Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

one way to help your dead lift form is to do it like your hitting a female from the back... it works.. trust me
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

it would be sick if we could organize this thread. But I guess it's pretty much impossible.

90% of questions asked here by individuals not considered regulars are answered on the first two or three pages
Thanks brettTHEjett, you know everything. I meant with all the videos and articles posted, but I guess that's why the BB forums exist.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

Thanks brettTHEjett, you know everything. I meant with all the videos and articles posted, but I guess that's why the BB forums exist.

relax dude, i meant as far as inquiries go.. 
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Deadlifts are the only exercise I HATE doing.

If it wasn't such key lift, I wouldn't do them at all.
I love Bench press, dumbell bench press, squats, deadlifts.

I HATE incline bench press, military press and pull-ups (all 3 of them put too much pressure on my shoulders).
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

First after a good dynamic w/u.
I've always favored doing them last. After a heavy set(s) of deadlifting, I'm no good for anything else. Heavy deadlifts and weighted pull ups both render me useless, so I keep those at the end(never in the same session).

They're one of my favorites as well. Deadlifts, pull ups, dips, the shrimp(my newest favorite).
dont be that guy repping heavy weight with an arched back the entire time


i stopped doing them though

also anyone ever got a forearm splint?

$+%% *%%#%% hurttts
"At the end of the day, if you aren’t pushing yourself and giving it your 100% in every session then you are wasting your time"

this got to me, i recently started going back to the gym but this time around im not doing too much cardio (last winter i lost 50lbs)

so this time around im doing 30 min in the elliptical and 10 bike, or tred for 20 and stairs for 20

now when it comes to lifting i need a routine asap and i dont go that hard prob 2 sets and each 10 reps but im doing a little bit of everything and i heard that not to good, its best to work out out something different everyday

can someone recommend me a good routine (or site for them) i don't want to get crazy brolic just want cuts and be ripped

also whats the pros and cons of drinking supplements? everyone in my gym drinks that and idk the only thing i drink is water

im 17 btw
Gym etiquette anti-rant:
I was walking up to the parking pay booth and some dude who was leaving pulled over and gave me his parking slip... saved me $5. Small gesture but really elevated my mood.

Also, I figured out this coveted "hip drive" that is always talked about with squats.. helped me break through the 200s in a 5x5 with full ROM.
great day
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

The shrimp.. nice!
I'm gonna try this out today
It's actually pretty tough. I can do the beginner version easily. The intermediate version is a bit harder. I have yet to try the advanced version, but I doubt that I'm ready for it. I heard about them from Ido Portal and according to him, he can count the number of people that have done the elite version properly, on 2 hands. It's weird because when I heard of the move it didn't seem like it should be all that difficult, but it is.
Da Buddah, how are you always getting injured?
Just saying. You're injured all the time it seems.
Something weird happened to me after my workout today.

I was in the shower squeezing the water out my rag, and my left index finger was paralyzed and really tight in a fist position as I was squeezing, and there was a sharp pain just below my wrist, on the underside of my forearm. It was just that one finger. It only lasted like 2 seconds before I was able to move my finger again and the pain went away. I kept doing it to see if it would happen again, and it happened another 3 times before it stopped.

Anyone have any idea as to what the hell was going on?
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Something weird happened to me after my workout today.

I was in the shower squeezing the water out my rag, and my left index finger was paralyzed and really tight in a fist position as I was squeezing, and there was a sharp pain just below my wrist, on the underside of my forearm. It was just that one finger. It only lasted like 2 seconds before I was able to move my finger again and the pain went away. I kept doing it to see if it would happen again, and it happened another 3 times before it stopped.

Anyone have any idea as to what the hell was going on?

Could be related to a nerve on your right forearm maybe. Try massaging the area you felt it in, deep tissue massages help these kind of things.
Yeah, I figured it had something to do with a nerve, but I'm trying to figure out exactly what.

I'll try massaging it if it happens again.
Is there any point in going heavier in squats?

Ive maxed out @ 115kgs, my physio said to start doing 'tempo' squats, where you place a chair/stool behind you, go down as normal, sit on the stool and explode back up (light weight).

I've picked up a little muscle niggle with such heavy squats.
Thoughts on picking up chicks at the GYM?

feel weird tryna bother chicks with the headphones in, cause id be a litle upset if someone was tryna interrupt my workout too lol
Don't even bother trying to pick up girls at the gym. You will be just one of the many guys who hit on them. Ignore them and they will talk to you if interested. The last thing you want to do is be rejected by a girl you have to see everyday at the gym.

the gym isnt the time or place to pick up girls..they dont go to the gym and hope to be hit on, they are  there working on their if she comes up to you and talks thats a totally different story...

on a different note, i have started taking this:


the vanilla ice cream one and its been pretty good so far...about 2 weeks into using it and im up about 3lbs...and I have sooo much trouble putting on weight.  use this as an post-workout drink, or as a late night snack

Yea the hot girls at the gym are used to guys hitting on them.  They gassed so it makes it hard to approach lol.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Yeah, I figured it had something to do with a nerve, but I'm trying to figure out exactly what.

I'll try massaging it if it happens again.
You may want to get it checked out by a chiropractor. When I shadowed one, he mentioned that there are a few different nerves that run down the forearm to the fingers. If there's any damage/injury, you can trace the nerve by which fingers are affected. Spending a little money on your health now, when the injury is less likely to have a permanent impact, is worth not having the hassle of pain as you age.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

Thoughts on picking up chicks at the GYM?

feel weird tryna bother chicks with the headphones in, cause id be a litle upset if someone was tryna interrupt my workout too lol
I've let my dream girl slip away many a time, because I refuse to "holla" at chickens when they are working out.
Your best options: 

Smile at them and say hi - but not WHILE they are working out i.e. mid rep. You'll kill their intensity. Catch em headed to the fountain or whatever... just say hi.

Figure out what time they show up/leave. chances are its the same every day... get that NT detective type !!#+ on. and spark up some small talk on their way in/out.

Nutrition question: for building muscle and maintaining low fat/reducing fat... on a rest day... would it be wise to reach your MACRO goals or your CALORIC goals?? I've increased fats, decreased carbs and maintained protein for today but I'm about 400cals lower than maintenance...

again, I understand these are minnnoorrrr details but I'd just like to keep it dialed in..
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