STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I think I read somewhere awhile back that wearing a hoodie to cut/ sweat is actually counterproductive. I'll see if I can find it. Anyone else heard this?

I have. Water weight is just that and actually just makes you tired faster/you can't work as hard or for as long. When I wrestled dehydration was a last resort to lose weight because it kills your strength and energy level and the rehydration processes actually take a while to go back to normal
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I rock shorts over tights in the fall/winter

People think that is so weird for some reason

It really depends, there are tights made to Wear on their own. They are thick, virus and nike make some. Then there are compression underwear tights that shouldn't be worn on their own cause they are too thin (nike pro)

No problem with people rocking them on their own. However, there are people that don't know the difference and wear thin as underwear tights with nothing on top
Do not wear tights without shorts.

Same guy... just shows you what a pump, no hair and some good lighting can do for you.
wow! you're right. that hair ain't natty though :x

gonna cut some fat hopefully. starting at 184.4#. i bought a fitbit scale for my wife and weighing myself today it said that i'm 35% bodyfat :lol: :frown:
now i'm feeling self-conscious :smh:
I have. Water weight is just that and actually just makes you tired faster/you can't work as hard or for as long. When I wrestled dehydration was a last resort to lose weight because it kills your strength and energy level and the rehydration processes actually take a while to go back to normal
Sounds like along the lines of what I read. Makes sense.
getting back into shape, just doing some lifting in the house along wih pushups.. gonna incorporate pull ups when i get my back strength up... its only been a couple week but i feel much better.. less tired , wake up more alert, sex is always on point but i get more aggressive when im in shape.. all win/win
i never went through a cutting phase.. i usually just transfer weight from fat to muscles with slight weight loss after muscle is set... how do I lose weight without losing size on muscles??? 
If youre the only one wearing just compression pants and nothing over it..... Youre doing something wrong.
I'm kinda surprised at how quickly I'm getting back into shape/getting stronger

I guess there's something to be said about muscle memory
When we were discussing music u listen to at the gym. I think someone mentioned palisades. Whoever did THANK YOU. I like this genre and their right up my alley. Remonds me of issues.
The new august burns red album
I swear on everything I own I'm listening to that now thinking it's amazing. 
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I'm kinda surprised at how quickly I'm getting back into shape/getting stronger

I guess there's something to be said about muscle memory

This is why it kinda bothers me when the average person talks about how hard it is to see results. Go from doing nothing to lifting 4-5 times a week plus making some effort to watch what you eat and you'll 100% see results in a month or two. No doubt about it. Not just muscle memory or genetics. It's all about consistency.
This is why it kinda bothers me when the average person talks about how hard it is to see results. Go from doing nothing to lifting 4-5 times a week plus making some effort to watch what you eat and you'll 100% see results in a month or two. No doubt about it. Not just muscle memory or genetics. It's all about consistency.
That's people's problem though. It's not instantaneous. The results they're after may take 6 months-a year or more of consistent eating well and exercising but they quit on themselves before they ever make any real progress. Or they half *** the entire process and wonder why they never got anywhere. A lot of times people don't even know what they want. It's always something vague like "get skinny" or "get in shape". There's no clearly defined goal so they lose sight so easily and once the vision is gone so are they.

Just made a side by side photo of me from two months ago to now and the difference is crazy. The gradual changes you see on a day to day basis don't seem like much till you look back. And that's just two months. Can't imagine where I'll be in a year. That's what drives me. I'm always curious to see where I can take it next.
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Toe touches, ab twists, reverse crunches, planks, side planks, bicycles, hanging leg raises, supermans, lower back extensions, deadlifts, squats.
i have songs from good apollo i'm burning star and no world for tomorrow on my phone. good lifting music.

you would def like Mandroid then they sound very identical.

That's a great album

My lifting music is random. cardio , shoulder day and back day I like listening to rap.
leg and chest day is rock/metal.

ice nine kills

I usually discover most of these bands on the Punk goes.. series
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That's people's problem though. It's not instantaneous. The results they're after may take 6 months-a year or more of consistent eating well and exercising but they quit on themselves before they ever make any real progress. Or they half *** the entire process and wonder why they never got anywhere. A lot of times people don't even know what they want. It's always something vague like "get skinny" or "get in shape". There's no clearly defined goal so they lose sight so easily and once the vision is gone so are they.

Just made a side by side photo of me from two months ago to now and the difference is crazy. The gradual changes you see on a day to day basis don't seem like much till you look back. And that's just two months. Can't imagine where I'll be in a year. That's what drives me. I'm always curious to see where I can take it next.

I completely agree with you but just to add - most of those people don't hit the 30 day mark of consistent exercise and eating. If they did, they'd feel more like you do. Like damn I could do this in 30 days? Imagine 60 or 90? Or 6 months? That's just my opinion anyway. I'm on the same boat you are. Been going hard since early March after battling inconsistency and the difference is crazy.
You can do more in one hour in a kitchen than you can in a gym. We only spend a few minutes actually moving weight but could easily spend a few minutes on just the first 10pc chicken mcnugget yaddamean

Now I'm hungry **** man. Haven't had chicken nuggets in a minute now I want like 20 of them.
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