Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

After reading about it for so long, I decided I'm gonna pick up some white flood with my protein tonight. Heading out to Vitamin Shoppe and copping thelemonade, powder form. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

After reading about it for so long, I decided I'm gonna pick up some white flood with my protein tonight. Heading out to Vitamin Shoppe and copping the lemonade, powder form. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I'm trying that out after my jack3d cycle is done. Let us know!
A shoulder press is when the lifter is sitting down. A military press is standing. Theres a significant difference between the two actually.
I want to give jack3d a go haha, I sort of want to feel the crazy energy it supposedly delivers. Would it work good before a game of ball?
^ I don't think so... But you should wait.

Don't fully rely on supplements for results. I mean they do have benefits.

But see what you can do with what you have right now. Good diet, a good regimen and plenty of sleep is all you need.

THEN, when you feel you need that "extra" a couple months down the line, go for it.
Alright, so I went to my nearest vitamin shoppe 26 miles away. I was looking to get ON whey again, but this time opted for dymatix elite (on the recommendationof the worker there). He seemed pretty knowledgeable so I went on with that recommendation. Looking at the stats, the Dymatix is pretty good. Less cholesterolthan ON, also no Sat. fat. It has about 21 g of protein per scoop, less than the ON. I also bought white flood electric lemonade.

I get home, eat a steak, wait and then take my white flood right, right before I head to the gym. Off the bat, i mixed in 1 scoop (said use 1/2 scoop to testtolerance, but I said #%%+ it). It tasted terrible. Like bitter lemonade.

Then it was out the door I go. Right before making it to the gym, the music in my car seemed to get louder, I was more focused on everything I was doing. Wentinside...had arguably one of the best pumps I've ever gotten going. Today I hit 90 on the dumbbell press, but that was after 10 full reps of what was mymax before (85), and a warmup of 70lb-ers. After that, I was doing everything I normally do but it was like I was on speed. I managed to do every exercise,even the last ones (7-8th exercise) with the weight I normally do AND 30 secs rest.

Says you need 1-2 gallons of water per-day. I thought that was a bit much but everytime I hit the fountain, I had to pry myself off. It was like water nevertasted so good in my life...I was gulping that +%+% for about 10 secs straight each time.

Verdict: I'd recommend white flood, granted you follow the directions.
Sounds interesting. I'll definitely give it a try sometime down the line, just not yet. How many exercises did you do today? I usually do around 4-6.
I @*%%%+ up my abs being a waiter lol. I used to hold the tray with my left so I could serve with my right, and now my left side is way more defined than myright lol.
^Tennis did the same to me, bro. My right side used to be a lot more cut-up than my was really noticeable. Now its not as bad since I'vestopped...but for some reason my left side is still fatter.
Today I begin...I'm heading to the track in a little while, then I'll come home and read through this thread

Hope I can make it a daily thing !
Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

picknroll24 wrote:
^do you lift weights? how many times a day do you eat?
basically consume more calories than your maintenance and lift heavy weights, just don't expect to gain those 10 lbs overnight

on another note, weighted calf raises are working for me, but I'm gonna try to incorporate jump roping after seeing that picture

For real man, just eat more. I was 5'6'' 138 out of HS. Now I'm 165. I would recommend eating the right things, but for me I just ate everything is sight, lots of meat. I lifted like crazy too. Use this calculator and other advice this guys is saying.
I'm Vietnamese and mostly eat viet food that my mom cooks on the daily. And she makes a lot of meat: chicken, pork, beef. I eat lunch at school, which is nothing. But when I get home, I eat a bowl of cereal and milk and for dinner I eat the food my mom makes.

Guys, I'm not trying to be fat lol. Just want to gain weight and muscle. So I guess I should start lifting weights (but wouldn't it make you short though?)
And does jump-roping help you grow taller?

