Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

as i started my running 3-5 times a week last week, i realized that running outdoors in the winter isnt the way to go. was running and slipped on the iceenough that i rolled my ankle now im off this week because its swole as hell, sticking to treadmills until march!
Looking to buy some creatine soon... does the brand matter at all? Anyone know any good/cheap brands to get?
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DJ bana

guys, whats the best way for a girl to get rid of love handles? i know with light weights you can do it, but i dont want to risk getting them strong rather than losing them. if im doing a lot of cardio (running and biking), will that help?
yeah all that is good, you just gotta make sure you are expending more calories than you consume in order to lose weight.

weights, especially light ones, are not gonna make you more muscular unless you specifically train for that goal.... a lot of girls avoid weights for that reason but they shouldn't. they're a great way to lose weight.

Exactly, food makes you big/bulky not weights. Don't be afraid to go heavy and work for sets of 10, 15, even 20 reps getting to or very close to failure. Do that for your big groups of muscle every week (legs, back, chest) do cardio consistently (at least 20 minutes at least 3 times a week) and eat right and you'll get leaner.
thanks for the advice guys.

i moved down south to miami about 6 months ago, and ever since then i havent been on a workout routine like usual. also, i can't resist the delicious cubanfood down here! i've been eating larger portions and i havent been working out as much, just riding my bike. i ended up breaking my arm about a month ago,and since then i havent been able to do ANYTHING active.

just this week i got back in the gym (im finally out of my sling), and i'm eating smaller portions. i love good food, i think its one of the best luxuriesin life, it's hard to give up! i'd rather still eat what i want (in moderation and smaller portions) and just work out 5-6 times a week, which is whati have started to do already. and when i say i eat what i want, i DONT mean fast food/fried food and crap.. i love carbs (rice, bread and the OCCASIONAL sweetdessert).

my workout routine consists of doing 30 minutes of intense cardio (running, eliptical or the bike), then every day i do 200 crunches. after that ill alternatedaily between both my leg and arm muscles. unfortunately, i can't do my arms until my broken one has healed properly, which will be in about another month.then i finish my workout with another 30 minutes of cardio, usually on the stairmaster.

i also have access to a pool, but its quite cold out right now and it's outdoors. i've always swam as part of my workout.. so once it warms up, thelast 30 minutes of cardio will be swimming laps.

is there anything else you guys can suggest to include in a well-rounded work-out for a 135lb girl?

surprisingly enough, since i stopped working out.. i havent GAINED weight, but my leaner body parts have now turned to fat (my arms and a bit on my tummy).i've always weighed between 130 and 135, with the way im working out now, i'd really love to get down to 120-125. by march i want to have tiny arms anda tiny tummy again =D i'll post pics of my body in March..... no really, i will.

it feels so damn good to have an extensive workout again and im only 4 days in! ... the endorphins make me happy!
Well looks like im about to stop doing curls, ive been noticed that they are useless but i thought those are the only exercises that could make my bicepsbigger
Bana, do strength-training exercises for you legs while you're arm is healing, not just cardio. You can still do stationary and walking lunges,leg-presses, bodyweight squats, etc... Do that 2-3 times a week and it will help your body tighten up alot faster than if you do just cardio. Most of themuscle in our bodies is in our legs and glutes (about 65%) so if you continue to work those areas, it will have a better effect on your whole body. Other thanthat, keep the cardio up, and just do 45 minutes of it after you strength train. It's alot to get into now without being able to see and assess yourinjury, etc... so I don't want to give you too much advice that may not be suited to you. Don't know what else to tell you. If you end up in Boston forany reason, PM me and I'll train you a couple of times. Otherwise, try to get a few references for a good trainer in your area to get you on the righttrack.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Bana, do strength-training exercises for you legs while you're arm is healing, not just cardio. You can still do stationary and walking lunges, leg-presses, bodyweight squats, etc... Do that 2-3 times a week and it will help your body tighten up alot faster than if you do just cardio. Most of the muscle in our bodies is in our legs and glutes (about 65%) so if you continue to work those areas, it will have a better effect on your whole body. Other than that, keep the cardio up, and just do 45 minutes of it after you strength train. It's alot to get into now without being able to see and assess your injury, etc... so I don't want to give you too much advice that may not be suited to you. Don't know what else to tell you. If you end up in Boston for any reason, PM me and I'll train you a couple of times. Otherwise, try to get a few references for a good trainer in your area to get you on the right track.
where you do train at? i'm barely out there anymore ut i'm from the boston area, used go to to the sports club la by boston common inchinatown
I train at a Boston Sports Club for the past few years. Couple of my clients used to go to that sports club LA. I've never been there myself though. I alsoworkout at a Gold's Gym in cambridge/somerville sometimes, just to get away from work. I kinda miss my Gold's Gym in NY though, and I REALLY miss thegyms I trained at when I lived out in Vegas. 10x bigger and 10x cheaper membership.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

