Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

yeah i got sniped a little while ago. r.i.p.

anyway, i mean there is such a thing as a bulk.....eating at a caloric surplus and lifting heavy to gain mass and/or strength.

i'd say the "default" is being an idiot and not even considering diet and wondering why doing flat bench and curls 3x a week isn't making youjacked.

and that excuse part is true, and it's sad.....just like the fat guys who say they're "powerlifters" who aren't worried about how theylook yet i've never seen them do a proper squat or deadlift at all.
Do any of you run stairs? I've been an athlete all my life but I stopped playing sports year round in college.

Gained a couple pounds
..(I still look athletic but anybody who knows me knows I was leaner in hs).

So I want to run stairs..and just jogging outside (since I hear treadmills aren't as good as running on pavement).

I really want to be healthier than I was in hs!
Can someone give me a good ab and pushup workout routine?
I used to do like 100 pushups a day and 100 sit ups, but now I know that I should let them heal.
Also, should I still be doing crunches or pushups if I can do 50+ in a row?
5'7 127 btw
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah i got sniped a little while ago. r.i.p.

anyway, i mean there is such a thing as a bulk.....eating at a caloric surplus and lifting heavy to gain mass and/or strength.

i'd say the "default" is being an idiot and not even considering diet and wondering why doing flat bench and curls 3x a week isn't making you jacked.

and that excuse part is true, and it's sad.....just like the fat guys who say they're "powerlifters" who aren't worried about how they look yet i've never seen them do a proper squat or deadlift at all.
powerlifters are fat @*$$% who use too much equipment (suits).
People are constantly coming over to strongman from powerlifiting. Few the other way around.

It's prob not that hard doing a 700 lbs bench press in a suit when you only have to move the bar 5 inches to your manboobs.

There are some monsters out there though that I wouldn't mess with though.
yeah i mean there's some strong !$@ dudes but at least at my gym all the self-proclaimed powerlifters are just fat dudes who think 1/4 squatting 7 platesand screaming while they do it makes them better than anyone else.

i do wanna try out one of those bench press shirts though.....gotta be pretty cool to get an instant strength boost

btw i have no idea why they're allowed? is it just that benching past like a certain weight raw is gonna mess up your shoulders without it or what?
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Do any of you run stairs?
I run stairs at the track next to my school.

I make sure I go 20min without any breaks and then I keep on going until I get tried.

If you can't find a flight of steps a stair master is a decent alternative
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah i mean there's some strong !$@ dudes but at least at my gym all the self-proclaimed powerlifters are just fat dudes who think 1/4 squatting 7 plates and screaming while they do it makes them better than anyone else.

i do wanna try out one of those bench press shirts though.....gotta be pretty cool to get an instant strength boost

btw i have no idea why they're allowed? is it just that benching past like a certain weight raw is gonna mess up your shoulders without it or what?

It's just the fascination with lifting heavier and heavier weight. Extremely few people are able to lift those weights naturally mainly because ofgenetics.
Few people in this world have the potential to lift the weights (HW class) and even fewer exploit that potential.

Powerlifters who use suits/shirts will tell you that it doesn't help much but it's a lie.

I tried a 1 ply squat suit once and instantly got +80. I DL/Squat heavy without a belt though so it might be exaggerated for me but they do help immensely.Prob. +100 for sure when the technique is right.

It personally makes no sense to me because the strength you achieve out of a suit/shirt isn't functional. One can't wear those when not in the gym.

Powerlifting's best legacy is the WestSide system.

It's very popular in Europe though.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by Durden7

Im still puzzled about this whole "bulking/cutting" thing that most people seem to be focused on.
in lamest terms bulking is heavy weight lifting with less reps and cutting is lighter weight lifting with more reps........i guess that what you wanted too know
not quite.. basically, bulking is when you take in more calories than you need, and cutting is when you take in less calories than you need (to lose weight).

you can't get ripped with 8%bf, while simultaneously putting on weight and getting bigger. so the idea is to bulk up (by lifting heavy & eating an excess of calories) and gaining as much mass as you can for a cycle, then cutting (by lowering calories and upping your cardio) to get the extra fat off.
There's only so much mass anybody can gain in a certain period of time. There's only so many calories you need.
Many people "bulk" just as an excuse to eat a lot/poorly.

