Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

man..... some guy was razzing the females at my table at a club last night. He was YAPPPIN in my ear real close to my face. All I said to him was "this conversation is over". One girl got really uncomfortable and left the booth, so I got up to let her out. Then he stands up and gets in my face...

First time I ever felt like I could defend my self. I think self defense as a motivator to workout is often overlooked.

The bouncer grabbed him and threw him down the stairs. I guess he was a concern for a few people. Few guys came over to say thanks and whatever but I knew as soon as I left he'd be waiting for me with like ten dudes and knives.

Got outside and a cop had him pinned by the neck and the other cop was batoning the hell outta him

Stay in shape nt!

some friends told me it was a silly goal, but self defense was a main goal of mine when i started living a healthier life. 
sup my niketalk peeps.

Im 17, im at 5' 8'' at 180 lbs. i use to be same height at 170 lbs like a month ago (didnt gain weight on purpose).
Should i lose 10 lbs and then start focusing on gaining muscle or just start now.

btw i got a membership at Bally Fitness
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

So is C-Bol the best creatine pill out there?

i tend to only use Optimum products and the reviews for the ON creatine product and C-Bol are pretty similar

which should I roll with? pretty uninformed when it comes to creatine products

Lurk, i saw u praising's that working out for u?
I just started C-Bol and that #%%% does NOTHING for me. I don't feel a thing.
word? how long u been using it?
If I focused more on cardio and HIIT and toned down my weightlifting by lifting smaller weights, will that affect me?

These last 10 pounds and belly fat are TOUGH to get through.
Whats up guys I need some help/pointers

Me and my bro decided to stop being lazy and joined a gym..
I have been lazy as hell the past few years and haven't done !%!$ besides play some football/basketball with friends on occasion.
I eat like crap and am ready to change that but I'll ask some more info about specifics later on..
My main question is what should I do at the gym on the days I go? I need to lose mad weight so I'm guessing cardio is the main thing for that.. What do you guys recommend as far as balancing out cardio and weights? I guess I need to focus on cardio first to lose the weight, but I also wanna lift too.

Thanks for the help
do any of you guys do turkish get ups regularly? i just started doing them and i could see them becoming a big part of my workout.
Originally Posted by ago225

sup my niketalk peeps.

Im 17, im at 5' 8'' at 180 lbs. i use to be same height at 170 lbs like a month ago (didnt gain weight on purpose).
Should i lose 10 lbs and then start focusing on gaining muscle or just start now.

btw i got a membership at Bally Fitness

depends if your going to clean bulk than lose the 10lbs now, but if your going to dirty bulk than theirs no point in losing the 10lbs right now
dead serious nt

i been coming in this room since forever.... im 21yrs 5'11 190-195.... u dont notice the fat due 2 the fact that i got big shoulders so it looks natural.... but the fact is i wouldnt take my shirt off if it was like 150 degrees out.... my point is im either trying to lose like a 10-20 pounds fast OR juss try to turn what i have into muscle which would work out for me cause i like my size.... my question to ya would be is would it be easier to lose the weight or just try and turn the fat to muscle...... NOW before ya give ya opinion i have to let you guys know that if you tell me something like just do cardio or sum BS like that your gonna have me confused cuz i dont even no what that is.... i dont know any gym slang so if ur telling me to do push ups or jog or what ever just state it clearly.... i would post a pic up of myself just to get feed back if weight loss would be a good idea...... anyway please if u have sum info let me no the deal nt fam... thanks
^^ you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time. find a basic routine to follow.... run a lot... and most importantly fix your diet.

but according to your stats i wouldnt think you were overweight.

but anyway i had a hip injury sometime 3 weeks ago, or 2.

i cant do squats. or deadlifts. anytime i set my legs parallell or close to, i feel a slight pain in left side of my hip.

it's gotten better, im sure it will heal over time. atleast now i know to stretch A LOT MORE and focus on form instead of trying to knock the set out. loll

sure miss squats though.
I'm buying a powerrack today from NYbarbell anyone who has a home gym can recommend a adjustable bench to buy too. Thanks
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by lebrady23

I used to read this thread a lot but I haven't been in here in a while so if this has been said before sorry. But I'm 16 playing basketball and football maybe a little over 6' and weigh about 163 pounds I lift and workout regularly and have for a while and I'm getting stronger but I can't gain weight at all. So I talked to a couple guys in football and they suggested me to get protien powder with weight gain in it cause I didn't wanna get straight weight gainer so I was wondering what are some good brands of that cause I really don't know what to look for
Expensive powders aren't meant to replace food. Just eat real food. Nuts, oils, smoothies, etc. Whatever way you need to get in more calories. Most people that "can't gain weight" just don't eat enough to actually gain weight.

