Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by wj4

Riding bike is legit cardio workout in addition to lower body. It's just not feasible because a good bike is $$ and then you need the shoes to click on the paddles too. A good alternative a spin class at the gym. I don't care how good of a shape you're in, if it's your first time doing will be hating life. I thought I was going to come in and be on some Lance Armstrong stuff and son the other fat people in the room...but the fat people ended up sonning me...riding around with arms in the air all effortlessly, while I was going half speed struggling.
this is why i have yet to try it. i think my heart rate would hit like 200
I donno. My heart doesn't seem to jump out like it would when I do HIIT. But it feels like my whole body was burning equally. My thighs ofcourse were on fire. I thought it was going to be cake when we started with a slow song then it morphed into a super fast trance song and I saw everyone gotup on the bike, flex the abs, and went in at full speed...smh.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by wj4

Riding bike is legit cardio workout in addition to lower body. It's just not feasible because a good bike is $$ and then you need the shoes to click on the paddles too. A good alternative a spin class at the gym. I don't care how good of a shape you're in, if it's your first time doing will be hating life. I thought I was going to come in and be on some Lance Armstrong stuff and son the other fat people in the room...but the fat people ended up sonning me...riding around with arms in the air all effortlessly, while I was going half speed struggling.
this is why i have yet to try it. i think my heart rate would hit like 200
I donno. My heart doesn't seem to jump out like it would when I do HIIT. But it feels like my whole body was burning equally. My thighs of course were on fire. I thought it was going to be cake when we started with a slow song then it morphed into a super fast trance song and I saw everyone got up on the bike, flex the abs, and went in at full speed...smh.

is there resistance on those things? cause riding hills gets my heart jacked. like 170's.
Yes. It's a stationary bike with a knob that increases/decreases resistance. The more avid goers also buy biking shoes to click into the pedals. Theinstructor will tell you when to increase/decrease resistance to simulate uphill/downhill.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by I3

Getting sick of cutting.. I think I need to lower my cal intake a bit more, under 2000ish. Eh but it takes time, i've only been dieting for 1.5months have lost only 2kgs but I am way more cut than ever.

I need to continue for another 6 weeks perhaps
What's your BMR range? My BMR is around 2,500 cals/day and I'm consuming about 2,000-2,200 cals a day.

BMR.. I get confused when people say BMR, RMR, maintenance etc.. I know my RMR is 1400 (weight x 10) thats just basically just breathing, walking etc.. x20%avg activity a day..
I think im around 2300cals.

I had a deficit at 1500cal during the early stages, lost #$*! loads of body fat but my energy levels were insanely low and I lost a lot of mass. I bumped upto around 1800-1900cals and I feel good, but I think consuming too many carbs makes the weight-loss slower, but I find on days where I train in the morning,then train at night, somewhere between 120-160g of carbs does the trick. People would think im quite skinny already haha, but I just want to shed the fatcompletely (10% range) and then slow bulk to get around 68-70kgs, hopefully in the 10% range or even sub- sometime next year.

I have no issues with fats or protein, in fact these past 2 months my avg fat intake is around 40g a day. I do try to bump this up when I learn more aboutthose flaxseed oils etc.. protein can vary between 160-200g max.

Im aiming for a 1700-1800 calorie day and cheat meals once a month - and thats like subway, sugary cereal, pastas etc.. I think the trick is to control thecarbs (higher on workout days, minimum on non-workout days) Of course this is highly subjective, but I think it works for me.

