Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I'm pretty close to where I want to be.

Also.... I've read it over and over in this thread or the previous one. The gym is really packed shortly after New Year's?

I just joined a few months ago, so I wouldn't know. Lol
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm pretty close to where I want to be.

Also.... I've read it over and over in this thread or the previous one. The gym is really packed shortly after New Year's?

I just joined a few months ago, so I wouldn't know. Lol

Yupppp. It dies down after about 2 weeks though.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm pretty close to where I want to be.

Also.... I've read it over and over in this thread or the previous one. The gym is really packed shortly after New Year's?

I just joined a few months ago, so I wouldn't know. Lol

Yupppp. It dies down after about 2 weeks though.

but its the most annoying period of time @ the gym though. this is when I have my very short workouts just to get pumped for a bit and improve on cardio.
Lol yeah.. the sales rep at the local supplement store said he gets rushes of customers during the end/start of the year and tapers for the rest!

Haha.. new years will be terrible for me, im going to be away on a road trip for about a week or so.. its going to be tough to get home and cook a decent meal.I guess i'll just bump my cardio in the morning(s).
gym at school is closed for finals and winter break. back to working out in my garage.

my workout today:
Squats: 6x5:135,145, 165, 175, 185, 195(new PR! 185 felt good so i decided to try another set)
bench: 5x5: 135, 155, 135, 135, 135 (starting to get tired)
military press: 115x1 (new PR!), 5x5:95, 95, 75, 75,75

the only bad part was the cold. It took forever to warm up, but it felt great working out today. SUPER psyched about my squat PR. i've only been doing itregularly for two months and i've seen a lot of progress very quickly. Gonna figure out my 1RM next i squat.
Originally Posted by Meangene4

what are some good tasting nuts. Tired of walnuts right now.


j/k I do the plain salted peanuts...keep a tub of em by my bed to snack on occasianally. Also, Spanish peanuts
Originally Posted by Al Audi

peace of mind....

nealraj i like your sig quote

Thanks. I like the idea of having a message to go along with the team name. Helps spread a positive message to others that may want to join too.
Originally Posted by Meangene4

what are some good tasting nuts. Tired of walnuts right now.

Soak almonds in water overnight. They have a vanilla-like taste when soaked. I love that flavor. I also really like pistachios. They are my favorite nuts,along with cashews. Oh, I remember one time I went to the Asian grocery store and I saw these nuts. They looked unique and so I picked up the pack. They werecalled candle nuts or something similar. I tried one and I swear, worst taste ever.
Stick to traditional nuts like almonds, pistachios, cashews,macadamias, hazelnuts, walnuts, and peanuts.
I'm curious as to what brands of nuts/legumes you guys buy? I used to go with planters until i realized how overpriced they were for what they offered. Igo with Safeway's Mixed nuts tub ...only bout 10 bucks.
Originally Posted by JRThumper85

Salted Peanuts are ok but no honey roasted?

Honey roasted is full of sugar, very processed, and not anywhere near as good for you as raw nuts. Another alternative is homemade trail mix.
I like the raw almonds, I usually get around 24-30 of them a day.. around 200kcal.

Heres what I had PWO.. looks GROSS, but tastes really nice:
This has probablly covered pages back, but I have been wondering how bad is alcohol more specifically beer for you? To be specific I work out 5 days a week andin good shape, would cutting out alcohol or cutting back make a huge difference?
Originally Posted by I3

I like the raw almonds, I usually get around 24-30 of them a day.. around 200kcal.

Heres what I had PWO.. looks GROSS, but tastes really nice:

Looks good I3.What kind of spread is that on your bread? What kind of meat are you eating?

Looks like tuna and boiled eggs with brown rice and PB on whole-grain toast.




Its natural peanut butter on Rye bread, some brown rice, a can of tuna and 3 eggs with homemade hot sauce..
That meal is a composition of what I eat throughout a typical day
Breakfeast-eggs, lunch-tuna, brown rice (with chicken)-dinner, penut butter sandwich-before bed
Haha.. the way I see it - it all goes into one common place (stomach) anyway lol
On my 2nd tub of casein, why does it have to be so thick?
Anyrecommended slow-release protein that mixes really well?
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