Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight...

What exactly is your routine ?

also how long have you been lifting/what are your #'s 
Monday: All for 5 reps
-DB bench press
-DB shoulder press
-Weighted chin ups

Wednesday: All for 5 reps, except deadlift
-DB incline press
-Bent over rows
-Deadlift x 3 reps

Friday: All for 5 reps, except jumps
-Weighted dips
-Chin ups
-Explosive squats
-Box jumps x3
-Depth jumps x3

I also do shoulder rotations with plates where I bring the plate around like a clock, and forward lateral raises with a plate and standing russian twists all 3 days

Right now my numbers:
Bench 155-160lbs 1 rep
Shoulder press 50 lb dumbbells
Squat 240lbs 1 rep (that was a while back)
Deadlift 305lbs 1 rep (3 months ago)
Bent over row 135lbs x3
How many sets ? 
Anyway, I'll modify what your doing so it's better suited for strength, using some concepts from SS as well as my own experience:


-DB bench press BB bench 3x5 
-DB shoulder press Not a good idea to do this and bench press on the same day if your goal is maximum strength.
-Squats 3x5
-Weighted chin ups  + Power Cleans 5x3 

Wednesday: (looking at this I assume you are training for a sport ?)

-Weighted dips
-Chin ups
-Explosive squats
-Box jumps x3
-Depth jumps x3

Go light on the squats. I'd spend the day on active recovery & working on weaknesses (ex: GHR for weak hamstrings or overhead squat for weak core) or explosiveness (dynamic effort training) on my other lifts with only ~50% of my max. Be careful not to overdo it with the dips/chins. Should be a pretty easy day.


-DB incline press BB OHP (strict) 3x5

-Bent over rows Squats 3x5
-Deadlift x 3 reps (this is good, i do them x3 as well, but make sure you put the weight down & re-set up between every rep)

Swapped DB for BB for obvious reasons (5lb progression on BB =/= 5lb on DB). I swapped out friday and wed. to allow for more recovery. It would also be helpful to take a video of your squat/bench form and post it here (on a heavy work set) so we can see any flaws in technique or weak points. The twists/plate raises are not necessary but if you have energy for them then go ahead. I'd recommend dropping both for hanging leg raises though. For your bench, make sure you are using good technique (leg drive, shoulders together etc) - watch Dave Tate's bench video on youtube for more info. 

Add 5lb to each lift weekly (maybe 10lb on deadlifts). If you stall, reset by 10-15% and work back up. Eventually I recommend transitioning to a 3x3 rep scheme (what I'm currently doing) and ride that out for as long as you can keep getting stronger. Volume isn't much but the strength gains are very nice, and you will still get bigger if you eat enough. If you aren't taking it already, consider creatine.

and the obvious, make sure you are eating enough, drinking enough water and sleeping enough. Take long (2-5 minute) breaks between sets. Your goal is not fatigue or a "pump", just to move heavier and heavier weight every week. 

*BTW I mean everything as sets across. Ex: 3x5 = same weight for all 3 sets. Don't get impatient and try to add too much weight too quickly, and avoid trying to max out (pointless) for now.
Thoughts on Glucosamine ? Would it prevent me from any joint pain as I get older? My right knee gets sore at times after leg day or a long day of work. 

Originally Posted by scshift

What is the best way to improve your bench press and squat numbers?

I just do the progressive weight increase every workout, but lately I've been finding it hard to progress and instead get stuck at the same weight..

This is what I would like to know too!

I've been stalling on my Military Press, Squat and somewhat on my Bench.

My strength workout says to decrease weight by 10% after 3x of trying to pass current weight.  I find it easier to increase my bench by having a spotter.  Usually I would do 5x5 BB bench followed be 3x7 DB heavy.

Also could someone help me out with integrating Plyo's into my workout?

