STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

STRETCH and Rest will help with the sore back. Lower the weight on the deads too.

I had something bothering me in my back, I feel like it was pinched nerve, I took a solid week off and now I'm back in there. Don't mess around when it comes to your back, no need to have troubles later on in life.
lol, I wish I saw this thread when i was a noob and maximized my noob gains... Brb me and my friends would do bicep curls and bench on smith machine everyday. Did it for like two months straight till our coach told us we were idiots. thank god for and starting strength
lol, I wish I saw this thread when i was a noob and maximized my noob gains... Brb me and my friends would do bicep curls and bench on smith machine everyday. Did it for like two months straight till our coach told us we were idiots. thank god for and starting strength


i know so many people liek this. curl everyday and bench everyday thinking its going to get them bigger and stronger.
Lol, I see it everyday at the gym.  It happens to the best of us, though.  I used to hate training legs, but now I refuse to go a week without training them.  When we just start out we train the muscles that we want to see pop in the mirror instead of focusing on those compound lifts which build everything.
I'm aware of that, but I suppose it all depends on where you stand on the protein bound vs. free form BCAA debate. My bottle has lasted me a while as I only add enough in addition to the 5.5g/serving I get from my protein powder. I'm sure the difference isn't major, but I make the bottle last a while.
There's plenty of foods that naturally boost test levels. Always been a bit paranoid about test boosters beyond the run of the mill tribulus and its even debatable how much of a difference it makes.
I feel if you arent using BCAAs for Intraworkout i.e.. Xtend then just let your Post workout shake do the job
I just wish there was a product out there with no dyes and natural sweetners as opposed to artificial ones (stevia).  I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty paranoid about what I consume.  I may just doctor something up and resume taking BCAAs intraworkout as when I trained that way earlier in the year my gains were through the roof.  I've also been cutting back on my protein powder intake as well in favor of more whole foods.  Although I'm glad that we can reap all of the benefits of the advancements in sports medicine/training, I'm trying to treat supplements as just supplements and not rely upon them too much.
today was leg day and had a personal feat. of 600lb on the high leg press, for reps. I had done 4 sets beforehand, starting with 270 as my warm up, each set increasing by 90. got to 540 and just kept pushing out too easy, so I was adding 10s..and adding 10s...and adding 10s...until I got to 30 extra lbs on each side...600lbs! I worked 2 sets with that for 8-9reps, i wasn't really counting, it was heavy *** weight, i just wanted to focus on pushing and keeping my feet aligned with my knees lol. I've lifted heavier, but just for the 1-2rm. I've really been putting time in on my legs. I've found that my upper body was developing way faster, i needed to have my lower half catch up. So anyways, after the leg press, i hit heavy lunges for 3 sets, 12-15 steps with twin 45lb dbs. did some reverse curls to hit my hams since after that leg press i didnt feel like deadlifting anymore. then finished with a crapload of sets of standing calf raises, seated calf raises and the fibula pull equipment. I think I was quite productive today. finished in about an 1:05 - 1:10mins.
We have a lot of just open areas and what not at the gym, so I just take my dbs over there and do my stuff. I have plenty of room and I'm not really in anybody's way, so it's all good.
slightly off topic but to whoever has lost a good maount of weight, do your sneakers fit slightly better? I ask because ive gained weight(mentioned earlier in thread) and some of my shoes feel tight, will losing weight make the sneakers feel better or should i just buy in a bigger size from now on?
slightly off topic but to whoever has lost a good maount of weight, do your sneakers fit slightly better? I ask because ive gained weight(mentioned earlier in thread) and some of my shoes feel tight, will losing weight make the sneakers feel better or should i just buy in a bigger size from now on?

No unless u got fat feet
slightly off topic but to whoever has lost a good maount of weight, do your sneakers fit slightly better? I ask because ive gained weight(mentioned earlier in thread) and some of my shoes feel tight, will losing weight make the sneakers feel better or should i just buy in a bigger size from now on?

