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I like 531, but the squat frequency was no bueno for me even with adjusted accessory work. I like to squat 3x a week.
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I like 531, but the squat frequency was no bueno for me even with adjusted accessory work. I like to squat 3x a week.

I squat 3 times a week on it. Obviously on the squat day, then light on the deadlift day and 2 days after that.
Nice. On the 3rd day squatting do you repeat the squat day for that week or do your own stuff?
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I should of check NT before I went to the gym, I will def do this on my next chest day. Far as eat more, do you mean before I lift (pre-meal), or just in general? Because right now I'm on a cut.

If you are on a cut you have to realize you aren't likely to be adding strength unless you got them noob gains going. Boss is telling you to eat more to get them gains brah, need to go on a bulk
went through 3 boxes of those chef irvine bars and they got real old, real quick. 2 pb and 1 cc. thing felt like eating a sweet clay brick. i think i still have 4 more i have to power through. maybe the smaller size would have been better. i actually prefer the taste and size of quest bar.
Anyone catch American Muscle last night? VERY good show. Mike Barwis will have you ready to run thru a wall. It was cool seeing him train pro athletes to and past their breaking points...only to build them up again. I loved seeing the training aspect...don't care much for the receptionist storyline tho...
One thing I always wondered is how some of these powerlifting dudes weigh about 180 and Deadlift 500+. i.e. Jonnie Candito, Omar Isuf

I'm done with bulks. I never liked the feeling of having to stuff my face to lift heavier.
Anyone catch American Muscle last night? VERY good show. Mike Barwis will have you ready to run thru a wall. It was cool seeing him train pro athletes to and past their breaking points...only to build them up again. I loved seeing the training aspect...don't care much for the receptionist storyline tho...
Show is cool, that shoulder complex they did would of had me calling for my mom. I felt the burn thru thru TV
One thing I always wondered is how some of these powerlifting dudes weigh about 180 and Deadlift 500+. i.e. Jonnie Candito, Omar Isuf

I'm done with bulks. I never liked the feeling of having to stuff my face to lift heavier.
The squat numbers impress me more.  I am 180lbs and when i watch candito put up 4 plates like its nothing i am embarressed about my squat days 
I should of check NT before I went to the gym, I will def do this on my next chest day. Far as eat more, do you mean before I lift (pre-meal), or just in general? Because right now I'm on a cut.
Both. A good amount of carbs pre and just eat more in general to get stronger.

A lot of people don't understand that you must actually have some muscle under your fat to look good after a cut.
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Wendler 5/3/1 >>>> 5x5
Nah. Especially not for for beginners or people that need a set plan. 5/3/1 has so many variations I don't even try to follow it. The rep scheme would work though, but i don't like doing heavy singles that often.
One thing I always wondered is how some of these powerlifting dudes weigh about 180 and Deadlift 500+. i.e. Jonnie Candito, Omar Isuf

I'm done with bulks. I never liked the feeling of having to stuff my face to lift heavier.
They didn't just walk into the gym one day and do it lol

Takes time and dedication and knowing how to follow a program.

Omar is the man but he squats high. I think he knows that though.
^ Samesies

Just had one for the first time ever. It's meh. Should've known this being NT that you guys hype everything up for no reason.

I guess these will be nice for hikes. Macros are nice though and I can appreciate the chunks of real unsweetened chocolate
Microwave them bruh. I cant even eat one anymore without microwaving it first.
I like 531, but the squat frequency was no bueno for me even with adjusted accessory work. I like to squat 3x a week.

Go Smolov...

I like Wendlers 5/3/1, but in no way will it be my only workout for that day.

There are ton's of great regimens out there, do your research, mix and match. All of them have strengths, all of them have holes.

Bulking/Cutting can go bad on you real fast if you don't know what you are doing.

I honestly think it's overrated and people don't know what they are doing most of the time. This doesn't apply for people that actually compete, and have to fluctuate weight in order to make a weight class, whole different ball game.

After noob gains are gone, people need to realize that it is a slow process. It's a marathon.
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