Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

ph = pro hormones legal less potent oral steroids put on like 15lbs in 6ish weeks retain prob 10 and gain tons of strength first cycle of pplex i ran 4 weeks bench from 185x8 to 235x8 last week after pct still kept 225x6 gained. Its just me here but natty training equals no fun lol quick gains to much fun
If it's legal why isn't everyone doing it? 
What are the risks/sides?
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

ph = pro hormones legal less potent oral steroids put on like 15lbs in 6ish weeks retain prob 10 and gain tons of strength first cycle of pplex i ran 4 weeks bench from 185x8 to 235x8 last week after pct still kept 225x6 gained. Its just me here but natty training equals no fun lol quick gains to much fun

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

ph = pro hormones legal less potent oral steroids put on like 15lbs in 6ish weeks retain prob 10 and gain tons of strength first cycle of pplex i ran 4 weeks bench from 185x8 to 235x8 last week after pct still kept 225x6 gained. Its just me here but natty training equals no fun lol quick gains to much fun
If it's legal why isn't everyone doing it? 
What are the risks/sides?
ph are not legal anymore....
many risk/sides..............vary depending on the stack/what you take

on cycle/pct very important.

How important is it to eat immediately post workout? for example if i ate a big meal hours before, workout, drink some water then go to bed, recover with breakfast in the morning is that alright?
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

How important is it to eat immediately post workout? for example if i ate a big meal hours before, workout, drink some water then go to bed, recover with breakfast in the morning is that alright?
at least get in some BCAAs post work out.......
Yeah sometimes i do a shake w/some oats, just wondering if i'm trying to watch my calorie intake if it's necessary on days that i go hard in the mother +@$%#* plate @+@#%, lea the bathroom stankin @+@#% what the %*** you thankin @+@#%.

ignore the last part.
whey protein has a NNU to NC ratio of 16:84 (Yes, 84% toxic waste for our kidneys to deal with) and most whole meats are 32:68
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]best post w/o for me is humapro............just works great for me.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]ill have real food 1 hour after work out, just what my body likes.[/font]
Originally Posted by Al Audi

whey protein has a NNU to NC ratio of 16:84 (Yes, 84% toxic waste for our kidneys to deal with) and most whole meats are 32:68
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]best post w/o for me is humapro............just works great for me.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]ill have real food 1 hour after work out, just what my body likes.[/font]
How do you know that?  Just curious.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Al Audi

whey protein has a NNU to NC ratio of 16:84 (Yes, 84% toxic waste for our kidneys to deal with) and most whole meats are 32:68
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]best post w/o for me is humapro............just works great for me.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]ill have real food 1 hour after work out, just what my body likes.[/font]
How do you know that?  Just curious.
how do i know my body??
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

How important is it to eat immediately post workout? for example if i ate a big meal hours before, workout, drink some water then go to bed, recover with breakfast in the morning is that alright?
at least get in some BCAAs post work out.......

Eat a big meal 3 hours before work out. After your workout. Drink water and a plain chicken breast with nothing on it or with it.
This isn't good advice.... no hate... it just isn't logical.
Ideally you can eat a sufficient meal 1 hour prior to working out. Assuming you pushed yourself to any degree in the gym your body is going to need nutrients.. muscle tissue can start breaking down, etc. It's not mandatory, but you are cutting yourself short by not consuming a 'simple carb' and 'fast digesting protein'

Although I am not sure how much difference will be made from consuming complex carbs like oats and normal protein source such as chicken breast.

Regardless, your body mainly needs glycogen levels replenished and protein to avoid breakdown of tissue. (right?) so, chicken and a carb source. Or a scoop of whey and dextrose sugar if you are a pro-athlete-bodybuilder-broscience-brah like me 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Al Audi

whey protein has a NNU to NC ratio of 16:84 (Yes, 84% toxic waste for our kidneys to deal with) and most whole meats are 32:68
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]best post w/o for me is humapro............just works great for me.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]ill have real food 1 hour after work out, just what my body likes.[/font]
How do you know that?  Just curious.
how do i know my body??
Nah, I mean the part about toxic waste, ratio, etc.  I don't even know what NNU or NC is.  What's that?
Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) Defined: the scientific measure of the anabolic efficiency ratio for a given protein or amino acid. As the % increases so does the anabolic or protein synthesis value.

NC= Negative Catabolites (waste)

cguy....................we use toilets for waste............when you eat a piece of chicken your body does not use that 100%
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) Defined: the scientific measure of the anabolic efficiency ratio for a given protein or amino acid. As the % increases so does the anabolic or protein synthesis value.