I sort of agree with Durden. The "bulk"/cut is misused. I'd say that there is no such thing as really "bulking".
"Bulking" is just training to gain mass/strentgh which is the default for training in the first place. On the other hand cutting is putting mass/strength gains to side and focusing solely on bf% while trying to maintain one's current muscle mass/strength.
this is true... but people who know what they are doing will actually set a range for how many more calories they need, based on theirage/activity level/body type, etc

your second point though.. how is that any different from what we have been describing bulking/cutting as?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah i mean there's some strong !$@ dudes but at least at my gym all the self-proclaimed powerlifters are just fat dudes who think 1/4 squatting 7 plates and screaming while they do it makes them better than anyone else.

i do wanna try out one of those bench press shirts though.....gotta be pretty cool to get an instant strength boost

btw i have no idea why they're allowed? is it just that benching past like a certain weight raw is gonna mess up your shoulders without it or what?

It's just the fascination with lifting heavier and heavier weight. Extremely few people are able to lift those weights naturally mainly because of genetics.
Few people in this world have the potential to lift the weights (HW class) and even fewer exploit that potential.

Powerlifters who use suits/shirts will tell you that it doesn't help much but it's a lie.

I tried a 1 ply squat suit once and instantly got +80. I DL/Squat heavy without a belt though so it might be exaggerated for me but they do help immensely. Prob. +100 for sure when the technique is right.

It personally makes no sense to me because the strength you achieve out of a suit/shirt isn't functional. One can't wear those when not in the gym.

Powerlifting's best legacy is the WestSide system.

It's very popular in Europe though.
whats that never heard of it?
? for the Fitness Heads....

So this summer I've been "bulking"....aka really going all out with the weights and still eating the required protein, calories, etc. etc. Iadded muscle but now I want to cut out about 10-15 bs in 3 months. So, I know i'm going to need a caloric deficit and I will be doing so with salads, wholefoods, etc. What im wondering tho is at what intensity/weight should my workouts be because I don't want to lose my gains i've been having. Do i justlift as I would as if I was bulking or should I opt for 25% less weight on my lifts but with high intensity? Thanks.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by Durden7

Im still puzzled about this whole "bulking/cutting" thing that most people seem to be focused on.
in lamest terms bulking is heavy weight lifting with less reps and cutting is lighter weight lifting with more reps........i guess that what you wanted too know
not quite.. basically, bulking is when you take in more calories than you need, and cutting is when you take in less calories than you need (to lose weight).

you can't get ripped with 8%bf, while simultaneously putting on weight and getting bigger. so the idea is to bulk up (by lifting heavy & eating an excess of calories) and gaining as much mass as you can for a cycle, then cutting (by lowering calories and upping your cardio) to get the extra fat off.
There's only so much mass anybody can gain in a certain period of time. There's only so many calories you need.
Many people "bulk" just as an excuse to eat a lot/poorly.

I sort of agree with Durden. The "bulk"/cut is misused. I'd say that there is no such thing as really "bulking".
"Bulking" is just training to gain mass/strentgh which is the default for training in the first place. On the other hand cutting is putting mass/strength gains to side and focusing solely on bf% while trying to maintain one's current muscle mass/strength.
this is true... but people who know what they are doing will actually set a range for how many more calories they need, based on their age/activity level/body type, etc

your second point though.. how is that any different from what we have been describing bulking/cutting as?

I don't see where the "extra" calories come in. Extra calories will make you gain ("bad") weight.
For approx. 9mos. out of the year my intake is around 4000 calories. I'm not eating any extra calories. I'm taking in enough calories to properlyrecover from heavy training/daily activity.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

because it's the quickest/most effective way to pack on muscle and lose excess fat?

caloric deficit= weight loss, caloric surplus = weight gain.

it's not very effective to attempt to do both simultaneously.

if your goal is simply to be active and in shape, then maybe a bulk/cut isn't for you, but a lot of people go to the gym to change the way their bodies look. in which case, bulking and cutting is the best bet.
So how exactly does one know when to bulk or cut? Say if you're relatively fit, but still got minor fat around the tummy. Do you cut untilyou see definition on the abs then bulk up to gain muscle mass?...but that means the definition on the abs will go away right because a new layer of fat willcover it.
wawa whats the westside system? i'm not really that familiar with powerlifting.