Im going to buy a 5lb tub of ON 100% soon.. cant wait to try it.
Originally Posted by wj4

Riding bike is legit cardio workout in addition to lower body. It's just not feasible because a good bike is $$ and then you need the shoes to click on the paddles too. A good alternative a spin class at the gym. I don't care how good of a shape you're in, if it's your first time doing will be hating life. I thought I was going to come in and be on some Lance Armstrong stuff and son the other fat people in the room...but the fat people ended up sonning me...riding around with arms in the air all effortlessly, while I was going half speed struggling.
Ehh. I found some bikes that I plan to restore and fix so I doubt it will cost me too much. So does riding a bike help out the entire body. wouldyou say?
you will get lean dude. but dont expect to be all muscular or anything, except your legs. its a great workout for getting in shape though
Im aiming for a 1700-1800 calorie day and cheat meals once a month - and thats like subway, sugary cereal, pastas etc.. I think the trick is to control the carbs (higher on workout days, minimum on non-workout days) Of course this is highly subjective, but I think it works for me.
You must be really self disciplined! I give myself 1-2 cheat meals a week. I don't think I can do once a month. Props to you.

cucumber-riding a bike helps lose weight through out the body. But it won't help build muscle mass like lifting would. You will become leaner since youwon't have much body fat. But you won't look built.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

you will get lean dude. but dont expect to be all muscular or anything, except your legs. its a great workout for getting in shape though
That is good enough for me. I need the stamina and leg workout since I like to run and play football.
For everything else I will probably buy weights and do some home exercises.
is it a good idea to drink a protein shake before going to bed? or should be eating cottage cheese?

bulking BTW
Originally Posted by wj4

Im aiming for a 1700-1800 calorie day and cheat meals once a month - and thats like subway, sugary cereal, pastas etc.. I think the trick is to control the carbs (higher on workout days, minimum on non-workout days) Of course this is highly subjective, but I think it works for me.
You must be really self disciplined! I give myself 1-2 cheat meals a week. I don't think I can do once a month. Props to you.

cucumber-riding a bike helps lose weight through out the body. But it won't help build muscle mass like lifting would. You will become leaner since you won't have much body fat. But you won't look built.

Yeah.. past 2 weeks i've had cheat meals, but that was only because I was craving them. This week I haven't really craved anything. Theworst junk food i've had in 2 weeks was probably a donut and some chinese puffy bun thing with sesame seeds on the outside lol..

Its all good to have a cheat once in awhile, good for the metabolism. But the more you can stay away the better I guess.

Time to get shedded as ###!!

Wank- They say Casein is good, as its slower-releasing, I usually have a protein shake as my last 'meal' of the day, and if im low on calories,i'll have it with milk. Cottage cheese is good too as its slow releasing. End of the day, its up to you and usually the preception lies within the factorof convenience.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

is it a good idea to drink a protein shake before going to bed? or should be eating cottage cheese?

bulking BTW
Just got home, just had a scoop of whey protein. I always take in protein before bed and first thing after getting up because you're going tobe sleeping for a good amount of time...not eating in that time frame. Your body will need nutrients in the mean time.
Man...I'm 5'7'', and 143 lb. I'm also an ex cross country runner, but I wanna get built, word toJoseph Camel. Where in the %#*# do I start?
good looks wj and i3

i have to admit, i might have a slight addiction to whey protein

its mad delicious

anyone taking white flood(lemonade flavor)? i just ordered 305 grams worth, if i dont like it ill pass it down to my brother
Originally Posted by wanksta23

is it a good idea to drink a protein shake before going to bed? or should be eating cottage cheese?

bulking BTW

It really doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

good looks wj and i3

i have to admit, i might have a slight addiction to whey protein

its mad delicious

anyone taking white flood(lemonade flavor)? i just ordered 305 grams worth, if i dont like it ill pass it down to my brother

White Flood is great. You'll love it, gives you that extra pump like when you cum.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by wanksta23

good looks wj and i3

i have to admit, i might have a slight addiction to whey protein

its mad delicious

anyone taking white flood(lemonade flavor)? i just ordered 305 grams worth, if i dont like it ill pass it down to my brother

White Flood is great. You'll love it, gives you that extra pump like when you cum.
doesnt taste the best but white flood is legit

(controlled labs is legit)
eff it,
I'm startin back from a super loooooong hiatus tomorrow.

I got a female on my mind, word to kanye.

