity interval training, google)

or tabata training

Just so you know, HIIT isnt a magic pill.  It doesnt solve every problem. 

I'm sayin'.

But why don't you give your opinion/an answer instead of just sayin' HIIT isn't magic?

Many runners believe their metabolism plummets later in the day, which is when we often overeat nutritionally corrupt foods. But a calorie is a calorie no matter when you eat it, says Gidus. "As long as you don't take in more calories than you burn in a day, you won't gain weight." Gidus adds that overeating at 9 p.m. is essentially no worse than overeating at 9 a.m. "You may have a slightly higher metabolism earlier in the day, but the impact on weight loss is likely trivial."

And if you train in the evening, noshing at night is a must: "You have to eat a well-balanced meal to encourage recovery no matter how late it is," says Gidus. As long as you don't gorge, you're not in danger of gaining weight. But if you routinely spend too much time with Ben and Jerry at night, you're going to sabotage your efforts.



If you run on a treadmill, sway on an elliptical, or pedal a stationary bike, the number of calories you *actually* burn can be 10 to 15 percent lower than what's displayed on the screen. That's because most machines don't take into account percent body fat, height, sex, age, resting heart rate, or if someone is holding onto the handles, which reduces workload, says McCall. Also, the mechanical assistance of machines allows your body to do less work. That doesn't mean you should totally ignore an exercise machine's stats. Use the calorie readout as a barometer of your progress. If the number goes up from one session to the next for the same workout, you know you're working harder toward your weight-loss goals.

[font=arial, sans-serif]i'm gonna do a e-bol vassive c5 stack. i'll review in about a week[/font]
This is the routine I'll be starting 5/10, yall like the looks of it?
I got suggestions in here about maybe doing some of these exercises with dumbells since all we have is a smith machine.

A Simple Beginner's Routine
You will do 3 work outs per week on non consecutive days. The first work out is your heavy work out. The second work out is your medium work out, use 10% less weight for your work sets. The final work out for the week is your lite work out, use 20% less weight.
Do a lite warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight. Do a medium warm up with 1/2 of your work sets weight. Do 2 work sets with the same weight. Choose a starting weight and start light.
These are the seven exercises you will be starting with.
Bench Presses
Bent-Over Rows
Overhead Barbell Presses
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Barbell Curls
Calf Raises
You will be running this program on a five week cycle as follows:
The first week do all 4 sets for 8 reps.
The second week do all 4 sets for 9 reps.
The third week do all 4 sets for 10 reps.
The fourth week do all 4 sets for 11 reps.
The fifth week do all 4 sets for 12 reps.
If you got all of the required reps on the fifth week then increase the weight by 10% and
repeat the cycle. If you didn't get all of the reps on the fifth week then repeat the cycle with the same weight. You shouldn't need more than one minute rest between the warm up sets and you shouldn't need more than one minute thirty seconds between the work sets.
Do some cardio and abs work on non weight training days.
mcnoodlez wrote:

I'm gonna give this a shot next week. Only thing confusing me is the warmup sets.
This is my current workout, thoughts?

5 Day workout plan:
Day 1: Chest & Bi's
*Bench Press (Barbell) 2X10, 2X8 (2 sets of 10 reps, then 2 sets of 8 reps. every time you do 2x10 then 2x8 you increase the weight for the 2x8)
*Bench Press Incline (Dumbell) 2X10, 2X8
Dumbell Fly's 2X10, 2X8
Any machine that does chest 4X10
Barbell curl 2x10, 2x8
alternate dumbell curls 2x10 2x8
preachers 4x10

*note: if you do flat barbell bench and incline dumbell press, then the next time you do chest you do incline barbell press and flat dumbell press. keep alternating like this. no need to do decline press, its a waste of time

Day 2: Legs
Go Hard on this day; your legs can lift alot more than you think they can...
leg extensions 4x10 (this is considered as a warmup for squats)
squats 2x10, 2x8
legs press 4x10
leg curls 5x10
calf raises 5x10

Day 3: shoulders & tri's
SEATED military press 2x10, 2x8
shoulder press machine 4x10
seated side laterals 3x10
standing rear laterals 3x10
shrugs 3x10
close grip bench press 2x10, 2x8
french press (aka skullcrushers) 4x10
tricep pulldowns 4x10

Day 4: Back
pull-ups 3x10 (if you can do more than that go ahead, but most likely you wont be able to even do 3x5 the first time you do it)
lat pulldowns 4x10
seated rows 3x10
dumbell rows 3x10
back extension 3xhowever many you can do

Day 5: God rests. take a day off and get ready to go back to day one. 

does decline really do nothing?

this sounds like a good workout, do you add in any cardio in there or?

may try this out, school is almost over and ima have more time for the gym and what not.

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Durden7

hombrelobo wrote:

Originally Posted by iLLest

Well still I don't want to be 195. =/ I want a lower body fat percentage as well.

I've tried many different ways.

- P90X
- 3 sets of 10
- 3 sets 4-6
- Low weight, a lot of reps

Treadmill after each workout. I'm getting tired of where I'm at. Uptill 1 month ago my results were nice. Lost them all so quick I don'tknow what the +%%# happened.

