Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ So what would happen if she did upper body training 2-3 days a week? Would there be muscle underneath the flab? Could she just work out the arms and shoulders until she got diesel up top? The size of her arms aren't the issue, it's the flabbiness.
She would probably be stronger and muscle growth will be there. But definition/tone-ness won't because body fat % hasn't changed. Girls usually have flabby arms, man. They don't hit the weights like dudes to have rock hard figure.
laugh.gif were living with Rob Downey in the cave for Iron Man?
JK, man.

would swimming a few times a week help her?

Since its been so hot lately I've been swimming for one or two of my cardio days a week and I forgot the nice shape it adds to your upperarms/shoulder area...

Also I just did my BMR on the calculator and it said mine is 1420 so what does that even mean?
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

you will get lean dude. but dont expect to be all muscular or anything, except your legs. its a great workout for getting in shape though
That is good enough for me. I need the stamina and leg workout since I like to run and play football.
For everything else I will probably buy weights and do some home exercises.
play organized football or for fun? if you train a lot of steady-state cardio, you'll end up slower. HIIT (cycling or running) will give youa good amount of stamina and make your recovery times quicker, without hurting your speed.
theres white flood pills if you cant stand the flavor

imo no pre-workout supp should be least take a caffeine pill w/the white flood

also anyone and everyone post some progress pics, those are so motivational

i know there's gotta be people here who dropped 80 lbs, gained 30 lbs of muscle, etc. etc.



arnold at SIXTEEN

step your game up
update on my bench press:
if ya'll remember I posted back about my story of benching with 45lb plates. Well I'm not there yet but I've increased my usual benching this weekfrom 25lb plates to 35lb plates +2.5lb plates. Back in february I couldn't even lift the bar alone and do 1 rep
. that !*% was embarassing, had a trainer spotting me too.
this is how my bench timeline has been from june doing (95lbs) to now doing (215lbs). it's all about dedication and really challenging yourself every week.i used to be scared of benching
Joe white flood has caff......creatine it doesn't have unlike many other pre workout
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

some random dude curling what a lot of you are benching

step your game up
What a cheater lol.....too much swinging going on. Back in HS i would curl that much.....easy curl bar though

Funny thing is I dont think I can curl that much now
. Man I was skinny backthen
Originally Posted by AAclaire420

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ So what would happen if she did upper body training 2-3 days a week? Would there be muscle underneath the flab? Could she just work out the arms and shoulders until she got diesel up top? The size of her arms aren't the issue, it's the flabbiness.
She would probably be stronger and muscle growth will be there. But definition/tone-ness won't because body fat % hasn't changed. Girls usually have flabby arms, man. They don't hit the weights like dudes to have rock hard figure.
laugh.gif were living with Rob Downey in the cave for Iron Man?
JK, man.

would swimming a few times a week help her?

Since its been so hot lately I've been swimming for one or two of my cardio days a week and I forgot the nice shape it adds to your upper arms/shoulder area...

Also I just did my BMR on the calculator and it said mine is 1420 so what does that even mean?
I'm not sure about swimming. Back when I injured my foot and was unable to do cardio on land, I started swimming. I looked up severalarticles on swimming and they all seem to contradict each other, ie one saying that it's a great way to lose weight, and the other says there's noscientific proof that shows that.

BMR is short for basal metabolic rate. It's the amount of calories you burn daily if you were to do nothing and stay in bed all day long. From this, theenergy you require to function can be calculated as well.

