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That used to me my problem for the longest. Felt like that yesterday at the gym. Was having a very off day. Couldn't get that muscle to mind and everything felt lousy as hell. Tired out quickly

This happened to me today, but then I took over my brain and focused on that connection hard and everything changed after that, pump came back nicely.

I hate how I get bloated so easily :smh: water, carbs, protein shakes, boom my gut grows smh

The bloating thing has been a HUGE problem
For me the last 2 years. Anybody have some tips for this? I've heard probiotics help, or balancing the sodium/potassium intake. I really haven't looked into it
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The bloating thing has been a HUGE problem
For me the last 2 years. Anybody have some tips for this? I've heard probiotics help, or balancing the sodium/potassium intake. I really haven't looked into it

that's the biggest thing for me, look in to Bcaa since they have a ton of potassium in it as well.
but more water also. flush yourself out.
The bloating thing has been a HUGE problem
For me the last 2 years. Anybody have some tips for this? I've heard probiotics help, or balancing the sodium/potassium intake. I really haven't looked into it

There was a thread I forgot which one and they had probiotics info. Went and copped from amazon, "Naturo Sciences Probiotics 15 Billion".
Still have yet to see results since I just started but I also taking a new fiber supplement as well, those Costco gummys weren't doing the job.

But still the bloating just messes with me mentally and I hate it, any tips would be appreciated.
Big boss or anyone who knows, so I'm 177 now slight gut and no where near strength plateau. I'm trying to even out and lose a small amount of fat yet maintain that weight. Not really a cut like most do, just not get fat.

You don't think I'll continue to get stronger/gain muscle eating the 3k calories a day it takes for me to maintain that?

I'm a year into lifting now so newbie gains aren't really a thing anymore for me. Wondering your thoughts.
Ive kept around my same bodyweight for over a year now and put on 100lbs on my total, so you can just maintain your weight and get stronger over time for sure. It will just be at a slower pace compared to if you were just feeding your face all the time.

Just clean up your diet some and do some light cardio and see if that helps with your body comp. 

That other dude better stop telling me to read **** when he knows wtf is up.
Word, that's basically what I'm doing. 6 eggs instead of 10, tacos instead of burritos etc. :lol:

I hit incline walks too everytime I'm in the gym now also.

I just eat a little less and and whole lot less rice and so far it's been fine.

Thanks for the input.
does anyone have any tips on increasing stamina while jogging? I seem to max out insanely quick despite being in good physical condition.
Gonna sound like an ******* but just jog more. Running is one of those things where you just do it to get better.

Aim for 3 miles, do it every time you go for a jog and eventually its gonna be a cake walk.
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does anyone have any tips on increasing stamina while jogging? I seem to max out insanely quick despite being in good physical condition.
Start of slowly bro lol. Jog couple laps then a mile.  Then maybe a mile and a half. Keep increasing and your wind will increase bro 
You're grip is probably supinated more often than not when you do them.. No?

Nah pronated. Buddy said he was exaggerating when he said no biceps at all I thought he knew something I didn't know. I was pretty sure you have to use your biceps some during pull-ups
does anyone have any tips on increasing stamina while jogging? I seem to max out insanely quick despite being in good physical condition.

Gonna sound like an ******* but just jog more. Running is one of those things where you just do it to get better.

Aim for 3 miles, do it every time you go for a jog and eventually its gonna be a cake walk.

Start of slowly bro lol. Jog couple laps then a mile.  Then maybe a mile and a half. Keep increasing and your wind will increase bro 
They are right bro. Go at a slower jogging pace for a longer distance. I have the same problem
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