I'm curious as to what answers you are going to get to this question.
same answer everytime, HIIT (high intensity interval training, google)

or tabata training

Just so you know, HIIT isnt a magic pill.  It doesnt solve every problem. 

I'm sayin'.

But why don't you give your opinion/an answer instead of just sayin' HIIT isn't magic?

Well first of all, when it comes to anything exercise there is no such thing as a magic pill.  Theres never an "always right" answer.

In response to the original post, If the OP was happy with his results up until a month why is the solution difficult to figure out?  What changed in the past month  that lead to the dissatisfaction?  If someone was happy with results from something they were doing, wouldnt it makes sense to return back to what was effective.  (Now that doesnt always work with exercise, but in this case I dont see a reason why it wouldnt.)

From what I can recall, OP has had problems sticking with something for awhile and seeing it through.  Thats with exercise and nutrition.  That would be the first place I would start.  Results dont come quickly, so it requires a time frame longer than most people are willing to give.

With anything exercise..... it has to be a purchase, not a rental.
i bruised my testes from something


thats what the doctor SAYS.

im thinking its a varicocele

which would end my life


been feeling really lazy at the gym, so im gonna take some time off

but i managed to get up to 45 lb plates pull-ups with a dip belt.

thing is.... why i see skinny dudes do this?

more resistance right? so... me doing 8 pull ups with 40 lbs would be better than me doing 12-15 bodyweight pull ups.

sort of like benchpress, and then push ups. push ups can only get you so far in your goals.

someone tell me im not wrong?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Thats the thing, I look at that puny work out and I just cant bring my self to believe that I'm gonna get huge from that, ya know?

You're not thinking heavy enough. 

I feel ya, my flat bench 2 rep max is 285. What should I be doing for week 1 on the 3x5?
I go to a black gym. The one off of Slauson and La Cienega in Los Angeles, and you see some straight up beasts.
Last night the dudes put on a @$%@$#+ pull-ups clinic. I thought I was the +%*@ doing 20+, with weights and what not, but dudes are doing complete pull-overs. The amount of explosiveness you need to do just one is pretty amazing, and this dude was at 14.

Quite a sight to behold. I am asian btw.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Please resize that pic.


Does anyone see anything wrong with this??? really? 250g of carbs in 2 scoops???? This almost seems dangerous to consume!
Durden, care to chime in??
The thing is that its not 250g of "real" carbohydrates.

Check out the list of ingredients.  First of all its a massive list and anytime you have a list of ingredients that is that long the product isnt healthy for you.  The first ingredient listed is malodextrin.  Thats where all the carbohydrates come from.  Its not real food.  Hell, its not even close to real food.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Please resize that pic.


Does anyone see anything wrong with this??? really? 250g of carbs in 2 scoops???? This almost seems dangerous to consume!
Durden, care to chime in??
The thing is that its not 250g of "real" carbohydrates.

Check out the list of ingredients.  First of all its a massive list and anytime you have a list of ingredients that is that long the product isnt healthy for you.  The first ingredient listed is malodextrin.  Thats where all the carbohydrates come from.  Its not real food.  Hell, its not even close to real food.
In my quest for "bulking", are these carbs [from not real food] unproductive?
Ive estimated a need for `300g of carb a day. Aside from unhealthy, are these 'hollow' numbers or will they actually help me bulk.

Understanding the difficulty of a completely clean bulk, would using ON Serious Mass be alright for a few days a week. On certain days I just don't have the time or patience for organizing clean and whole foods AND meeting the macro goals.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Am I over-working myself by doing 10 sets with 10 reps with my max weight?

On Back day I do:
Seated Cable Rows: 10x10... 150lbs
Cable Lat Pull Downs: 10x7-9... 135lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6x7-8... 135lbs

On Leg/Shoulder day:
Arnold Presses: 10x10... 25lbs
Barbell Squat: 10x10... 135lbs
Dead lift: 5x7-8... 135lbs


Thanks for the comments CaptainCrown..

Durden7, Trainers, and other experienced people have any knowledge on this?
^I honestly see no benefit from doing a 10x10 as far as strength gains. Muscular endurance maybe, but if you're able to do 100 reps at a weight then it's not nearly heavy enough for you to build much muscle.
Edit: Also, reached a new PR yesterday in DL. 285x5. My new regiment is slowly incorporating more and more low rep/high sets in and my strength gains are noticeably larger now. 
Quick question.. what kind of reps/ sets do you guys do? i currently do a 10, 8, 6, 4 with 10 being a warm up and 4 being my working rep, each week i manage to add at least 5 pounds.

For example let's say incline dumbbell press ...last week i did 10- 55lbs, 8- 65lbs, 6-70lbs, and 4-75lbs and the next week I'll go for 80lbs on the working rep.

My concern is should i continue on this path or maybe some a variation of my max rep for maybe 3 sets with warm ups leading up to it??
tempted to post some vids in here to get some critique on my form which i know is not good beccause im always suffering some sort of injury. my deadlift in particular. bleh

maybe tomorrow when im not lazy
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