wj4- i mean it doesn't really matter......a lot of people bulk first, it definitely requires less discipline than cutting....i bulked first....i don'treally think it matters either way.
So this summer I've been "bulking"....aka really going all out with the weights and still eating the required protein, calories, etc. etc. I added muscle but now I want to cut out about 10-15 bs in 3 months. So, I know i'm going to need a caloric deficit and I will be doing so with salads, whole foods, etc. What im wondering tho is at what intensity/weight should my workouts be because I don't want to lose my gains i've been having. Do i just lift as I would as if I was bulking or should I opt for 25% less weight on my lifts but with high intensity? Thanks.
Good question. You should def. opt for less weight than what you were trying to lift on your heavier sets during your bulking phase. Youwon't be eating as much, so you won't have as much glycogen storage (carbs, energy, whathaveyou...) which means chances are you won't feel asstrong. Don't worry about losing the gains you've been having. I see guys like that all the time. Strong and chubby and they say they want to cutbut then they're like "But I don't want to get weaker..." and they stay chubby. You've got to decide what you want more: A lean body, orto be able to lift whatever weight you lift. You're either gonna be a powerlifter, a bodybuilder, or a guy at the gym who lifts weights. If you're abodybuilder, you've got to take those setbacks in strength sometimes for the sake of your phsyique.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wawa whats the westside system? i'm not really that familiar with powerlifting.

wj4- i mean it doesn't really matter......a lot of people bulk first, it definitely requires less discipline than cutting....i bulked first....i don't really think it matters either way.

Westside is basically Max Effort/Dynamic Effort training. I've mostly trained using this principle.

You have your heavy compound days and then your days where you train for explosiveness (to aid in heavy training).

Just google "WestSide Barbell Training". There's no one set routine. It's more of a principle that allows you to structure your own routinebased on Max Effort/Dynamic Effort days around certain exercises and %1RM.

If any system is proven is WestSide. It really does work.
thanks man. looks good.

btw do you have any experience/knowledge with olympic lifting? i've never really done it, but want to start....don't really want to do anything crazy(snatches seem like an injury waiting to happen) just like power cleans and such.

and i don't want to do solely oly lifts, i'd still do squats/dl's/bench etc.

how would i fit these in? how often do i do them, on which days, etc.? i do a normal 5 day legs -chest -back -arms -shoulders/abs split

also what kinda weight is good to start with?
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you should not be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you lose fat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
I'm not an expert by any means, but the basic rule is, you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
Is it imperative to work out everything? for example my legs are stacked and hve always been. i never work them out. someone told me that i should to releasetestosterone or something. idk any info?
yo lurkin and anyone else....what supps have you picked up recently?

im ordering some right now, wanna see if you guys have any suggestions

so far i got:

Athletic Edge Nutrition IntrAbolic, 1.1 Lbs., Wild Berry Punch x2 from ($8 off each bottle

500 g of Beta Alanine from

1 Lb. of Citrulline Malate from

10 Lb. of Whey Protein Isolate (CFM) Cross-Flow Microfiltration from

3 Lb. of Creatine Monohydrate from

i need a multi and i dunno what else...right now i'm taking orange triad but i'm almost out....i'm thinking of taking just caffeine pre-workout,other than l-arganine i don't see what a pre-workout supp is gonna give me that i don't already have.

p.s. i will be interest in fat burners or anything like that
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you should not be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you lose fat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
I'm not an expert by any means, but the basic rule is, you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
actually, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, but it happens at a slower rate than if you were geared for either gaining muscle or losing fat.

i've been eating too little... lost 3-4 pounds this past month, but i know i put on some muscle, so no biggie.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

if you wanna lose weight you should and your around the age of 20 you should get on a treadmill or elliptical and use the heart rate handles with the metal to make sure your heart rate is around 130. this should be like a power walk and isnt very tiring but you will start to sweat after doing it for a little. you have to make sure you do this for beyond 20 minutes because you dont gain anything (i should say lose anything i guess) until AFTER the first 20 minutes. i would reccomend doing this 40 minutes at a time then can do as much as youd like. my dad lost 20 lbs in about 3 months, i noticed when i came back from school he looked a lot better and i asked what he did and told me this (hes not 20
, but i know the 130 heart rate works for 20 year olds). you also have to make sure you start eating better or like a lot of othe people in this thread said, it wont matter

future marine im telling you
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