Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

realtalkaz-you probably haven't gotten responses because you haven't posted pics of your girl.
but i'm here to tell ou that white flood only has mild side-effects, such as decreased testosterone, which means smaller weener with increased usage, and it also causes increase in likelihood of prostate cancer.

Spoiler [+]
naw, no sides, i suggest you try Presurge Unleashed though. No crash and sustained energy throughout the day. I'm using myself and I have to say it keeps me alert throughout the day
You and your damn spoilers, I was gettin ready to go off on you. Never tried pre-surge, but does it contain creatine? 

presure unleashed does contain i believe 2-3 grams of creapure per scoop (6g). it really is a great product. i don't look at it as just a preworkout supp. it really gets me through the day with sustained energy.

hell, i've had SUPER MIGRAINES the last few days and just on the power of presurge unleashed alone i was able to get above-average workouts in.

Question-Anyone here have painful head pressure at the base of their neck/back of their skull just occur randomly during a workout? I literally felt like my head was going to explode, but I still managed to complete my workouts. It's crazy how in the zone I was able to keep even while in severe pain. It's just my head the rest of my body is fine.
Started P90X today....
I was doing well on the first round, then at the second round I couldn't keep up...
The Ab Ripper X was embarrassing, I found out today that I'm very uncoordinated.....
My struggles with working out are very much depicted in this video:
Originally Posted by DNeou20

shakes and supplements aren't really necessary
you could get those nutrients and whatnot from foods
shakes are just easy to replace water loss and a quick way to get in those extra grams you can't usually get
alongside the fact that calories from liquids is good when trying to gain weight
for every pound u lose in a workout refuel with 16oz of water/liquid
and i dont remember the ratio, but in my nutrition n performance class its like a 4:1 carb:tongue:rotein ration intake
when trying to bulk try to eat atleast 1000 more calories than your daily balance.
Originally Posted by I3

Eat eat eat! For those hardgainers like me.

Like seriously. I hate the fat gain and all that $$@+, but it will be a lengthy process to just slow bulk. Im around 144lbs @ 13-14%. I know if I watch what I eat and do cardio I can get lean in like a month.

I want to be like 150-155 @ 11-12% though.

Seriously need to eat heaps of clean food, the occasional junk food binge is fine - your not entering a show or competition.

thanks for the info. i've been trying to eat as much as i can lately, but most of it has been hot pockets and frozen foods because they're the easiest to prepare
. i used this calorie calculator and it says i should be consuming about 2500 calories/day to gain 1 lb. a week given that I'm not really active yet. does that seem about right?...
Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?

I want to lose about 30 pounds by July.What kind of exercises should I do?I really need to work on my back,chest,and stomach.What should I eat?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Originally Posted by af1pops12

I want to lose about 30 pounds by July.What kind of exercises should I do?I really need to work on my back,chest,and stomach.What should I eat?
yo.... too many of these questions

we need a faq at on the front page or something.

not trying to discourage you at all, im just saying, every other page it's a person asking the same thing
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Toes straight forward, not out.
Looking up isnt necessary
Its not drop butt, but hips back and then drop down.
gatorad3 yea man cutting at 150lbs to anything lower youll look anorexic you got nothin to cut. your eating so low cals your bodys holdin onto the fat prob. Get yourself a solid routine and start eatin 2500 minimum
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Toes straight forward, not out.
Looking up isnt necessary
Its not drop butt, but hips back and then drop down.

Where do you recommend resting the bar?
If you retract your shoulder blades, your rotator cuff muscles and traps will create a resting space at the the lower portion of your neck.  (The bar should be very close to C7 in your neck.)
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by DNeou20

shakes and supplements aren't really necessary
you could get those nutrients and whatnot from foods
shakes are just easy to replace water loss and a quick way to get in those extra grams you can't usually get
alongside the fact that calories from liquids is good when trying to gain weight
for every pound u lose in a workout refuel with 16oz of water/liquid
and i dont remember the ratio, but in my nutrition n performance class its like a 4:1 carb:tongue:rotein ration intake
when trying to bulk try to eat atleast 1000 more calories than your daily balance.
Originally Posted by I3

Eat eat eat! For those hardgainers like me.

Like seriously. I hate the fat gain and all that $$@+, but it will be a lengthy process to just slow bulk. Im around 144lbs @ 13-14%. I know if I watch what I eat and do cardio I can get lean in like a month.

I want to be like 150-155 @ 11-12% though.

Seriously need to eat heaps of clean food, the occasional junk food binge is fine - your not entering a show or competition.

thanks for the info. i've been trying to eat as much as i can lately, but most of it has been hot pockets and frozen foods because they're the easiest to prepare
. i used this calorie calculator and it says i should be consuming about 2500 calories/day to gain 1 lb. a week given that I'm not really active yet. does that seem about right?...

