Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

-Excess protein is not the way to go (multiple protien shakes, bars, even from foods) I like to experiment and mark down my results...for me what I have found is that I actually gained some lean weight just taking 1 scoop of protein rather than taking 3 post workout over the course of 3 weeks and I can see it in the mirror.

-Gym ettiquete is a must

-Nutrition is the trickiest part of getting in shape thats why I think it would be valuable to do enough quality research on it more than what workouts to do.
1) curious as to how you judge progress by varying your protein? I'm trying to bulk and I've read SO MUCH conflicting information. Some "experts" say increase caloric content (by increasing fat/carbs/protien). obviously you need to somewhat balance carbs and protein and a cleaner bulk would yeild  fat intake. Others say easy on the protein, doesnt that mean easy on the carbs as well? resulting in lower caloric intake. I have started tracking my carbs fat and protein and just need to know how much of each I should be targeting. This is definitely the most frustrating aspect. I have no problem hitting 100g fat/300g protein/300g carb a day for my bulk but I'm just unsure?

2) can you elaborate on this too? I want to make sure I'm not oblivious to something I'm doing

thanks for the info

Alright i'll try to explain the first question just through my experience(s).  I also read so much info out there about getting a gram per lb or a gram per kilogram and I did that for a long time but what result it yielded for the most part if I could pinpoint was that it was an excess of protien I was taking in because keeping everything else constant like carbs, workout time/intensity...etc I was putting on the wrong type of weight (fat).  So when something doesnt work for me I try to find something else, so I looked into guys only pulling in maybe 70-100 grams through normal food and maybe slight addition by way of a supplement like in my case a scoop of whey and they seemed to be getting good results.  I've done the same thing for about 3 weeks now and not only has my fat which I gauge from my midsection 
went down but I saw more definition and what I would say are harder (thats what she said) shoulders, triceps and upper chest which are the muscle groups I work harder at.  So what I've found in my situation atleast is that on days your working out you would need more protien than rest days.  What I found is that I pull in 125-140 grams of protein just through regular eating habits and 1 scoop of protien on days I work out and on rest days I pull in around 100 with just normal food and it's been working so far.  Of course i'm not trying to bodybuild.  I'm at 155 right now trying to get to 160 lean at 5'7 so would my method be right for you...maybe/maybe not...maybe my method but not me exact measurements depending on how much weight you want to put on.

2) like others have said above me, it's just treating the gym and the people in it with the same courtesy you want shown to you, like if someone does something to interupt your flow or not wiping down the bench or leaving it with sweat stuff like that.

Does anyone drink Capri Sun for a replacement for drinks like vitamin water or gatorade?  My nephew has a whole box so I bring one to classes because I do a little intermittent fasting here and there and this thing gets me through the day....No HFCS, no preservatives or additives, no artificial flavors...good stuff.
I think for my bulking it is best to keep protein at 150 on training days and 120 on rest days. = 600cals

It's carbs and fat I'm concerned with.
My knowledge so far is that carbs need to be increased and saturated fats need to stay low for a clean bulk.
So, I could do 250g cabs per day every day and that = 1000 cals
Fats altogether should be how many grams???

this $%$% is confusing! I just want to get big but not fat!
Can anyone suggest on anything I can do besides cardio to get rid of this fat around the love handles?

Honestly, its the only part of my upper body that I'm struggling to burn the fat from
its the most difficult area to get rid of as it is usually the first to appear and the last to leave. increase athletic intensity and strict diet.

diet is a #%@*# though, as you can see
Didn't need no pre-workout supps today. Was working off pure adrenaline. I swear I've never ran so much in my life....hiking in the dark and getting lost would do that to ya.
^afraid of getting abducted?

try working out with the thought of total apocalypse looming in the non-to-distant future, that motivates me. the world needs me as its savior. i must defeat the...the saiyans.
^The saiyans weren't my enemy last night, but mountain lions were. I'm digressing from this topic....

I've been going heavier, as opposed to my short rest/10-12 rep sets. I can definitely see more gains now. Bench presses have gone from 4-6x4 and skull crushers especially at a high weight have helped me gain noticeable mass/strength.

My point is, just as we have been saying, that switching up your routine is crucial to working out (if you want to look a certain way especially). Oh and how did I forget: SLEEP! Getting a decent night's rest as well as putting off days in between workouts (which I have never usually done) has helped me a lot too. I feel lethargic on those off days but they really do help you recover/grow. 
Hamstrings and Calves today:

Seated Leg Curl:
2 x 20
1 x 15
2 x 10

Romanian Deadlift:
Warmup 1 x 30, 1 x 25, 1 x 20
Working Sets:
1 x 15
2 x 12
1 x 8 @ 365 (heaviest I've done on RDL's and felt like I still had full control of weight, felt it all in my hams. Strength has definitely gone up in my hamstrings in the last few months)

Seated Calf raises:
4 x 15
Standing Calf raises:
1 x 20
1 x 15
2 x 10
1 x 8

Hit back and bi's yesterday and felt weak as all hell in some things and strong in others. It was wierd. Chins are usually pretty easy for me and I struggled to get more than 6 reps a set. Single-arm dumbbell rows really are day-to-day but I was using the heaviest dumbbells and they didn't feel all that challenging. I don't know what's been up with me lately.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I think for my bulking it is best to keep protein at 150 on training days and 120 on rest days. = 600cals