NC= Negative Catabolites (waste)

cguy....................we use toilets for waste............when you eat a piece of chicken your body does not use that 100%
Ok, understood but where are you getting the ratios from to compare whey to food?
the company that makes humapro has spiked products. i wouldnt even take anything from them.
Matter fact, I'm goin to bed for now but ill come back to the real reason from the ceo hisself
anyways, it was a chinese supplier fault for a particular product @ the time their fat burner venom........the company issued a recall even before FDA......they have put out a ton of product since then, silly kids, anyways im just tellin you what i do for myself, idc if you use it or not you can use w/e you want i for one think ON isnt all that great, id use Beverly International Whey if I were using whey.

the ceo is a legit dude an def knows his $, good ppls.
since i feel kinda agitated inside right now (maybe its my love for supplements and info)
lemme guess, kids at LOVE ON gold standard crap too. that whole forum is sheep an clueless. 

Based on independant studies through Florida Atlantic University, Natures Best has 99.1% Accuracy Rate on their labels. There Lactose free products, so its easy to digest. Gotta say the proof is in the pudding. I tried attaching the PDF but it wouldnt let me to show the studies, but Muscletech, and ON/ABB failed miserably. Beverly International was second with 97.2%, and Gaspari was 3rd 96.4%, however this is based on the top 10 selling brands from southern region of GNC stores.
Originally Posted by sNc magic

Originally Posted by knnyngo
Won't comment on the dieting because I have the most horrendous diet you could ever imagine, but I would say don't bother at all with the machines.  Free weights are far superior in every way.  I made the mistake of starting off with machines because I thought it would be good to build a strength base for moving onto free weights.  Machines are just a complete waste of time unless if you're injured or rehabbing.  Just focus on your form when you're starting out, the weights will pile on later.  Don't be embarrassed if you have to start light, the only person you're competing with is yourself.  Compound lifts are key, and don't focus too much on a single muscle group, like the bench press/curl monkeys.  Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is a good place to start if you're trying to build some muscle.  Gaining muscle mass will help to raise your metabolism and burn more fat than purely cardio, so make sure you spend some time in the weight room.

I would also say start off with light cardio until you build a decent foundation, then move into HIIT when your body and mind are capable of pushing you through it.  Jump roping is also a great exercise.  Do these and I guarantee the fat will shed away.

Just remember, stay motivated and push yourself through the rough times.  Pain is temporary but regret is forever.  You're competing with the person that you were yesterday, and you never want to lose to that person.  Plus you'll probably get even more motivated when you start seeing the results coming in.  I remember struggling with 30lb DB presses, but now I can do 80lbs for 3-5 reps @ 125lbs (I can't go over 130 because I plan on doing some amateur boxing around 118-125).  Seeing the numbers go up just increased my motivation to do more.  Good luck, and hope this was helpful
Thanks for the reply. Would weight training be enough to trim my size down a bit?
Can anyone help me with my plan on getting back into the gym?...durden...Al...brett...anyone?

So last year I never got to go a full 3 months of Rippetoe's strength training program and I stopped going to the gym around last year august. My goal right now is to complete the 3 months strength training program by summertime but I feel like since i've been out of the gym for a while I would go a month just trying to get my body right before I start Rippetoe's program so here's my plan...

Nutrition wise:
Eat something about 2-3 hours before hitting the gym...reason being that I read on Fitness black book that going into the gym in a "fasted" state will help me burn of a bit more fat...i'm not fat btw but I do have some pudge here and there that I wouldn't mind letting go.
***Can anyone help me figure out what type of food should be eaten before a workout?

After my workout I would take 1 scoop ON natural whey w/ 1 1/2 - 2 scoops Dextrose with water. I know I should really be getting in a meal but its a personal preference of mine to take a quick shake for time concerns and I also find that if I eat a good meal after a workout I feel lethargic a bit.

an hour or so later have a good solid meal...veggies, a good carbohydrate source (potatoe, organic pasta) with some chicken.
***i'll also take suggestions if there are any in this dept.

For my workout regimine I plan on doing a month of weight training 3x a week (Mon, Wend, Fri) w/ 3 sets on each excercise for the first 2 weeks and 4 sets for the last 2 weeks.

5 min run/warm-up on treadmill
stretch a little bit
2 min normal plank, 4 min side planks (6 minutes total)


Incline Dumbell Press
Incline Dumbell Flye
Bent over Row
One arm bent over row

5 min run/warm-up on treadmill
stretch a little bit
2 min normal plank, 4 min side planks (6 minutes total)


Standing Barbell curl
Hammer curl
Bench Dips
Overhead tricep extension
Machine tricep pulldown

**same warm up an abs like previous days


Seated Calf raises
Front Dumbell Raises
Upright Barbell Row
Face down dumbell raises

So this is my plan so far. Every alternating week I plan on switching up the exercises w/ something new like adding dips and seated cable row on check/back day and other exercises to increase variety.

A couple questions I also had were:
-Should I combine different groups together? Like maybe Chest with triceps?
-What would produce a better muscle gaining approach, drop-weight sets or increasing the weight?

All help is appreciated.
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