Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

ended up starting my low carb diet today, almost done with day one

gonna have some sugar free jello as dessert
made a 300 on my pt test this weekend.

87 pushups (2 mins) most i ever did was like 90
81 situps (2 mins)
12:40 2 mile.

5'6 -- 145
Whats a good ab routine?... As a youngin' I naturally had a nice physique because I played sports all year round, now that im older and less active...I can slowly but surely see that my core region is loosening up. I still hoop for about 3-4 hours a day to stay in shape...I just wanna know what ab exercises I can do to keep my core tight

Anybody have a good ab routine that they're willing to share?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Whats a good ab routine?... As a youngin' I naturally had a nice physique because I played sports all year round, now that im older and less active...I can slowly but surely see that my core region is loosening up. I still hoop for about 3-4 hours a day to stay in shape...I just wanna know what ab exercises I can do to keep my core tight

Anybody have a good ab routine that they're willing to share?
not trying to be a **** but its called eating right/cardio/low bf %. you can do a billion sit ups and you won't see abs if your not doing all those. plus if your worry about your core, do lower back workout as well.
Originally Posted by Club 27

100+ pullups....

along with "sprinting" on at 5mph on the treadmill.....

for 35 minutes....


id like to see what your idea of an actual pullup is.

I'm saying but I will move on... no point in discussing this.
Originally Posted by RJSims

My routine.

Sun. Chest/biceps
Mon. Shoulders/triceps
Tues. Legs
Wed. Chest/biceps
Thur. Shoulders/triceps

Fri.& Sat. OFF days
35 min cardio/ 300 pushups/75 close grip 75 wide grip pullups/125 sit-ups

Pullups and cardio are on days I go to the gym but pushups and Situps are everyday.

And I've been taking M-stak for two days and it has me sick as a dog for real..
sorry, gotta repost it just for the lulzzzzzzzzzzzz....trolololololololololol

good luck on your johnny bravo goal of 2011.
Originally Posted by pointgod24

P90x or Insanity? Looking to gain more muscle. Haven't worked out in about a year. Suggestions???

the gym.
if it has to be one of those, p90x.  insanity is basically all cardio.
Originally Posted by pointgod24

P90x or Insanity? Looking to gain more muscle. Haven't worked out in about a year. Suggestions???

P90X if its between the two. But why not get on a lifting program and then incorporate cardio on off days? You could lift Mon/Wed/Fri and do cardio Tues/Sat which would leave you freshest on Monday and pretty fresh on Friday too. If you dont have a problem squatting heavy after a day of cardio, you could even add more on Thursday or Sunday, but it doesnt sound like thats what you really want.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

The treadmill is for pansies. 
You say that... but I doubt youre logging serious miles consistently. If you are, I suggest you spend at least some time on a treadmill.

I hate it. It's boring. It's pointless. I ain't built for it. I'm pretty fast but I want to die if I run more than a mile. 
Originally Posted by Xavier

made a 300 on my pt test this weekend.

87 pushups (2 mins) most i ever did was like 90
81 situps (2 mins)
12:40 2 mile.

5'6 -- 145

Does your pushup count stop as soon as you stop? Or can you take a short break and keep going as long as it's under 2 minutes? I can do 70 pretty quickly but after that I need a short break to keep going
Just wanted something I could do at home. Just had a baby and I don't know how long I could get away from from home. That breakdown sounds good though. Just wouldn't know what to do hahha
Originally Posted by pointgod24

Just wanted something I could do at home. Just had a baby and I don't know how long I could get away from from home. That breakdown sounds good though. Just wouldn't know what to do hahha
Are you new to this or have you lifted before? Id say check out all-pros workout on BB if you're completely new. READ a lot, like Starting Strength and what others might recommend, and try to understand the reasoning behind setting up a workout like all-pros as you go on, instead of just blindly following it.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by pointgod24

Just wanted something I could do at home. Just had a baby and I don't know how long I could get away from from home. That breakdown sounds good though. Just wouldn't know what to do hahha
Are you new to this or have you lifted before? Id say check out all-pros workout on BB if you're completely new. READ a lot, like Starting Strength and what others might recommend, and try to understand the reasoning behind setting up a workout like all-pros as you go on, instead of just blindly following it. is your best friend, as is this thread.
it has plenty of information for beginners, from workout programs to just basic info about certain things you want/need to know

if anything, you can PM me and i can answer any question you have, can make an example routine, just LMK fam

gym >> any infomercial workout 
My eating is inconsistent, I get lazy. I know I need to eat like 3x of these meals a day and some small snacks in between.. Going to get on that ON Serious Mass as well.. on top of this. Im starting to think gaining a bit of fat is okay lol

Is this an okay chest routine? Im doing the 5x5 classic (which im slowly getting sick off, I just cant fathom 4-day split programme.)
BB Bench 5x5
Incline Bench (BB/DB) 3x8
Flies or Dips 3x8 / 3x Fail

Had this bad boy for my PWO.. 500g T-Bone and 1x Sweet Potato, I need more veggies I know. Was a *+$%! to down:
^ Did you bake the sweet potatoes and then cut them into wedges after?

that presentation is nice, im not gonna lie

Nah man, I peeled them first, cut them into smaller pieces and then just boiled em til soft. Cook extra and bring it for lunch the next day!
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Xavier

made a 300 on my pt test this weekend.

87 pushups (2 mins) most i ever did was like 90
81 situps (2 mins)
12:40 2 mile.

5'6 -- 145

Does your pushup count stop as soon as you stop? Or can you take a short break and keep going as long as it's under 2 minutes? I can do 70 pretty quickly but after that I need a short break to keep going
yea you have to go to the rest position......
To i3 if you're getting sick of your routine and don't want a 4 day split try the boss Hogg workout. I've been doing it for about 8 weeks and it's by far best routine I've ever done.
hope this isnt a dumb question 
what do you guys think about a serving of skim milk every day? yay or nah? im trying to build muscle and lose fat if that matters 
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