Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

this is a dude i went to HS with... needless to say he was always a solid built dude, but now its just wild..




nothing informative to add, this guys just a beast.
I've been stuck in the 160ish mark for the longest and that's maintaning my regular food intake(one meal every 3hrs), any less then I will dip as lowas 157(and thats with 1 meal a day), Whats the best method of gaining calories for mass but without the excessive fat intake? My fat % is 11% but I would liketo be 6-8% and weight 170lbs.
picknroll24 wrote:
^do you lift weights? how many times a day do you eat?
basically consume more calories than your maintenance and lift heavy weights, just don't expect to gain those 10 lbs overnight

on another note, weighted calf raises are working for me, but I'm gonna try to incorporate jump roping after seeing that picture

For real man, just eat more. I was 5'6'' 138 out of HS. Now I'm 165. I would recommend eating the right things, but for me I just ateeverything is sight, lots of meat. I lifted like crazy too. Use this calculator and other advice this guys is saying.
If anyone is looking for some good protein MAX MUSCLE sells this protein called HIGH FIVE in three different flavors. I personally take this after my workoutseveryday. I used Lot's of proteins before but this one by far has been the most productive. My bench press max went from 225 to 275 in 3 month's.
Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

I'm 5'6, 130lbs. I eat a lot but I just don't gain weight (which isn't a bad thing) *fast metabolism*...., but I wanna be around the 140 mark. So how do I accomplish this?
Exact same stats as you. I also have a really fast metabolism which had me looking malnourished
I know most people say to try and get your calories and protein from wholefoods but with me, that simply wouldn't work if I wanted to gain weight. Weight gain shakes will probably be your best bet. Try to get as many calories asyou can from whole foods but supplement that with shakes, and lots of resistance training. I went from 125 to about 145, eating between 3500 to 4000 calories aday. Took me pretty much the whole summer (about 3 months) doing heavy lifting almost everyday. I used ON Serious Mass. 1 scoop with two cups of whole milk isabout 1000 calories, and you can throw other things (fruits, oat, peanut butter etc.) to help reach your caloric goal. I also used to keep those big jars ofpeanuts by my bed just to snack on in between meals (healthy fats and protein). I also see alot of people bash protein bars but they helped alot in betweenclasses when eating a meal just wasn't feasible. Hope this helps. I'm no expert but the regimen worked for me...I'm sure others on here can addsome info too.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

sneakerfan93 wrote:
I'm 5'6, 130lbs. I eat a lot but I just don't gain weight (which isn't a bad thing) *fast metabolism*...., but I wanna be around the 140 mark. So how do I accomplish this?
Exact same stats as you. I also have a really fast metabolism which had me looking malnourished
I know most people say to try and get your calories and protein from whole foods but with me, that simply wouldn't work if I wanted to gain weight. Weight gain shakes will probably be your best bet. Try to get as many calories as you can from whole foods but supplement that with shakes, and lots of resistance training. I went from 125 to about 145, eating between 3500 to 4000 calories a day. Took me pretty much the whole summer (about 3 months) doing heavy lifting almost everyday. I used ON Serious Mass. 1 scoop with two cups of whole milk is about 1000 calories, and you can throw other things (fruits, oat, peanut butter etc.) to help reach your caloric goal. I also used to keep those big jars of peanuts by my bed just to snack on in between meals (healthy fats and protein). I also see alot of people bash protein bars but they helped alot in between classes when eating a meal just wasn't feasible. Hope this helps. I'm no expert but the regimen worked for me...I'm sure others on here can add some info too.

Supplements did help me a lot as well (to get from 138 to 165). I took: protein, creatine, and L-arginine. A weight gainer can help if you are having troublewith getting your calories up. I suggest making your own shake with fruits and oats, then dumping in some weight gainer protein.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

quick question: Are vitamin shoppes in general cheaper than GNC? Theres GNC's everywhere, but the nearest VS is 20 miles away.

In my area (Los Angeles) yes, much more cheaper. At GNC my 2.3 lb pro complex was $52 or so, at VS it was $32 without a membership.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

^ Jump roping?

Weighted calf raises never did anything for me, but after a day of jumproping, my legs are sore for a week.

Calves can handle crazy amounts of negatives, so when you do your calf raises, raise the weight with both calves, but slowly bring it down on one.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

^ Jump roping?

Weighted calf raises never did anything for me, but after a day of jumproping, my legs are sore for a week.

