Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Im just surprised you do them. Theyre not a good exercise at all.
They're a great warmup or pre-exhaust. They're not good when guys who never train their legs overhear someone in the gym talking aboutsomeone else who has a big upper body and no legs, so they'll go and say "OK, I'm gonna do legs today" and they head straight to the nautilusroom for 3 sets of seated leg curls, and then 3-4 sets of leg extensions and they max out on leg extensions. Then they complain that doing legs hurts theirknees and they go back to decline bench presses and really bad preacher curls for the next few weeks.

Leg extensions are fine when you don't go heavy. At a light weight, it's the same as just doing a tricep cable pressdown.

It always kills me when I walk up to the leg extension and the pin is down at the bottom of the stack. That's the way most people get hurt by putting toomuch pressure and strain across the ACL, but if you keep it light, do like 15-30 reps a set, and keep the movement controlled instead of kicking it up andcatching it at the top, they're perfectly safe and a good warmup. It's one of those exercises that's always debated, but there's also plentyof professionals in the industry that will tell you the squats are bad for your knees.
Stalone looks pretty good for his age. His face looks old as hell though.
He shouldn't have done steroids though.

I love doing leg extensions as a part of legs doing lightweight for that 15-30 both legs and switchin it up and doing one leg extensions.

The thing i always have to remember not to point my toes and hook the extension part and just let my ankles relax and push the weight instead of pulling it.

I always crack up at the people struggling on the leg extensions looking like theyre gonna blow their ACL out

All this leg talk makes me want to get down on some legs.....I think im gonna do it.
I do leg extensions too, but just on warming up, I dont even put the pins in lol...

I like to warm up on leg days by just doing a few mins of skipping, some bodyweight lunges, squats.. then after a cool sweat i'll just squat the bar acouple of times, add some weight, then add weight.

Long process, but its vital your legs are warm and ready.
I find leg extensions useless, too. Why not just do a compound exercise for warmup? I could see it for the pre-exhaust factor, but just for a warmup, Idon't see the point.

Positive side note, I had an awesome chest workout today:
-Flat DB Bench
-Include BB Bench
-Kane dips (props to whoever posted the vids)
-Unilateral DB press on swiss ball
-BB pullovers
-Low pulley cable crossovers
-High pulley cable crossovers
-Core bar punches
All of the above (3 sets each) in 45 mins
, and ab ripper x at the endto cap it off at 60 mins.

Negative side note: I think I may have to be done with deadlifts, at least for a long while. Every time after I do them, my back (right side above hip bone)is stiff/in pain for the entire week. I'm pretty sure my form is on point and I'm not using heavy weight (205x8x3). Not sure what it could be, but Ihave a bad back to begin with (from doing deadlifts incorrectly before
3 rep bench max at 225 today, up from 165 ten weeks ago

Will post progress pics this week. Keep it up everyone

EDIT: can someone recommend me a Kre-Alkalyn?
They're a great warmup or pre-exhaust. They're not good when guys who never train their legs overhear someone in the gym talking about someone else who has a big upper body and no legs, so they'll go and say "OK, I'm gonna do legs today" and they head straight to the nautilus room for 3 sets of seated leg curls, and then 3-4 sets of leg extensions and they max out on leg extensions. Then they complain that doing legs hurts their knees and they go back to decline bench presses and really bad preacher curls for the next few weeks.

Leg extensions are fine when you don't go heavy. At a light weight, it's the same as just doing a tricep cable pressdown.

It always kills me when I walk up to the leg extension and the pin is down at the bottom of the stack. That's the way most people get hurt by putting too much pressure and strain across the ACL, but if you keep it light, do like 15-30 reps a set, and keep the movement controlled instead of kicking it up and catching it at the top, they're perfectly safe and a good warmup. It's one of those exercises that's always debated, but there's also plenty of professionals in the industry that will tell you the squats are bad for your knees.
Well personally I think pre-exhausting is silly, but thats not the point.

