Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

you'll only eat bread with 0 grams of fat? so if it has like 1 or 2 g of healthy fat from vegetable oil it's not gonna work for you?
I dunno... I the only oil I ever consume is saffola oil (used as a sub for all other oils in all my cooking/baking), which is not in any bread I eat.  I don't see the point of eating bread with any g's of fat, and haven't done so for years.
I can say from experience that once I did away with bread I have lost weight and felt alot better. The main reason for me quitting bread is because it affected my acid reflux. Once I cut bread out I felt so much better besides the acid problem...I felt lighter

I didn't know all this info as to why bread is bad for you...especially the gluten part.
some humans have an intolerance to gluten, but the benefits to eating breads rich in whole grains far outweighs the risks/downside for most.

The fact that the modern anti-grain movement has its root in the Atkins Diet movement (perhaps one of the worst, unhealthy, hard-on-the-kidneys fad diet ideas EVER) makes me skeptical of advice suggesting that we should abstain from consuming whole grains.

from the USDA Website:

"• Grains are important sources of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate), and minerals (iron, magnesium, and selenium).

• Dietary fiber from whole grains, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as whole grains help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Whole grains are good sources of dietary fiber; most refined (processed) grains contain little fiber.

•B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate)play a key role in metabolism – they help the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates. B vitamins are also essential for a healthy nervous system. Many refined grains are enriched with these B vitamins.

•Folate (folic acid), another B vitamin, helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folate, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.

•Iron is used to carry oxygen in the blood. Many teenage girls and women in their childbearing years have iron-deficiency anemia. They should eat foods high in heme-iron (meats) or eat other iron containing foods along with foods rich in vitamin C, which can improve absorption of non-heme iron. Whole and enriched refined grain products are major sources of non-heme iron in American diets.

•Whole grains are sources of magnesium and selenium. Magnesium is a mineral used in building bones and releasing energy from muscles. Selenium protects cells from oxidation. It is also important for a healthy immune system."

I had a hard time tracking down info on the downside of modern day people eating grains on Google. Not the most scientific way to approach investigating, but still...
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

^ good post

funny that two of the things that were essential in allowing human civilizations to prosper (domestication of animals and farming) have led to poor diet + nutrition today.

yeah. It's also lead to sheer laziness in modern society.
I was just arguing with my dad about how everyone should exercise. He was saying that once you get to a certain age, you shouldn't/can't exercise anymore. He's almost 50 and his main exercises are walking and bicep curls, so I'm not sure what to say to him. He's about 30 pounds overweight. It'd be nice for him to get into a healthy weight. The sad thing is that he's a doctor too. 

I feel like speaking with my dad about health issues is counter-productive as well. He feels his experience really means for a fact that what he says is correct. I'm like come on, you're telling ME what to do when you're the guy taking a drag from his cigarette right after karate class on the weekends. You honestly think the potential harm my protein drink will bring me over the long run is greater than that cancer stick?
I can't see the argument against grains or anything else consumed since the beginning of modern civilization with mankind at it's greatest, and what was the sole savior throughout many famines.
yeah its sad seeing the ones you love not take good care of themselves

as for grains...... i eat 100% whole grains they taste great and are a convenient source of carbs. but there is NOTHING in them that can't be found in other food sources, and I don't believe our bodies were made to consume the insane amount of grains found in the modern diet, whether it be rice, wheat, or whatever else.

just sayin.
Can someone provide me an educated response to the argument made against me that one cup of black coffee a day is bad for you.

I said it's NOT bad for you.. and people are chirping. I dont know the science involved.
coffee has plenty of antioxidants. coffee drinkers have less instances of prostate cancer. one cup doesn't give you too much caffeine. neither do three, to be honest.

coffee is great.
Started working out January 18th. Weighed in at 190 LBS.

February 11th I'm at 180 LBS.

I'm taking pics as I go along, but I'll post some after my third month which is due in April.
The historical nature of meat v carbs can be debated ad nauseam. In my opinion, each individual has to listen to their own body and understand what can/can't tolerate and what they function most optimally on.

First of all. "No mo" to every mention of meat in the preceding paragraph.

