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His question was about maintaining basically around the same weight, while gaining muscle and burning fat, which i've done with strength training. I'm not asking.
Go back and re read exactly what he said. He said he wanted to gain weight and lose body fat at the same time. This is mathematically impossible because they require opposite caloric intakes. I promise you didn't gain enough muscle or lose enough fat to notice a big change in body composition. Its just not doable naturally to a great extent.

For anyone newb or intermediate lifter, its best to stick with one goal in mind and just give it your all, I made the most gains with that approach. 
Depends on what you going for, if you are doing high rep it's very possible. I have been stuck at essentially 180 for a month or so, small incremental increase with weight is very possible. 

Possible yea...theres some genetic gifted freaks out there. Very possible and common... hell no
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Heavy sets this week

Ive been lifting for 4 years now and I still feel like a newb tryna figure this out and to be honest I'm okay with that.
Just recently ive been focusing more onto that mind to muscle connection and when you find it....that pump tho
Thats ok bro it takes years to truly master what works. 
Big boss or anyone who knows, so I'm 177 now slight gut and no where near strength plateau. I'm trying to even out and lose a small amount of fat yet maintain that weight. Not really a cut like most do, just not get fat.

You don't think I'll continue to get stronger/gain muscle eating the 3k calories a day it takes for me to maintain that?

I'm a year into lifting now so newbie gains aren't really a thing anymore for me. Wondering your thoughts.
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His question was about maintaining basically around the same weight, while gaining muscle and burning fat, which i've done with strength training. I'm not asking.

Go back and re read exactly what he said. He said he wanted to gain weight and lose body fat at the same time. This is mathematically impossible because they require opposite caloric intakes. I promise you didn't gain enough muscle or lose enough fat to notice a big change in body composition. Its just not doable naturally to a great extent.

For anyone newb or intermediate lifter, its best to stick with one goal in mind and just give it your all, I made the most gains with that approach. 

I'd suggest you go back and reread, that was his second sentence which I didn't even address. Still, that's not even impossible.
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60 pounds and a year later finally time to slow down. :lol: I was at 184 few weeks ago. That was groce.
like was more for convenience though, id hit up a converse outlet if I had one close. Ima just buy a pair on their website and pay a lil more.

I highly recommend the 2s if you're ok with the cushioning of the Lunarlon insole.
I need some help guys. When doing back day, my biceps burn the most and hinders me from lifting heavier. I feel like im at a plateau. I will pull with my back but my bicep just gets worked like crazy and burns out
Maybe youre using too much bicep, lower the weigt and focus on "pulling with your elbows".

Use straps maybe also, not for the whole workout ovv but when your grip is starting to tire.
What lift? Rows and pull-ups?

Do what Picasso said, bring your elbows in and back on those lifts.
What lift? Rows and pull-ups?

Do what Picasso said, bring your elbows in and back on those lifts.

dumbell row, seated cable row, assisted pullups.

Hell when I do bench, my bicep will feel it. I think it's severely lagging behind my triceps
What lift? Rows and pull-ups?

Do what Picasso said, bring your elbows in and back on those lifts.

dumbell row, seated cable row, assisted pullups.

Hell when I do bench, my bicep will feel it. I think it's severely lagging behind my triceps

Retract and depress your scapula during your lifts. Should eliminate activation of your bicep. You shouldn't be activating biceps AT ALL during any of those back workouts you talked about. Your form must be super jacked.

It's normal for your biceps to work a little during bench though
Biceps are always working. It just can't be your primary working. Focus on the back. Bring your elbows in
I need some help guys. When doing back day, my biceps burn the most and hinders me from lifting heavier. I feel like im at a plateau. I will pull with my back but my bicep just gets worked like crazy and burns out
You can also try taking your thumb out of the equation when gripping 

On my pull movements i try and use a hook grip with just 4 fingers so that im forced to pull with my back.
Biceps are always working. It just can't be your primary working. Focus on the back. Bring your elbows in

Correct, I was over exaggerating when I said "at all" but yes Lattissimus Dorsi is primary for all those, with biceps and post delts acting as secondary muscle groups only.
That used to me my problem for the longest. Felt like that yesterday at the gym. Was having a very off day. Couldn't get that muscle to mind and everything felt lousy as hell. Tired out quickly
That used to me my problem for the longest. Felt like that yesterday at the gym. Was having a very off day. Couldn't get that muscle to mind and everything felt lousy as hell. Tired out quickly

This happened to me today, but then I took over my brain and focused on that connection hard and everything changed after that, pump came back nicely.

I hate how I get bloated so easily :smh: water, carbs, protein shakes, boom my gut grows smh
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