I really see no purpose for them at all. Theres better exercises, theres more functional exercises and it just takes up space.

I do leg extensions too, but just on warming up, I dont even put the pins in lol...

I like to warm up on leg days by just doing a few mins of skipping, some bodyweight lunges, squats.. then after a cool sweat i'll just squat the bar a couple of times, add some weight, then add weight.

Long process, but its vital your legs are warm and ready.
So you do 10 lb leg extensions? Thats not even a warm up. That doesnt count
Originally Posted by Matt53

3 rep bench max at 225 today, up from 165 ten weeks ago

Will post progress pics this week. Keep it up everyone

EDIT: can someone recommend me a Kre-Alkalyn?
that's quite a jump in weight, nice work.

kre-alkalyn is kre-alkalyn. no difference.
Originally Posted by Matt53

3 rep bench max at 225 today, up from 165 ten weeks ago

Will post progress pics this week. Keep it up everyone

EDIT: can someone recommend me a Kre-Alkalyn?

jesus christ, it took me 3 months to go from 155 to 185 and another 3 to get to 205, and another 2 for 225.
I started weight lifting in March at only 135max.
Originally Posted by Brilliant Overlord

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Brilliant Over, the Rippetoe workout is designed for beginners who want to gain strength and muscle.

In your case, you want to lose weight. I recommend that you do whole-body workouts every time you lift weights in order to burn more calories. Look up
"circuit training". Basically you do a bunch of different exercises that workout every single muscle in your body. You lift lighter weights for
around 10 reps each. You'll burn way more calories this way and lose weight quicker as long as your diet is pretty good.

Maybe you could lift every other day (3x a week) and do cardio 2-3x a week on the days you arent lifting.
My main concern is losing weight, but gaining strength is another goal. So I think I'll do rippetoe on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, and then do circuit training on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. How does that sound?

Hell no, you're doing full body routines in Rippetoe. You need atleast a days rest in between for recovery. If you want to speed up weight loss you can doCardio on off days but I even struggled with that.

Remember, weight loss & strength gains happen OUTSIDE the weight room. You merely activate the necessary fibres in your body when you train; recovery iswhere the magic happens.
Al Audi wrote:
i hate how at the gym i see people do that same @#%# every single week in and week out then they look at me like why isnt he lifting that much but looks bigger than me? i dont train to be a power lifter though.

QFT...i hate this.

Originally Posted by Durden7

They're a great warmup or pre-exhaust. They're not good when guys who never train their legs overhear someone in the gym talking about someone else who has a big upper body and no legs, so they'll go and say "OK, I'm gonna do legs today" and they head straight to the nautilus room for 3 sets of seated leg curls, and then 3-4 sets of leg extensions and they max out on leg extensions. Then they complain that doing legs hurts their knees and they go back to decline bench presses and really bad preacher curls for the next few weeks.

Leg extensions are fine when you don't go heavy. At a light weight, it's the same as just doing a tricep cable pressdown.

It always kills me when I walk up to the leg extension and the pin is down at the bottom of the stack. That's the way most people get hurt by putting too much pressure and strain across the ACL, but if you keep it light, do like 15-30 reps a set, and keep the movement controlled instead of kicking it up and catching it at the top, they're perfectly safe and a good warmup. It's one of those exercises that's always debated, but there's also plenty of professionals in the industry that will tell you the squats are bad for your knees.
Well personally I think pre-exhausting is silly, but thats not the point.

I really see no purpose for them at all. Theres better exercises, theres more functional exercises and it just takes up space.

I do leg extensions too, but just on warming up, I dont even put the pins in lol...

I like to warm up on leg days by just doing a few mins of skipping, some bodyweight lunges, squats.. then after a cool sweat i'll just squat the bar a couple of times, add some weight, then add weight.

Long process, but its vital your legs are warm and ready.
So you do 10 lb leg extensions? Thats not even a warm up. That doesnt count

Does it matter to you? It gets my legs a little warm enough for me to do squatting
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

The old naked guys is unfortunately on point.
Did that dude just say penis reduction.