It's carbs and fat I'm concerned with.
My knowledge so far is that carbs need to be increased and saturated fats need to stay low for a clean bulk.
So, I could do 250g cabs per day every day and that = 1000 cals
Fats altogether should be how many grams???

this $%$% is confusing! I just want to get big but not fat!
It's not that confusing. Just eat real, whole foods. Don't worry about carbs/fat ratios so much. Focus on real food and you shouldn't need to worry. I know that I'd recommend upping the fat and keeping the carbs the same/at a low level.
Anyone heard of/tried A Dozen Eggs A Day?
This past week, I started taking N.O. Xplode. Only one scoop of the powder, to get used to it. I definitely felt a difference in my workout than from before I started taking it. I was putting up more weight, and finding myself to be not as tired as I was before I started taking it.

Onto two scoops this week. I'm thinking of bumping up my sets and/or reps by one. Which am I better off increasing?
had a great workout today after being in a workout rut lately due to stress from school. i'm finally starting to like working out again instead of having it feel like a chore.

got a new 5RM on flat bench. and finally did some isolation work on my arms after not doing it for about 6 months. i think the change really helped.

i was struggling to wash my face in the shower because my arms and shoulders were so sore. it was great!
Honestly I think all these 10-12-15 reps with 4 sets are not useful.

I've found an increase in strength and definition with a O.T workout. Going to your max weight for 4-6 reps for 4 sets
I just cant seemed to get motivated man. I mean Ive been to the gym to play hoops but I look at the weights and i just think of what i can be doing and then i just walk away cause their is no motivation there. I going to try again this week. I really need to get back asap cause i have put 7-10 back on, I know and feel it. I see it.

Any motivating tips out there. Anyone. Help lol. I have all my supplements just sitting and doing nothing for me. Any help is appreciated
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Honestly I think all these 10-12-15 reps with 4 sets are not useful.

I've found an increase in strength and definition with a O.T workout. Going to your max weight for 4-6 reps for 4 sets
I started this two weeks ago, and I'm liking it a lot more.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

({ }) ^^^^^^

LMAO. I'll take that motivation even if it was truly a personal shot
. Maybe i need that type of motivation. I have reasons not to be able to hit the gym hard and regularly but cant mention due to legalities going on at this moment. Thats a part of not feeling motivated also. Well only time will tell. I say if i can get back on my game at the start of may ill be fairly OK by the 4th of July.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Honestly I think all these 10-12-15 reps with 4 sets are not useful.

I've found an increase in strength and definition with a O.T workout. Going to your max weight for 4-6 reps for 4 sets
I started this two weeks ago, and I'm liking it a lot more.
I hear you on this, I've found people say that sticking in the 4-6 strength range increases definition as well.  But sets of higher reps do have their benefits.

Originally Posted by djkaos23

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

({ }) ^^^^^^

LMAO. I'll take that motivation even if it was truly a personal shot
. Maybe i need that type of motivation. I have reasons not to be able to hit the gym hard and regularly but cant mention due to legalities going on at this moment. Thats a part of not feeling motivated also. Well only time will tell. I say if i can get back on my game at the start of may ill be fairly OK by the 4th of July.
naaah man I'm saying if it isn;t for personal satisfaction AT LEAST let it be for increased quantity and quality of females
^Preach. If not increased in quality, then let me say you'll be sure to see a definite increase in quantity. Remember, 2 nickels make a dime.
Im swtiching to a 4 week program of single muscle group workouts with higher reps.  My body needs a rest.
If there are any other girls in here, try looking for a Pole Fitness Studio in your area

I switched up my workout lately to include some of these classes and fell in love. I now barely hit the normal gym at all anymore, and I really feel like I am stronger and in better shape then ever before.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I think for my bulking it is best to keep protein at 150 on training days and 120 on rest days. = 600cals

It's carbs and fat I'm concerned with.
My knowledge so far is that carbs need to be increased and saturated fats need to stay low for a clean bulk.
So, I could do 250g cabs per day every day and that = 1000 cals
Fats altogether should be how many grams???

this $%$% is confusing! I just want to get big but not fat!
It's not that confusing. Just eat real, whole foods. Don't worry about carbs/fat ratios so much. Focus on real food and you shouldn't need to worry. I know that I'd recommend upping the fat and keeping the carbs the same/at a low level.
Anyone heard of/tried A Dozen Eggs A Day?

I preach for this.  Just don't get consumed with the specific percentages.  If your wanting to clean bulk, just eat clean - carbs/fats/proteins.  Perhaps just double what you going to do on a cut.  I used to worry bout specifics, but since im bulking, its more of i'll eat my carbs in the morning and pre/post workout, ill get my vegetables, my protein, my fats and then just make sure i'll eat regularly, thats about it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

If theres only 1 of a certain machine (cable towers, squat rack, etc.) make sure youre quick using it.

Man, females at my gym like to put down a mat and perform ab exercises right IN the cable towers. Not even using the actual towers. I guess because a mirror is right there. I get so pissed off. I kindly ask them to move though.
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