Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Alrite. So while I wait for my Intrabolic, I'm wondering if inshould try split days. I just love my full body days an I do t know I can do without them.

Anyone have better experience using one method over the other?

One more time: does anyone here use a cotdamn multi? Lol
wj4 yeah i was getting my bear grylls on

wawa- yeah we got a bunch of olympic platforms & bumper plates.....i do deadlifts on them because i like being able to drop if need be and the wood feelsbetter than the rubberish surface of the rest of the gym.

will this stuff still build a decent amount of mass? and could i do a program where i got squats/dl's etc. and still have powercleans, etc.?

jigsta - 2 years and about 20something lbs between those pics....i gained more than that but some of it was fat and i've been cutting so the after pic isafter a bulk and partially through a cut.

but i'd say i gained the majority of that weight in about a year......when i started i wasn't lifting or eating right, once i knew what i was doing imade real gains.
Getting sick of cutting.. I think I need to lower my cal intake a bit more, under 2000ish. Eh but it takes time, i've only been dieting for 1.5months havelost only 2kgs but I am way more cut than ever.

I need to continue for another 6 weeks perhaps
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

been a ruff past 2 weeks. Decided to carb deplete myself for
1 1/2 weeks. I was doin pretty good and cut a good amount of fat while maintaing the same
Weight. Then on day i only lasted 15mins in the gym and felt like i
Was goin to pass out lol. So i decided to slowly up my carbs for 2 days an extra 40-60g a day with mostly whole wheat
And cornmeal (dont sleep on cornmeal)...

My strenght increased 20%...i dont normaly cut or carb deplete, but when i do i notice and increase in
Strenght and muscle hardening. Which brings me to believe putting ones body in survival mode puts ur body
In an anabolic state and increases test levels. The high carb 2 days and carb down 5 days thing doesnt work for me
So i stress my body longer by doin 1-2 weeks carb deplete of about 15-20g a day.
I also kept my water intake low to about 2 cups while training. I noticed if i drink
More than that my workouts are less intense.

I dont suggest anyone consume that lil water without listening to ur body and
Knowing its limitations

How many carbs are you consuming daily (cal/grams)? Your saying you cut carbs to a minimum for 2 weeks then lift and you feel stronger?

Thats interesting.. I know I can't do jack all even just normal bodyily functions such as walking/thinking/concentrating if I have jack all carbs. TheKeto diet suggests high protein/fat and low carb with refeed days.. it sounds interesting but consuming all that fat is weird.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wj4 yeah i was getting my bear grylls on

wawa- yeah we got a bunch of olympic platforms & bumper plates.....i do deadlifts on them because i like being able to drop if need be and the wood feels better than the rubberish surface of the rest of the gym.

will this stuff still build a decent amount of mass? and could i do a program where i got squats/dl's etc. and still have powercleans, etc.?

jigsta - 2 years and about 20something lbs between those pics....i gained more than that but some of it was fat and i've been cutting so the after pic is after a bulk and partially through a cut.

but i'd say i gained the majority of that weight in about a year......when i started i wasn't lifting or eating right, once i knew what i was doing i made real gains.
na, yeh a usually oly workout consists of say:
heavy clean and jerk or snatch and then a 3-4 secondary exercises (deadlifts, squat (front, back, overhead, zercher), high pull, shrug, bench press, rows,pull ups, etc.)

Most of the time that is spent on the c&j and snatch is working on technique but the real strength is gained in doing the secondary compound exercises (then putting them all together for c&j and snatch) and doing speed work.

An oly routine is just a normal workout routine but all it focuses is on compound excercises done for speed or strentgh.
Originally Posted by I3

Getting sick of cutting.. I think I need to lower my cal intake a bit more, under 2000ish. Eh but it takes time, i've only been dieting for 1.5months have lost only 2kgs but I am way more cut than ever.

I need to continue for another 6 weeks perhaps
What's your BMR range? My BMR is around 2,500 cals/day and I'm consuming about 2,000-2,200 cals a day.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

been a ruff past 2 weeks. Decided to carb deplete myself for
1 1/2 weeks. I was doin pretty good and cut a good amount of fat while maintaing the same
Weight. Then on day i only lasted 15mins in the gym and felt like i
Was goin to pass out lol. So i decided to slowly up my carbs for 2 days an extra 40-60g a day with mostly whole wheat
And cornmeal (dont sleep on cornmeal)...

My strenght increased 20%...i dont normaly cut or carb deplete, but when i do i notice and increase in
Strenght and muscle hardening. Which brings me to believe putting ones body in survival mode puts ur body
In an anabolic state and increases test levels. The high carb 2 days and carb down 5 days thing doesnt work for me
So i stress my body longer by doin 1-2 weeks carb deplete of about 15-20g a day.
I also kept my water intake low to about 2 cups while training. I noticed if i drink
More than that my workouts are less intense.