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by Durden7

They're a great warmup or pre-exhaust. They're not good when guys who never train their legs overhear someone in the gym talking about someone else who has a big upper body and no legs, so they'll go and say "OK, I'm gonna do legs today" and they head straight to the nautilus room for 3 sets of seated leg curls, and then 3-4 sets of leg extensions and they max out on leg extensions. Then they complain that doing legs hurts their knees and they go back to decline bench presses and really bad preacher curls for the next few weeks.

Leg extensions are fine when you don't go heavy. At a light weight, it's the same as just doing a tricep cable pressdown.

It always kills me when I walk up to the leg extension and the pin is down at the bottom of the stack. That's the way most people get hurt by putting too much pressure and strain across the ACL, but if you keep it light, do like 15-30 reps a set, and keep the movement controlled instead of kicking it up and catching it at the top, they're perfectly safe and a good warmup. It's one of those exercises that's always debated, but there's also plenty of professionals in the industry that will tell you the squats are bad for your knees.
Well personally I think pre-exhausting is silly, but thats not the point.

I really see no purpose for them at all. Theres better exercises, theres more functional exercises and it just takes up space.

I do leg extensions too, but just on warming up, I dont even put the pins in lol...

I like to warm up on leg days by just doing a few mins of skipping, some bodyweight lunges, squats.. then after a cool sweat i'll just squat the bar a couple of times, add some weight, then add weight.

Long process, but its vital your legs are warm and ready.
So you do 10 lb leg extensions? Thats not even a warm up. That doesnt count

Does it matter to you? It gets my legs a little warm enough for me to do squatting

Wouldnt you rather do something that more beneficial and functional? If you think itll get your legs warm then continue to do them, but it provides nobenefit.
What's up everyone, I need some assistance.

I'm 18 years old, weigh about 145-150lbs, and I'm 5'10".

My upperbody is pretty weak, I won't even front. I hate not being able to bench press what I want to without struggling. Basically, I'm looking forsuggestions, links, whatever, as to what I should eat for protein and whatnot to build up my strength. Food, protein shakes, whatever.

I figure it's December 1st tomorrow, might as well start eating right/new with the first of the month.

I have the same body type 5'10" weigh 165 but was 135-140 when i started. Basically eat and eat and eat. Not gonna lie it took me forever to put onthe weight i did and i worked my butt off in the weight room to get where im at. It really does take dedication if you really want to see results but once youdo its addicting. You just have to look at it like i have to start somewhere and build from there and if you could just do the weight you think you should beable to do then what fun would weight lifting be. Once you I look forward to my next workout the next day and think about it from the time i leave the gym theday before. Like today i flat footed box jumped 55 inches today.

Your gonna wanna consume a fair amount of calories and carbs eat stuff like peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches eggs, brown rice, broccoli,sweet potatos (lookthrough the thread theres good stuff on what food is benificial and good for mass building and whatnot) You could probably get away with not being so strictwith your diet but eat every 2 hours.

Hit up they have tons of workouts,diets,articles on everything you would ever need in the world of fitness
Is the Green Bulge/White Blood combo still good to use when working out? I'm looking for a creatine in pill form thatdoesn't have caffeine. Is there something else that someone can recommend?
Cool, informative help in this thread.

Does anyone know how I can work my inner bicep (short head)? There's a small gap there that I'd like to fill.
Watched New Moon.. Taylor dude is ripped.. damn he put on a lot of mass.. I need to eat, but I think im already good with size im around 5'9 150.

Damn im gonna up my cardio now after seeing that movie lol
I'd ideally like to be at.... 165-170, lean. Currently 175.

After seeing Ninja Assassin tonight, I wanted to try and pull-off some crazy aerobic stunts.
Need a recommendation for some headphones for the gym, keep swinging and missing on these things. Looking for durability and more importantly buds that stay inmy ear during cardio. Appreciate the help.
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