STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

finally getting back to the gym after a super long hiatus. i LOVE the soreness.

im normally really patient but i feel like i've rested enough. gonna try hitting each body part 2x a week and see what happens. only going to deadlift once a week though to protect my shaky lower back.
for those that do body 2x a week, do you have the same type days, or do you hit muscle groups differently??

for instance, do you have two chest days where you work the whole chest, or do you split it up into upper/lower or inner/wide etc etc??
Made a faux "frosty" with my Trutein CPBcup a while ago, almond milk and guar gum with loads of damn awesome!
finally back on the 200lb club in squats.

and finally fit into 32 waist jeans. Been rockin 33s forever

i just need to lose these last 15 lbs of fat smh and get down to 140. I look like those guys who gained too much on a bulk shirtless smh. Atleast i look way better than i did Feb 1st
im on that trutein pumpkin pie flavor right now and its :smokin hows the CBP?

IMO as advertised, Truteins flavor names are right on the money so far!

finally back on the 200lb club in squats.

and finally fit into 32 waist jeans. Been rockin 33s forever

i just need to lose these last 15 lbs of fat smh and get down to 140. I look like those guys who gained too much on a bulk shirtless smh. Atleast i look way better than i did Feb 1st
progress is progress :pimp:
Y'all cop trutein from bb? I love their shipping since I'm in Atlanta I get orders the next day if I order before 5 but I want to find it cheaper.
for those that do body 2x a week, do you have the same type days, or do you hit muscle groups differently??

for instance, do you have two chest days where you work the whole chest, or do you split it up into upper/lower or inner/wide etc etc?? currently on a 4 or 5 day cycle of hittin the same body parts but usin diff exercises..always gotta keep things changing and movin along

Good headphones for the gym I had the old version but they y randomly broke and best buy let me pay the Difference so I pick these up only issues is that I have to charge then everyday compared to every 3 days with the other blue tooth ones
What do you guys think of my current split. On a slow, lean bulk right now.

Don't have any days assigned to specific days of the week, I just try to space everything out properly to rest accordingly.


Sometimes I'll rest on the extra day, sometimes I usually don't.


Good headphones for the gym I had the old version but they y randomly broke and best buy let me pay the Difference so I pick these up only issues is that I have to charge then everyday compared to every 3 days with the other blue tooth ones

damn $169 is way out of my price range, but i heard they sounds great.
i have the jaybird sportsband and love it.
When you guys go to the gym how do you know what to do each day? I'd be lost going in without a trainer

Good headphones for the gym I had the old version but they y randomly broke and best buy let me pay the Difference so I pick these up only issues is that I have to charge then everyday compared to every 3 days with the other blue tooth ones

nah bro


The God gym headphones
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