STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I`m gonna use an iPad Mini in the gym and an ipod shuffle for when I go on walks. I should make about 200-300 selling my ipod classic and galaxy player 5. The reason I decided to get another ipad mini (sold my last one) is because an ipod touch 5th gen is 300 and is the same price as the Mini, I use bluetooth headphones so the mini will be better on the eliptical watching stuff. Gonna cop a case for it though.
I need to get my vert up. My hops always sucked. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise since I never had any major leg injuries from sports just the occasional ankle sprain. *knocks on wood
For all you current/former D1/Collegiate athletes here, what's the best weight training split when you're in the offseason trying to become a better athlete? What did they have you do?

I'm thinking about 3 days in the weight room and 3 days on the track/swimming pool but I'm not sure how to effectively stimulate my body in 3 days a week. Should I utilize push/pull days, or what?

We worked out on Mon/Tues/Thurs/ Wednesday...HEAVY poundage for 4-5x6-8...Only ran on upper body days, mostly sprint work. Our strength coach main concern in the spring was to build as much muscle and strength as possible while retaining speed. It got ugly on leg days smh...515 for 6 on back squats, 320 power cleans 5x3, front squats 315...remember it like it was yesterday
What MP3 players y'all use in the gym? I use a galaxy player 5.0 I got for free but I'm thinking about selling that and selling my 160gb iPod classic that I usually used in the car and just getting the new iPod touch in 32gb. I have 95gb of music but I listen to a small amount
Doesnt get better than this.
Just too clean.
Clip it on collar, necklace, shorts, sleeve, you name it.


My headphones to match
the screen-less ipod suffle is the best thing ever. i got one for the gym as well. tiny and clips to my shorts :pimp:

been going strong for a few years now
i have to have my phone with me in the gym so i just use that. after fraying the cord on a few pairs of expensive earphones, i finally started buying some cheap ultimate ears from ebay for under $10 and those work good enough. i keep a spare in my car cause without my music, working out can suck plus if my gf or work calls, i can't hear/feel it.
Guar gum - what's the breakdown on it? I've heard some good things tangentially. You recommend it?

Its all fiber, so 0 carbs and 0 cals, its used for thickening liquids and/or other things such as baking mixes. I just began using it this week to thicken up my protein/water in an ice cream maker, 1/5tsp goesa long way. Began adding it in my blender when making traditional shakes, adds a TON of volume and it has no taste at all as a result of using it, its an amazing kitchen product and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who's looking to liven up their shakes mixed with ice and water, even with milk. That frosty...GOODNESS :pimp:
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I'm gonna take my iPad mini to the gym since I use Bluetooth headphones just gonna have it next to me and have it stream music
Starting lacrosse but I'm trying to improve overall for athleticism in areas like lacrosse/football/track. I feel like football players are the best athletes so I'd like to be like them, but I also need endurance.

Ideally I need to put on about 10-15 pounds of muscle and reduce body fat later.

Similar to the MT/RF split someone above referred to, I have done this with MR being push and TF being pull or vice versa. 5-6 simple lifts, no Olympic lifts, so like bench, DB bench, pull-ups, rows, triceps push down, incline bench, shoulder raise, lat pull down.

Only difference is we did 4x6-8 on the first days and then 4x3-5 reps the second days. The goal basically is to hit the same weight for 6-8 as you did for 3-5 the previous week after recovering over the weekend.

It's amazing how much strength you can gain when you cut out lots of cardio. What we did to keep leg work goin was doin high rep squats at the end of push days. Worked up to sets of 50 with 135-185#. You'd never obviously hit 50 your first time so you take a break once you fail and then keep going but as an athlete the off season is the best time to go a little lighter with legs and do high reps since you squat heavy in season and your body can use a break from the heavier weight. High reps really set a good base for further training. If you do want to still do cardio, run stairs or do sled pulls to make your cardio go towards giving you strength gains as opposed to just jogging. A little basketball or something isn't bad but too much will cut into your recovery and thus rapid gains.
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What do you guys think of my current split. On a slow, lean bulk right now.

Don't have any days assigned to specific days of the week, I just try to space everything out properly to rest accordingly.


Sometimes I'll rest on the extra day, but I usually don't.


Made a mistake and scooped a pack of large Polo tees in a rush knowing that i usually grab mediums. Joints feel baggy as hell. Gonna have to hope they shrink or just give the other two away and cop mediums. Figured I could get away with it since my upper body has filled out more, but this is a good problem to have :smokin
Made a mistake and scooped a pack of large Polo tees in a rush knowing that i usually grab mediums. Joints feel baggy as hell. Gonna have to hope they shrink or just give the other two away and cop mediums. Figured I could get away with it since my upper body has filled out more, but this is a good problem to have
I know that feel bro, good thing I'm finally a large now 

ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED my legs today. Got a lot of squats in, then burned my calves up at the end.

Was limpin out the gym

Decided to change up my routine after all the talk of hitting everything twice a week. Been doing the traditional bodybuilder split by body part. Have had success in the past with it but have just been sticking to this split since my back surgery. Started Friday with back/chest. Today did arms/ shoulders/ traps. Feeling good. Going to keep track of gains, will keep posted with progress.
Last day of vacation. Ate like I didn't give a **** the last 3 days. Getting back on track tomorrow.

Protein pancakes. Got a little carried away and put too much batter. The chocolate syrup is calorie free Walden Farms.
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Guar gum - what's the breakdown on it? I've heard some good things tangentially. You recommend it?

Its all fiber, so 0 carbs and 0 cals, its used for thickening liquids and/or other things such as baking mixes. I just began using it this week to thicken up my protein/water in an ice cream maker, 1/5tsp goesa long way. Began adding it in my blender when making traditional shakes, adds a TON of volume and it has no taste at all as a result of using it, its an amazing kitchen product and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who's looking to liven up their shakes mixed with ice and water, even with milk. That frosty...GOODNESS :pimp:

So it basically has the texture of MHP Dark Matter?

Just killed my chest and shoulders. Started my cut today so chicken, broccoli and rice I come!
3 eggs
.5 cups almond milk
.5 cups of oats
2 scoops of whey
couple drops of stevia extract

Mix it all in a blender and cook on low for a few minutes on both sides.

And like I said earlier, the chocolate syrup is calorie free Walden Farms. It's my first time making this and thought it turned out pretty well.
So it basically has the texture of MHP Dark Matter?

Just killed my chest and shoulders. Started my cut today so chicken, broccoli and rice I come!

Couldn't say, never had it although you guys have gone on about it throughout the thread haha. If my cell took better pics than the washed out crap I get i'd post, but it's awesome. I recommend it, and it''s cheaper than xanthan gum, about $7 for a bag of bobs red mill for guar compared to 11-12 for xanthan :x
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