Calves can handle crazy amounts of negatives, so when you do your calf raises, raise the weight with both calves, but slowly bring it down on one.
The aftermath though
, my legs are still recovering fromTuesday. Walking around campus with my calves all super tight. Looking like I have a %@#% shoved up my $+# while taking these short $+# steps
. The soreness is appreciated to a degree but DAMN
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

picknroll24 wrote:
^do you lift weights? how many times a day do you eat?
basically consume more calories than your maintenance and lift heavy weights, just don't expect to gain those 10 lbs overnight

on another note, weighted calf raises are working for me, but I'm gonna try to incorporate jump roping after seeing that picture

For real man, just eat more. I was 5'6'' 138 out of HS. Now I'm 165. I would recommend eating the right things, but for me I just ate everything is sight, lots of meat. I lifted like crazy too. Use this calculator and other advice this guys is saying.

I'm Vietnamese and mostly eat viet food that my mom cooks on the daily. And she makes a lot of meat: chicken, pork, beef. I eat lunch atschool, which is nothing. But when I get home, I eat a bowl of cereal and milk and for dinner I eat the food my mom makes.

Guys, I'm not trying to be fat lol. Just want to gain weight and muscle. So I guess I should start lifting weights (but wouldn't it make you shortthough?)
And does jump-roping help you grow taller?
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

do you work out when sore? I was going to workout my shoulders but my triceps and chest are sore.
id try to hit legs or back unless the soreness was minimal......although it definitely goes away somewhat wen you're warmed up.

if you really want to do shoulders, try a light set of military press to see how your it feels.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

do you work out when sore? I was going to workout my shoulders but my triceps and chest are sore.
id try to hit legs or back unless the soreness was minimal......although it definitely goes away somewhat wen you're warmed up.

if you really want to do shoulders, try a light set of military press to see how your it feels.

thanks man, did you get that intrabolic from gnc yet?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

do you work out when sore? I was going to workout my shoulders but my triceps and chest are sore.
id try to hit legs or back unless the soreness was minimal......although it definitely goes away somewhat wen you're warmed up.

if you really want to do shoulders, try a light set of military press to see how your it feels.
What is the difference between a military press and a shoulder press?
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

do you work out when sore? I was going to workout my shoulders but my triceps and chest are sore.
id try to hit legs or back unless the soreness was minimal......although it definitely goes away somewhat wen you're warmed up.

if you really want to do shoulders, try a light set of military press to see how your it feels.
What is the difference between a military press and a shoulder press?
Well military press implies the use of a barbell. Shoulder presses typically mean dumbbells.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

do you work out when sore? I was going to workout my shoulders but my triceps and chest are sore.
id try to hit legs or back unless the soreness was minimal......although it definitely goes away somewhat wen you're warmed up.

if you really want to do shoulders, try a light set of military press to see how your it feels.
What is the difference between a military press and a shoulder press?
Well military press implies the use of a barbell. Shoulder presses typically mean dumbbells.
This is what I use for shoulder presses:


At the same site, if using barbell, this is a shoulder press:


This is "military press":


Looks almost exactly the same, which leads to my initial question. I barely see the difference
If you use dumbells for shoulder presses then they should line up with your head in a vertical plane, but with the barbell military press your pushing theweight up in front of your face.
All I know that for the overhead press I would think/use dumbells. For military press' although idk if it's ever been implied but since in all themagazines i've read since h.s. i've seen them using the barbell.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

I've been stuck in the 160ish mark for the longest and that's maintaning my regular food intake(one meal every 3hrs), any less then I will dip as low as 157(and thats with 1 meal a day), Whats the best method of gaining calories for mass but without the excessive fat intake? My fat % is 11% but I would like to be 6-8% and weight 170lbs.
u need to eat more than maintenance. remember dietary fat does not equal body fat. if you have enough stimulus (resistance training) with acaloric surplus, your lean mass will increase. try to eat more nutrient dense foods... preferably minimally or non-processed, or organic veggies, fruits,nuts, meats, and grains.

Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

picknroll24 wrote:
^do you lift weights? how many times a day do you eat?
basically consume more calories than your maintenance and lift heavy weights, just don't expect to gain those 10 lbs overnight

on another note, weighted calf raises are working for me, but I'm gonna try to incorporate jump roping after seeing that picture
For real man, just eat more. I was 5'6'' 138 out of HS. Now I'm 165. I would recommend eating the right things, but for me I just ate everything is sight, lots of meat. I lifted like crazy too. Use this calculator and other advice this guys is saying.
I'm Vietnamese and mostly eat viet food that my mom cooks on the daily. And she makes a lot of meat: chicken, pork, beef. I eat lunch at school, which is nothing. But when I get home, I eat a bowl of cereal and milk and for dinner I eat the food my mom makes.

Guys, I'm not trying to be fat lol. Just want to gain weight and muscle. So I guess I should start lifting weights (but wouldn't it make you short though?)
And does jump-roping help you grow taller?

slow down homie. eating more won't make you fat if you do it right. lighting weights won't make you short, and jumping rope won'tmake you taller. you need some kind of resistance training to increase your muscle mass. if you don't eat enough though, you'll end up cut, but at alower weight than you are now.
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