In my case eating meat (fish not included) makes me feel like %**!. On the other hand, I can eat carbs all day and feel good. I try to eat as little meat as possible throughout the day not because I dislike it but because I know that I don't function optimally after eating it. On a good day I'll eat 30% meat v. grain ratio. I do eat plenty of fish though and most of that 30% is fish on many days. However, my meal before a workout always consists of 100% grains. My snacks almost never incorporate meat. The only meals that I (try to) eat meat at are breakfast and the post workout meal. Save for that if I can avoid eating meat (or fish), I do.

Each individual has to figure out what suits them. For some it'll be a diet which incorporates meat(s) to a minimum. Others will thrive on eating a bit more flesh.
I think the key thing to food is to eat everything in moderation, which is obvious but many people like to single out one type of food and proclaim it as bad. It is very important to assess how certain foods affect your body and make sure you don't eat one type of food in excess while ignoring another type. A balanced diet is key to health, and that includes grains which I feel are singled out unfairly by some people while other things, like protein, are held to the highest standard.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah its sad seeing the ones you love not take good care of themselves

Man tell me about it. I have friends that I try to push to the right side. Family members, it is just so frustrating. I sometime wish they all were 5 year old kids so I could condition them from that point. Sometime I feel as though it is a lost cause
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah its sad seeing the ones you love not take good care of themselves

Man tell me about it. I have friends that I try to push to the right side. Family members, it is just so frustrating. I sometime wish they all were 5 year old kids so I could condition them from that point. Sometime I feel as though it is a lost cause

Thank God they aren't, otherwise they'd all be hating women too
Nah more like more conscious of the tricks that this world has placed on the majority of us. I don't hate women man LOL. I just don't think they are all queens and "deserve" anything even though we have been taught the opposite. That is off topic though.
I'm back at it again. For the last several months I've been doing it the lazy way..eating out all day every day and going to the gym and not giving it 100% in. While my body hasn't got worse, it hasn't got better.

Picked up a new pair of running shoes today and went shopping for the good foods. Also cooking up a new routine for the gym.
Man I have been home since last FRI. because of the snow. I haven't done ANYTHING athletic besides shoveling snow LOL. I miss my gym. I will get back at it Tues. No worries at all.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man I have been home since last FRI. because of the snow. I haven't done ANYTHING athletic besides shoveling snow LOL. I miss my gym. I will get back at it Tues. No worries at all.
Why don't you get some Perfect Pushups and resistant bands to stock up at home for days like this?  This is what I plan to do when I go on vacation this summer since I won't be able to hit the gym daily.
I just added 2 plyometric days into my workout cycle .  Im on week 2 of this cycle.(6 weeks into a 16 week plan)  Im hoping to increase all my lifts by 10-15% by the end of this.

Im at a 44 in box jump right now.
Honestly, I haven't felt like doing anything. Just being lazy. I have some old school pushup bars in here, I just didn't use them. I am fine man. I will just get back at it come Tuesday. Doesn't take me long.
Quick question for you cats who take Whey Protein...

Been plannin' on pickin' up the ON 2lb Whey for the longest....actually gonna do it tomorrow, though.

How often have some of you been taking it?

Are there any effects if you decide to stop taking Whey at some point?
Quick question for you cats who take Whey Protein...

Been plannin' on pickin' up the ON 2lb Whey for the longest....actually gonna do it tomorrow, though.

How often have some of you been taking it?

Are there any effects if you decide to stop taking Whey at some point?
Its just whey bro no side effects nothin. I take a scoop with bfast 2 scoops right after gym and maybe another scoop later on.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah its sad seeing the ones you love not take good care of themselves

Man tell me about it. I have friends that I try to push to the right side. Family members, it is just so frustrating. I sometime wish they all were 5 year old kids so I could condition them from that point. Sometime I feel as though it is a lost cause
that sucks dude. pretty much all of my friends lift regularly (5+ days/week), i guess because i've lived in a very image-conscious beach-front city where everyone wants to look their best (first la now la jolla in san diego). so thats not a problem. 

but stopped lifting years ago and i finally pushed my mom into doing yoga but she's only going once a week as of now.
I have been drinking ON Whey Gold Standard Shakes for 2-3 weeks now, and haven't seen much gains.

Is there a certain "time-frame" after workouts I should be drinking my shake? Because, as of now I do my workout, then do a 35 minute cardio section, then go home and drink my shake.. is this okay? I heard, for best results that 20-30 mins right after you lift weights is the ideal time to drink the shake.. is that a "rumor".. can someone shed some light on this topic?

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