STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

yeah bro get rid of the gloves. i dont use chalk. but i use a mix grip. over hand and under hand on deadlifts.

has anyone ever done 2 workouts in 1 day?
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I just cut the finger tips off of mine so it doesn't look funny, even though I workout in my own home.
I got back in the gym this week and went hard and I think I might have strained some muscles. Feels bad, man. :frown:
I got back in the gym this week and went hard and I think I might have strained some muscles. Feels bad, man. :frown:

how long were you on hiatus? you're probably fine. Most time off = pains when you first get back in the groove. it should pass.
I'm starting to get my endurance back. I've been cutting the jump rope loose and also doing some lifting in my living room. It feels good. I think I need to start taking protein powder again, though. My energy level has been off.
how long were you on hiatus? you're probably fine. Most time off = pains when you first get back in the groove. it should pass.
Man I hope so. It's been about a year since I was last in the gym but I've strained muscles before and felt similar but this time it doesn't feel as bad so hopefully it'll be gone in a few days. I gotta say though it does feel good to get back in the gym and bust a sweat. Consider me a new contributer to this thread
Can anyone give me a workout routine for a beginner?

I was looking into stronglifts-rippetoe?...what are some other good ones out there?

I'm looking to workout 3 days a week M,W,F

I'm around 5'5 165 lbs. so i need to lose the fat.

Also, which one is better split workouts or full body?

Thanks for all the help brahs!
Can anyone give me a workout routine for a beginner?
I was looking into stronglifts-rippetoe?...what are some other good ones out there?

I'm looking to workout 3 days a week M,W,F
I'm around 5'5 165 lbs. so i need to lose the fat.

Also, which one is better split workouts or full body?
Thanks for all the help brahs!

You wanna separate the different muscle groups into days. I usually have a set day for chest/legs, biceps/triceps/forearms, and shoulders/back. I usually do abs maybe 2-4 times a week and cardio 3-4 times a week.
Can anyone give me a workout routine for a beginner?
I was looking into stronglifts-rippetoe?...what are some other good ones out there?

I'm looking to workout 3 days a week M,W,F
I'm around 5'5 165 lbs. so i need to lose the fat.

Also, which one is better split workouts or full body?
Thanks for all the help brahs!

You wanna separate the different muscle groups into days. I usually have a set day for chest/legs, biceps/triceps/forearms, and shoulders/back. I usually do abs maybe 2-4 times a week and cardio 3-4 times a week.

so you do chest and legs on the same day?? whoa...

and abs are really just like any other muscle group..besides forearms and calves, once or twice a week is plenty honestly.

cosign on the split workouts though, splitting the body parts. Definitely dont cosign legs and chest being same day though. Legs are waaaay too big of a body part to be worked on the same day as anything else.
Can anyone give me a workout routine for a beginner?
I was looking into stronglifts-rippetoe?...what are some other good ones out there?

I'm looking to workout 3 days a week M,W,F
I'm around 5'5 165 lbs. so i need to lose the fat.

Also, which one is better split workouts or full body?
Thanks for all the help brahs!

You wanna separate the different muscle groups into days. I usually have a set day for chest/legs, biceps/triceps/forearms, and shoulders/back. I usually do abs maybe 2-4 times a week and cardio 3-4 times a week.

so you do chest and legs on the same day?? whoa...

and abs are really just like any other muscle group..besides forearms and calves, once or twice a week is plenty honestly.

cosign on the split workouts though, splitting the body parts. Definitely dont cosign legs and chest being same day though. Legs are waaaay too big of a body part to be worked on the same day as anything else.

Yeah, I can see that with legs. I used to do chest/triceps together, but it always ended up just being a chest workout :lol:. I do abs that often because I do boxing type workouts. I still keep elements of the workouts I used to do for boxing training. Abs are one of the most important parts of boxing fitness, so I used to do it 2 days on, 1 day off.
Is 3 days a week good enough for a beginner?

And is there a specific website that I can get sample workout routine. I'm starting from the very beginning.
Can anyone give me a workout routine for a beginner?
I was looking into stronglifts-rippetoe?...what are some other good ones out there?

I'm looking to workout 3 days a week M,W,F
I'm around 5'5 165 lbs. so i need to lose the fat.

Also, which one is better split workouts or full body?
Thanks for all the help brahs!

You wanna separate the different muscle groups into days. I usually have a set day for chest/legs, biceps/triceps/forearms, and shoulders/back. I usually do abs maybe 2-4 times a week and cardio 3-4 times a week.

so you do chest and legs on the same day?? whoa...

and abs are really just like any other muscle group..besides forearms and calves, once or twice a week is plenty honestly.

cosign on the split workouts though, splitting the body parts. Definitely dont cosign legs and chest being same day though. Legs are waaaay too big of a body part to be worked on the same day as anything else.