When doing squats is it better to "explode" up, or get back up at a slower pace?

from what I've learned from the bodybuilding forums, you explode up, then take 2 counts to go down. I can say it works
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DJ bana

guys, whats the best way for a girl to get rid of love handles? i know with light weights you can do it, but i dont want to risk getting them strong rather than losing them. if im doing a lot of cardio (running and biking), will that help?
yeah all that is good, you just gotta make sure you are expending more calories than you consume in order to lose weight.

weights, especially light ones, are not gonna make you more muscular unless you specifically train for that goal.... a lot of girls avoid weights for that reason but they shouldn't. they're a great way to lose weight.

Exactly, food makes you big/bulky not weights. Don't be afraid to go heavy and work for sets of 10, 15, even 20 reps getting to or very close to failure. Do that for your big groups of muscle every week (legs, back, chest) do cardio consistently (at least 20 minutes at least 3 times a week) and eat right and you'll get leaner.
thanks for the advice guys.

i moved down south to miami about 6 months ago, and ever since then i havent been on a workout routine like usual. also, i can't resist the delicious cuban food down here! i've been eating larger portions and i havent been working out as much, just riding my bike. i ended up breaking my arm about a month ago, and since then i havent been able to do ANYTHING active.

just this week i got back in the gym (im finally out of my sling), and i'm eating smaller portions. i love good food, i think its one of the best luxuries in life, it's hard to give up! i'd rather still eat what i want (in moderation and smaller portions) and just work out 5-6 times a week, which is what i have started to do already. and when i say i eat what i want, i DONT mean fast food/fried food and crap.. i love carbs (rice, bread and the OCCASIONAL sweet dessert).

my workout routine consists of doing 30 minutes of intense cardio (running, eliptical or the bike), then every day i do 200 crunches. after that ill alternate daily between both my leg and arm muscles. unfortunately, i can't do my arms until my broken one has healed properly, which will be in about another month. then i finish my workout with another 30 minutes of cardio, usually on the stairmaster.

i also have access to a pool, but its quite cold out right now and it's outdoors. i've always swam as part of my workout.. so once it warms up, the last 30 minutes of cardio will be swimming laps.

is there anything else you guys can suggest to include in a well-rounded work-out for a 135lb girl?

surprisingly enough, since i stopped working out.. i havent GAINED weight, but my leaner body parts have now turned to fat (my arms and a bit on my tummy). i've always weighed between 130 and 135, with the way im working out now, i'd really love to get down to 120-125. by march i want to have tiny arms and a tiny tummy again =D i'll post pics of my body in March..... no really, i will.

it feels so damn good to have an extensive workout again and im only 4 days in! ... the endorphins make me happy!
Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by MenaceI2IS0ciety

can someone post a good power clean video with the proper form and technique?

I found this video to be pretty useful

thanks for the vid dr. shoes
quite useful

would i see better results with the 5 compound workouts 3-4 times a week than a 5 day split of isolation excercises?
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

My gym doesn't even have barbells or a squat rack. Wack Planet Fitness FTL

My homeboy had to cancel his membership with Planet Fitness. He said that they dont have barbells or squat rack either. However, I heard that Planet Fitnessis designed for the "Average Joe", and there are alarms on the barbells so if you drop them like a body builder the alarm will sound.
My homeboy had to cancel his membership with Planet Fitness. He said that they dont have barbells or squat rack either. However, I heard that Planet Fitness is designed for the "Average Joe", and there are alarms on the barbells so if you drop them like a body builder the alarm will sound.

This is the most awful thing I've heard in a looooooong time.
Looking to start my home gym down in my basement. Any recommendations on where/and what to cop as far as plated weights and a bar. I want to get a bar like theones in the gym (the 45ib one) for benching/squating/dling @ home.
Originally Posted by MenaceI2IS0ciety

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by MenaceI2IS0ciety

can someone post a good power clean video with the proper form and technique?

I found this video to be pretty useful

thanks for the vid dr. shoes
quite useful

would i see better results with the 5 compound workouts 3-4 times a week than a 5 day split of isolation excercises?

Added some deadlifts to my back/bicepts workout yesterday (never done them before)
Just did a 45 on each side, wasn't that hard but im sore as hell today.
Def gonna keep it up, gonna try to add in cleans too. Havnt done them since I played football though.
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