Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

anybody got any other good preworkouts i dont feel anything when i take jacked anymore and that gnc ravage stuff is absolutely crap

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]1MR[/color]
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

anybody got any other good preworkouts i dont feel anything when i take jacked anymore and that gnc ravage stuff is absolutely crap

I liked white flood by controlled labs when i used to use a pre workout

heard some good things about Yok3d by USPlabs too

Does anyone else feel like they cant use pre workouts tho ? I get such a good natural pump now & when i take a pre workout i feel like my skin is going to pop and its quite a undesirable feeling/ I cant lift as much, specially rep wise
Originally Posted by Durden7

I thought we were past the whole supplement discussion.

i don't get involved in those.....I just go the natural route.

i've took whey protein for about 2 weeks but that's far as I'll go.
Originally Posted by Al Audi


right into May, an when i get my professional pics done.
I actually ordered this stack a month ago (plus OxyElite Pro) and the crap has been stuck in customs ever since even though its perfectly legal. Canada customs is a joke. I ordered express as well thinking it'd get here in 3 days

I've read many good comments about that stack so I'll give it a try next month or in May.
i recently started trying to get back in shape and there's like 704 pages

as far as supplements ^ what was discussed?
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by Durden7

I thought we were past the whole supplement discussion.

i don't get involved in those.....I just go the natural route.

i've took whey protein for about 2 weeks but that's far as I'll go.
Yo, how many times a day is it appropiate to put whey protein in your yogurt, after workout drink, or shakes? I intake it after workout, 2nd meal, 3rd meal and that's it. Sorry for the N00B question, I'm not trying to get kidney stones lol.

Also, isn't muscle milk bad for you? Holes in your brains and such if you intake that stuff? I say stay away, unless they changed their ingredients and removed that harmful ingredient from it. Eh.
Hey, I am new to this thread but not in working out. I been working out from my sophomore year in high school till now in my sophomore year in college. I never took any supplements besides eating a couple of protein bars and muscle milk here and there. My question is, are those omega fish oil capsules worth it and beneficial for me? Is it worth the money and which one is the best kind in terms of results and price.
Any advice, I been lifting for a while now, I manage to still go to the gym even through tough times. I went from 205 pounds to 170, for the past 3 months I have been stuck at 170 pounds, I'm trying to get to 160 pounds, super shredded, here photos of me now in the am before breakfast, any advice would help, I switch diet, switch routine, do more cadio and still stuck at 170.



Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by Durden7

I thought we were past the whole supplement discussion.

i don't get involved in those.....I just go the natural route.

i've took whey protein for about 2 weeks but that's far as I'll go.
Yo, how many times a day is it appropiate to put whey protein in your yogurt, after workout drink, or shakes? I intake it after workout, 2nd meal, 3rd meal and that's it. Sorry for the N00B question, I'm not trying to get kidney stones lol.

Also, isn't muscle milk bad for you? Holes in your brains and such if you intake that stuff? I say stay away, unless they changed their ingredients and removed that harmful ingredient from it. Eh.
don't know too much about muscle milk to verify, maybe someone else with better knowledge on it can help you....but far as whey goes, when I read the back of my package when I was taking it, 2 times a day before working out and one after.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Hey, I am new to this thread but not in working out. I been working out from my sophomore year in high school till now in my sophomore year in college. I never took any supplements besides eating a couple of protein bars and muscle milk here and there. My question is, are those omega fish oil capsules worth it and beneficial for me? Is it worth the money and which one is the best kind in terms of results and price.
Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

Any advice, I been lifting for a while now, I manage to still go to the gym even through tough times. I went from 205 pounds to 170, for the past 3 months I have been stuck at 170 pounds, I'm trying to get to 160 pounds, super shredded, here photos of me now in the am before breakfast, any advice would help, I switch diet, switch routine, do more cadio and still stuck at 170.
you do MORE cardio than you did before and you're still stuck at 170?

I went to the doc 2 weeks ago and they said I was 172, I've been busting my tail in the gym doing the cardio thing....hopefully I can get down to my target weight, I entered the gym on my way to getting a little homer simpson belly, but after 1 month it has surely gone done..

question... what does your diet consist of? and what does your cardio consist of? and how LONG are you doing your cardio workouts?
What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...
Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

What exactly is your routine ?

also how long have you been lifting/what are your #'s 
Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...
stay on one weight for a couple of weeks...3 maybe, then after that add 5lbs.....

