Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

im hoping i can get some help, instead of searching through this entire thread..

i recently "obtained" all p90x workout vids and im wondering how i do the routines.. do i just do a new one every couple days? and abs almost everyday? or do i do a few videos for a while then switch?

Man I tried doing some interval running on the treadmill.. I get mad shin splints, maybe its the shoes im wearing.

Is there a big difference between HIIT and say 20-30mins of cardio? Im getting lazy and wouldn't mind a steady 20-30min jog on the treadmill or around theblock 2-3x a week

hey team, ive been busy/stressed anyways......

tomorrow lunch

all natural thin sliced chicken breast cutlet on jewish rye bread with organic spring mix leaves with reduced fat swiss cheese

organic pinto beans

organic blue corn tortilla chips

ive been trainin good, gettin ripped up and vascular again. going to the gym 2 times a day some days in the week.

diet right now is 3 meals a day start off day big with 5 grain rolled whole grain hot cereal plus flaxseed 6-8 egg whites or 6 egg whites with 2 brownvegetarian fed eggs

i have some eziekiel english muffins also to switch it up, im on a strict diet right now eating real clean

karbolyn ( counts as my carb intake, GREAT product will be a long time buyer, is $ but many servings), isolate, vpx powershock ( i like this also, first timeusing it), kre alk, casein

isolate is unflavored and casein natural too.
Went to the doctor''s earlier today, or yesterday technically; I was 215 in July. (I'm 5'9'' and three quarters tall)

Weighed in today at 191, I'm new at this fitness thing so its a start. This was done by replacing second plates of food with apples and bananas, going toeating junk way less, and eliminating soda (unless I was at a gathering and thats what was being served).

No exersise whatsoever was done during this period of weight loss (unless stretching before bed counts, which probably doesn't).

I just need someone to point me in the right direction of workouts that make my muscles more defined (like the abs,you know.. for the birds) and a little bitleaner, I could care less about being BUFF.. I'll check this thread tomorrow to read your suggestions.
Thanks in advance....
yeah that actually looks pretty good

i'm interested in karbolyn.....i was looking at vitargo but it's hella expensive. the karbolyn looks way more reasonable.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Info on tupperware?

Never seen anything like that. I think if I was packin' lunch in something like that I would be more inclined to bring my own lunch and I could get myportions right.
it's 5:35 AM and about 13 degrees here in Eugene...
And it's finals week yet I'm up for a 6AM workout...
oh my chest will be hurting today haha but I'm ready
quite possibly hitting back later today to
Pending on how much studying I get done and plans for the night
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Info on tupperware?

Never seen anything like that. I think if I was packin' lunch in something like that I would be more inclined to bring my own lunch and I could get my portions right.

Looks good Audi, one thing I just want to mention is that I do the same thing Audi does with bringing food in a plastic tray. But to be on the safe side Iurge people to make sure their trays are Food-Grade and don't contain BPA which is harmful and can be leeched into foods. BPA gets into foods when youplace the food in the tray when its very hot which melts some of the plastic and it could end up in your food, so you gotta be careful with theIlluminati's clever tricks to kill us when we're trying to get healthy
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Info on tupperware?

Never seen anything like that. I think if I was packin' lunch in something like that I would be more inclined to bring my own lunch and I could get my portions right.

Looks good Audi, one thing I just want to mention is that I do the same thing Audi does with bringing food in a plastic tray. But to be on the safe side I urge people to make sure their trays are Food-Grade and don't contain BPA which is harmful and can be leeched into foods. BPA gets into foods when you place the food in the tray when its very hot which melts some of the plastic and it could end up in your food, so you gotta be careful with the Illuminati's clever tricks to kill us when we're trying to get healthy
How would I be able to tell which contain BPA and which don't? I want to be especially careful after reading this article:

Cancer From theKitchen?
Any advice on keeping strength up while cutting? Its about that time in a month or two and every year my strength drops drastically. Ex last fall I went fromfinishing my dumbbell press sets with 120lbs to struggling with 90lbs towards the middle of the summer. Any advice is appreciated.
Originally Posted by kngpin88

Any advice on keeping strength up while cutting? Its about that time in a month or two and every year my strength drops drastically. Ex last fall I went from finishing my dumbbell press sets with 120lbs to struggling with 90lbs towards the middle of the summer. Any advice is appreciated.

yeah same here, I found that pre workout supps like white flood and jacked help give you extra energy on cuts.
Yea thats whats I was thinking, im taking dark rage right now for the next 6 weeks while trying to put on as much mass as possible during the winter but I dontknow if I want something as intense during a cut, white flood had zero effect last time I tried. Ill look into jacked though, thanks.
Originally Posted by knightngale

I thought ai audi was white

nah im a light skin black dude think chris brown, will smith etc

Grim good info ive done that with water bottles too. i also use toms of maine toothpaste and deodorant
Originally Posted by kngpin88

Any advice on keeping strength up while cutting? Its about that time in a month or two and every year my strength drops drastically. Ex last fall I went from finishing my dumbbell press sets with 120lbs to struggling with 90lbs towards the middle of the summer. Any advice is appreciated.

