Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JRThumper85

I got to do some p90X abs and chest tonight.

Question: is it bad or what's the ups/downs for working out late at nite. Ex. 9 tonite.

Also are chewy granolas bars a good snack?
Working out at night is fine I believe. But I think its bad to sleep immediately, or it may prevent you from falling asleep - due to highactivity. Would anyone like to chime in on this?

Whats in the bar? It may have a lot of fructose, sugars etc.. best to avoid that stuff and snack on fruits instead.
Yeah, working out late at night is the sole reason for my nocturnalness. If you plan to have an early day, don't workout after 9 pm.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

i also use toms of maine toothpaste and deodorant
hell yeah good stuff
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by verynecessary

running on concrete and asphalt isn't bad either, despite having no padding, but if you try and run with heelstrike, you'll be hurting.
What do you mean by heelstrike? Could you elaborate? I usually do HIIT on asphalt/concrete with my Free 5.0's and would love to minimize any risk/harm if any. Thanks.

picture on the left is heavy heelstrike. front leg is almost straight, heel is first thing to impact, less shock absorption (imagine jumping and landing withstraight legs), lots of stress on the anterior tibialis. this is how modern running shoes encourage

picture on right shows natural running mechanics. if the person was barefoot, this would still work. forefoot makes contact first, momentum is stored in thecalf muscles. knee is bent for more protection and less shock. instead of the shoe cushioning your heelstrike or controlling pronation, your use your muscletension to cushion each stride. also, more energy is transferred to your next stride.
^ Awesome bro.. thanks. So basically the gist of things is to run on our toes or 'balls' ensuring we make as least (efficient) contact with the surfaceas possible?
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by JRThumper85

I got to do some p90X abs and chest tonight.

Question: is it bad or what's the ups/downs for working out late at nite. Ex. 9 tonite.

Also are chewy granolas bars a good snack?
Working out at night is fine I believe. But I think its bad to sleep immediately, or it may prevent you from falling asleep - due to high activity. Would anyone like to chime in on this?
when your body exerts energy, your pituitary gland / hypothalamus release endorphins... an opiate produced by your body (think morphine-suppresses pain and lifts spirits- runners high)...

and an effect of an opiate... ?

"i can't sleep, i feel wired, like codeine."

idk that makes no sense to since narcotics are a depressant and induce drowsiness but whatever. exercise increases serotonin which affects mood, hunger,sleep and it can keep you alert if done too close to bedtime.

exercise is important to stay both physically and mentally healthy, because it is an outlet for cortisol/adrenaline....that cause stress, but try to vigorouslyexercise earlier in the day.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Al Audi
Info on tupperware?

Never seen anything like that. I think if I was packin' lunch in something like that I would be more inclined to bring my own lunch and I could get my portions right.

Looks good Audi, one thing I just want to mention is that I do the same thing Audi does with bringing food in a plastic tray. But to be on the safe side I urge people to make sure their trays are Food-Grade and don't contain BPA which is harmful and can be leeched into foods. BPA gets into foods when you place the food in the tray when its very hot which melts some of the plastic and it could end up in your food, so you gotta be careful with the Illuminati's clever tricks to kill us when we're trying to get healthy

Honest question:

Do you really think the tupperware is that big of a deal?

I understand the point of using bio-safe watter bottles, tupperware, canisters, etc. but the danger in them is minimal. I just think theres much bigger fish to fry than having the safest water bottle.
I was asking more about the sections. Putting all your food into one big pile gets them soggy and nasty. It probably doesn't make much of a difference, but I work across the street from a Taco Bell and a Burger King, so anything that would help me fight that temptation works.
Yeah I understand you were asking about the actual container and its sections. It is a handy and great tupperware for that. I was actually directing my question to Grimlock.

