Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I scan this thread enough to expect durden to give a responce to my post lol. PH aren't all illegal yet they go through and ban them in chains after testing but still tons remain legal only cuz they slide through the law because your liver does the final process turning it into a anabolic or something along those lines. H drol comes to mind not illegal but ya def gotta run proper pct and some of the harsher ones have worse sides then the real stuff with less results. still give noticeable changes in short periods easy to maintain and not nearly as harsh on liver as made out to be on the internet.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

 ***Can anyone help me figure out what type of food should be eaten before a workout?

***i'll also take suggestions if there are any in this dept.

A couple questions I also had were:
-Should I combine different groups together? Like maybe Chest with triceps?
-What would produce a better muscle gaining approach, drop-weight sets or increasing the weight?

All help is appreciated.

Before a workout: 1 can of tuna, maybe a bit of avocado and a small source of carbs. I don't worry too much about pre workout nutrition but what do I know.
After a workout: 45grams of protein and 70grams of dextrose. 

An hour after that: Large sweet potato, lots of veggies, 275g of top sirloin

You may wish to combine muscle groups but if you are pressing/dipping on chest day your triceps will get plenty of work. I don't workout arms exclusively, however at the end of chest day I will do 3x15 of a tricep workout and on back days I will do a 3x15 bicep workout.

Increase the weights AND drop weight sets. For your strength training purposes, do the main lift with heavy weights and low reps. For your muscle building exercises start off heavy and drop the weights. Drop them in a manner that will allow you to achieve a 3,6,10,15 (or something to that effect) rep scheme per set. You should be really $$%@@*# tired on that last set. Do three overall drop sets for your exercises.
i think i need to stop talking jack3d, i was feeling real good today after i took it, so ready to lift, had a great workout. Afterwards i was just playin xbox with some friends and all the sudden i felt depressed for no reason 
not the first time its happened either, maybe its the jack3d, maybe im just crazy *shrugs* 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

since i feel kinda agitated inside right now (maybe its my love for supplements and info)
lemme guess, kids at LOVE ON gold standard crap too. that whole forum is sheep an clueless. 

Based on independant studies through Florida Atlantic University, Natures Best has 99.1% Accuracy Rate on their labels. There Lactose free products, so its easy to digest. Gotta say the proof is in the pudding. I tried attaching the PDF but it wouldnt let me to show the studies, but Muscletech, and ON/ABB failed miserably. Beverly International was second with 97.2%, and Gaspari was 3rd 96.4%, however this is based on the top 10 selling brands from southern region of GNC stores.
I stopped reading as soon as the author of this statement misused the word 'there', in the worst possible way
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

I scan this thread enough to expect durden to give a responce to my post lol. PH aren't all illegal yet they go through and ban them in chains after testing but still tons remain legal only cuz they slide through the law because your liver does the final process turning it into a anabolic or something along those lines. H drol comes to mind not illegal but ya def gotta run proper pct and some of the harsher ones have worse sides then the real stuff with less results. still give noticeable changes in short periods easy to maintain and not nearly as harsh on liver as made out to be on the internet.

I didnt give the "
" because you were talking about prohormones.

It was directed towards the way you type.  It's terrible.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

any of you guys eat cottage cheese? what's the easiest way to eat this, $!%% is so disgusting.

grow a pair first. I hated it myself b/c of the consistency. Now I think of it as clumpy string cheese. I can eat it by itself, preferably with fruit though

Spoiler [+]
damn dude thats amazing.. im starting my gym trek tomorrow!!! straight up motivated me son
If that is natural... WOW

think of your body composition as a science experiment. Control the variables and adapt them as you see fit. Its all about biology.
Variables being: time of day you work out, amount of sleep you get, activities you do that day, what you eat (biggest factor), etc etc etc
yeah, that was one hell of a cycle he took

I hate it when people do those miracle "lose 60 lbs of fat but gain 15-20 lbs of muscle" in just a few months. Not possible without gear
^obviously not-natty or he lied about the dates(could have kept the old paper for later date.

If he just lost the pounds and had little muscle i wouldnt have a problem
Just got the gym membership. Like to do a little cardio and lift sit ups and maybe shoot around before hitting the sauna. Any of you guys have a routine I could use? I weigh like 205, just trying to get cut up a bit and tone up get these abs right. Anyone have any tips?

Also looking for overall tips about the gym, what not to do first meaning like should I lift and then run on run and then lift does it matter. Thanks fellas haven't been working out in years.
Started hitting the gym again this week
this is how my schedule looks like

on Tuesday and Wednesday : straight cardio

Thursday : weight training legs

Friday or Sunday: weight training upper body

also on my weight training days i do a little running to close out the workout

am I getting enough cardio or am I over training


seeing a recent pic of nate newton raised my concern of 

am I giving my body enough time and rest to respond properly to the weight loss

I mean im trying to reach my goal but at the same time Im not trying to look like franklin the turtle or a recovery victim as a result

Im about 6'3 350lbs trying to get down to 275lbs-250lbs 
thinking about incorporating this back into my workout after a 4 month hiatus...(Winter)


Thing is, and this may be a stupid question...

Im in the process of going through a job clearance...Will this show up in my UA (Urine Analysis)?? I havent started taking them yet dude to if it is, I dont want to until my clearance is over in a few weeks..

Thanks for the advice in advance fam.
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

I scan this thread enough to expect durden to give a responce to my post lol. PH aren't all illegal yet they go through and ban them in chains after testing but still tons remain legal only cuz they slide through the law because your liver does the final process turning it into a anabolic or something along those lines. H drol comes to mind not illegal but ya def gotta run proper pct and some of the harsher ones have worse sides then the real stuff with less results. still give noticeable changes in short periods easy to maintain and not nearly as harsh on liver as made out to be on the internet.
Yeah all pro hormones are not illegal.  I know a guy who just logged a hdrol and mdrol cycle here.  He got some pretty good results.  Not many sides from the hdrol but the mdrol was pretty rough on him.  Even with these you should have your diet and workout in check before messing with them imo.  People  shouldnt just use them for a quick fix but rather a way to take yourself beyond your genetic potential when you reach that.
The forum I gave the link to above is pretty new but its got some great guys on there. If any of you guys need help with diet or routine or supplement info feel free to register and ask questions. The guys are always eager to help out. They wont flame you or anything like that its really nice group of guys.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

60lbs in 2 months...insane.

10 lbs in 2 months...doable. (basically 1 lb per week/eating 500calories under maintenance per day)
This dude sorta did it.

What was the diet/regimen of this dude?
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