I dont suggest anyone consume that lil water without listening to ur body and
Knowing its limitations

How many carbs are you consuming daily (cal/grams)? Your saying you cut carbs to a minimum for 2 weeks then lift and you feel stronger?

Thats interesting.. I know I can't do jack all even just normal bodyily functions such as walking/thinking/concentrating if I have jack all carbs. The Keto diet suggests high protein/fat and low carb with refeed days.. it sounds interesting but consuming all that fat is weird.
today is my low carb day

it's true though, you definitely feel weak w/o them....people who live by the keto diet say otherwise, but their bodies probably have grown accustomed toulta-low amounts of carbs.

also iice why whole wheat as opposed to lower-gi carbs?

and i can cosign about carb cycling not working in the strength dept, my lift have been off ever since i started, but it helps shed weight so i'm down w/itfor the time being.
my usual for carbs differs depending on what my goals are. But i would say 60-80g on average.

JOE- i cant say i got weak, just not much energy. I actually maxed 20lbs xtra on my bench the day i felt i was gonna pass out.
The thing is i felt great the whole time i was depleted but i was also sugar depleted which i think was the real
Culprit. Starting this weekend im gonna deplete again, but this time eat a spoons of brown sugar daily to see if the
Sugar was the issue. Edit.... JOE...i eat whole wheat bread for no reason other than no reason lol. Not even the fancy kind. The ones 2 for 4
oh ok.....maybe it's because on the carb cycle i'm on the lower the amount of carbs the lower the amount of total calories.

damn you really are fine-tuning your diet and such down huh? experimenting with amounts of sugar and $%%@
are you trying to cut or what?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you should not be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you lose fat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
I'm not an expert by any means, but the basic rule is, you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
actually, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, but it happens at a slower rate than if you were geared for either gaining muscle or losing fat.

i've been eating too little... lost 3-4 pounds this past month, but i know i put on some muscle, so no biggie.
I would agree. I don't think athletes bulk and cut much because they really have to stay in a particular shape to maintain a combo of speed, strength, endurance, etc. I was watching Dwight Howard doing his workout on YouTube and he said he doesn't really consider himself a body builder. So perhaps this bulk/cut thing is really aimed towards the bb community?

Stupid air quality is low today from a spreading fire ~15 miles away...not sure if I wanna do HIIT in this condition.

Thats where it started, and it really where it should stay. 95% of the people in a gym have no business bulking and cutting.

It's a fad that started and I have no idea why/how/etc.
Well the explanation that I got was that your body can't build without a caloric surplus. Caloric deficit = weight (muscle or fat) lost.

It makes sense in a "too bad I know it's not that simple" kinda way.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you should not be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you lose fat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
I'm not an expert by any means, but the basic rule is, you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
actually, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, but it happens at a slower rate than if you were geared for either gaining muscle or losing fat.

i've been eating too little... lost 3-4 pounds this past month, but i know i put on some muscle, so no biggie.
I would agree. I don't think athletes bulk and cut much because they really have to stay in a particular shape to maintain a combo of speed, strength, endurance, etc. I was watching Dwight Howard doing his workout on YouTube and he said he doesn't really consider himself a body builder. So perhaps this bulk/cut thing is really aimed towards the bb community?

Stupid air quality is low today from a spreading fire ~15 miles away...not sure if I wanna do HIIT in this condition.

Thats where it started, and it really where it should stay. 95% of the people in a gym have no business bulking and cutting.

It's a fad that started and I have no idea why/how/etc.
Well the explanation that I got was that your body can't build without a caloric surplus. Caloric deficit = weight (muscle or fat) lost.

It makes sense in a "too bad I know it's not that simple" kinda way.

It doesnt have to be a surpulus. The calories just have to be enough. Any more and it gets stored... which is why bulking never made sense to me.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ So what would happen if she did upper body training 2-3 days a week? Would there be muscle underneath the flab? Could she just work out the arms and shoulders until she got diesel up top? The size of her arms aren't the issue, it's the flabbiness.
She would probably be stronger and muscle growth will be there. But definition/tone-ness won't because body fat % hasn't changed. Girls usually have flabby arms, man. They don't hit the weights like dudes to have rock hard figure.
north dade... have her focus on squats, and deadlifts, with two sessions of sprints a week (read the HIIT posts in this thread from the pastweek), and add in a basic upper body workout (some pressing, some rowing/pulls). that'll cut down on the flab all over pretty quick without diminishingthe lower body thickness too much. in fact, it'll probably enhance her lower body shape quite nicely
I just counted the amount of protein I take in a day. Despite the fact that I only take in 2,000-2,200 cals a day, I still manage to take in at least 160g ofprotein. My guesstimate is around 160-180g of protein a day, and my weight is 153 lbs.
Originally Posted by wj4

