STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 4.0 - A New Niketalk = A New Thread


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
Thought it'd be a good time to make a new thread since there may be NT'ers who are looking to get into fitness due to the New Year.
In addition, many of the link on the previous thread no longer work.

Let me know if I miss anything + want me to add anything.

Please speak with a medical professional first.

Introduction to supplements:

Supplements are not a necessity but rather a tool to use to help you with your goals. Some popular supplements people use are:

Protein: Most common type is whey protein, which is a fast absorbing protein. Used to help hit your protein goal for the day. Most (natural) lifters try to get around .8 - 1.0 grams of protein per bodyweight.

Pre Workout: A supplement used before a workout to give you that extra push. Think of it like an energy drink. Ingredients vary depending on the brand but most pre workout will have ingredients such as taurine, caffeine, beta alanine, L citrulline, betaine, etc.

Creatine: Creatine is a natural substance that turns into creatine phosphate in the body. Creatine phosphate helps make a substance called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP provides the energy for muscle contraction. The most common type of creatine is creatine monohydrate and you only need 5 grams a day.

Multi Vitamins: Pretty self explanatory. A supplement that contains multiple micro nutrients/vitamins.

You can purchase supplements at sites like:

Macronutrients & Micronutrients:


Tracking Calories:

If your goal is to lose weight, then you need to be at a caloric deficit consistently. If your goal is to gain weight and put on muscle, then you need to be at a caloric surplus consistently. How much calories do I need for this? You first need to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

To lose weight, make sure you stay below your BMR at the end of each day. It does not need to be anything major. Being below your BMR by 200-500 calories is more than enough. To gain weight, eat 200-500 calories above your BMR everyday.

Making Gains:

The very foundation to getting bigger or stronger is in progressive overload.


What is progressive overload? Look at this picture. As the animal grows bigger and bigger, the man's body is forced to carry heavier and heavier weight. This forces the man's body to grow bigger and stronger in order to carry that weight. This is an example of progressive overload. To grow bigger and/or stronger, you need to constantly be increasing the weight or the volume (sets/reps).

The longer and longer you lift, however, the harder it is to make new gains. A new lifter may be able to increase the weight and make gains every other week while it takes an experienced lifter several months to hit a new, heavier weight + grow stronger.


A great resource for lifters is Youtube. Some popular youtube channels are:

Athlean X
PumpChasers/Chris Jones
The Natty Professor
Matt Ogus

If any edits needs to be made, let me know.
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