Well Durden, he really didnt make it sound like its the biggest deal in the world. It its true what he said in terms of the cheap plastic used in some companies plastic containers dissolving so it is worth mentioning sir. hes not dragging you to buy a new one.
I fully understand that hes not dragging me to buy one. That wasnt my point.
I need some motivation. I try going to but man idk it motivates me but i dont visit it everyday. im 300+ gained 70lbs + in about 4 years. My workoutroutine is a mess, ill be doing cardio today, and if you guys dont mind, helping me put together a workout. Im looking to do weight mon and tues, JUST CARDIOwed, Weights thurs fri. What i have done before, was chest mond and thurs, and the other muscle groups tuesday and friday. Idk if any of that makes sense,thanks for any help and input, its appreciated

As for your comment look at it this way, I only take food to college 2 days a week. Would that be a big deal in terms of harmful chemicals being leeched intomy food? Maybe/maybe not. BUT there are maybe some people in here that take food to work/school/pre or post workout 5+ days a week. Sometimes people are in arush and just stuff food thats already hot into their containers. All these little factors can add up in the amount of a harmful chemical that you end upingesting.

I'm not saying my advice is for everyone, but over time these things add up. We spend so much time/effort/money on supplements or whole foods, so I wouldjust figure that the containers you keep these in should work for you instead of working against you.

Bottom line is if you want to keep using regular plastic containers, make sure you don't put your food in there when it's hot. And if people useplastic bottles like a poland spring or dasani bottle for their workouts or in general...throw them out after your done using them and don't reuse them.
Originally Posted by I3

^ Awesome bro.. thanks. So basically the gist of things is to run on our toes or 'balls' ensuring we make as least (efficient) contact with the surface as possible?

i haven't done as much research as i should on this topic, but i am a runner and can tell you from experience that constant pressure on the toes or ballsof the feet contribute to shin splits. i try running lightly midfoot if that makes any sense. i'm still looking for the best technique because sometimes ifeel like i'm adding unwanted stress to my knees.

anyone else here do any long distance running?
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I plan on eating super clean for the next 12 weeks.

I've always been able to get good results while eating whatever I want, but I want to see how much better my results would be with a clean diet.

If I'm happy with what I see, I'm going to keep eating clean. If not, I'll most likely revert back to my old ways (which I really don't want to do, so I hope it pays off).
if you need any more motivation, it helps if you read up a little on nutrition and the effects of bad dietary habits. if you're consistent and you get your optimal levels of nutrients, you should feel a lot better for sure, and that is usually enough to stick with it.

Spoiler [+]
have you seen food inc?

I'm gonna try my best to stick with it.

And nah, I haven't seen it. I didn't really want to either.

But I think I'll go ahead and give it a look...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK


As for your comment look at it this way, I only take food to college 2 days a week. Would that be a big deal in terms of harmful chemicals being leeched into my food? Maybe/maybe not. BUT there are maybe some people in here that take food to work/school/pre or post workout 5+ days a week. Sometimes people are in a rush and just stuff food thats already hot into their containers. All these little factors can add up in the amount of a harmful chemical that you end up ingesting.

I'm not saying my advice is for everyone, but over time these things add up. We spend so much time/effort/money on supplements or whole foods, so I would just figure that the containers you keep these in should work for you instead of working against you.

Bottom line is if you want to keep using regular plastic containers, make sure you don't put your food in there when it's hot. And if people use plastic bottles like a poland spring or dasani bottle for their workouts or in general...throw them out after your done using them and don't reuse them.

I understand everything you wrote and am aware of dangers of it, but do you think its that harmful or likely that itwill cause problems?

Im just trying to see if you, or even anyone else, is that worried about this. To me, it seems as though there are bigger issues to deal with. (Im not tryingto diminish this, just hoping people dont get the wrong impression about these containers.)

If someones trying to live a 100% perfectly healthy life then absolutley this matters, but I know people will put fried chicken in it and justify it by tellingthemselves "It's fine, its in a safe container"). Theres something def. wrong with that.
whats the best meal replacement/protein bar out there???
looking for good amount of protein and low sugar.
i was thinking cliff
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

whats the best meal replacement/protein bar out there???
looking for good amount of protein and low sugar.
i was thinking cliff
ive mentioned VPX zero impact protein bars before

Originally Posted by EstBeast

Go to gym with your friend, its hard alone. It's addicting

Going to the gym with a friend once in a blue moon is cool. But I don't depend on it, just do my own thing. From personal experience, the other partyjust gets real lazy and unmotivated. Messes up my whole routine, if I were to have a partner. Solo is possibly the best solution, imo.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by EstBeast

Go to gym with your friend, its hard alone. It's addicting

Going to the gym with a friend once in a blue moon is cool. But I don't depend on it, just do my own thing. From personal experience, the other party just gets real lazy and unmotivated. Messes up my whole routine, if I were to have a partner. Solo is possibly the best solution, imo.