I haven't really gained weight, mainly just definition and a bit of mass.  But I think the general idea is you need to eat plenty, like think of the time when you were full.. eat more!

Its not really about eating a bigger meals, but increasing the frequency of the meal and the size of the meal too!
Originally Posted by Durden7

If you retract your shoulder blades, your rotator cuff muscles and traps will create a resting space at the the lower portion of your neck.  (The bar should be very close to C7 in your neck.)

The bar shouldn't actually rest on his neck though.  It should rest between the traps and rotator cuff, like right behind that bone at the top of your shoulder. 

So the next day, you will see red marks on like the back of your traps.  He should not have any red marks on your neck. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Toes straight forward, not out.
Looking up isnt necessary
Its not drop butt, but hips back and then drop down.

Squatting is a natural motion. It doesn't need to be taught. I know this sounds "lol" but it is true. No one needs to be taught how to squat anymore than they need to be taught how to walk. Children are excellent squatters (no pun intended

Most individuals have a problem with squatting because they lack hip mobility/flexibility. Once a person has sufficient hip mobility squatting is not an issue at all.

I'm not mentioning this because you said anything wrong but  because you can prvide all the correct information but the person will still have trouble squatting if the hip mobility isn't there.
Can yall critique this workout regimine for me.  I havent taken the weights seriously since I was in HS playing football, so I'd consider myself almost new, granted I pretty much know what excercise works out what muscle and all the basic jazz.  My problem here is this usually only takes me a good 30-40 mins max to do each day, and I dont really have to push for time to get it down that fast.  That just doesn't seem like its much time to be getting it in.  am I not working out these muscles enough?  is this a good pace for beginning and maybe I add more lifts as I go?

Sunday - OFF

Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Arms
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Durden7

If you retract your shoulder blades, your rotator cuff muscles and traps will create a resting space at the the lower portion of your neck.  (The bar should be very close to C7 in your neck.)

The bar shouldn't actually rest on his neck though.  It should rest between the traps and rotator cuff, like right behind that bone at the top of your shoulder. 

So the next day, you will see red marks on like the back of your traps.  He should not have any red marks on your neck. 
I didnt say it should rest on his neck though.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Toes straight forward, not out.
Looking up isnt necessary
Its not drop butt, but hips back and then drop down.

Squatting is a natural motion. It doesn't need to be taught. I know this sounds "lol" but it is true. No one needs to be taught how to squat anymore than they need to be taught how to walk. Children are excellent squatters (no pun intended

Most individuals have a problem with squatting because they lack hip mobility/flexibility. Once a person has sufficient hip mobility squatting is not an issue at all.

Have you seen the way some people walk?

Squatting needs to be taught.
Question: I'm finally dedicated on losing weight...Should I cut off carbs and just run a lot?

I don't know where to start.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Toes straight forward, not out.
Looking up isnt necessary
Its not drop butt, but hips back and then drop down.

Squatting is a natural motion. It doesn't need to be taught. I know this sounds "lol" but it is true. No one needs to be taught how to squat anymore than they need to be taught how to walk. Children are excellent squatters (no pun intended

Most individuals have a problem with squatting because they lack hip mobility/flexibility. Once a person has sufficient hip mobility squatting is not an issue at all.

Have you seen the way some people walk?

Squatting needs to be taught.

I just got back from the gym, and I did 10 sets of 7-10 reps of squats.. I started at 95lbs.. It wasn't that bad, I had a random guy in the gym helping me along the way.

It took me a while to find out the right place to place the bar.. My first 5 sets were extremely painful due to the wrong placement of the bar, and my second 5 sets were very good..

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Leg day today.. anyone recommend me good videos on how to learn to do Squats the right way?


legs shoulder width apart or a bit wider
point tows slightly out
look up
drop butt and go to parallel at least or a bit more
go back up

Toes straight forward, not out.
Looking up isnt necessary
Its not drop butt, but hips back and then drop down.

rippetoe says to point out slightly as well as many other sites
looking up isn't but it helps for a straight back
yes hips

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

do you guys use the barbell pad for squatting???

some guy was squatting five plates on each side with no barbell pad.. WOW

do you guys use the barbell pad for squatting???

some guy was squatting five plates on each side with no barbell pad.. WOW
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

do you guys use the barbell pad for squatting???

some guy was squatting five plates on each side with no barbell pad.. WOW

I used a barbell pad today, which was my first day squatting and I only had 95lbs on..
^most people don't.... I just use it out of habit now. Ever since I started when i was in HS we we're forced to use pads

Sidenote: I wish I was black sometimes
no racism.
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