I understand it doesn't take the place of food but i don't take any protein right now as in powder or anything so i thought if i was going to get some i thought it might as well have some weight gainer too because of what im trying to do
1 scoop whey, tbsp pb, a lil sf jello pudding mix and a lil baking powder add in like 1/3 hot water a lil less stir it up heat it 30 seconds and its pretty much a good brownie if anyone likes new stuff
Originally Posted by lebrady23

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by lebrady23

I used to read this thread a lot but I haven't been in here in a while so if this has been said before sorry. But I'm 16 playing basketball and football maybe a little over 6' and weigh about 163 pounds I lift and workout regularly and have for a while and I'm getting stronger but I can't gain weight at all. So I talked to a couple guys in football and they suggested me to get protien powder with weight gain in it cause I didn't wanna get straight weight gainer so I was wondering what are some good brands of that cause I really don't know what to look for
Expensive powders aren't meant to replace food. Just eat real food. Nuts, oils, smoothies, etc. Whatever way you need to get in more calories. Most people that "can't gain weight" just don't eat enough to actually gain weight.

I understand it doesn't take the place of food but i don't take any protein right now as in powder or anything so i thought if i was going to get some i thought it might as well have some weight gainer too because of what im trying to do
But why do you feel you NEED to take a powder form of protein?
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

So is C-Bol the best creatine pill out there?

i tend to only use Optimum products and the reviews for the ON creatine product and C-Bol are pretty similar

which should I roll with? pretty uninformed when it comes to creatine products

Lurk, i saw u praising's that working out for u?
I just started C-Bol and that #%%% does NOTHING for me. I don't feel a thing.
word? how long u been using it?
3 Weeks now. I wanna hurry up and finish it so I can move on to something else.
Originally Posted by iLLest

I learned pics but how do you do spoilers?

Spoiler [+]
For spoilers, just type...

[S p o i l e r] *insert what you want in spoiler* [/S p o i l e r]

...with no spaces between the letters in "Spoiler".
From looking at pics I took today, I still have alot of fat and mass on my chest and in my lovehandles and lower back.

Can anyone school me on a CLEAN CUT and a KETO DIET?

I'm very tempted to take a fat burner pills but hearing the side effects that come with it makes me want to avoid it at all cost.

And if I focus more on HIIT and cut back on the weightlifting will that help me lose the fat? (I'm willing to sacrifice a little muscle to get more cut)
Originally Posted by rhester


I'm going to be working out 3 days a week & taking 150g's of protein powder when I start my routine...

I'll probably end up going a few extra days for cardio & ads...
I hope you're not going to be taking in 150g per workout day on just protein powder. No matter what weight you are, it defeats the whole purpose of a being a dietary "supplement" when chances are you're taking in more protein than you need in general. 
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

First 5lb tub of Whey finished..


why is it an accomplishment to you

lol.. because it represents my first step in the right direction..

Plus, it was my first supplement ever tried, etc.. many reasons..

Its like the new Deli, pasting their first dollar on the window, etc..
Originally Posted by iLLest

I finally decided to take some progress pics today. This is from Nov. 30th 2009 - May 2nd 2010. It was not a consistent 5 months to say the least. I was on and off for a while. Partying and drinking bad a lot of the times. But for the most part I put in the work I needed. Never gave up. Stayed pushing. Worked out 5 days a week starting January 17th I believe? 1 muscle a day and cardio on all days. Just recently I have given up drinking, smoking and am now on a very clean diet and workout routine so I look forward to my future results. Anyways here they are.
November 30th 2009


Spoiler [+]


Spoiler [+]

May 2nd 2010


Spoiler [+]


Spoiler [+]

Bonus Douche Bag Picture

Spoiler [+]


Good job man!

Care to share your workout regimen and cardio regimen?

What you eat and your total calories a day?
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