Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by SouthsideChi773

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

The Resolution kids are annoying me being in the gym. All they do is work on the chest, then text, thn take pics like 1 day of working on the chest will make them look brolic.

Wow,is that even possible in the gym...make me appreciate being in Iraq to a certain extent,everyone in the gym is pretty serious about what they are doing here and of course make me motivated to not play around.

I am in my beginner stage also as far as weightlifting (Oct).Do any of you guys take N.O. explode?If so what are your opinions with the product.

Also weightlifters that do cardio,what are your normal routines?

I am 6ft,265lbs and plan on doing cardio around 4/5 am 30min/5 days a week to offset my evening weightlifting.

NO Xplode was OK for the first week or two, but after that it's effect wore off.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i dont know much about it but i hear a lot of people talk about the ECA stack, with A being aspirin.....supposedly there's a certain ratio between the three where the synergistic effects are really powerful.

Im not confident in the ephedra being produced anymore.especially the herbal form. Id rather stick with clen.
well it's illegal so the stuff you see being produced now has "ephedrina" or ephedrine extract or some other garbage.

but people just buy it illegally or buy "bronkaid" which is an OTC (although somewhat controlled) asthma medication containing ephedrine andpseudoephedrine which i guess are the two active compounds in ephedra so it's just as good.

i hear clen is pretty toxic while ephedra/ephedrine is pretty safe when used correctly
Been doing cardio with a weighted vest for the past week or so (Christmas present from momma) and let me say

I had been in a rut with my running and now i actually enjoy doing it
its kinda like a challenge everyday instead of just
doing it to do it.

And to the guy asking about NO-XPLODE, i've cycled through it a several times over the last year and its one of my favorite supplements that I have
used, i gained 30 lbs on my bench in 10 weeks by just using this and ON whey.

Take it or leave it *kanye shrug*
Has anyone here tried doing partial reps when bench pressing to bust through a plateau/get stronger?

I've gotten the flu twice in the past month and my bench has decreased by about 10% since the first week of December and my endurance is terrible. I alwayslock out on each rep when benching but I was thinking of doing half reps to regain some of my strength. My shoulders, back and leg lifts are fine but my chestis weaker.

Also, does anyone have a good plyometrics routine? I just realized that I havent done plyos in almost 2 years and would like to start doing them so thatI'm faster by the summer time.
damn i dont get how some of you guys eat like 4000 calories a day..i usually eat way less than this (which i believe is why i havent been losing weight- imundereating) ..ive been forcing myself to eat this food and i am full as hell all day

i am trying to get to around 2500 calories a day but all my meals are done and im only at 1817. also i only have 151g of protein which isnt nearly enough forme. any suggestions? if i post my diet can anybody help me out with it?
meal 1: 2 packets of quaker instant oatmeal
1 dannon light and fit yogurt
1 scoop of optimum nutrition oats n whey shake mixed with water

meal 2: 1/4 cup (1 serving) of trail mix

meal 3 (usually pre workout): 1 cup of white rice, 4 oz of chicken breast, some sort of green veggies

post workout: 2 scoops of optimum nutrition oats n whey mixed with water

meal 4: 1 cup of white rice, 4 oz of chicken breast topped with 1/4 cup of shredded cheese, some franks hot sauce

meal 1 is at around 6:30 AM
meal 2 around 10-11 AM
meal 3 around 2-4 PM
i go to the gym at like 5 or 7
post workout: is at like 9 the latest
meal 4: at like 10

calories: 1817
fat: 28.6 THis is very low but i dont know how to add more without adding too many calories
carbs: 239.5
protein: 151g. i weigh around 240 so i need like 100g than this but the same as before, i dont know how to add some in without adding in too many calories

if someone could help me with this that would be great

For breakfast, substitute the quick oats for rolled oats and cook it on the stove (same amount of calories but rolled oats are more nutritious). Take out theprotein shake, maybe add some eggs. Eggs are dense in calories due to their high fat content. Eating 3-4 whole eggs will give you more protein than a shake aswell as more fat and more calories.

For your snack, eat more. Maybe add an apple, or add more nuts, whatever you feel like eating.

For meal 3, eat brown rice instead of white (same amount of calories but brown rice is more nutritious). Maybe you could eat :nerd:z of chicken instead of 4oz.

For meal 4...same advice as meal 3. Brown rice and :nerd:z of chicken.

Just by adding 3-4 eggs instead of a protein shake (+120 calories), eating maybe 100 more calories for meal 2, and doubling your chicken consumption (+400calories), you can easily hit 2500 calories.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i dont know much about it but i hear a lot of people talk about the ECA stack, with A being aspirin.....supposedly there's a certain ratio between the three where the synergistic effects are really powerful.

