Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

ON 2lbs whey protein french vanilla
ON 2lbs casein vanilla cream

just ordered intrabolic 1.1 lbs wild berry

need: fishy oil and vitamin
Getting close to finishing my Hemp Protein Powder. I have 3 lbs. of Nutribiotic Rice Protein Powder coming in.
Originally Posted by its stanley

Can someone give me a good ab and pushup workout routine?
I used to do like 100 pushups a day and 100 sit ups, but now I know that I should let them heal.
Also, should I still be doing crunches or pushups if I can do 50+ in a row?
5'7 127 btw
tbh u should not be working out your abs at all atm... You need to eat to go on a bulk cycle and attempt to get a gym membership, If thats notpossible try and buy a bench for your basement or if thats not possible resistance cables. You can only go so far by exercises using your own bodyweight. Ifyou have no way of a gym membership or weights try to follow some of this guys videos
�he got pretty ripped by eating well and using exercises at home(he still used some form of weights). But at 5'7 127 u HAVE TO EAT.
been a ruff past 2 weeks. Decided to carb deplete myself for
1 1/2 weeks. I was doin pretty good and cut a good amount of fat while maintaing the same
Weight. Then on day i only lasted 15mins in the gym and felt like i
Was goin to pass out lol. So i decided to slowly up my carbs for 2 days an extra 40-60g a day with mostly whole wheat
And cornmeal (dont sleep on cornmeal)...

My strenght increased 20%...i dont normaly cut or carb deplete, but when i do i notice and increase in
Strenght and muscle hardening. Which brings me to believe putting ones body in survival mode puts ur body
In an anabolic state and increases test levels. The high carb 2 days and carb down 5 days thing doesnt work for me
So i stress my body longer by doin 1-2 weeks carb deplete of about 15-20g a day.
I also kept my water intake low to about 2 cups while training. I noticed if i drink
More than that my workouts are less intense.

I dont suggest anyone consume that lil water without listening to ur body and
Knowing its limitations
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you should not be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you lose fat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
I'm not an expert by any means, but the basic rule is, you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
actually, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, but it happens at a slower rate than if you were geared for either gaining muscle or losing fat.

i've been eating too little... lost 3-4 pounds this past month, but i know i put on some muscle, so no biggie.
I would agree. I don't think athletes bulk and cut much because they really have to stay in a particular shape to maintain a combo of speed,strength, endurance, etc. I was watching Dwight Howard doing his workout on YouTube and he said he doesn't really consider himself a body builder. Soperhaps this bulk/cut thing is really aimed towards the bb community?

Stupid air quality is low today from a spreading fire ~15 miles away...not sure if I wanna do HIIT in this condition.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Have any of you ever consumed raw eggs before a workout?
my old workout buddy did it like three times. funniest thing I've ever watched.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Have any of you ever consumed raw eggs before a workout?
Back several decades ago I would consider. But things have changed in the last couple of decades and I would rather not risk catching salmonellabecause of it.
I'm just really lazy right now, and I don't wanna do anything regarding a stove.

Ooh but I did see a 4 egg container where you can place your eggs in and then cook them with the microwave
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I'm just really lazy right now, and I don't wanna do anything regarding a stove.

Ooh but I did see a 4 egg container where you can place your eggs in and then cook them with the microwave
There's a good chance you won't get anything from it. These foodborne diseases usually only affect the young, old, pregnant since theyare immuno compromised. Stuff like this was a big part of my major as an undergrad so personally I would never attempt it, scared myself straight I guess.

You can also do what I do...I hard boil my eggs 10-15 at a time. With a bit of salt and pepper, it's pretty delicious.
I personally like my eggs moderately boiled, not hard-boiled...I like the yolk to be perfectly yellow and the outside of the yolk doesnt have to be totallysolid yet. I've never boiled eggs though so about how long does it take?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I personally like my eggs moderately boiled, not hard-boiled...I like the yolk to be perfectly yellow and the outside of the yolk doesnt have to be totally solid yet. I've never boiled eggs though so about how long does it take?
Not long, I'd say about 5 mins? Put the eggs in a pot. Fill it with water so all of the eggs are submerged. Heat the pot until the waterstarts to bubble. Leave it in there for a bit longer if you want it hard boil. Take it out sooner if you want it moderately boiled..with the yolk still runnyand the egg white still a bit soft and sticky.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you should not be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you lose fat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
I'm not an expert by any means, but the basic rule is, you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
actually, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, but it happens at a slower rate than if you were geared for either gaining muscle or losing fat.

i've been eating too little... lost 3-4 pounds this past month, but i know i put on some muscle, so no biggie.
I would agree. I don't think athletes bulk and cut much because they really have to stay in a particular shape to maintain a combo of speed, strength, endurance, etc. I was watching Dwight Howard doing his workout on YouTube and he said he doesn't really consider himself a body builder. So perhaps this bulk/cut thing is really aimed towards the bb community?

