Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

this week i am definitely getting back into the routine
last week i took off from lifting and got back into running games
first time playing hoops since like beginning of summer
and man is my cardio down lol its wack >L<<br /> but yeah the last 2 weeks or so lifting has been inconsistent
i just feel like @%* now that i haven't lifted for so long
Has anyone done any plyometric or cardio work with a weighted vest? i'm thinking about asking santa for one...
dang bro.... 6'0 at 135? it would take a few years to get that much size that you want
i think u'd be good at like maybe 170-180 pending on how your bulking happens
and how well your body will do it.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by I3

^ I think i'll do compound training closer to the season/when the season starts, but for now we're approaching summer and im a skinny pos.. so i need all the gym I can get.

I reduced my squats to 4x5 and upped the weight 10lbs or so, could've gone a bit higher and more sets, but I hate feeling sore for the next 3-4 days. My DB lunges and etc.. stayed the same 4x8 heavy weights.

I actually did a set of ATG squats today, I even hit the damn pins

Hopefully tomorrow im not sore and can do some cardio lol
If you're trying to improve strength, explosive power, etc... you should look into doing 5-3-1 training with your squat, deadlift, bench press, and then doing heavy sets of 3-5 reps for exercises like power cleans, clean to presses, and overhead snatches.
No lie, I did most of these exercises today.

-Barbell bench press (5 sets x 3-4)
-Power clean to military press (2 sets x 4)
-Power cleans (2 sets x 1) shoulders died on me, I usually do 4 sets
-Squats (5 sets x 4 reps)
-Deadlifts (2 sets x 2 reps)
-Barbell row for my back (4 sets x 6 reps)
-Shrugs (4 sets)...I did it to work on my grip

Great workout, took about 50 minutes and the gym was empty so I didn't have to wait to use anything

It's just the start of winter, if I stick to a training program such as above, I should be much stronger/faster for outdoor soccer/football when theweather improves around May.
Originally Posted by I3

^ I think i'll do compound training closer to the season/when the season starts, but for now we're approaching summer and im a skinny pos.. so i need all the gym I can get.

I reduced my squats to 4x5 and upped the weight 10lbs or so, could've gone a bit higher and more sets, but I hate feeling sore for the next 3-4 days. My DB lunges and etc.. stayed the same 4x8 heavy weights.

I actually did a set of ATG squats today, I even hit the damn pins

Hopefully tomorrow im not sore and can do some cardio lol
ATG squats sounds real interesting. I'll give it a try once my week rest is done..
Hey I'm looking to buy a bench and a dumbbell to use at home. One that can do squats as welll.

Any ideas on a good one? Bowflex maybe?
^^^ Don't know if it's still on. But someone posted one sears had awhile back. Only a hundred or so too?

Man E, if you truly mean it, (100% dedication), one year for that goal you'd like would easily be accomplished. I'd like to see some progress photos ofthat too, so keep us updated.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

^^^ Don't know if it's still on. But someone posted one sears had awhile back. Only a hundred or so too?

Man E, if you truly mean it, (100% dedication), one year for that goal you'd like would easily be accomplished. I'd like to see some progress photos of that too, so keep us updated.
Are you serious???
Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
Damn. Do you take any multi-vitamin or supps? Share your secrets, I'm trying to get on your level.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

^^^ Don't know if it's still on. But someone posted one sears had awhile back. Only a hundred or so too?

Man E, if you truly mean it, (100% dedication), one year for that goal you'd like would easily be accomplished. I'd like to see some progress photos of that too, so keep us updated.
Are you serious???
On second thought, I take that back. LOL

I've seen some amazing transformations though.
I've seen guys on BB forums that packed on lots of muscle in less than 6 months and also some guy who was muscle/fat get a six pack in less than 3 months.

So I think a year is possible, but definitely not if you're just starting out.
Originally Posted by cor23ey

I've seen guys on BB forums that packed on lots of muscle in less than 6 months and also some guy who was muscle/fat get a six pack in less than 3 months.

So I think a year is possible, but definitely not if you're just starting out.

OK, what's a reasonable time frame? ...
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by I3

^ I think i'll do compound training closer to the season/when the season starts, but for now we're approaching summer and im a skinny pos.. so i need all the gym I can get.

