Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Yeah im definitely going to stick to either Mint Choc or Double Rich.. you cant really go wrong with Chocolate.
Wow... I took last week off from the gym, well weights...
and the 2 weeks prior I was pretty inconsistent...
I went to the 24 tonight cuz I'm back home... and I'm pretty disappointed
I've lost a lot of strength and obviously size since being in eugene...
Time to just rebuild in the gym... Fortunately I can eat whatever and it won't kill my physique
I dont want to do it, but I may needa dirty bulk to get my size back
I'm just going to have to hit it hard to get my strength back and stay consistent

Tonight was probably one of hte worst chest workouts ever.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

I3 wrote:
Im getting sick of my Cookies N Cream ON.. I wanna go back to Chocolate or Vanilla.

So that Layne fella says, as long as you get your required protein and EFAs, a variety of healthy foods and junky foods will ensure you drop weight if your in a deficit correct?
Anyone know what the recommended dose for EFAs are?

I agree with those novices who read that bit of information and think its perfectly okay to cheat.. I think pyschologically its wrong. Meh, after a few months of eating clean and what not, you learn to not crave those foods much. Thats how it works for me anyway, I usually do 1x a week where I eat whatever I want.. and it feels so damn good. haha. One thing i'll never do is drink sodas, i've had maybe 3 glasses of soda in the last 6 months. I'll only drink sodas when I get drunk.. and that happens to be tomorrow!!!

Its just too hard to not pass up a drink with the boys!
was never a fan of my current cookies and cream ON. so far, vanilla is still my favorite.

Be thankful you guys didn't get a 5 lb tub
havent lifted in a week the reason is i think i might have pulled something in my back...ran 4 miles then try to do back just gave up on me...mindyou this is only 25lbs burn out...any remedies that i can do to get back to lifting? i can still run but damn
there is a new guy at my gym...............I WANT TO TAKE A CELL PIC SOOOOOOO BAD, everybody is talking about this dude. I dunno what he is or where he isfrom or anything he looks ethnic, maybe of some sort of hispanic descent i have no clue. dark hair, tan could be armenian (sp) anything i dunno

not to this extent but damn near, but he def is taking/has taking the same stuff called synthol. he freaks out all the females in disgust and all the dudesthink he pathetic, he does arms everytime he works out and he is weak as hell and fat. the guy just looks like a mess period, he works out in polos

i try so hard to hold in my laughs and not stare others are not so forgiving. its really amazin to see in person vs. online pics.

i feel bad for em, but like you cant be normal in the head to want this, i just wanna know what he does for a living

Originally Posted by needsomejays

at that pic, what the hell is the point of looking like that

its so crazy though man

his arms look cartoonish then his forearms are like normal, guy looks terrible but i know he wanted that and he works out like no big deal......i mean so isaid he cant be normal in the head. i mean i dont even know how to start a convo with em im sure nobody else does either but they want to.

the way he works out i think he feels like he looks good/is strong.

yesterday he wad doing 315 on bench and the spotter was literally pulling/holding the weight for him. the spotter gave me a look like
, i think he feels bad for him he is actually a trainer at my gym. he knows thedeal. hes been talking to him since he first started coming like 2 weeks ago on some friendly (&#$# not even tryna sell em anything.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

@ working out in a polo.


thats why he looks even more funny than he already is. put it like this even if his arms werent like that hed looks like a tool/wierd.

alright im def sneakin a quick blackberry pic next time
I Honestly never got why anyone would want arms like that so much for ever scratching your back again

Do take a pic audi there was a guy at the gym i go to that did arms EVERY workout same arm workout too did roids and synthol....Thank christ the bloated beastgot caught doing his shots in the locker room and they kicked him out.....come to think of it he wore polo too.

its like this guy there with the coldest handle bar mustache that rocks his t-shirts cut right above his fat belly thats always rockin the stair stepper hard
on a more positive note

i want legs like this


or at least as defined as those. i don't care as much about leg mass as long as they're proportional to my upper body.
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