Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Tyler or anyone else: I have questions from two different people

how fast can be do fast for a person too loose 60 pounds in 2 months too much,too fast??? i would love to get down to about 230-240....
Yeah, thats a lot of weight in a short period of time.

It is also depends on the original status of the person.  Someone who has grade 1 or 2 obesity can lose 60 in 2 months without concern.
Down to 200 from 215 in two weeks...... but I feel like I look the same still
60lbs in 2 months...insane.

10 lbs in 2 months...doable. (basically 1 lb per week/eating 500calories under maintenance per day) is also good. has some bogus articles here and there, so I don't find their articles too reliable.

But as with any nutritional/workout article, you have to take everything with a grain of salt.
Hey, I need a little help from some ex-chubby NTers.

I'm currently 5'5, 175 lbs., size 34 pants, and looking to lose about 20 lbs. of fat, but at the same, gain some muscle. First step for me would have to be change my diet, considering I pig out at least 5 times a week. I need advice on a strict diet to follow. I'm going to start working out in April after my job falls through, so I need a minimalistic (sp?) diet to start losing weight before intense exercising. Thanks for the help.

Also, what weight machines are considered equivalent to the traditional bench press?
Originally Posted by knnyngo

Hey, I need a little help from some ex-chubby NTers.

I'm currently 5'5, 175 lbs., size 34 pants, and looking to lose about 20 lbs. of fat, but at the same, gain some muscle. First step for me would have to be change my diet, considering I pig out at least 5 times a week. I need advice on a strict diet to follow. I'm going to start working out in April after my job falls through, so I need a minimalistic (sp?) diet to start losing weight before intense exercising. Thanks for the help.

Also, what weight machines are considered equivalent to the traditional bench press?

What physique are you trying to build/attain?

Stripping fat while building muscle is extremely hard and would take a very long time to achieve a certain bodyfat percentage. 

So it would be helpful if you answer my question above before I get into anything further.
I was planning on doing a cardio and upper body workout rotation, would that not work out as I planned?

As for build, I'm guess I'm going to be trying to burn excess fat while keeping as much muscle as I can, and then I can start worrying about muscle mass.
Originally Posted by knnyngo

I was planning on doing a cardio and upper body workout rotation, would that not work out as I planned?

As for build, I'm guess I'm going to be trying to burn excess fat while keeping as much muscle as I can, and then I can start worrying about muscle mass.

#1 would be to clean up your diet.  No more fast food/fried stuff/pastries/sweets (anything that you feel guilty eating afterwards basically).  Eat more vegetables, lean meat (turkey, chicken, beef), healthy carb sources (potato, sweet potato, fruits, brown rice, whole wheat bread).  Drink a lot of water.  Portion out your less than what you were eating before during each meal.

#2 I suppose is a MWF total-body workout.  Cardio T/Th

Those are the basics really.
Originally Posted by knnyngo

Hey, I need a little help from some ex-chubby NTers.

I'm currently 5'5, 175 lbs., size 34 pants, and looking to lose about 20 lbs. of fat, but at the same, gain some muscle. First step for me would have to be change my diet, considering I pig out at least 5 times a week. I need advice on a strict diet to follow. I'm going to start working out in April after my job falls through, so I need a minimalistic (sp?) diet to start losing weight before intense exercising. Thanks for the help.

Also, what weight machines are considered equivalent to the traditional bench press?
Won't comment on the dieting because I have the most horrendous diet you could ever imagine, but I would say don't bother at all with the machines.  Free weights are far superior in every way.  I made the mistake of starting off with machines because I thought it would be good to build a strength base for moving onto free weights.  Machines are just a complete waste of time unless if you're injured or rehabbing.  Just focus on your form when you're starting out, the weights will pile on later.  Don't be embarrassed if you have to start light, the only person you're competing with is yourself.  Compound lifts are key, and don't focus too much on a single muscle group, like the bench press/curl monkeys.  Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is a good place to start if you're trying to build some muscle.  Gaining muscle mass will help to raise your metabolism and burn more fat than purely cardio, so make sure you spend some time in the weight room.

I would also say start off with light cardio until you build a decent foundation, then move into HIIT when your body and mind are capable of pushing you through it.  Jump roping is also a great exercise.  Do these and I guarantee the fat will shed away.

Just remember, stay motivated and push yourself through the rough times.  Pain is temporary but regret is forever.  You're competing with the person that you were yesterday, and you never want to lose to that person.  Plus you'll probably get even more motivated when you start seeing the results coming in.  I remember struggling with 30lb DB presses, but now I can do 80lbs for 3-5 reps @ 125lbs (I can't go over 130 because I plan on doing some amateur boxing around 118-125).  Seeing the numbers go up just increased my motivation to do more.  Good luck, and hope this was helpful
work your legs and torso more than upper body. your legs and torso get your blood flowing and are the key to getting in shape. ripped arms are good but just working your arms won't get your whole body going.
I stick with ON natural whey and natural Oats & whey along with their micronized creatine powder. Can't wait to hit the gym up again.
ph = pro hormones legal less potent oral steroids put on like 15lbs in 6ish weeks retain prob 10 and gain tons of strength first cycle of pplex i ran 4 weeks bench from 185x8 to 235x8 last week after pct still kept 225x6 gained. Its just me here but natty training equals no fun lol quick gains to much fun
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