Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

anyone have a review/opinion on white flood? I'm getting back to hardcore intense workouts and wanna know if it or any other pre-workout supplements areworth it? and what's a good postworkout protein supplement?

i dont want any caffeine in the pre-workout stuff, and i want clean protein for the postworkout supplement.

HIIT + hardcore workout =
spring break PS: I wanna get extremely cut, not huge.
^White flood is garbage, tried it when it first came out and it was horrible. Try Superpump 250 or wait for the Nano Vapor Pro Series coming out in about week.
Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
superpump is probably the worst pre-workout ive ever taken minimal effects couldnt mix without a shaker and expensive plus its called superdump for a reasondont buy it. Ive been using jacked this past week good product and only about 30 bucks at vitamin shoppe
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

superpump is probably the worst pre-workout ive ever taken minimal effects couldnt mix without a shaker and expensive plus its called superdump for a reason dont buy it. Ive been using jacked this past week good product and only about 30 bucks at vitamin shoppe
Don't know what you talking about fam, never had to take no dump with superpump and it not expensive at all you can get it for 35
Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

superpump is probably the worst pre-workout ive ever taken minimal effects couldnt mix without a shaker and expensive plus its called superdump for a reason dont buy it. Ive been using jacked this past week good product and only about 30 bucks at vitamin shoppe
Don't know what you talking about fam, never had to take no dump with superpump and it not expensive at all you can get it for 35 on
I felt like superpump actually worked for me, while I was taking it I had some great workouts. But maybe it just works for some, like many otherproducts.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts

My thoughts on supplements have already been covered in this thread so ill just say that im nodding my head in approval.
Is it good to eat right after a workout? Or is there something else that is better recommended

I usually eat a sandwich, or grilled chicken with veggies.
I had best luck with no xplode but gained a tolerance to it real quick. I guess the superpump just didnt agree with me. Next im gonna try NO shotgun
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

I had best luck with no xplode but gained a tolerance to it real quick. I guess the superpump just didnt agree with me. Next im gonna try NO shotgun
SP250 was one of the best pre-workout supps. I've taken, and I've tried quite a few. How many times have you used it? The first coupletimes I took it, it gave me similar effects to what you experienced. But after my body got accustomed to it, it's been
ever since. I also suggest you cycle off pre-workout supps. for a month or soafter each bottle.

Anyone here do full-body workouts? I wanna change things up and try it for a while. Anyone got any good splits?
I recommend WhiteFlood or Jack3d for pre-workout supplements. Superpump250 and NO-Xplode gave me some digestion problems.
I plan on buying the Whey Gold/ON 100% Whey...

Do you guys drink it before, or after workout? or both.. How many scoops do you use per drink?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in thebody can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat orcarbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin foundin whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity ofneutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrinsignificantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's awhole different ballgame.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.
Actually I have taken classes and studied extensively on most of the basic products mentioned in this thread, so save the "go learn"card for another person.

Yes I was speaking about HGH and Steriods. Which a few individuals on this site have admitted to using.

And yes, I know where whey and creatine can be found in their NATURAL state. I am not referring to those natural states. I am referring to the supplemental,overly processed, chemical state that they products are in before consumption.

THAT is where I think people will start to run into issues.

Thanks for the support Durden, I will reads your posts on this issue.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.
Actually I have taken classes and studied extensively on most of the basic products mentioned in this thread, so save the "go learn" card for another person.

Yes I was speaking about HGH and Steriods. Which a few individuals on this site have admitted to using.

And yes, I know where whey and creatine can be found in their NATURAL state. I am not referring to those natural states. I am referring to the supplemental, overly processed, chemical state that they products are in before consumption.

THAT is where I think people will start to run into issues.

Thanks for the support Durden, I will reads your posts on this issue.
go back and read what i wrote.

whey protein is not found in a "natural state, " it is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing- a a processed food product. supplementation with wheyprotein yields a host of health benefits, which i discussed in my previous post.

creatine in its "natural form" is no different than the creatine found in your body or in food. supplemental creatine is not a synthetic chemical andis far and away the most highly researched athletic supplement. find me a side effect. the only one i can possibly think of is that with creatinesupplementatino your body stops producing its own because it doesn't need to......but this is not permament nor harmful, and once you stop using your bodyrestarts its natural production.

as for steroids and hgh...... nobody is discussing these substances, but i will concede that they do have risks and side effects.

p.s. eating red meat, french fries, or any number of other foods presents a much greater risk to the body than whey protein or creatine. so i assume you'vecut these out of your diet entirely, right?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.

I'm not trying to knock anything you or anyone else does, but have you ever honestly thought about possible healtheffects in the long run?

