STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


I forgot about the depth nazis in here.
Got 470 up on the hex bar deadlift and then my brother-in-law got 510 up :x

Shooting to get 495 up on the flat bar in 2 weeks.
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A woman deadlifting for general fitness is not going to thicken her waist or get traps :lol:
If their doing it every week with weight.?
Can't just tell someone newish tolifting to go out there and DL

The program he wants to put her on is similar to his....

My girl pulls 205 at the moment and has very minimal traps. She doesn't do any other trap work for that reason. She doesn't want big traps but likes to dl so she deals with it. She dl once a week. Her waist isn't thick at all. Light abs but doesn't do ab day.

Abs are diet. She eats way cleaner than me.
There's this chick who can deadlift 265 at my gym and she looks pretty tiny. I doubt your friend will look very big deadlifting casually a few times a week.
I had some cheat food for the first time in probably a month and a half, as well as not counting calories today. I felt like going off one time before the semester starts since I've dropped nearly 30lbs this summer. I weighed 208.8lbs this morning, which is the lowest I've been in years. I ain't eem mad!

I could have had something more exciting, but I love these little boxes of corn syrup and sugar and I haven't had some in half a year. Back to my regular cutting plan when my next eating window opens. 
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I miss those cheat meals/days..cheating doesnt work for me so i have my refeed days instead.

I remember i would cheat and gain like what it felt like 20 pounds :x
Excerpt from short write up on prison workouts -

"In true Chaos and Pain fashion, these weightless workouts are frequent, often lengthy, and almost completely structureless. Instead of painstakingly calculating their volume, employing loading tables, analyzing their form, and generally turning lifting into a series of unnecessary calculations. These ************* just train"
Decided to work out calves with my legs the other day.... Man I can barley walk :lol:
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Got legs today. Jay cutlers snap chat is good. He drops some decent gems advice wise also. Little tweaks to some lifts that hit different spots.

Any other lifter on snap chat yall can lead me to. Its the only social media i have
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Forgot to share my thoughts on fitjoy.

What are you guys smoking that are saying quest > fitjoy? Cuz I want some. These things taste just like you're eating a chocolate bar. Some have more crunch than others. Even my girl likes the bars and she can't stand any other protein bars. Damn now she's gonna be in my stash I only got 2 boxes from the jig.
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Imo theyre about the same as Quest, flavor wise. Which comes behind combats and any other bars that are more like candy bars. But i dig quest and fitjoy cuz their bars are like paste :lol: im on the road all day for work, i can toss one in the whip and eat it after its been in 100 degree florida heat and the bars don't melt
Amel curse hit me hard today bros. dropped a pallet on both wrists, and can no longer move them or pick anything up. At the ER right now. Summer's over. So are my gains :smh:
Forgot to share my thoughts on fitjoy.

What are you guys smoking that are saying quest > fitjoy? Cuz I want some. These things taste just like you're eating a chocolate bar. Some have more crunch than others. Even my girl likes the bars and she can't stand any other protein bars. Damn now she's gonna be in my stash I only got 2 boxes from the jig.


right now Cinnamon twist Combat is still my favorite of all the Bars, but fit joy is next for me.

without heating it up fit joys are way better than quest

and my girl also doesn't like most of these, but when she had the fit joy after being heated up in the microwave for about 10 secs she loved it
Amel curse hit me hard today bros. dropped a pallet on both wrists, and can no longer move them or pick anything up. At the ER right now. Summer's over. So are my gains :smh:
That's the snow curse if it didn't happen at the gym.

Pray to the lord of light and your wounds will be healed by morning.

also how are you typing tho??? lol

edit: only size 11 and 7 left in the metcons on

The female colors are so much better. I would love to have that sky blue.
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Amel curse hit me hard today bros. dropped a pallet on both wrists, and can no longer move them or pick anything up. At the ER right now. Summer's over. So are my gains :smh:
That's the snow curse if it didn't happen at the gym.

Pray to the lord of light and your wounds will be healed by morning.

also how are you typing tho??? lol

edit: only size 11 and 7 left in the metcons on

The female colors are so much better. I would love to have that sky blue.

There is only one Gawd, a TDogg knows his name. I'm hopped up on meds as I chicken peck my phone. I'm gonna be out a whiiiiiiiiile. I guess I can do legs as long as I don't need to load anything up :lol:
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