"What's my motivation? That *%# is."
Originally Posted by Al Audi

White Flood is great. You'll love it, gives you that extra pump like when you.
doesnt taste the best but white flood is legit

(controlled labs is legit)

i hope it tastes better than purple wraath...stuff was horrible
btw, how much calories and fat should I be taking in if I want to lose maybe around 10-20 pounds.
I'm 5"8', I weigh around 165, and I'm 18 years old.
I use to take in as little fat and cal's as possible when I weighed much more (use to weigh 250)
like less than 10 grams of fat a day. And, I also want to build muscle but should I start trying that once I lose the weight I want to lose or before?
I use to lift a lot and drink whey protein earlier this year and it basically only made my shoulders and chest solid. I still have somewhat of a gut butit's more flab than anything.

input would be appreciated. thanks
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by Al Audi

White Flood is great. You'll love it, gives you that extra pump like when you.
doesnt taste the best but white flood is legit

(controlled labs is legit)
i hope it tastes better than purple wraath...stuff was horrible

purple wraath you have to drink really cold an it def takes gettin use too

honestly controlled labs isnt the best in taste but they make quality supplements
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

btw, how much calories and fat should I be taking in if I want to lose maybe around 10-20 pounds.
I'm 5"8', I weigh around 165, and I'm 18 years old.
I use to take in as little fat and cal's as possible when I weighed much more (use to weigh 250)
like less than 10 grams of fat a day. And, I also want to build muscle but should I start trying that once I lose the weight I want to lose or before?
I use to lift a lot and drink whey protein earlier this year and it basically only made my shoulders and chest solid. I still have somewhat of a gut but it's more flab than anything.

input would be appreciated. thanks
reddrum follow this for 3 months and you should be good.Do 15min warmup cardio before everywork, not on leg day and 20min cardio after workout (not on leg day)for like the 1st three weeks and then do hit cardio for 12 to 15min after the 3rd week. For your weight you should be consuming around 2100 to 2200 calories aday. o yeah it better to bulk 1st for about 3 months then cut down for another 3 months if you trying to gain muscle but it not really necessary you can loseweight by still gaining muscle if you go hard in the gym and follow a nice diet.

Monday - Legs

* Squats 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Extensions 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Curl 3 x 10-20
* Reverse Calf Raises 2 x 10-20
* Seated Calf Raises 2 x 10-20

Tuesday - Chest

* Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Decline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Dumbbell Pullover 2 x 15-20
* Incline Flyes 2 x 10-20

Wednesday - Back

* Weighted Pullups 3 x 8-12
* Wide Grip Pulldown 3 x 8-12
* Seated Row 3 x 8-12
* Hyperextensions 3 x 12-15

Thursday - Shoulders

* Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 12-15
* Military Press 2 x 8-10
* Arnold Press 2 x 8-12
* Bent Lateral Raises 2 x 8-12
* Shrugs 2 x 12-15

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12


1 cup of oatmeal w/fat free milk
1 scoop of whey protein w/water
1 orange
1 multivitamin pill
2 slice of arnold double protein bread
1 slice of fat free singles cheese
2 slice of turkey breast
1 scoop of whey protein w/fat free milk
1 orange
1 multivitamin pill

10grams of Bcca by ON followed by Superpump250 15min later.

1 1/2 scoop of whey protein
1/2 cup maltodextin
1 1/2 spoon of dextrose
2 grams of glutamine
2 grams of Bcca by ON

1-2 hours after workout
1 can of tuna or 3 egg white and 1 whole egg w/1 slice of fat free single cheese
2 slice of arnold double protein bread or 1 cup of brown rice
1 orange

3- 4 hours after workout
Still dont know what I am going to eat here, will find something by monday.

4-6 hours after workout
baked potatoes or pasta
chicken or lean red meat or fish

Before Sleep
1 cup fat free milk
1/2 scoop casein protein, 1/2 scoop of whey protein
^ I'm gonna try that. probably won't use all of those supplements you posted but I'll take whey protein, multivitamins and maybe some casein.
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