Im not saying the products are "dangerous" per say, but they are a foreign chemical and man made. Creatine is in the body, but the supplement isstill made in a factory. A lot of people put all these foreign chemicals into their body and dont have any sort of concern for future outcomes. It's anweird part of exercise and living a healthier lifestyle that often gets overlooked. A healthier lifestyle is achieved, yet the body is being fed a bunch ofchemicals.

Worrying about your water bottle possibly giving you cancer but taking 2 scoops of a pre-workout supplement seems a bit ironic, doesnt it? Im not saying thatall supplements are evil.

When someone is trying to explain what healthy/nutritious foods are, the saying "if it wasnt around 200 yrs ago, chances are it isnt healthy for you"is said. The same thing can be said for supplements, no? They fall into that saying.

The possible long term effects need to be at least acknowledged.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.
well said joe

edit: Durden well said on the counterpoint also.

hey guys

Romanian vs Stiff Leg

we ever had this discussion?
Your best bet for targeting the hamstrings and glutes is the Romanian deadlift. Do this version of the deadlift on leg days. To train your erector spinae muscles, do the stiff-leg deadlift toward the end of your back workout.
Im wary about the stiff leg deadlift, I would do it with lighter weight obviously. Although myself - i've never tried it. Deadlifts do it for me.

This week back from a 2 week break has been hell, feeling no energy etc.. going to take awhile to get back into the swing of things. My ball season startssoon, looking at going 2-3x a week now, with short compound workouts. Really need to focus on enery and cardiovascular now, then once thats achieved hopefullyi'll have enough strength for weights etc.

There are heaps of questions not being answered lol, I think we need to update the first page since the questions have been repeated - nothing wrong with that.

I take whey only after, and sometimes as a snack or something on the go when I don't have natural food sources yeah. Im not too fond of the wholesupplement effect, but surely long-term there would be some effects. I don't know how long i'll be in the gym game for, so for now I guess whey is allI need. But I would like to think that pre-supps etc.. would have some long-term effect if an individual would use it regular for a LONG period of time.

Eating after a workout is fine, probably one of the most important meals of the day - that as well as pre-workout. Theres a lot of bro science regardingspecific amounts and etc, if you want to go into that detail.. However for most of us just trying to eat right, a nice meal with unprocessed foods (carbs,proteins and fats) would suffice. Something like grilled chicken sandwhich, or rice is perfect. Just look out for portion sizes in regards to your caloricgoals.

Finally, can someone clarify what a full body workout is? Is that just compound lifts? Or is it employing the big 4 lifts everyday or something? I really needto maximise rest time while being able to play ball,
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Never thought of that, thanks for letting us know.

Almost anything you put in your body nowadays can "hurt" you in the long run.
i dont even understand why dude would come in here JUST to kill the mood..
like people just stroll into GNC and pick up some random #$%@ and startin takin it

ive been hitting the gym hard lately
4 -5 days a week (3 - 4 hours), full body workouts..
also including a mile on the treadmill, mile on the elliptical, and 2 on the bike.

great diet, imo..
chicken, steak, potatoes, yams, brown rice and variation of veggies for lunch and dinner..
wake up with a protein shake (2 scoops) mixed with a scoop of peanut butter and 2 packets of oatmeal..
and, glutamine w/ water during workouts and a shake post workout..

i usually wake up in the morning feeling good, not OD sore
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.
Actually I have taken classes and studied extensively on most of the basic products mentioned in this thread, so save the "go learn" card for another person.

Yes I was speaking about HGH and Steriods. Which a few individuals on this site have admitted to using.

And yes, I know where whey and creatine can be found in their NATURAL state. I am not referring to those natural states. I am referring to the supplemental, overly processed, chemical state that they products are in before consumption.

THAT is where I think people will start to run into issues.

Thanks for the support Durden, I will reads your posts on this issue.
go back and read what i wrote.

whey protein is not found in a "natural state, " it is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing- a a processed food product. supplementation with whey protein yields a host of health benefits, which i discussed in my previous post.

creatine in its "natural form" is no different than the creatine found in your body or in food. supplemental creatine is not a synthetic chemical and is far and away the most highly researched athletic supplement. find me a side effect. the only one i can possibly think of is that with creatine supplementatino your body stops producing its own because it doesn't need to......but this is not permament nor harmful, and once you stop using your body restarts its natural production.

as for steroids and hgh...... nobody is discussing these substances, but i will concede that they do have risks and side effects.

p.s. eating red meat, french fries, or any number of other foods presents a much greater risk to the body than whey protein or creatine. so i assume you've cut these out of your diet entirely, right?

+1 for Joe. While I do agree that most of the supplement products out on the market contain elements and levels that could possibly be dangerous down theroad, but as Joe pointed out the same could be said about the food we eat. I like that response, Joe knows is stuff.

I stick with ON natural whey though.
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