Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Yeah I'm working out here. They dont even have 45lb plates
. Everybody looks at me in awe cuz I'm benching with all the plates in the gym likeBruce Willis in Unbreakable.

I lost 16 lbs since coming here cuz I've been eating all the food here nonstop, liquid squirts ftw/ftl and I've been running nonstop
I dont even know if the protein shakes here are legit also
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Purple- they dont have brown rice over there?
They do, but most places use white rice. Even though everyone there love to eat, the average dude weighs 130 lbs.

What gym do you go to, Purp? I had to convert the km and kg into mile and lb to figure out what to use.
I saw some whey protein, but they were $ evenafter conversion. I brought my own from the states.
I don't know the gym's name but it's in Krabi. The equipment is a little outdated and there's no AC so you're basically working out in asauna. Threw up on my first day
Originally Posted by Purple Face

I don't know the gym's name but it's in Krabi. The equipment is a little outdated and there's no AC so you're basically working out in a sauna. Threw up on my first day
I was in Ao Nang 1.5 years ago and went to Krabi twice. I have no doubt the equipment is outdated
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by wj4

For those who are more informed with bulking and cutting...answer a few questions for me please.

I understand that cutting means you're reducing your daily intake to get leaner. And bulking is the opposite, to get bigger.

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you will lose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say if you're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here) have a similar build?

You can clean bulk, which takes a LOT more time, but also means your fat gain is minimal. Most people prefer to just scarf down 4,000 - 5,000 calories on their bulk and cut the weight at the end. When I started lifting, I was 170lbs and right now I'm at 180 but my bf is much lower now than it was before.
i don't know about taking more time......i clean bulked and gained a lot of weight....some was fat but I ate incredibly'sjust that art a certain point some excess calories will be turned to fat. i was eating 4000-4500 cals every day, all lean protein sources (no red meatthough), complex carbs, etc. it is a lot harder to do though, it's way easier to eat a 1,500 calorie cheeseburger than get the same amount of caloriesfrom healthy foods.

Originally Posted by elgrenas

man i just started again. i took a 18 months off and trust me waking up at 5am to go and lift is really hard. my question is to camel joe or joe camel no disrespect on the name, is creatine or aminos good or what do anybody else that works out recomend. i just want to gain my size and get a little leaner.

p.s. no disrespect to joseph camel i honestly dont remember his screen name.
creatine is a must if you're trying to gain's cheap as hell and very effective

amino bcaa's/eaa's? i'd take those intra-workout supp (intrabolic) has bcaa's among other things......theseare definitely not a required supplement by any means, you can easily gain some weight with a good quality whey protein and creatine. but if you want, go forit, they do have their benefits.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Vancity74 wrote:
wj4 wrote:
For those who are more informed with bulking and cutting...answer a few questions for me please.

I understand that cutting means you're reducing your daily intake to get leaner. And bulking is the opposite, to get bigger.

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you will lose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say if you're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here) have a similar build?

You can clean bulk, which takes a LOT more time, but also means your fat gain is minimal. Most people prefer to just scarf down 4,000 - 5,000 calories on their bulk and cut the weight at the end. When I started lifting, I was 170lbs and right now I'm at 180 but my bf is much lower now than it was before.
i don't know about taking more time......i clean bulked and gained a lot of weight....some was fat but I ate incredibly's just that art a certain point some excess calories will be turned to fat. i was eating 4000-4500 cals every day, all lean protein sources (no red meat though), complex carbs, etc. it is a lot harder to do though, it's way easier to eat a 1,500 calorie cheeseburger than get the same amount of calories from healthy foods.

elgrenas wrote:
man i just started again. i took a 18 months off and trust me waking up at 5am to go and lift is really hard. my question is to camel joe or joe camel no disrespect on the name, is creatine or aminos good or what do anybody else that works out recomend. i just want to gain my size and get a little leaner.

p.s. no disrespect to joseph camel i honestly dont remember his screen name.
creatine is a must if you're trying to gain's cheap as hell and very effective

amino bcaa's/eaa's? i'd take those intra-workout supp (intrabolic) has bcaa's among other things......these are definitely not a required supplement by any means, you can easily gain some weight with a good quality whey protein and creatine. but if you want, go for it, they do have their benefits.

cool homie thanks. but i went from 200 to 220 in 18 months and want to get back to 200 do you still recommend both.
Originally Posted by wj4

Just eating more doesn't guarantee you that you'll gain muscle, even if you're eating 1.5-2g protein per lb of bodyweight. You need to stimulate the musle to grow.
Seriously. I have a friend who is super lanky with pipe dream of getting built. Mind you that he doesn't work out at all, and all he is doing is drinking weight gainer. I told him that it's not the best route because he's just going to have a weird physique this way.