Definite co-sign here. I've tried three times before to get my workout on with a partner (pause), but it's much easier to just get up and go withoutdepending on anyone else. Plus you get everything done in much less time. Only thing is you don't get a spotter, and even then, just go solo or ifyou're really bored, ask the meathead next to you to give you a quick spot on the bench.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by kngpin88

Any advice on keeping strength up while cutting? Its about that time in a month or two and every year my strength drops drastically. Ex last fall I went from finishing my dumbbell press sets with 120lbs to struggling with 90lbs towards the middle of the summer. Any advice is appreciated.

Cut carbs instead of protein or fat. I've got a couple more effective untraditional ideas. Doubt you wanna hear 'em though.
Of course you cut carbs on a cut, but he asked for tips to keep strength up. Kngpn88 yeah I liked white flood but Jack3d is nice as well. Also try intrabolic, its a intra supplement that helps you recover between sets but its more useful on a cut where you cant intake the amount of carbs you should when trying to gain lean muscle.
You can go high fat instead of high carb. You can fast. You can undereat during the day and overeat at night. So many ways to keep strength. Just take a pick

Over eating at night? isnt that bad cause all that food just sits there then? Im indian so a lot of my home cooking has carbs in it like roti or rice

It's really not as bad for you as it's made out to be. Humans are night eaters. How many times have you gone all day without screwing up your diet, butat night, you just binge or overeat?
If you undereat/fast during the day, insulin levels are stable, allowing your body to burn glycogen and body fat for fuel. Sure, in the beginning, the bodywill burn some muscle, but the body will eventually adapt to the cortisol(stress hormone) and muscle wasting won't be an issue. After the adaptationperiod, fat burning will be easy as ever because you don't need to do anything special. Look up Eat Stop Eat, the Warrior Diet, or Lean Gains forintermittent fasting eating styles. Lean Gains is more for bodybuilding, Eat Stop Eat for flexible dieting, and Warrior Diet for another great eating style.
I'm Indian too. I know that everything HAS to have either roti, rice, or both. With this eating style, you can enjoy yourself, gain strength, muscle, andlose fat. Instead of eating a lot of roti or rice, start eating more of the vegetables/curry. Indian food is great food, but the proportions of food eatenaren't ideal. Most people tend to fill up their plate with rice and add a little curry to it for flavor. It's not great for getting lean.

Overeating after intense exercise puts the body in an anabolic state where it focuses on utilizing the nutrients you give it. After fasting, studies have shownprotein utilization to be more efficient by up to 30%. Plus, Growth Hormone secretion is higher when insulin levels are low.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by I3

JRThumper85 wrote:
when your body exerts energy, your pituitary gland / hypothalamus release endorphins... an opiate produced by your body (think morphine- suppresses pain and lifts spirits- runners high)...

and an effect of an opiate... ?

"i can't sleep, i feel wired, like codeine."

idk that makes no sense to since narcotics are a depressant and induce drowsiness but whatever. exercise increases serotonin which affects mood, hunger, sleep and it can keep you alert if done too close to bedtime.

sounds pretty much right. there are a few exceptions to the rule though. after track practice in high school, i'd cold knock out on thecouch, but i was sooo drained and was chronically sleep starved, so that might have influenced it. usually when i work out late i'm up past 2 or 3am, evenif i want to sleep around midnight or 1am

Originally Posted by Yourself

Originally Posted by I3

^ Awesome bro.. thanks. So basically the gist of things is to run on our toes or 'balls' ensuring we make as least (efficient) contact with the surface as possible?
i haven't done as much research as i should on this topic, but i am a runner and can tell you from experience that constant pressure on the toes or balls of the feet contribute to shin splits. i try running lightly midfoot if that makes any sense. i'm still looking for the best technique because sometimes i feel like i'm adding unwanted stress to my knees.

