Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

hey audi I just got those EFX kre-alks, how are they? no bloating or anything right?
i believe its part of the reason I AM

do you work for them? thats their logo i think
Right now I'm 5'10 180, but I wanna be at the body composition of somebody really athletic, like CT112 or Joe Camel. I'm not at where I want to beat all, but I remind myself that I've only been dedicated to lifting and fitness since mid-june of this year.
Hopefully I get my ON Natural Whey in the mail in the morning so I can hit the gym in the afternoon to start testing out a supplement after going 2+ yearswithout any supplements.

On top of that me and my girl broke up after 3 years and right now I feel besides being with my friends, family or at school the gym is a great way to get overthis thing asap and look good for next year.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
how much did you weigh before?
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by needsomejays

hey chewtoy112, how much do you weigh and how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

Answered this a couple pages ago or so. 5'11, 175, took about 4 years.
how much did you weigh before?

185 when I started 4 years ago:

195 at my heaviest 3.5 years ago:

Now 175 (Flexed/Relaxed):
chewtoy that is awesome.

i dont have pics from when i first started myself, i know it feels good to look back at your progress.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

chewtoy that is awesome.

i dont have pics from when i first started myself, i know it feels good to look back at your progress.
Thanks. I've still got a ways to go before I get where I wanna be, though
. But yeah, I'm really lucky I took pics when I first started and along theway. I thought I was doin' it when I took my 2nd round of pics (2nd pic posted).
thats a great transformation
man i weighd myself for hte first time in a while...
and i'm down to 133 =[[ i was at 143 during hte summer
this school and being in eugene thing is killing me
time to get back to eating and lifting like no other.
- When eating carbs, make sure they're the proper type for the time of day. Time them appropriately

Can you elaborate?

also, you said less carbs and more protein AND FAT? really? What typeof fat are you taking about?
Anyone care to explain the significance/benefits in working out the lower body, other than having a more proportionate body?

If there are any.
( I do work out my legs btw, just a question out ofcuriosity)
If you do squats, its a full body workout, so you get stronger if you play sports it helps your explosiveness
damn kane and that other dude are so shredded,

not all that strong though, apparently. which is surprising to me given kane's crazy bodyweight/pullup stunts.
JOE, where can I see Kane's numbers?

And is there really any point in doing cardio if you're not going to eat clean? Besides for a healthy heart.
If your cutting/bulking always increase/decrease cardio before dropping cals..

imo cardio + good diet = abs/weight loss.
But it's like different for me.

I stopped bulking and I really didn't eat much at all for 3 days, and I dropped 5 pounds and I'm noticeably cutter.

I know I can never have a strictly clean diet, but I figured if I just clean it up a little and lower my fat intake, I won't ever have to do cardio and Ican still have great abs.
Originally Posted by Informerx

- When eating carbs, make sure they're the proper type for the time of day. Time them appropriately

Can you elaborate?

also, you said less carbs and more protein AND FAT? really? What typeof fat are you taking about?
Carbs are the bodys primary source for energy.

When do you need energy? Before and after workouts, so many usually eat their carbs centred around their workout and taper off during the rest of the day. This is just general advice and may not necessary apply to you or many might not agree with it.

Fat = good fats, olive oils, almonds, avocados, Omega-3s, natural peanutbutter, you should increase these if you drop carbs.. not sure why? But i've doneit, and I feel much more ripped, energy is still good. I around a 40/40/20 fats, protein and carb split. But i'll have a carb-up day once a week or twicea week. I guess im my tolerance for carbs is pretty good, im gaining slowly too, have gained around 4 kg in a month with minimal fat gain.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

But it's like different for me.

I stopped bulking and I really didn't eat much at all for 3 days, and I dropped 5 pounds and I'm noticeably cutter.

I know I can never have a strictly clean diet, but I figured if I just clean it up a little and lower my fat intake, I won't ever have to do cardio and I can still have great abs.

Probably dropped water weight maybe..

I believe the hardwork is getting down to that 10% range or whatever, but once your there its easy to maintain. I know for me I have to do some cardio inorder to get more defined. My diet can be super clean, but its just not enough dammit.

Im seriously beginning to question the clean eating though, if you make room for junk food (under your caloric needs) get your requirements, then you wont everhave to feel bad about cheating. As well as the fact that you'll be accustomed to all the junk food, you'll be put off it.
ChewToy, good advice in regards to lifting. However, be careful with your nutritional guidelines;
Most of what you listed is not necessary for weight loss, it's more likely that your guidelines inadvertently helped you control your calories, which isultimately what it comes down to.

Specifically I mean the following:
Lower carb, higher protein and fat.
Don't eat close to bed time.
Limit liquid calories.
When eating carbs, make sure they're the proper type for the time of day
Eat frequent, small snacks/meals, with the bulk of calories (probably over 50-60%) coming at dinner time.

1.1 Essential Simplistic Rules

- Workout with weights about 3 times a week.Keeps metabolism high which aids in weight loss; also maintains and helps your muscular development(duh)
- Eat at least 1g protein / lb of lean body mass a day. This point is debateable, could trend more towards 1g/kg of lbm a day
- Eat some fruit, veggies/salad, and some essential fatty acids (EFAs) every day. This is for overall good health, and EFAs are needed in muscle development.
- Above that eat whatever you want, preferably a wide variety of foods. Again for overall health; Note Chewtoy had multi-vitamins, which are used for the same effect
- Adjust your food intake so that the desired rate of weight loss is maintained. Body Composition comes down to calories and calories alone. Source

I don't mean to attack you or anything, and I respect your hard work coz I know it's hard as hell. Just wanted to point out what I know, because allthe supposed rules about weight loss make it seem like such a daunting task when in reality the principles are simple.

People fret about meal timing, macro's and clean/dirty way too much. You don't have to follow the 'clean' but unhealthy body builder diets.Everyone has to abide by the same thermo-dynamics laws as you and me, ie: Weightloss = Calories IN < Calories OUT

Get your EFA's, Protein and right calories and you'll get there.

FYI, the poster of these guidelines is 35.
He looks like this:


And eats stuff like this UNTIL HE MEETS HIS CALORIC GOALS. No chicken breast diet for him
I can agree that eating whatever you want but putting in the work in the gym/training can be good for some people, but for me I go 80-90% healthy these days.It's a lifestyle I've built for myself with enough room for the occasional pizza, chips, gyro's and some but few fast-food delights but mainlyfocused on eating whole healthy foods. You gotta cheat and let yourself live when you want...thats a must but from my standpoint it's not a matter of justeating healthy for the hell of just to me fits nice and I like it.
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