I have a friend like that. He swears that he's a hard gainer that can never gain weight. He'll bench every once in a while for acouple sets and then complains that he doesn't gain an ounce. He's taking a weight gainer from GNC and I
'ed at the size of the scoop.It's 1/4 cup scoops each. It smells like straight sugar, and that's what it is. I keep telling him to eat real, healthy foods, but he doesn'tlisten.
oh well if you're trying to cut weight.....those supps become less neccessary

i'd still recommend creatine though

no whey protein, get all your calories from whole foods since you're gonna be on a caloric deficit

w/creatine keep in mind it makes you retain water in your muscles (this is a good thing), so your weight will seem high on a scale. don't worry doesn't make you retain any more fat and when you stop taking it you drop a few lbs. in water weight.

it will make you stronger and make your lifting workouts more effective. again, it's incredibly cheap so no reason not to take it.

bcaa's will also be beneficial but again these are far from neccessary. it's up to you and your budget. if you don't care about the expense, i saytake them.

i'd recommend a pre-workout supp, or simply caffeine tablets. caffeine will speed up your metabolism and also is a proven performance booster in the gym.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

oh well if you're trying to cut weight.....those supps become less neccessary

i'd still recommend creatine though

no whey protein, get all your calories from whole foods since you're gonna be on a caloric deficit

w/creatine keep in mind it makes you retain water in your muscles (this is a good thing), so your weight will seem high on a scale. don't worry about doesn't make you retain any more fat and when you stop taking it you drop a few lbs. in water weight.

it will make you stronger and make your lifting workouts more effective. again, it's incredibly cheap so no reason not to take it.

bcaa's will also be beneficial but again these are far from neccessary. it's up to you and your budget. if you don't care about the expense, i say take them.

i'd recommend a pre-workout supp, or simply caffeine tablets. caffeine will speed up your metabolism and also is a proven performance booster in the gym.

ok thanks homie good looking out.
Does bb accept paypal? The site crashed on me when I tried to order intrabolic.

Also who here takes a daily vitamin which is best and what about fish/oil...
well here is my update i posted my earlier pics a few pages back
jus finished loosing weight and right before bulking:

now im working on toning and cutting down my body fat and maybe later in the winter i may start bulking again i jus would like to see how much body fat i canlose:
three or four weeks later after taking whey and a little bit of creatine
bulking.. just eat 500-1000cals over your maintenance, but do it like 150cals a week, rather than jumping strait into it.

ive read that clean bulking takes longer - fast food vs. clean food, you'd probably have less fat though. also you should work like a *%#!%+**$*$@ in thegym and drop the cardio session (3-4x a week becomes 1-2x)..

some people think that foods the way to get big, but you need to ensure your working out too.....
If you're bulking there's no sense in doing non compound exercises. You can keep some of course but they should be avoided.

Your mainstays should be exercises like deadlift, rack pulls, front squat/squat, box squat, zercher squat, good mornings, cleans, push presses, rows, benchpress, etc. . Basically very few isolation exercises.
If you're going fairly heavy (80%+ 1RM) than the workout themselves should really be an hour (actual time spent lifting) or less. Your sugar levels arevirtually depleted (for heavy lifts) past 60 min. and it's not optimal to lift after that.

I'm always really on a "bulk" I guess and I find it way easier than doing crazy amounts and sets of isolation exercises.
Im still puzzled about this whole "bulking/cutting" thing that most people seem to be focused on.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Im still puzzled about this whole "bulking/cutting" thing that most people seem to be focused on.
in lamest terms bulking is heavy weight lifting with less reps and cutting is lighter weight lifting with more reps........i guess that what youwanted too know
in lamest terms bulking is heavy weight lifting with less reps and cutting is lighter weight lifting with more reps........i guess that what you wanted too know

Do you mean "laymans"? I think you do. I understand what they are, that wasnt why im puzzled.

whats so confusing about it?
The confusing part is when some people claim that they are going to "bulk" or "cut" when they have no reason to do either. B/C is a very niche part of exercising that should be strictly regulated to those within the BB community. I keep reading in here about people saying they aregoing to "bulk" up for a few months when theres no need to do something like that.

It's just puzzling to me why people think they need to "bulk".
because it's the quickest/most effective way to pack on muscle and lose excess fat?

caloric deficit= weight loss, caloric surplus = weight gain.

it's not very effective to attempt to do both simultaneously.

if your goal is simply to be active and in shape, then maybe a bulk/cut isn't for you, but a lot of people go to the gym to change the way their bodieslook. in which case, bulking and cutting is the best bet.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by Durden7

Im still puzzled about this whole "bulking/cutting" thing that most people seem to be focused on.
in lamest terms bulking is heavy weight lifting with less reps and cutting is lighter weight lifting with more reps........i guess that what you wanted too know
not quite.. basically, bulking is when you take in more calories than you need, and cutting is when you take in less calories than you need .

you can't get ripped with 8%bf, while simultaneously putting on weight and getting bigger. so the idea is to bulk up (by lifting heavy & eating anexcess of calories) and gaining as much mass as you can for a cycle, then cutting (by lowering calories and upping your cardio) to get the extra fat off.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by Durden7

Im still puzzled about this whole "bulking/cutting" thing that most people seem to be focused on.
in lamest terms bulking is heavy weight lifting with less reps and cutting is lighter weight lifting with more reps........i guess that what you wanted too know
not quite.. basically, bulking is when you take in more calories than you need, and cutting is when you take in less calories than you need (to lose weight).

you can't get ripped with 8%bf, while simultaneously putting on weight and getting bigger. so the idea is to bulk up (by lifting heavy & eating an excess of calories) and gaining as much mass as you can for a cycle, then cutting (by lowering calories and upping your cardio) to get the extra fat off.
There's only so much mass anybody can gain in a certain period of time. There's only so many calories you need.
Many people "bulk" just as an excuse to eat a lot/poorly.

I sort of agree with Durden. The "bulk"/cut is misused. I'd say that there is no such thing as really "bulking".
"Bulking" is just training to gain mass/strentgh which is the default for training in the first place. On the other hand cutting is puttingmass/strength gains to side and focusing solely on bf% while trying to maintain one's current muscle mass/strength.
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