BB rows/Lat Pull down
DB inc


Squat or Plyos??? (depth jumps/box jumps)
Military Press
Seated Row

Rest (may do Plyos here instead)

I know most people here have probably seen it but the intro to Greg Plitt's website is 

oh yea umm normal dips or bench dips? what do you prefer?
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

I know most people here have probably seen it but the intro to Greg Plitt's website is 

oh yea umm normal dips or bench dips? what do you prefer?
bench dips are good for females or if you are fatigued at the end of your workout
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

I know most people here have probably seen it but the intro to Greg Plitt's website is 

oh yea umm normal dips or bench dips? what do you prefer?
bench dips are good for females or if you are fatigued at the end of your workout
I do bench dips with a plate on my lap...great pump in my tris
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

I know most people here have probably seen it but the intro to Greg Plitt's website is 

oh yea umm normal dips or bench dips? what do you prefer?
bench dips are good for females or if you are fatigued at the end of your workout
I do bench dips with a plate on my lap...great pump in my tris
thats what I meant
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

bench dips are good for females or if you are fatigued at the end of your workout
I do bench dips with a plate on my lap...great pump in my tris
thats what I meant

Bench dips aren't really good for shoulder/rotator cuffs so I stay away from them.  Weighted parallel dips ftw.
Question for anyone else who likes their proteins on the more well done side. How much nutrition is actually lost?
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

Question for anyone else who likes their proteins on the more well done side. How much nutrition is actually lost?

I refuse to believe any.
in steamed veggies, MAYBE... only becuase when I drain the water its green 
Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

Any advice, I been lifting for a while now, I manage to still go to the gym even through tough times. I went from 205 pounds to 170, for the past 3 months I have been stuck at 170 pounds, I'm trying to get to 160 pounds, super shredded, here photos of me now in the am before breakfast, any advice would help, I switch diet, switch routine, do more cadio and still stuck at 170.



Hey dude, your BF% looks fairly low and now your at the point where the stubborn fat doesnt want to come off. I suggest you look into Lyle McDonald's "The Stubborn Fat Solution". He has his own website and he's one of the most credible fitness sources out there due to the scientific backing he provides when giving out information. Basically he says that many people get to the point where only stubborn fat is left and it becomes very difficult to burn. One of his suggestions is to do HIIT first thing in the morning and to consume no more than 20% of daily calories from carbs. Apparently this approach is one of the best ways of burning the stubborn fat...another approach is to do long cardio sessions first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and keeping carb consumption very low (20% or less per day). I personally tried this approach a few months ago and it was brutal doing HIIT on an empty stomach because you have very little energy to go on. It helped me shed about 2% off body fat and it's a very effective strategy but it requires a lot of will power and patience. Once you get to around 12% BF and lower the fat takes longer to burn and you have to be more patient and meticulous to get rid of the remaining fat.
BTW, what do you guys think about reducing weight and increasing volume to get stronger? I read a program by Lyle McDonald that recommends doing so for several weeks in order to bust through plateaus. I've only done a couple of workouts so far but right now I'm benching between 60-70% of my 1 rep-max for 10 reps for 10 sets. Supposedly after a few weeks your strength should improve (you'll be able to lift about 5-10 pounds more for the same 10 reps x 10 sets) and by the end of the 4-5 weeks you should see an improvement in your 1 rep-max. I'm gonna give this a shot and see where I stand around the 1st week of April. Worst case scenario for me is that I have improved stamina...atleast that'd be better than going another month with struggling with the same god bench weight.
lmfao, how do you guys remember my posts? I have no idea who you are. Besides that, it is clear that dude is roided out and has many screws loose. But you guys were mesmerized by his biceps and couldn't see that? Go away. Leave me alone! Stop quoting the %!#+ I say! I have no idea who you are, I don't talk to you, about you, refer to you, or converse with you lol.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

lmfao, how do you guys remember my posts? I have no idea who you are. Besides that, it is clear that dude is roided out and has many screws loose. But you guys were mesmerized by his biceps and couldn't see that? Go away. Leave me alone! Stop quoting the %!#+ I say! I have no idea who you are, I don't talk to you, about you, refer to you, or converse with you lol.

You post in certain threads that I frequent that come off as stupid and ignorant, which obviously stand out for me to remember. 

Greg Plitt may be roided, but regardless, it is his insane work ethic and passion for what he does (along with his impressive physique) that make people admire him.  I could care less if he roids. 

If all you see is him acting insane in the gym and his biceps...then you're the disillusioned one out of eveyrone posting here.
hahah! We can be e-friends now. I think I will post a pic soon and then do so once a month to track my gains. I am trying to gain 10 more lbs by the summer months.
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