Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by chino905

I'm currently taking martial arts. Whats the best way to make my hook kicks/side kicks stronger? Since its all in the core and legs, what workouts are best to work those out besides crunches and running? i dont have access to a gym btw.
abs - hanging leg raises and planks
legs - various plyometric moves like jump squats, jumping lunges, burpees, etc.

I'm planning on quitting my gym at the end of the month, so I'll be focusing primarily on bodyweight moves like pull ups, handstand push ups, squats,lunges, levers, etc.

Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

I'm trying to put on any weight that I can. I'm 5'11 about 160-165. Trying to hopefully get to 180-185. Just had a couple of questions hopefully someone can help me out.

Is eating every two hours or so in small portions better than eating 2-3 large meals for weight gaining?
Also if I were to do push ups daily increasing the amount would that increase any muscle mass? Obviously doing pushups has a ceiling but anything would help.
Or any other exercises that are beneficial with free weights?
Push ups are great, but you have to do a good volume of them to put on mass. And you'd have to exhaust the muscle. So if you want mass, dosets of push ups throughout the day. In the sets, try and go as high in reps as you can.
Lately I've been getting more sleep. Instead of 7-8 hours a night, I've been getting around 9 hours. I feel so much better in the mornings.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by I3

Can someone post up a good video of correct deadlift form?

I feel my form is slowly slipping..
I got you.� This is the BEST video by far on how to perform deadlift correctly.� Watch the whole video, this dude knows what he is talking about.

Durden7, can you post this on the front page?� Very good and informational video.� Thanks.

Thanks for the video...I've always been reluctant to try DL. Best video I've seen for explaining not only the technique but showing things that aredone wrong that most people do and someone like me would would beleive to be the correct way from watching at the gym.
I asked in the old thread, but quite remember the reply...I also see u guys talkin about it.
But, wat exactly is HIIT? Any body got a good routine?
But, wat exactly is HIIT? Any body got a good routine?

High Intensity Interval Training. I would just goold it for some routines. Me personally, I use HIIT when I go on runs. You could do things like sprintfor a block, jog for a block for an amount of time like 10-20 minutes.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

I asked in the old thread, but quite remember the reply...I also see u guys talkin about it.
But, wat exactly is HIIT? Any body got a good routine?
it stands for high intensity itnerval training. you basically exercise at 80-90% itnnsity for 15-25 mins. it burns fat and boosts your metabolismliek no other. if you want to lose fat, do this.

here's a good starter one.
5min warmup
run 1min
sprint 3 secs
repeat roughly 5-10 times
5 minute cooldown
I've always wondered about this, I see fairly thin dudes(thin as in slim, not too frail) they don't look like they would possess a lot of strength orlift much. I'm talking about an average joe like 5'9-5'11 150-160lbs but I see them benching 225lb-240lb like nothing and they go on and squat like220lb+. I see them and I'm much bigger looking than them but cant even do the same.

Is it the fast twitch muscles?
^^ They have more muscle. You barely started weight-lifting correct? You'll get up there.

I don't know if this vid has been posted?

Oh, and it's obviously not a 300 lb BP, but he's still got incredible strength for his size.
Originally Posted by Seatown2o6

I've always wondered about this, I see fairly thin dudes(thin as in slim, not too frail) they don't look like they would possess a lot of strength or lift much. I'm talking about an average joe like 5'9-5'11 150-160lbs but I see them benching 225lb-240lb like nothing and they go on and squat like 220lb+. I see them and I'm much bigger looking than them but cant even do the same.

Is it the fast twitch muscles?
Maybe they dont want to be that big. I love being light. I used to be 130, and I used to say that I wouldnt mind gaining some weight, but now Igot to around 140, and I hate it. I used to think that weight was just a number, but I hate the higher weight. I personally love the slim look.
If you dont train with as much volume, you will continue to get stronger without gaining much size.
damn that guy is a beast!

yeah i just started not too long ago. I'm still young and I use to think that when you lift weights you automatically gain muscle mass.

I'm at 196ish but I would like a solid build like a linebacker. Next year when I start driving I can stay longer after school to work out.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by I3

Can someone post up a good video of correct deadlift form?

I feel my form is slowly slipping..
I got you.� This is the BEST video by far on how to perform deadlift correctly.� Watch the whole video, this dude knows what he is talking about.

Durden7, can you post this on the front page?� Very good and informational video.� Thanks.

Before I watched that I was ready to just critique the hell out of it, but dude was right.� He was pretty long winded, but correct.

He kept saying "scapuli" which really bothered me.� That was annoying.

that frank yang dude is hella annoying

has some good lifts though. it's always hard to compare lifts with short or tall people due to different ROM but for his weight those are some nice #s
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

that frank yang dude is hella annoying

has some good lifts though. it's always hard to compare lifts with short or tall people due to different ROM but for his weight those are some nice #s
Dude's lifts are
I remember that guy, he was posted in the middle of the first thread....

One of the first replies to it:

"who is this pompous douche-bag?"

Good info here.

I think ive leaned out around 145 now, i'll prob have another 3-4 weeks eating heaps to get around 150 and lean out again
OMG go back to that vid. 4:22-4:27

Dude is mad strong but he's gonna kill himself one day. Def. gonna hurt his back squatting like that
Oh yeah and thanks for that Deadlift video, I watched it awhile ago and couldnt find it.

From now on I think i'll starting squatting and deadlifting barefooted.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by nkwu11

Originally Posted by chino905

I'm currently taking martial arts. Whats the best way to make my hook kicks/side kicks stronger? Since its all in the core and legs, what workouts are best to work those out besides crunches and running? i dont have access to a gym btw.

taekwondo? IF you are I might be able to give some advice. Are you looking for pure power? or are you planning to spar.

Regardless, stretch and having the range of motion for your hips is extremely important. I have an injury and it's messed all my right leg kicks up.

I'm actually doing Jeet Kune Do right now, but any advice you would like to give me would be great. Yes I am looking for more power in my kicks and I do plan do spar but i have to wait a few more weeks before I'm allowed to since i just stared a month ago. Yea, I've been more flexible now than i've been my entire life.
i can finally touch my toes when i stretch now
i'm glad you went thru with the JKD! how's it going so far?
mann JKD is awesome. I feel stronger mentally as well as physically, and it has really changed my lifestyle (what i eat and drink, etc). I thinkimma stick with this for a longg time.
Has anyone here done Tabata training?

Seems kinda interesting.

What about kettle bells?

I've been doing mainly cardio for a while now but still feel like a noob to everything.
i have no firsthand experience with either but both seem to be effective ways of exercising.

obviously depends on your goals, but if overall fitness is your goal (over, say, muscle-building or cardiovascular endurance) then definitely try those out.
Tabata is pretty cool.

20 secs on 10 secs off, repeat 8x.

Ive done it with burpees and dumbell squat presses. I tried doing running, but it kills you. Great for burning calories btw.
I've sort of decided to do hamstrings together with back... so I do deadlifts and good mornings on back day.

Then I have a regular leg day with squats, lunges, "sex" machine and some calf raises.

This should work out fine right? I mean so far I'm really liking it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i have no firsthand experience with either but both seem to be effective ways of exercising.

obviously depends on your goals, but if overall fitness is your goal (over, say, muscle-building or cardiovascular endurance) then definitely try those out.
Tabata is pretty cool.

20 secs on 10 secs off, repeat 8x.

Ive done it with burpees and dumbell squat presses. I tried doing running, but it kills you. Great for burning calories btw.
Thanks to both.

Think I should just start out with just body squats since I'm new to it?
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