STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I sent this too somebody earlier.. for anybody looking for intensity or something different..

BarInsanityX :smokin

(try to hit the arm circles, push ups, dips and pulls as soon as you finish your set then rest for a 30-60 seconds)

Warm Ups
5-7 Minutes on the Elliptical.. Go hard really warms up all muscles

Shoulders(3 sets of 8)
Front Lat Raise of 8 (10 Non weighted Arm Circles)
Side Lat Raise of 8 (10 Non weighted Arm Circles)
Bent Over Lat Raise of 8

Chest(3 sets 12/10/8)
Alternating DB Bench Press of 12 ( 8 Diamond push ups)
Wide DB Bench Press of 10 (8 Regular Push ups)
Narrow DB Bench Press of 8 (8 Divebomber Push ups)

Legs(2 sets of 15)
Front Squats (15 Calf Raises)

Back (3 sets of 10)
Barbell Deadlifts of 10 (5 Wide Pull ups)
Barbell Deadlifts of 10 (5 Underhand Pull ups)
Barbell Deadlifts of 10 (5 Narrow Pull ups)

Bi's/Tri's (3 sets of 8/10/12)
Hammer Curls of 8(12 Dips)
Hammer Curls of 10 (10 Dips)
Hammer Curls of 12 (8 Dips)

Abs (2 rotations with 1 set of each with 12 reps and resting is pulling in your knees over your abs)
Regular Crunches
Reverse Crunches
Scissor Kicks
Plank for 30 seconds
Flutter Kicks​
Your better off using the mirror than the scale, not a real accurate representation, too many variables.
Or if you can get your bf% measured
I've noticed a few people in here don't like going by the scale for some reason. To each his own I guess, but there's no reason to care about BF% if you aren't caring about your weight, at least when your cutting, because you got to lose weight==lose body fat, no way around that.

Watch out for that sodium though Lucky, it will slow your progress down for sure.
Muscle weighs more then fat so if you are lifting you will gain muscle and it will seem on the scale as if you are gaining but you not if that makes sense or even as if you are not losing anything. I still get on it every now and then but just out of habit. My mirror is my judge.
Yo so I do crossfit 5 days a week... I weigh 160 about 18% body fat- gonna cut to like 5% hopefully - what supplements or pills do u guys recommend - I eat really healthy and drink water and green tea only -
I sent this too somebody earlier.. for anybody looking for intensity or something different..

(try to hit the arm circles, push ups, dips and pulls as soon as you finish your set then rest for a 30-60 seconds)
Warm Ups
5-7 Minutes on the Elliptical.. Go hard really warms up all muscles
Shoulders(3 sets of

Front Lat Raise of 8 (10 Non weighted Arm Circles)
Side Lat Raise of 8 (10 Non weighted Arm Circles)
Bent Over Lat Raise of 8
Chest(3 sets 12/10/

Alternating DB Bench Press of 12 ( 8 Diamond push ups)
Wide DB Bench Press of 10 (8 Regular Push ups)
Narrow DB Bench Press of 8 (8 Divebomber Push ups)
Legs(2 sets of 15)
Front Squats (15 Calf Raises)
Back (3 sets of 10)
Barbell Deadlifts of 10 (5 Wide Pull ups)
Barbell Deadlifts of 10 (5 Underhand Pull ups)
Barbell Deadlifts of 10 (5 Narrow Pull ups)
Bi's/Tri's (3 sets of 8/10/12)
Hammer Curls of 8(12 Dips)
Hammer Curls of 10 (10 Dips)
Hammer Curls of 12 (8 Dips)
Abs (2 rotations with 1 set of each with 12 reps and resting is pulling in your knees over your abs)
Regular Crunches
Reverse Crunches
Scissor Kicks
Plank for 30 seconds
Flutter Kicks​
And this is, 3 times a week?
Definitely gonna be frequenting this thread a lot in the future. I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week. I have to force myself to rest more, but I'm addicted lol. I'm about to shift back to more calisthenics as it's always been a priority of mines to remain as athletic as possible as opposed to simply going for size/strength gains. Plus I'm thinking of taking up MMA.

Also, I do very little supps these days. Basically whey, aminos, fish oil, flax oil, and casein sparingly. I'm about to get some organic green superfoods by Garden of Life. I highly recommend superfoods in general, so much good stuff that we rarely think about packed into one convenient supp.

Any jumprope enthusiasts? My favorite piece of workout equipment by far.
And this is, 3 times a week?

Yes.. But Wednesday and Friday are completely different exercises except for push ups and pull ups.. Monday is heavy chest, Wednesday is heavy legs and Friday is back and tris.. So I can look good on the weekend..

Try it.. Let me know how you feel right after, Tuesday and the next time you lift..
Definitely gonna be frequenting this thread a lot in the future. I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week. I have to force myself to rest more, but I'm addicted lol. I'm about to shift back to more calisthenics as it's always been a priority of mines to remain as athletic as possible as opposed to simply going for size/strength gains. Plus I'm thinking of taking up MMA.
Also, I do very little supps these days. Basically whey, aminos, fish oil, flax oil, and casein sparingly. I'm about to get some organic green superfoods by Garden of Life. I highly recommend superfoods in general, so much good stuff that we rarely think about packed into one convenient supp.
Any jumprope enthusiasts? My favorite piece of workout equipment by far.
Fish oil and flax? I thought its either or.