anyone else here do any long distance running?
i haven't been "barefoot" running too long, but when i was running conditioning days for track, i suffered a lot from shin splints. that was before i tried insoles or anything like that though. when i ran here and there for distance after a long lay off, my anterior tibialis would be thefirst thing to keep me from going farther, so i think it's a two way street. however, i usually settle into making midfoot contact on most normal runs. it's almost flatfooted you could say, but the difference is i keep my knees even more bent on when i contact the ground. you need to have good ankleflexibility and strength though, so starting off with a forefoot landing to build up a midfoot landing might help.

basically, you should look at your legs as springs when running. they're far more effective at absorbing and putting the stored kinetic energy from eachstep into the next one if they're are bent slightly. even if you make midfoot contact, (more contact than a heelstrike), the forces are absorbed by theleg musculature instead of sent through the bones and joints.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by EstBeast

Go to gym with your friend, its hard alone. It's addicting
Going to the gym with a friend once in a blue moon is cool. But I don't depend on it, just do my own thing. From personal experience, the other party just gets real lazy and unmotivated. Messes up my whole routine, if I were to have a partner. Solo is possibly the best solution, imo.
it's nice to work out with a friend once in a while, but you can't depend on someone else for your motivation. if they're any lessdedicated than you are at any point in time, they'll drag you down. it's a lot better to be internally motivated about it. they you can drag yourfriends along
. if they don't go, it's no big deal though.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by GrimlocK


As for your comment look at it this way, I only take food to college 2 days a week. Would that be a big deal in terms of harmful chemicals being leeched into my food? Maybe/maybe not. BUT there are maybe some people in here that take food to work/school/pre or post workout 5+ days a week. Sometimes people are in a rush and just stuff food thats already hot into their containers. All these little factors can add up in the amount of a harmful chemical that you end up ingesting.

I'm not saying my advice is for everyone, but over time these things add up. We spend so much time/effort/money on supplements or whole foods, so I would just figure that the containers you keep these in should work for you instead of working against you.

Bottom line is if you want to keep using regular plastic containers, make sure you don't put your food in there when it's hot. And if people use plastic bottles like a poland spring or dasani bottle for their workouts or in general...throw them out after your done using them and don't reuse them.

I understand everything you wrote and am aware of dangers of it, but do you think its that harmful or likely that it will cause problems?

Im just trying to see if you, or even anyone else, is that worried about this. To me, it seems as though there are bigger issues to deal with. (Im not trying to diminish this, just hoping people dont get the wrong impression about these containers.)

If someones trying to live a 100% perfectly healthy life then absolutley this matters, but I know people will put fried chicken in it and justify it by telling themselves "It's fine, its in a safe container"). Theres something def. wrong with that.

Very true. It's the same as running 5 miles on a treadmill, but taking the car to go down the block, thinking that you 'made up' for the car ride.There are so many factors that any that are in your favor can atleast have some benefits. A quick 5 minute search on the internet can easily save 5 weeks ofyour life. It's not like you have to be super anal about your plastic containers though either.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Overeating after intense exercise puts the body in an anabolic state where it focuses on utilizing the nutrients you give it. After fasting, studies have shown protein utilization to be more efficient by up to 30%. Plus, Growth Hormone secretion is higher when insulin levels are low.

This is my biggest meal of the day, probably close to 1000kcal.. like after a workout or an hour or so after.
I'm compiling a list of things (whole foods, Trader Joe's) to eat for my New Year's resolution. Trying to keep my diet really strict starting newyears, though I'm already eating good. Sometimes I catch myself eating things I'm not suppose
. Can't wait for New Year's..

Any of you fitness dudes have similar goals for New Year's?
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

I'm compiling a list of things (whole foods, Trader Joe's) to eat for my New Year's resolution. Trying to keep my diet really strict starting new years, though I'm already eating good. Sometimes I catch myself eating things I'm not suppose
. Can't wait for New Year's..

Any of you fitness dudes have similar goals for New Year's?

Def. post that list when youre done.
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