Yes. I was a size 12...wore 13s in SBs since 12s killed me. Bought today's 9s in an 11 and they fit ne perfectly
I'm sure your feet will change..long as it's not heel-to-toe tight, it'll feel different. people that lose weight and gain weight notice changes in the extremities, such as tighter shoes or rings feeling tighter or looser on the fingers.
Yes. I was a size 12...wore 13s in SBs since 12s killed me. Bought today's 9s in an 11 and they fit ne perfectly

I'm sure your feet will change..long as it's not heel-to-toe tight, it'll feel different. people that lose weight and gain weight notice changes in the extremities, such as tighter shoes or rings feeling tighter or looser on the fingers.

ok thanks guys also my sz.12 dunks i bought a few months back are practically unwearable, bought the rookies in a size 14 and they fit good, unbelievable! I guess ill buy a few beaters in sz.14 or 13 until(hopefully i do soon) lose weight
also, its not heel to toe tight, my toe are cramped together and the sides(on some sneakers) are tight, the toes are the main problems though
slightly off topic but to whoever has lost a good maount of weight, do your sneakers fit slightly better? I ask because ive gained weight(mentioned earlier in thread) and some of my shoes feel tight, will losing weight make the sneakers feel better or should i just buy in a bigger size from now on?

my foot size went down half a size

my size on fitteds went from 7 5/8 to 7 1/4 lol
my foot size went down half a size
my size on fitteds went from 7 5/8 to 7 1/4 lol

did u get a haircut :lol: btw guys i have ALOT of weight to lose(at least 100lbs.) and im starting next year, wish me luck, will probably take a before pic in case i actually lose weight so i can see the difference
did u get a haircut :lol: btw guys i have ALOT of weight to lose(at least 100lbs.) and im starting next year, wish me luck, will probably take a before pic in case i actually lose weight so i can see the difference

Incase?? Nah u got it. Just stay consistent. Eat right.
lol thanks for the motivation, being fat is not fun(other than eating whenever you want)
^ nah I always had a #1 haircut since I thought it made my face look smaller. But yea you can do it man it just takes time, consistency and dedication. The only thing I liked about being fat back in the day other than eating whatever I want was I always got shotgun in the car when riding with a bunch of the homies because I would be too big for the back seat :lol:

One of the most motivational threads from "Were you treated differently after losing a lot of weight"
slightly off topic but to whoever has lost a good maount of weight, do your sneakers fit slightly better? I ask because ive gained weight(mentioned earlier in thread) and some of my shoes feel tight, will losing weight make the sneakers feel better or should i just buy in a bigger size from now on?

Yes. I was a size 12...wore 13s in SBs since 12s killed me. Bought today's 9s in an 11 and they fit ne perfectly
people think I'm crazy when I tell them at my fattest I wore 15s but wear 13s now. Cankle fat or something, I don't know. But I can't imagine putting my foot in a 15 right now
Yo so I do crossfit 5 days a week... I weigh 160 about 18% body fat- gonna cut to like 5% hopefully - what supplements or pills do u guys recommend - I eat really healthy and drink water and green tea only -

if you eat really healthy and drink nothing but water you dont need supps and should easily get below 10% if you workout 5 days a week.
Can someone recommend me an NO product that is caffeine-free and very effective?

I used to use White Blood by Controlled Labs. It worked for me.

They updated it to White Blood 2... and that **** is one of the nastiest things on planet Earth.

Sooo... now what? I can cop some old White Blood from eBay, which I will probably do.

BUT... does anyone know another NO product that contains zero caffeine + works great?

- Hemavol

- BSN No-Xplode, caffeine-free

- BSN Nitrix

Does anyone know anything about either of these?

I use ON Creatine Mono as my creating.

Thanks to anyone that can help... and I don't care to hear about "you don't need supplements."
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