STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

What do you guys think of this split?

Day 1: back and biceps
Day 2: chest and triceps
Day 3: shoulders/traps, light abs, and cardio
Day 4: legs
Rest then repeat

Or should I switch day 1 and day 2 so I would hit chest and triceps first? Thanks!

Plus, where would be the cheapest place to buy the Optimim Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein?
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I got a GNC Deluxe one that is just like the GE one or the Nutribuller for &29.99 and she gave me a **** ton of samples with it and 2 more blender cups which also fit on it. You trade the tops to make it a normal cup or use it as the blender or juicer to put the bladein it then it has about 5 or 6 cups of its own in there. It's small but it's powerful enough to use frozen fruit, ice, and whatever in it and not have to keep stopping it and pouring out the part that isn't blending like tou have to do with less powerful blenders. I had a Cuisinart glass one before that but it fell and broke


How do you eat black chia seeds? And what can I make with peanut flour? I tried putting it in my pancakes and it didn't cook into them and just left a nasty flour-y taste and consistency. I have a whole thing of it so I need to figure it out but until then PB2>it.
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What do you guys think of this split?

Day 1: back and biceps
Day 2: chest and triceps
Day 3: shoulders/traps, light abs, and cardio
Day 4: legs
Rest then repeat

Or should I switch day 1 and day 2 so I would hit chest and triceps first? Thanks!

Plus, where would be the cheapest place to buy the Optimim Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein?

Shoulders get hit hard on chest days indirectly. Stick in a rest day in between there.

I understand the urge to go to the gym on a rest day, but your shoulders will thank you down the line. Shoulder injuries are the most common injuries for a lifter.
Sup guys. I started the Crossfit 2 weeks ago and have been hitting the track as well. I've currently lost 11 pounds. I started out at 280lbs. Now I'm 269. Trying to get down to 200. I got a long way to go though. What do you think of this supplement regimen I'm on?

Animal Pak Multivitamin
Animal Pak Omega (essential fatty acids)
Prima Force Max CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)
MusclePharm Shred Matrix (fat loss)
Scivation Xtend (drink during workout)
GENR8 Vitargo S2 (post workout)
Top Secret Nutrition Whey Protein
If you feel that's working for you keep at it...

The essentials are just whey, fish oil (or your omegas), and a multivitamin. Everything else will never be unanimously agreed on
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Shoulders get hit hard on chest days indirectly. Stick in a rest day in between there.

I understand the urge to go to the gym on a rest day, but your shoulders will thank you down the line. Shoulder injuries are the most common injuries for a lifter.

What if I do chest/tris on day 1, back/bis day 2, and then shoulders day 3?
Is a plain whey shake sufficient enough for a post workout meal? I swear after my workout I'm starving.Should I be eating a complete meal? Or it depends on my goal? Also what should workout meal.consist of? High in protein obviously.
Is a plain whey shake sufficient enough for a post workout meal? I swear after my workout I'm starving.Should I be eating a complete meal? Or it depends on my goal? Also what should workout meal.consist of? High in protein obviously.
pwo carbs are equally if not more important
Is a plain whey shake sufficient enough for a post workout meal? I swear after my workout I'm starving.Should I be eating a complete meal? Or it depends on my goal? Also what should workout meal.consist of? High in protein obviously.

Why not eat a complete meal along with your whey shake? One scoop is what, 120-150 cals? Eat up.
My girl wanted to go for a run (shes not about that jogging life) and I'm not a fan of running unless its sports like ball or soccer but decided what the hell, I'm cutting so ill enjoy the nice day. Did a pretty good job, surprised myself. But my calves and shins BURN.


If anybody wanna start a Nike+ group lemme know. Imma start running more


My typical 5K is about 20 minutes. you're beasting bruh
Page 2... come on. :smh:

Im going to try and convince my new employer to use Dartfish software. Its pretty cool.
halfway into my leg routine i felt mad woozy like i was gonna pass out. went to the locker room and layed down for a few mins then went home

think it was cause i waited longer than usual to eat my 2nd meal before i left for the gym
anyone know any good supplements to take to gain muscle? Im not trying to gain weight, just muscle.
anyone know any good supplements to take to gain muscle? Im not trying to gain weight, just muscle.

Bro, you have to gain weight to put on muscle. If that was the case, dudes would just cut/never bulk and lift weights forever
Bro, you have to gain weight to put on muscle. If that was the case, dudes would just cut/never bulk and lift weights forever
Right on for the advice, so far I've been taking c4 then after my workout I drink muscle milk. Anything else I should be doing if I'm trying to bulk up?
halfway into my leg routine i felt mad woozy like i was gonna pass out. went to the locker room and layed down for a few mins then went home

think it was cause i waited longer than usual to eat my 2nd meal before i left for the gym

Weak. :smh:

:lol: I'm just kidding. You think it was because you ate before lifting? That's odd - if I ever feel light headed or something, it's normally from going hard on an empty stomach. Or just being out of shape.

Unrelated, I've had some lower back issues in the past and I'm so shook to do anything man. I've been doing squats and deadlifts with super light weights and I'm still scared. I want to strengthen my back muscles but I don't want to tweak something and have trouble getting out of bed :smh: Anyone experience anything like this?
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