Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by akatc157

What's the best way to gain strength to do pull ups

my gym has an assisted pull-up machine, if yours do then work out on it for a couple of months, all the while, do 3 on your own, and keep increasing the number as the weeks go on.

and like someone else said, you can do negatives (the opposite of what you're trying to do) to trick your muscles to make it easier, like lat pull-down's, just like if you have trouble bench pressing, either start with smaller weights or do push-up's (the opposite).
is it ok to drink protein shakes as a meal replacement if you're trying to lose...? what about on rest days?

my typical routine is 3 days strength (with weights) and 20 min cardio and 2 days of about 40 min cardio.

a diet will be:

breakfast- oatmeal, banana, flax seed pill and biotin
snack- peanuts and peas or spinach
lunch- spinach salad or turkey burger(no bun) with broccoli, flax seed pill
snack- mandarin oranges, or sweet potato, or tuna, or wheat bread with all natural peanut butter
dinner- (post workout) - 1 - 1 1/2 scoop of whey, 1 scoop or rolled oats, 1 1/2 scoop of berries, 1 tbl peanut butter, fat free milk and a flax seed pill

is that for dinner ok. that is usually filling so i dont get hungry. but is it ok to take the whey on my rest days?
^ your muscles are still going to need protein even when you rest.
It could only help you out.
as for when your loosing weight, yes, as long as you are eating less calories than you are burning daily.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

This is me last Christmas at somewhere around 230
This is me last week at about 195, Ive lost about 5 more pounds since then but dont have any other pics. I plan on getting down to 170 eventually
keep up the good work man.
what was your old s/n here on NT?

you look familiar

he reminds me of oh snaps. is that him? the infamous NTer who would perform a certain maneuver for a pair of jordan iii's?
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

 long as you are eating less calories than you are burning daily.

How do we figure this out? I know my cal intake but not my cal outtake.
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

keep up the good work man.
what was your old s/n here on NT?

you look familiar

he reminds me of oh snaps. is that him? the infamous NTer who would perform a certain maneuver for a pair of jordan iii's?
lol yooo that is him!
so guys, ive been eating high protein and low carbs for 3 weeks, im 6' started at 227 lbs and im now at 216 (well monday), just with diet and a 2 mile jog on weekdays, anyways...

im a complete liftting noob, never been to a gym in my life, so my question is, i have p90x and resistance bands, should i just do that?? or should i join a gym? (was gonna do p90x but i found a gym walking distance to my house) and i kinda want to join the gym, suggestions??
Just hit 315 on the Dead-lift..

feels good man

Whats funny is i feel like i have the smallest legs in my gym(crappy leg genetics smh). People stay asking me if I even do legs. Jokes on them
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Just hit 315 on the Dead-lift..

feels good man

Whats funny is i feel like i have the smallest legs in my gym(crappy leg genetics smh). People stay asking me if I even do legs. Jokes on them
Genetics are overrated. Nothing replaces hard work. Get your squats up and do them more frequently. No way your legs won't grow.
trying to switch up my cardio from swimming and did uphill sprints today. i felt like passing out, but cant wait til the next sprint session. hopefully i can improve
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Just hit 315 on the Dead-lift..

feels good man

Whats funny is i feel like i have the smallest legs in my gym(crappy leg genetics smh). People stay asking me if I even do legs. Jokes on them
Genetics are overrated. Nothing replaces hard work. Get your squats up and do them more frequently. No way your legs won't grow.
true but u are severely underestimating how skinny my legs are, my cabs are literally nonexistent lol.
But my legs have increased in mass since i started really focusing on legs, in 2 months i should be good to go
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Just hit 315 on the Dead-lift..

feels good man

Whats funny is i feel like i have the smallest legs in my gym(crappy leg genetics smh). People stay asking me if I even do legs. Jokes on them
Genetics are overrated. Nothing replaces hard work. Get your squats up and do them more frequently. No way your legs won't grow.
true but u are severely underestimating how skinny my legs are, my cabs are literally nonexistent lol.
But my legs have increased in mass since i started really focusing on legs, in 2 months i should be good to go
mannnnn I was the same. 
During strength training where my last set of squats was less than 5 reps, I'd drop the weight to 135 and do 3 more sets of ten. changing leg placement from narrow to wide.

then go to the leg press and do two sets till absolute failure. 
switched up my source of carbs.
doubled the beans up after the pics was taken becuase its squat day
I cant afford grass fed beef every day. it's literally twice the price.
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

so guys, ive been eating high protein and low carbs for 3 weeks, im 6' started at 227 lbs and im now at 216 (well monday), just with diet and a 2 mile jog on weekdays, anyways...

im a complete liftting noob, never been to a gym in my life, so my question is, i have p90x and resistance bands, should i just do that?? or should i join a gym? (was gonna do p90x but i found a gym walking distance to my house) and i kinda want to join the gym, suggestions??
Most definitely join the gym and more importantly get on a good routine while there. Since you're a beginner look into Starting Strength. 
p90x and resistance bands are better than nothing but can't even come close to the benefits of a real gym. 