Stupid air quality is low today from a spreading fire ~15 miles away...not sure if I wanna do HIIT in this condition.

Thats where it started, and it really where it should stay. 95% of the people in a gym have no business bulking and cutting.

It's a fad that started and I have no idea why/how/etc.
Question: The main chick I'm messing with is a little flabby up top. She got major bunz, and her midsection is small for how thick she is, but she got theflabby arms and no real definition in her shoulders (typical of a lot girls w/ booty). Anyway, shorty works and is in school, so she says she has no time towork out. I'm telling her all she needs to do is weight train 1-2 days a week for about 40 minutes and that will tone up her arms and shoulders. Is thistrue?
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Question: The main chick I'm messing with is a little flabby up top. She got major bunz, and her midsection is small for how thick she is, but she got the flabby arms and no real definition in her shoulders (typical of a lot girls w/ booty). Anyway, shorty works and is in school, so she says she has no time to work out. I'm telling her all she needs to do is weight train 1-2 days a week for about 40 minutes and that will tone up her arms and shoulders. Is this true?
False. Being tone is relative to how much body fat you have. Which means you need to lose weight to lower the body fat % to be more toned. Cardio and watching what she eats would be her best bet. Also keep in mind that it can be genetics, some people just naturally have bigger arms.

Edit: Also, you cannot specifically target a certain part of your body to lose weight. You lose weight from all over the body.
i posted these in that 200+ pg trainwreck but i figure they are more relevant here

best example of a before/after shot i can give




^ So what would happen if she did upper body training 2-3 days a week? Would there be muscle underneath the flab? Could she just work out the arms andshoulders until she got diesel up top? The size of her arms aren't the issue, it's the flabbiness.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i posted these in that 200+ pg trainwreck but i figure they are more relevant here

best example of a before/after shot i can give




I'm having trouble figuring out if your upper body got bigger or your waist shrank... or both?


Good work, son.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i posted these in that 200+ pg trainwreck but i figure they are more relevant here

best example of a before/after shot i can give


Your best friend?
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ So what would happen if she did upper body training 2-3 days a week? Would there be muscle underneath the flab? Could she just work out the arms and shoulders until she got diesel up top? The size of her arms aren't the issue, it's the flabbiness.
She would probably be stronger and muscle growth will be there. But definition/tone-ness won't because body fat % hasn't changed. Girlsusually have flabby arms, man. They don't hit the weights like dudes to have rock hard figure.
laugh.gif were living with Rob Downey in the cave for Iron Man?
JK, man.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

thanks man. looks good.

btw do you have any experience/knowledge with olympic lifting? i've never really done it, but want to start....don't really want to do anything crazy (snatches seem like an injury waiting to happen) just like power cleans and such.

and i don't want to do solely oly lifts, i'd still do squats/dl's/bench etc.

how would i fit these in? how often do i do them, on which days, etc.? i do a normal 5 day legs -chest -back -arms -shoulders/abs split

also what kinda weight is good to start with?

Most of my experience was in Olympic lifting and then I transitioned to strongman type training because there were no facilities/coaches where I went toschool although there were a few people that I met who already had a few years of strongman training and comp experience.

If you want to try oly lifting the best way is really to find the closest oly training facility in close proximity with a coach.

If you don't want to go the whole route with a coach and stuff and then at elast a gym with oly platforms and bumper plates are a must.
It's a huge psychological and training advantage to know that you can dump the weight if you need to or not expend energy on the negative during heavycleans/snatches.
Also, many (regular) gyms' bars are horrible (poor rotation; bad for turnover of wrists) for any of the oly lifts or secondary exercises.

You don't have to make an extremely long term commitment regarding a coach but I'd reccomend going to one for maybe 4-6 mos. just to improve yourclean/snatch technique and then you can work on your own.

You can start with power cleans, front squat, high pulls, snatch grip and stiff legged deadlifts. These are the easiest to do in a regular gym.

When it comes to oly lifting there's 2 basic ways of sets/rep distribution.
You're either doing 70-85% 1rm 3 /4 (reps) x 5 for speed or 85-100% 1rm 1-2 (usually 2) x 5/6 for strentgh.

I'd really look into finding a facility with oly platforms and bumper plates though at least.
Not only is it safer but it's also fun dropping weight on the floor.

btw, nothing to do with the above specifically but I always recommend zercher squats to everyone.
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