So are you saying that or assuming I'm FAT!!!? lol just playin. I have never eaten traditional viet food, but from what I know its not thebest for gaining muscle mass. I feel like you need more protein. Use the calculator to see if youre getting enough. Also why in the eff are you asking aboutgaining wait and not lifting? This is a must if you dont want to get fat but want to gain weight. it sounds like your an ectomorph with a high metabolism sodont worry to much about your fat; just do some cardio and adjust your macros if you feel youre getting too fat. Although to be honest I felt like that too,but when i'm bulking (170 10-12% bf) I feel good cause my strength is so high, even though my fat % is high. What do you eat for breakfast? Try to eat 5x aday and things that fit your nutritional needs. Cereal and milk for after school snack is ok, but a chicken breast with sweet potato would be better, you see?

Edit- lol about the height thing.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

picknroll24 wrote:
^do you lift weights? how many times a day do you eat?
basically consume more calories than your maintenance and lift heavy weights, just don't expect to gain those 10 lbs overnight

on another note, weighted calf raises are working for me, but I'm gonna try to incorporate jump roping after seeing that picture

For real man, just eat more. I was 5'6'' 138 out of HS. Now I'm 165. I would recommend eating the right things, but for me I just ate everything is sight, lots of meat. I lifted like crazy too. Use this calculator and other advice this guys is saying.
I'm Vietnamese and mostly eat viet food that my mom cooks on the daily. And she makes a lot of meat: chicken, pork, beef. I eat lunch at school, which is nothing. But when I get home, I eat a bowl of cereal and milk and for dinner I eat the food my mom makes.

Guys, I'm not trying to be fat lol. Just want to gain weight and muscle. So I guess I should start lifting weights (but wouldn't it make you short though?)
And does jump-roping help you grow taller?
So are you saying that or assuming I'm FAT!!!? lol just playin. I have never eaten traditional viet food, but from what I know its not the best for gaining muscle mass. I feel like you need more protein. Use the calculator to see if youre getting enough. Also why in the eff are you asking about gaining wait and not lifting? This is a must if you dont want to get fat but want to gain weight. it sounds like your an ectomorph with a high metabolism so dont worry to much about your fat; just do some cardio and adjust your macros if you feel youre getting too fat. Although to be honest I felt like that too, but when i'm bulking (170 10-12% bf) I feel good cause my strength is so high, even though my fat % is high. What do you eat for breakfast? Try to eat 5x a day and things that fit your nutritional needs. Cereal and milk for after school snack is ok, but a chicken breast with sweet potato would be better, you see?

Edit- lol about the height thing.

Oh naw fam
..I'm not assuming you're fat. Thatreply was for the people who said I should drink shakes and eat fattening food all day. I asked about the wightlifting thing because I heard you stop growingif you lift too much
. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast, so I guessthat's a really bad thing
Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

picknroll24 wrote:
^do you lift weights? how many times a day do you eat?
basically consume more calories than your maintenance and lift heavy weights, just don't expect to gain those 10 lbs overnight

on another note, weighted calf raises are working for me, but I'm gonna try to incorporate jump roping after seeing that picture

For real man, just eat more. I was 5'6'' 138 out of HS. Now I'm 165. I would recommend eating the right things, but for me I just ate everything is sight, lots of meat. I lifted like crazy too. Use this calculator and other advice this guys is saying.
I'm Vietnamese and mostly eat viet food that my mom cooks on the daily. And she makes a lot of meat: chicken, pork, beef. I eat lunch at school, which is nothing. But when I get home, I eat a bowl of cereal and milk and for dinner I eat the food my mom makes.