Im not confident in the ephedra being produced anymore.especially the herbal form. Id rather stick with clen.
well it's illegal so the stuff you see being produced now has "ephedrina" or ephedrine extract or some other garbage.

but people just buy it illegally or buy "bronkaid" which is an OTC (although somewhat controlled) asthma medication containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine which i guess are the two active compounds in ephedra so it's just as good.

i hear clen is pretty toxic while ephedra/ephedrine is pretty safe when used correctly
Nah...It was illegal at one point but now its legal again. The thing is, major supp companies dont make products containing it cause of its badrep.
I tried the "bornkaid" crap when I was looking for herbal ehphedra and its crap. Mixed that with caffeine pills but it wasnt that good.

Clen it not toxic. Clenbuterol is actually the same as albuterol (asthma meds). But clen has a longer half life (stays in the body longer) than albuterol. Sowhen you see lil kids using the pump, thats what they are using, just a shorter acting version of it.

To me the negative sides of both clen and ephedra are pretty close, but I dont trust how these companies are standardizing their ephedra anymore. The clen,depending on where you get it, is made by major pharms and the doses are more trust worthy.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez


For breakfast, substitute the quick oats for rolled oats and cook it on the stove (same amount of calories but rolled oats are more nutritious). Take out the protein shake, maybe add some eggs. Eggs are dense in calories due to their high fat content. Eating 3-4 whole eggs will give you more protein than a shake as well as more fat and more calories.

For your snack, eat more. Maybe add an apple, or add more nuts, whatever you feel like eating.

For meal 3, eat brown rice instead of white (same amount of calories but brown rice is more nutritious). Maybe you could eat :nerd:z of chicken instead of 4oz.

For meal 4...same advice as meal 3. Brown rice and :nerd:z of chicken.

Just by adding 3-4 eggs instead of a protein shake (+120 calories), eating maybe 100 more calories for meal 2, and doubling your chicken consumption (+400 calories), you can easily hit 2500 calories.
thanks for the response

about breakfast though.. the thing is that i can barely finish the oatmeal and the shake. i have a weak stomach in the morning and i normally dont even eatbreakfast ( i wake up at 6 30 and i wouldnt eat until like 2 sometimes)
Originally Posted by cs02132

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez


For breakfast, substitute the quick oats for rolled oats and cook it on the stove (same amount of calories but rolled oats are more nutritious). Take out the protein shake, maybe add some eggs. Eggs are dense in calories due to their high fat content. Eating 3-4 whole eggs will give you more protein than a shake as well as more fat and more calories.

For your snack, eat more. Maybe add an apple, or add more nuts, whatever you feel like eating.

For meal 3, eat brown rice instead of white (same amount of calories but brown rice is more nutritious). Maybe you could eat :nerd:z of chicken instead of 4oz.

For meal 4...same advice as meal 3. Brown rice and :nerd:z of chicken.

Just by adding 3-4 eggs instead of a protein shake (+120 calories), eating maybe 100 more calories for meal 2, and doubling your chicken consumption (+400 calories), you can easily hit 2500 calories.
thanks for the response

about breakfast though.. the thing is that i can barely finish the oatmeal and the shake. i have a weak stomach in the morning and i normally dont even eat breakfast ( i wake up at 6 30 and i wouldnt eat until like 2 sometimes)

3-4 eggs with yolk is murder...I would just use 1 yolk, all the cholesterol from 4 eggs at breakfast is wayy too much.

As for your weak stomach problem, I would gradually work your way up to eating more at breakfast. I had the same problem my first year of college so I startedout with cereal, then a bit later I added some egg whites, then some toast when I was comfortable with eating that much.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i dont know much about it but i hear a lot of people talk about the ECA stack, with A being aspirin.....supposedly there's a certain ratio between the three where the synergistic effects are really powerful.

Im not confident in the ephedra being produced anymore.especially the herbal form. Id rather stick with clen.
well it's illegal so the stuff you see being produced now has "ephedrina" or ephedrine extract or some other garbage.

but people just buy it illegally or buy "bronkaid" which is an OTC (although somewhat controlled) asthma medication containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine which i guess are the two active compounds in ephedra so it's just as good.

i hear clen is pretty toxic while ephedra/ephedrine is pretty safe when used correctly
Nah...It was illegal at one point but now its legal again. The thing is, major supp companies dont make products containing it cause of its bad rep.
I tried the "bornkaid" crap when I was looking for herbal ehphedra and its crap. Mixed that with caffeine pills but it wasnt that good.

Clen it not toxic. Clenbuterol is actually the same as albuterol (asthma meds). But clen has a longer half life (stays in the body longer) than albuterol. So when you see lil kids using the pump, thats what they are using, just a shorter acting version of it.