I just counted the amount of protein I take in a day. Despite the fact that I only take in 2,000-2,200 cals a day, I still manage to take in at least 160g of protein. My guesstimate is around 160-180g of protein a day, and my weight is 153 lbs.
What type of foods are you eating? I need to follow a diet similar to yours
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by wj4

I just counted the amount of protein I take in a day. Despite the fact that I only take in 2,000-2,200 cals a day, I still manage to take in at least 160g of protein. My guesstimate is around 160-180g of protein a day, and my weight is 153 lbs.
What type of foods are you eating? I need to follow a diet similar to yours

wj4 doesnt eat, havent you seen his pics? 5 protein shakes a day, no solid foods
I think this was answered but I didn't see it..Bike riding, how does it benefit your body? Also I have started to cut down on food and eating better butwhat are other exercises to help work out the stomach [if any] besides sit ups and crunches?
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I think this was answered but I didn't see it..Bike riding, how does it benefit your body? Also I have started to cut down on food and eating better but what are other exercises to help work out the stomach [if any] besides sit ups and crunches?
i dont know but i ride 3-4 times a week and still have chicken legs. solid chicken legs though and my !$+ is hard as a rock.
Don't sleep on peas. They go great with grains and add quite a bit of protein to a meal. Anyone try millet? I wanna know if it's any good before I tryit.
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Don't respond with such an ayo-#%% comment..what the heck.
is censored? what type of i.s.h is that?
you wanted to know how it benefits. it makes your lower body solid dude, im just saying. i dont know where you live but i see a lot of people onroad bikes around my way. most of them are really lean especially upper body.
You guys have NOT seen chicken legs. I saw the epitome of chicken legs today. Some dude was in the basketball courts and I was surprised he was even able tostand. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that it looked like the legs of a concentration camp victim. I hope he didn't have some sort of deficiencythough, otherwise I'd feel like an %@%+@#% ...
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by wj4

I just counted the amount of protein I take in a day. Despite the fact that I only take in 2,000-2,200 cals a day, I still manage to take in at least 160g of protein. My guesstimate is around 160-180g of protein a day, and my weight is 153 lbs.
What type of foods are you eating? I need to follow a diet similar to yours

wj4 doesnt eat, havent you seen his pics? 5 protein shakes a day, no solid foods
I also make myself throw up after the protein shake.

Just got back from HIIT, the air quality cleared up somewhat. Feeling good now!

I posted this back a couple of pages, but here it is again.

Breakfast....bowl of cereal with skim milk, banana, whey protein.
*Hit the gym*
Take in whey protein in locker room.
Comes home to eat a peanut butter sandwich, several slices of watermelon, 3 egg whites. At this time it's usually around 7-8AM.
10AM.....chicken breast or turkey sandwich on wheat buns and a cup of yogurt.
1PM...chicken breast or turkey sandwhich on wheat buns.
4PM....brown rice with chicken breast or salmon with rice.
6PM....dried pear or apple.
8PM....granola bar
around 10PM...whey protein and go to bed.

Most of the meals are cooked at home so the pro is that you get to pick the ingredients yourself. The whey protein is around 25g of protein per scoop. Chicken breast and turkey are about 26-28g. Wheat buns is about 8g. I'm not sure of the other stuff, but I looked it up earlier when I was bored. Theonly thing I'm unsure of is the salmon bowl at school. I saw the nutrition stats and all, but still ehh..
Riding bike is legit cardio workout in addition to lower body. It's just not feasible because a good bike is $$ and then you need the shoes to click on thepaddles too. A good alternative a spin class at the gym. I don't care how good of a shape you're in, if it's your first time doing will behating life. I thought I was going to come in and be on some Lance Armstrong stuff and son the other fat people in the room...but the fat people ended upsonning me...riding around with arms in the air all effortlessly, while I was going half speed struggling.
Originally Posted by wj4

Riding bike is legit cardio workout in addition to lower body. It's just not feasible because a good bike is $$ and then you need the shoes to click on the paddles too. A good alternative a spin class at the gym. I don't care how good of a shape you're in, if it's your first time doing will be hating life. I thought I was going to come in and be on some Lance Armstrong stuff and son the other fat people in the room...but the fat people ended up sonning me...riding around with arms in the air all effortlessly, while I was going half speed struggling.
this is why i have yet to try it. i think my heart rate would hit like 200
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