Guys, I'm not trying to be fat lol. Just want to gain weight and muscle. So I guess I should start lifting weights (but wouldn't it make you short though?)
And does jump-roping help you grow taller?
So are you saying that or assuming I'm FAT!!!? lol just playin. I have never eaten traditional viet food, but from what I know its not the best for gaining muscle mass. I feel like you need more protein. Use the calculator to see if youre getting enough. Also why in the eff are you asking about gaining wait and not lifting? This is a must if you dont want to get fat but want to gain weight. it sounds like your an ectomorph with a high metabolism so dont worry to much about your fat; just do some cardio and adjust your macros if you feel youre getting too fat. Although to be honest I felt like that too, but when i'm bulking (170 10-12% bf) I feel good cause my strength is so high, even though my fat % is high. What do you eat for breakfast? Try to eat 5x a day and things that fit your nutritional needs. Cereal and milk for after school snack is ok, but a chicken breast with sweet potato would be better, you see?

Edit- lol about the height thing.
Oh naw fam
..I'm not assuming you're fat. That reply was for the people who said I should drink shakes and eat fattening food all day. I asked about the wightlifting thing because I heard you stop growing if you lift too much
. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast, so I guess that's a really bad thing

You certainly wont get shorter because you lift. If youre over the age of like 13 then youre fine.
Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau
Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for theirgoals.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.

I agree with you there. Not against it, but I would like to do as much as I can possible without supplements (aside from Whey etc..)

Keep at it fellas!
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.
Not if you take it right, I started using it and it doesn't make me look inflated it just gives me extra strength and endurance in my workoutsthats it basically.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.
Not if you take it right, I started using it and it doesn't make me look inflated it just gives me extra strength and endurance in my workouts thats it basically.
It does. If it isnt providing some water retention youre either taking a horrible supplement or not taking it properly.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.
Not if you take it right, I started using it and it doesn't make me look inflated it just gives me extra strength and endurance in my workouts thats it basically.
It does. If it isnt providing some water retention youre either taking a horrible supplement or not taking it properly.

It retain some water weight yes, but it does not make you look inflated or bloated like older creatine and Im taking Kre Alkaline.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.
Not if you take it right, I started using it and it doesn't make me look inflated it just gives me extra strength and endurance in my workouts thats it basically.
It does. If it isnt providing some water retention youre either taking a horrible supplement or not taking it properly.

How you gonna tell this dude if his body looked inflated or not?
Honestly when I used creatine, I could feel a slight difference in endurance, as I was able to squeeze a few more reps than usual but I didn't really see amarked difference in my physique from the creatine. Some people just don't really respond to it at all
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.
Not if you take it right, I started using it and it doesn't make me look inflated it just gives me extra strength and endurance in my workouts thats it basically.
It does. If it isnt providing some water retention youre either taking a horrible supplement or not taking it properly.

How you gonna tell this dude if his body looked inflated or not?
Honestly when I used creatine, I could feel a slight difference in endurance, as I was able to squeeze a few more reps than usual but I didn't really see a marked difference in my physique from the creatine. Some people just don't really respond to it at all

Where did I say anything about him looking inflated?

It's basic scientific principles.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

Creatine retains water which makes you look inflated correct? IMO i won't touch it till later maybe during a plateau

Basically. I don't like using supplements. I'd rather work my way up with whole food, but I won't knock someone that uses the right ones for their goals.
Not if you take it right, I started using it and it doesn't make me look inflated it just gives me extra strength and endurance in my workouts thats it basically.
It does. If it isnt providing some water retention youre either taking a horrible supplement or not taking it properly.

How you gonna tell this dude if his body looked inflated or not?
Honestly when I used creatine, I could feel a slight difference in endurance, as I was able to squeeze a few more reps than usual but I didn't really see a marked difference in my physique from the creatine. Some people just don't really respond to it at all

Where did I say anything about him looking inflated?

It's basic scientific principles.

He said it doesn't make him look inflated, you said it does. I'm not gonna argue though, it has different results from person to person. Obviously itprovides water retention, but the extent to which it does so differs based on the persons physiology. I had friends who did a complete loading phase and saw nodifference at all. I saw a small difference, while some others claim to have seen a big increase in size due to water retention. To just say "itdoes" isn't completely true. That's all.
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