I go a whole month on the same weight, too make sure my muscles get time to really get used to that certain weight, after that month I increase by 5lbs or 10lbs, you can't rush it, it takes time...trying to lift something that's a little to heavy will just put you in the hospital.

or on your last set, up the weight a little bit and just give it your this with any workout that has to do with weights......or on each set you can up your rep by 2 more....say you're doing 5 set's of 10 reps......on your 2nd 12, on your 3rd set push for 14, on your 4th set push for 17, and on your fifth try to hit 19...if you can't do that just do as many as you can, eventually your muscles will get used to this kind of thing and you'll be doing it with ease.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

What exactly is your routine ?

also how long have you been lifting/what are your #'s 
Monday: All for 5 reps
-DB bench press
-DB shoulder press
-Weighted chin ups

Wednesday: All for 5 reps, except deadlift
-DB incline press
-Bent over rows
-Deadlift x 3 reps

Friday: All for 5 reps, except jumps
-Weighted dips
-Chin ups
-Explosive squats
-Box jumps x3
-Depth jumps x3

I also do shoulder rotations with plates where I bring the plate around like a clock, and forward lateral raises with a plate and standing russian twists all 3 days

Right now my numbers:
Bench 155-160lbs 1 rep
Shoulder press 50 lb dumbbells
Squat 240lbs 1 rep (that was a while back)
Deadlift 305lbs 1 rep (3 months ago)
Bent over row 135lbs x3
I def pigged out this week, gluttonous scum that I am. Many pastry delights and much alcohol. But you know the funny thing, NOTHING CHANGES. It's kind of ridiculous. I didn't sleep, I didn't eat the last 48hrs, but like I feel like I've lost no strength or aesthetics.

My point is, to those of you who are at this point good have a good foundation, you should be able to party hard if you can continue to work out hard. So go have fun and don't stress about macros, prime nutrient consumption times, etc. It's okay to get loko.
Started doing front squats 3 weeks ago. Loving them. I don't think I'm going back to back squats. My shoulders are still getting used to the weight though. They get pretty bruised after leg day.
Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

Try hitting those bodyparts with different excersises for 4-6 weeks -so for example, replacing your reg squats with Smith or hack squats. These excersises will allow you to move more weight, when you return to your reg squats your numbers should be up. Same for chest, replace your DB presses for Smith or barbell.

Also, I take it you meant 5 sets on your routine not reps, you don't just do 5 reps once a week?
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

Try hitting those bodyparts with different excersises for 4-6 weeks -so for example, replacing your reg squats with Smith or hack squats. These excersises will allow you to move more weight, when you return to your reg squats your numbers should be up. Same for chest, replace your DB presses for Smith or barbell.

Also, I take it you meant 5 sets on your routine not reps, you don't just do 5 reps once a week?
Alright, I'll look into doing that, thanks. I'm also going to try negatives.

I meant 5 reps, all of them are 3 sets for the most part except my lifts on Wednesday where I do 4 sets.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

What exactly is your routine ?

also how long have you been lifting/what are your #'s 
Monday: All for 5 reps
-DB bench press
-DB shoulder press
-Weighted chin ups

Wednesday: All for 5 reps, except deadlift
-DB incline press
-Bent over rows
-Deadlift x 3 reps

Friday: All for 5 reps, except jumps
-Weighted dips
-Chin ups
-Explosive squats
-Box jumps x3
-Depth jumps x3

I also do shoulder rotations with plates where I bring the plate around like a clock, and forward lateral raises with a plate and standing russian twists all 3 days

Right now my numbers:
Bench 155-160lbs 1 rep
Shoulder press 50 lb dumbbells
Squat 240lbs 1 rep (that was a while back)
Deadlift 305lbs 1 rep (3 months ago)
Bent over row 135lbs x3
scchift if your trying to add weight to your bench I would def. suggest strength training book from Rippetoe and Kilgore...goes for about $15 and focuses on proper form and technique...might be bland kind of routine (squat, bench press, military press, deadlift) but it does absolutely work in helping you build up your strength.
Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

If you're a noob, starting strength...If not then bill starr 5x5.
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