To me the negative sides of both clen and ephedra are pretty close, but I dont trust how these companies are standardizing their ephedra anymore. The clen, depending on where you get it, is made by major pharms and the doses are more trust worthy.
i'm pretty sure bronkaid is extremely legit, as it contains the two active components of ephedra. maybe you underdosed it?

as for ephedra......apparently a lot of products have come out with ephedra alkaloids in it but i'm pretty sure it's still banned by the fda. i'mconfused about it.

what have your experiences been with these two things? i was thinking of running an ec stack for my cut but i don't have all that much to lose so i figuredi wouldn't bother.
if I was to stop drinking soda and other drinks and just drink water,but not workout,would I lose any weight?
^ probably. depends on how many sodas you drink usually. it takes 3500 calories to burn a pound so if you usually drink 3500 calories of soda per week orsomething, then you stop drinking them then youll eventually lose a pound
if you eat a fair amount of them, cutting out refined sugary foods.....candy, soda, etc. will make a big impact on your overall wellness as well as yourweight.
MAn first day back in the Gym and I feel good. Did legs and chest cause i miss monday. Like everyone has been mentioning there is a lot of new years resolutionfolks in the gym. Thats why i get in focus, get done and get out. When I left it was a treadmill or elliptical machine open and there was about 6 plus peoplewaiting against the wall for one to open smh.

I have a question?? I purchased SuperPump 250, but I see most that have this is using SizeOn (the complete stack). Does it make a difference if i use SP250without SizeOn. I'm not trying to bulk but add definition and drop a few pounds. Or shopuld I use the 2 together?? any info is appreciated
SuperPump is pre , SizeOn is creatine based intra/post workout. So if your not taking or dont want to take creatine then its not necessary.

Also if your doing okay with just the superpump then I wouldnt waste my money with the other although when the effects start to wear off you might wanna lookinto a good intra product to keep you going through those last sets.

Cardio day for me, my schedule got messed up so I got there with everyone else. I ended up doing some ab work and bounced to the park to run. I know east coasthas some bad weather but out here its damn near spring weather all the newbs should go outside instead of waiting inside the gym.
I had a question, I am trying to loose weight and I have been but am still on a cut. I eat around 1200-1500 calories a day. But I have serious lbs to shed. Oneweek I can progress my lifting and lift higher weights. Other days though I cannot do nearly the amount of reps I can other days. Is this because I am on acut? I have gained some muscle but not as much as I want to.
Someone correct me if Im wrong but I believe thats way too low of cal/day to support muscle growth. I would expect less energy and less endurance with thatkinda diet.

How long have you been on a cut and whats you split lookin like?
Originally Posted by MEXclusive

Someone correct me if Im wrong but I believe thats way too low of cal/day to support muscle growth. I would expect less energy and less endurance with that kinda diet.

How long have you been on a cut and whats you split lookin like?

Ive been on my weight loss mission since July. Down to 168 from 207. I still have fatty love handles that need to go and some stomach fat. I try to go 50Protein/ 30 Carbs/20Fats
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i dont know much about it but i hear a lot of people talk about the ECA stack, with A being aspirin.....supposedly there's a certain ratio between the three where the synergistic effects are really powerful.

Im not confident in the ephedra being produced anymore.especially the herbal form. Id rather stick with clen.
well it's illegal so the stuff you see being produced now has "ephedrina" or ephedrine extract or some other garbage.

but people just buy it illegally or buy "bronkaid" which is an OTC (although somewhat controlled) asthma medication containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine which i guess are the two active compounds in ephedra so it's just as good.

i hear clen is pretty toxic while ephedra/ephedrine is pretty safe when used correctly
Nah...It was illegal at one point but now its legal again. The thing is, major supp companies dont make products containing it cause of its bad rep.
I tried the "bornkaid" crap when I was looking for herbal ehphedra and its crap. Mixed that with caffeine pills but it wasnt that good.

Clen it not toxic. Clenbuterol is actually the same as albuterol (asthma meds). But clen has a longer half life (stays in the body longer) than albuterol. So when you see lil kids using the pump, thats what they are using, just a shorter acting version of it.

To me the negative sides of both clen and ephedra are pretty close, but I dont trust how these companies are standardizing their ephedra anymore. The clen, depending on where you get it, is made by major pharms and the doses are more trust worthy.
i'm pretty sure bronkaid is extremely legit, as it contains the two active components of ephedra. maybe you underdosed it?

as for ephedra......apparently a lot of products have come out with ephedra alkaloids in it but i'm pretty sure it's still banned by the fda. i'm confused about it.

what have your experiences been with these two things? i was thinking of running an ec stack for my cut but i don't have all that much to lose so i figured i wouldn't bother.

Im not sayin its not legit, but bronkaid is synthetic ephedra (ephedrine hcl) . And just like synthentic MJ
...its no where as good as the "herbal" form.

Herbal ephedra (Ma Huang) is not banned anymore. The ban lifted years ago. As for me underdosing, nah....25mg ephedra and 250mg caffeine is standard. Trust me,synthetic ephedra is crap compared to the real ephedra.

Heres where to get real ephedra, like when hydroxycut used to work
for any of yall thinking about trying it out, be careful and stay hydrated. I leanred my lesson when I almost passed out at the gym. Had too much carbs in mysystem and not enough water. Had a really bad panic attack and thought I was gonna die
.... Dont ever take more than 50mg of ephedra a day for no longer than a month +1 gal of water.....
Originally Posted by JPioneer

Does diet soda have any impact on diet?

I need to give myself something to stay motivated
Just stop drinking anything that has high fructose corn syrup.
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