Yeah, I can see that with legs. I used to do chest/triceps together, but it always ended up just being a chest workout :lol:. I do abs that often because I do boxing type workouts. I still keep elements of the workouts I used to do for boxing training. Abs are one of the most important parts of boxing fitness, so I used to do it 2 days on, 1 day off.

Oh ok no doubt, I boxed for years growing up, so I definitely know where you're coming from. Core is vital. Do ya thing G

Is 3 days a week good enough for a beginner?
And is there a specific website that I can get sample workout routine. I'm starting from the very beginning.

3 days is fine for a beginner bud, consistency is the most important piece to the puzzle. You can change your diet now of course, but too drastic of a change too soon is a sure fire way to promote quitting and binge eating. Develop a good work ethic first and allow that to fuel your change in foods and diets. is a good place. search for beginner workouts.
Legs and chest sAme day?????? Wtf

Yes 3 days is fine.

I do 4 day split

Day 1 chest. Day 2 back n biceps, day 3, tris and shoulders. Day 4 Legs
Legs and chest sAme day?????? Wtf

Yes 3 days is fine.

I do 4 day split

Day 1 chest. Day 2 back n biceps, day 3, tris and shoulders. Day 4 Legs

I might switch to this. I usually just end up doing squats and lunges. My legs are already naturally muscular.
As a beginner it is good to develop great form and diet!!! But I think full body workouts are the best.. It allows you to compound workouts which see huge increases in strength over splits.. If you want a full body routine pm me,, when we did splits during college I never did well because I loved Tuesdays which were squat and bench press..

When you start out..
Test your bench with barbells and dumb bells
Test your dips and pull ups
Test your squats and lunges

Doing those will allow you to understand how you set up your strengths and weaknesses..
Ended up going to the gym to hit legs. I didn't "rush" it but I did cut it short to make my massage appointment.

- Calve Extensions
- Squats
- Leg press
- Reverse leg extensions.
- Leg extensions.

Massage appointment lol...was it happy endings by any chance?
This is the one I used a couple of years -
It really worked for me - huge improvements in strength and even people I didn't know well would say things - the muscle mass across my upper shoulders especially was incredible after about 2 months.
I think the best thing about it is the fact that when you get to 5 reps you add more weight - so in the few weeks preceding you'll manage maybe 5 reps then 5 then 4 then 4 then 2 - and as soon as you can do 5,5,5,5,5 you add some weight - and you'll go back to failing on a couple of the sets.
It worked for me I think mostly because I never coasted - it's easy to think "I've done 10 reps of this before so I'll do 10 again" - but you're not really pushing yourself. This way you can't really do that because it's the weight changing and the target is always 5. Made sense to me anyway.
Thanks for the link!! looks great, just a few quick questions about it.

1. When it says shoulder press, does that mean military or standing shoulder press?

2. I have been lifting for a little while, but my form sometimes is still iffy. Should i only use as much weight as i can have great form with?

3. Is it really only 2 lifts per day? or should i add in other lifts to those body parts?

Thanks a lot!!
As a beginner it is good to develop great form and diet!!! But I think full body workouts are the best.. It allows you to compound workouts which see huge increases in strength over splits.. If you want a full body routine pm me,, when we did splits during college I never did well because I loved Tuesdays which were squat and bench press..
When you start out..
Test your bench with barbells and dumb bells
Test your dips and pull ups
Test your squats and lunges
Doing those will allow you to understand how you set up your strengths and weaknesses..

Been lifting over for about 2 years and going to start following Rippletoe's Starting Strength then Madcow's routine.

Heard nothing but great stuff about these linear programs.
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Can anyone give me a workout routine for a beginner?

I was looking into stronglifts-rippetoe?...what are some other good ones out there?

I'm looking to workout 3 days a week M,W,F

I'm around 5'5 165 lbs. so i need to lose the fat.

Also, which one is better split workouts or full body?

Thanks for all the help brahs!
I highly second going with the Rippletoe's Starting Strength, best way to get strong and develop perform form on the main lifts!
only lost 1.4 lbs not bad but I lost 3lbs each week last 2 weeks. I think it was my sodium intake this week holding water.
Your better off using the mirror than the scale, not a real accurate representation, too many variables.
Or if you can get your bf% measured
Your better off using the mirror than the scale, not a real accurate representation, too many variables.
Or if you can get your bf% measured

of course, last Saturday I fasted all day until that night and I lost 1-2 lbs (water more than likely) from when I work up at 12 to when I weighed again at 3 or 4. Only reason I even use the scale is for adjusting my Calorie intake.
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