I reduced my squats to 4x5 and upped the weight 10lbs or so, could've gone a bit higher and more sets, but I hate feeling sore for the next 3-4 days. My DB lunges and etc.. stayed the same 4x8 heavy weights.

I actually did a set of ATG squats today, I even hit the damn pins

Hopefully tomorrow im not sore and can do some cardio lol
If you're trying to improve strength, explosive power, etc... you should look into doing 5-3-1 training with your squat, deadlift, bench press, and then doing heavy sets of 3-5 reps for exercises like power cleans, clean to presses, and overhead snatches.

Im very interested in those power cleans, to presses etc.. but where could I fit them? during shoulder days? I think starting next year i'll do a 3 daysplit, focusing on compunds more.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
Damn. Do you take any multi-vitamin or supps? Share your secrets, I'm trying to get on your level.
I just take whey and a generic 1-a-day multivitamin from Walmart type thing. I've also tried some thermogenics before, but I'll probablystop once my current supply runs out. No secrets, just hard work, consistency, and knowing how to workout effectively.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
Damn. Do you take any multi-vitamin or supps? Share your secrets, I'm trying to get on your level.
I just take whey and a generic 1-a-day multivitamin from Walmart type thing. I've also tried some thermogenics before, but I'll probably stop once my current supply runs out. No secrets, just hard work, consistency, and knowing how to workout effectively.
Whats your diet? The basics at least
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by I3

^ I think i'll do compound training closer to the season/when the season starts, but for now we're approaching summer and im a skinny pos.. so i need all the gym I can get.

I reduced my squats to 4x5 and upped the weight 10lbs or so, could've gone a bit higher and more sets, but I hate feeling sore for the next 3-4 days. My DB lunges and etc.. stayed the same 4x8 heavy weights.

I actually did a set of ATG squats today, I even hit the damn pins

Hopefully tomorrow im not sore and can do some cardio lol
If you're trying to improve strength, explosive power, etc... you should look into doing 5-3-1 training with your squat, deadlift, bench press, and then doing heavy sets of 3-5 reps for exercises like power cleans, clean to presses, and overhead snatches.

Im very interested in those power cleans, to presses etc.. but where could I fit them? during shoulder days? I think starting next year i'll do a 3 day split, focusing on compunds more.
You can do shoulders with leg days. For example, squats, deads, military press, power cleans would make for an excellent workout that pretty muchworks out everything except for your chest.

The thing about compound lifts is that they work so many muscle groups that you'll find yourself abandoning the 5-day-single-muscle-group split for moreefficient workouts. A day that includes bench, squats, deadlifts and military press will pretty much cover every muscle group.

Last week I did a 3-day split, something like this...

Day 1: Barbell bench, military press, incline barbell bench, dumbell shoulder presses

1 day rest although you really dont need to rest between days 1 and 2

Day 2: Squats, bulgarian split squat, deadlifts, pull ups, 2 other back exercises (cant remember)

2 days off

Day 3: Bench, squats, deadlifts, military press, power cleans, barbell row

I'll probably take 2 days off and lift again on Wednesday. Basically you're doing each muscle group twice a week. You're unlikely to feel soresince you're keeping the reps low. This type of working out should help you get much stronger. If you want to gain weight, you'd probably want to domore volume.

Oh yeah, I wouldn't recommend going super heavy on both days you work out certain muscle groups. For example, the first day you work out chest/legs/ can lift heavy for less than 4 reps per set. The 2nd day you work out the same muscle, do a bit lighter weight in the 6+ reps per set range.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
Damn. Do you take any multi-vitamin or supps? Share your secrets, I'm trying to get on your level.
I just take whey and a generic 1-a-day multivitamin from Walmart type thing. I've also tried some thermogenics before, but I'll probably stop once my current supply runs out. No secrets, just hard work, consistency, and knowing how to workout effectively.
Whats your diet? The basics at least

Wish I could help you guys more. I don't follow a specific diet or specific workout routine; I just follow these basic principles (they may or may notwork for others):

Weightlifting Principles
- Don't neglect or favour specific body parts. Leads to muscular imbalances, potential injury, and a weird looking physique.
- Train functionally. Train like an athlete, and you'll look like an athlete.
- Workout with high intensity. I almost always go 3x12 with 30 seconds between sets. Keeps the intensity high and burns more calories, as well as more size(for me). I also do a lot of supersets.
- Give your body what it feels like it needs. If I feel like lifting heavy a certain day, I'll lift heavy and drop the reps for the first exercise. Or ifI feel weak a certain day, I'll do something like pre-exhaust so I can still get a good workout without lifting as much weight. Or, if I've done all myexercises for the day but my muscles feel like it's "missing" something (e.g. a really good burn, hitting a certain angle of a muscle, etc),I'll do more exercises until I get the feeling that I want. Once I get that satisfied feeling, it's like a drug because it's complete muscularsatisfaction and it's almost euphoric to me, and that's what makes fitness addicting.