Cut carbs instead of protein or fat. I've got a couple more effective untraditional ideas. Doubt you wanna hear 'em though.
my workout shoes are fivefingers kso's
. great for lifting, greatfor running too (even though i'm very flat footed). be prepared to answer questions if you rock them anywhere outside your house though

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by knightngale

I thought ai audi was white

nah im a light skin black dude think chris brown, will smith etc

Grim good info ive done that with water bottles too. i also use toms of maine toothpaste and deodorant
Word me too. Tom's makes some good stuff. Apricot deodorant FTW.

For the tray's if it doesn't say BPA-free then you would know...some trays say food grade in a small symbol on the bottom but I don't really knowwhat that exactly means but i'll get some info and post back what I find.
ive been going back to the gym the past 2 weeks..feels good man
pimp.gif gonna rejoin my MMA gym too

i ran out of ON whey and i think its time to change up my protein because ive been using this for almost a year so i think im going to get some BSN Syntha 6and some All The Whey Whey Isolate..opinions? ive never had an isolate before so im not really sure what the difference is

im going to post my routine in a few because i feel like im not getting enough volume and theres not enough exercises
I started my work out yesterday. Going to try and just eat simple foods as appose to junk food. I tend to eat cereal b4 i sleep, its really hard to cut backsince its been a habit since i was born I'm sure.

Started yesterday with:

P90X Abs and Chest
Punching bag for maybe 20 mins. Started easy as I am soooo sore now.

Todays workout in 45 mins.

P90X Cardio
P90X Abs
Punching bag

Are Chewy Gronola Bars a good snack?

Also any hints or tips for my starting work out? pills? tactics? whey?

MY GOAL: Get Cut Get Lean!
Can somebody school me on doing HIIT on the elliptical?

I've been doing HIIT on the treadmill for awhile now, even though it is effective, I am getting bored and would like to change it up.

Should I use the elliptical with the handlebars while doing HIIT, or just do the one w/o them? Is it as effective as the treadmill? Do you use resistance?

Running is what has worked the best for many people. Personally, i use the elliptical with handlebars, they are only beneficial if you ask me. Handlebars allowyou to work on another body part as your using the elliptical. I usually do manual, then i control my resistance, and increase every few minutes, and then wheni feel i can no longer use the machine at such a resistance, i turn it down a bit, and do it for another few minutes and go down until im back at 1.

thats alot of sloppy typing by me lol sorry
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by kngpin88

Any advice on keeping strength up while cutting? Its about that time in a month or two and every year my strength drops drastically. Ex last fall I went from finishing my dumbbell press sets with 120lbs to struggling with 90lbs towards the middle of the summer. Any advice is appreciated.

Cut carbs instead of protein or fat. I've got a couple more effective untraditional ideas. Doubt you wanna hear 'em though.
Of course you cut carbs on a cut, but he asked for tips to keep strength up. Kngpn88 yeah I liked white flood but Jack3d is nice as well. Also tryintrabolic, its a intra supplement that helps you recover between sets but its more useful on a cut where you cant intake the amount of carbs you should whentrying to gain lean muscle.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by kngpin88

Any advice on keeping strength up while cutting? Its about that time in a month or two and every year my strength drops drastically. Ex last fall I went from finishing my dumbbell press sets with 120lbs to struggling with 90lbs towards the middle of the summer. Any advice is appreciated.

Cut carbs instead of protein or fat. I've got a couple more effective untraditional ideas. Doubt you wanna hear 'em though.
Of course you cut carbs on a cut, but he asked for tips to keep strength up. Kngpn88 yeah I liked white flood but Jack3d is nice as well. Also try intrabolic, its a intra supplement that helps you recover between sets but its more useful on a cut where you cant intake the amount of carbs you should when trying to gain lean muscle.
You can go high fat instead of high carb. You can fast. You can undereat during the day and overeat at night. So many ways to keep strength. Justtake a pick
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