Which aminos do you recommend?
Yo so I do crossfit 5 days a week... I weigh 160 about 18% body fat- gonna cut to like 5% hopefully - what supplements or pills do u guys recommend - I eat really healthy and drink water and green tea only -

I dont think its healthy for a person to walk around at 5% for a long time..7%-9 more realistic..get your diet down to a T
Jus finished shoulder n tri workout in 45 min. Supersets towards the ens
Killed my shoulders today too, trying to get those traps of peace 

Muscle weighs more then fat so if you are lifting you will gain muscle and it will seem on the scale as if you are gaining but you not if that makes sense or even as if you are not losing anything. I still get on it every now and then but just out of habit. My mirror is my judge.
Yeah your 100% correct in terms of building muscle, I'm talking about loosing fat though but either way both help with progress.
Yeah but no one is gaining 2lbs of muscle in a week. Probably water weight.

ReAson made me hit them traps hardddd

I swear this thread is motivation to me. Keep it up :smile:
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Definitely gonna be frequenting this thread a lot in the future. I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week. I have to force myself to rest more, but I'm addicted lol. I'm about to shift back to more calisthenics as it's always been a priority of mines to remain as athletic as possible as opposed to simply going for size/strength gains. Plus I'm thinking of taking up MMA.

Also, I do very little supps these days. Basically whey, aminos, fish oil, flax oil, and casein sparingly. I'm about to get some organic green superfoods by Garden of Life. I highly recommend superfoods in general, so much good stuff that we rarely think about packed into one convenient supp.

Any jumprope enthusiasts? My favorite piece of workout equipment by far.

Fish oil and flax? I thought its either or.

Which aminos do you recommend?
I try and do both as they both have their positives. I tend to do more fish oil, though.

As for aminos, I use BCAA 5000 by Optimum Nutrition (unflavored). I just mix it in my post workout shake. I used to love Scivation Xtend, but I don't do many artificial sweetners nowadays. If you dont mind them, its a great product.
I try and do both as they both have their positives. I tend to do more fish oil, though.
As for aminos, I use BCAA 5000 by Optimum Nutrition (unflavored). I just mix it in my post workout shake. I used to love Scivation Xtend, but I don't do many artificial sweetners nowadays. If you dont mind them, its a great product.

Lol good whey already has tons of BCAA.

I need to cop a big water bottle, for crib like I have at work, hate having to carry a ton of cups of water.

I hear they are useless under 30 but what y'all think of test boosters?
muscle doesn't weigh more than fat.... 1lb is 1lb. But muscle is more denser than fat
if u had to choose 1 lift would u do deadlifts or squats i cant do both of these any more my lower back is on fire
Do them both separate days. Deads r for ur back.

muscle doesn't weigh more than fat.... 1lb is 1lb. But muscle is more denser than fat

So of u put bottle full of muscle and bottle full of fat they will weigh the same????

These ****** don't even realize they're saying the same thing.
muscle doesn't weigh more than fat.... 1lb is 1lb. But muscle is more denser than fat

basically. a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same, fat just consumes more volume. Consider a set of twins, one twin being 150lbs with 40-50% body fat looks huge compared to the other twin that is 150lbs with 8-10% body fat. They weigh the same, but the mass is completely different.
I try and do both as they both have their positives. I tend to do more fish oil, though.
As for aminos, I use BCAA 5000 by Optimum Nutrition (unflavored). I just mix it in my post workout shake. I used to love Scivation Xtend, but I don't do many artificial sweetners nowadays. If you dont mind them, its a great product.

Lol good whey already has tons of BCAA.

I need to cop a big water bottle, for crib like I have at work, hate having to carry a ton of cups of water.

I hear they are useless under 30 but what y'all think of test boosters?

I'm aware of that, but I suppose it all depends on where you stand on the protein bound vs. free form BCAA debate. My bottle has lasted me a while as I only add enough in addition to the 5.5g/serving I get from my protein powder. I'm sure the difference isn't major, but I make the bottle last a while.

There's plenty of foods that naturally boost test levels. Always been a bit paranoid about test boosters beyond the run of the mill tribulus and its even debatable how much of a difference it makes.
I'm aware of that, but I suppose it all depends on where you stand on the protein bound vs. free form BCAA debate. My bottle has lasted me a while as I only add enough in addition to the 5.5g/serving I get from my protein powder. I'm sure the difference isn't major, but I make the bottle last a while.
There's plenty of foods that naturally boost test levels. Always been a bit paranoid about test boosters beyond the run of the mill tribulus and its even debatable how much of a difference it makes.

I feel if you arent using BCAAs for Intraworkout i.e.. Xtend then just let your Post workout shake do the job
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