Nutritional Principles
- Lower carb, higher protein and fat.
- Eat frequent, small snacks/meals, with the bulk of calories (probably over 50-60%) coming at dinner time.
- Don't eat close to bed time.
- Limit liquid calories.
- When eating carbs, make sure they're the proper type for the time of day. Time them appropriately
- Feed your body what it feels it needs. If your body feels like it needs carbs, it probably does. Likewise for protein.
- Indulge once in a while, it doesn't hurt as long as you're putting the work in. 80/20 rule. If I go out to eat, I'll usually have whatever. Fries, burgers, and pizza are my favourite foods.

There's probably more I can't think of, but those are the main ones. Everything I do fitness/nutrition-wise, I do by feel. I don't countcalories, prepare strict meals, exclusively eat steamed veggies, brown rice, health foods, etc, and I dont' have a specific scheduled workout"program", other than the split that I do.
^yeah he said it was just low, meaning majority are fats and proteins, like how most of the diets of shredded people are. My plan is to stick to that aswell.....after thanksgiving.
Yeah my carbs are usually just pre and post workout.. im probably around 100g a day.. my diet is like 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs..

i'll have a carb up day maybe 1x a week or a cheat meal such as mcd's or pizza.

Carlos Tevez cheers for the info, im sort of getting bored of a 5day a week programme, id like to try that 3 day split focusing on complete body workouts.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
Damn. Do you take any multi-vitamin or supps? Share your secrets, I'm trying to get on your level.
I just take whey and a generic 1-a-day multivitamin from Walmart type thing. I've also tried some thermogenics before, but I'll probably stop once my current supply runs out. No secrets, just hard work, consistency, and knowing how to workout effectively.
Whats your diet? The basics at least

Wish I could help you guys more. I don't follow a specific diet or specific workout routine; I just follow these basic principles (they may or may not work for others):

Weightlifting Principles
- Don't neglect or favour specific body parts. Leads to muscular imbalances, potential injury, and a weird looking physique.
- Train functionally. Train like an athlete, and you'll look like an athlete.
- Workout with high intensity. I almost always go 3x12 with 30 seconds between sets. Keeps the intensity high and burns more calories, as well as more size (for me). I also do a lot of supersets.
- Give your body what it feels like it needs. If I feel like lifting heavy a certain day, I'll lift heavy and drop the reps for the first exercise. Or if I feel weak a certain day, I'll do something like pre-exhaust so I can still get a good workout without lifting as much weight. Or, if I've done all my exercises for the day but my muscles feel like it's "missing" something (e.g. a really good burn, hitting a certain angle of a muscle, etc), I'll do more exercises until I get the feeling that I want. Once I get that satisfied feeling, it's like a drug because it's complete muscular satisfaction and it's almost euphoric to me, and that's what makes fitness addicting.

Nutritional Principles
- Lower carb, higher protein and fat.
- Eat frequent, small snacks/meals, with the bulk of calories (probably over 50-60%) coming at dinner time.
- Don't eat close to bed time.
- Limit liquid calories.
- When eating carbs, make sure they're the proper type for the time of day. Time them appropriately
- Feed your body what it feels it needs. If your body feels like it needs carbs, it probably does. Likewise for protein.
- Indulge once in a while, it doesn't hurt as long as you're putting the work in. 80/20 rule. If I go out to eat, I'll usually have whatever. Fries, burgers, and pizza are my favourite foods.

There's probably more I can't think of, but those are the main ones. Everything I do fitness/nutrition-wise, I do by feel. I don't count calories, prepare strict meals, exclusively eat steamed veggies, brown rice, health foods, etc, and I dont' have a specific scheduled workout "program", other than the split that I do.
This should be posted on the front page under "ChewToy112's personal diet" or something. There is going to be a lot of repeatedquestions toward CT112 in the future..
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