Dr LukeMartin wrote:
herchell walker does 3500 sit ups and 700 push ups. Thats all you need

Even if this is really all Walker does (highly doubtful, considering he is mentally ill and has made plenty of ridiculous claims) you are sadly mistaken if you think just doing thousands of these bodyweight exercises will give you his physique (assuming you don't have ridiculous genetics) or build great strength. After a certain point it becomes endurance work and the hypertrophy and CNS proficiency benefits are minuscule. 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Damn I pretty much didn't even know these things existed until now 

What are some good brands to cop? 

Hate to sound preachy but you really should try to get your calories from real food as opposed to gainers. I'm an extreme ecto who relied on gainers for years to hit my calorie count. One day I just decided to listen to the "no-gainers" folks and I'm never going back. I still eat the same amount of calories as before just from actual foods now and my body has never put on more lean mass than before I switched. I literally will never take a gainer again
Sorry for the misinterpretation. I drink blended food, really. they are weight gainer shakes for the caloric content, but NO ONE should drink that powder weight gainer %$%@.
1 cup raw oats

8 egg whites

1 scoop ON whey

3 tbps almond butter


1 cup choco milk


its about 1100 cals.... tastes good mannn. some people argue its too much protein. im not too worried
I forgot to ask, is this your post-workout shake?

Or just weight gainer shakes you drink throughout the day?

Just wanted to clarify. 
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

so guys, ive been eating high protein and low carbs for 3 weeks, im 6' started at 227 lbs and im now at 216 (well monday), just with diet and a 2 mile jog on weekdays, anyways...

im a complete liftting noob, never been to a gym in my life, so my question is, i have p90x and resistance bands, should i just do that?? or should i join a gym? (was gonna do p90x but i found a gym walking distance to my house) and i kinda want to join the gym, suggestions??

You should try both.. P90x is the truth.. You have to stick with it.. Today I started again(1st time i did it for 3 weeks before finals) and made it half way through chest and back..
Is there any point to using machines if you're already using free weights only? I've been using free weights for as long as I can remember (good thing I never stuck to using machines), so is there any benefit for me to use them now?
The proof is in the pudding. There's a science behind this. 

Why are neither powerlifters, olympic lifters, strong men, bodybuilders, or the vast majority of pro-athletes, including other MMA fighters not doing thousands of body weight exercises if they are so beneficial ?
There is your proof.

You realize in doing a pushup you are basically bench pressing 60% of your body weight. In other words you can go to the gym and bench whatever that number is 700 times in a row. Think about how stupid this is.  Let me help you out:

Spoiler [+]

The titles after 20 reps speak for themselves. 

Without adding weight to the exercises (which is much more awkward especially at high weights compared to a barbell) you are going to be using a % of your 1RM max that is too low for strength gains or hypertrophy gains. It is the equivalent of curling a piece of paper until your arms are too sore to bend upwards anymore. Sure, you can do it, but what in the hell is the point ? 
Hit a new PR last friday with 255 on the I was hype as hell
pimp.gif gettin diesel

Missed the gym this whole week though because of spring break
...bodyweight exercises just aren't the same...
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

is it ok to drink protein shakes as a meal replacement if you're trying to lose...? what about on rest days?

my typical routine is 3 days strength (with weights) and 20 min cardio and 2 days of about 40 min cardio.

a diet will be:

breakfast- oatmeal, banana, flax seed pill and biotin
snack- peanuts and peas or spinach
lunch- spinach salad or turkey burger(no bun) with broccoli, flax seed pill
snack- mandarin oranges, or sweet potato, or tuna, or wheat bread with all natural peanut butter
dinner- (post workout) - 1 - 1 1/2 scoop of whey, 1 scoop or rolled oats, 1 1/2 scoop of berries, 1 tbl peanut butter, fat free milk and a flax seed pill

is that for dinner ok. that is usually filling so i dont get hungry. but is it ok to take the whey on my rest days?
damn with a dinner like that you really are on a diet.....your list looks fine, you'll burn whatever you need to burn in the gym.

don't know what the pills are for though.
Damn this bulking business is hard.. im trying to eat clean, but i dont think im actually growing lol.. i need to eat more foood its soo tiring
Originally Posted by I3

Damn this bulking business is hard.. im trying to eat clean, but i dont think im actually growing lol.. i need to eat more foood its soo tiring

hard for some yeah, when it comes to stuffing yourself...financially though it can be hard for alot of so much, that you tend to run out of food quick.
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