This is the one I use.
Whats good with creatine? I should really research it myself instead of relying on NT, but in a nutshell what does it do and what are its side effects?
i dont think i'd EVER post my before pics. and the before pics i have are like 3 months into working out and I still think are absolutely disgusting.been going hard for about a year and ten months. before i started working out i weighed about 250 and dropped to about 190. i'm about 6-6'1"

right now i take:

Labrada Super Charge Extreme N.O (best +!## EVER. EVER. hands down. **** here with any other pre-workout supp)
ABB Pure Pro 40g
NOW Tribulus
NOW L-Arginine
GNC glucosamine

eating like a savage to gain muscle. I haven't weighed myself in probably like 2 months but i'm definitely getting big and pushing heavier weight thani used to.
Wha tWas that dude curling 135? I use a slightly diffeent tech. I keep my elbows as far back as I could rather than use that method, which allows you to swingur arms like that. May e I could do that much or around that much if I did what ye did. I do 70-80 lbs using my teh. I'll post a vid if it later.

What do you guys normally mix/make your protein shakes with. Milk or water. I know milk carries the fat content ( I use fat free milk now)so i make mine 2parts water 1 part milk. The milk give it the milk shake/smoothie taste for me. Is this cool or should I go with just water. I cant stand the taste when itsjust water but if it's the best way then im going to have to adjust. Also what other things do you add to stack your shake. I've tried adding fruit tomine, is there anything else to boost the shake.
Originally Posted by djkaos23


What do you guys normally mix/make your protein shakes with. Milk or water. I know milk carries the fat content ( I use fat free milk now)so i make mine 2 parts water 1 part milk. The milk give it the milk shake/smoothie taste for me. Is this cool or should I go with just water. I cant stand the taste when its just water but if it's the best way then im going to have to adjust. Also what other things do you add to stack your shake. I've tried adding fruit to mine, is there anything else to boost the shake.

w.e way you choose is fine, water or milk. idk about others but when cutting i try and avoid too much milk. milk is never bad though. EDIT: nvm
I use water because it's easier and more convenient for me, especially when I'm not home. Some of my friends use milk because they say it tastesbetter.

If im working a 12 hr schedule Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri (sat, sun thurs off days) when should I workout. I was going before work at 4am but cant seem to get upanymore. My motivation is so low now. I basically work from 6am to 6:30pm. Should I workout before or after. The reason im askin is because i know yoursupposed to get a proper amount of sleep but it's hard with this work sched. So i just try to get extra sleep on my days off.

Question 2.

Which oatmeal should I be using. I klnow instant oatmeal isnt the best but that's what Ive been using. This one
Also ive used the stater bros brand that has cranberries and flax added to it. Do ineed to change this or can I continue using this.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

some random dude curling what a lot of you are benching

step your game up
What he needs to step up, is his form

Hes working out his lower back�or something? Lol alota ppl would be able to curl�20-30lbs more if they were to swing and lean back like that.

Let me see�him do that with his back against the wall and his arms�tucked to�both his sides.

No thanks.

Might as well throw up some progress pics.

This is me back in 05

Super frail, I know. I was about 20 I think, weighing in between 170-173

This was about a year later

You can see I leaned out a bit and gained some mass throughout my traps and shoulders. But my chest was lagging, which it always has

This is me from May 09 at 183 lbs.

I hadn't been working out for about a year and even when I was, my diet was horrendous! (I wasnt eating enough) You can see my gains were minimal comparedto the last picture that was damn there 3 years ago. This is pure proof that if you dont eat properly and lift, you get nowhere, when youre trying to bulk up.

This is me from present day weighing in at about 194 lbs.

This is six weeks into Bill Starrs 5x5 program. I've gained a decent amount of mass and some fat as you can see. I'm cool with it all.
^^wow bro .. good progress. keep, lifting, sleeping and eating. I just got the balls to post some of my pics so i will as soon as i get a chance
you guys really think his form was that bad though?

once you get to curling that kinda weight it's pretty tough to keep your body still no matter what.....

plus cheating is essential on some sets imo
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Joe white flood has caff......creatine it doesn't have unlike many other pre workout
lol my bad

funny because i actually took it a while back because i thought it didn't have caffeine
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you guys really think his form was that bad though?

once you get to curling that kinda weight it's pretty tough to keep your body still no matter what.....

plus cheating is essential on some sets imo

I actually thought his form was pretty good. It wasn't perfect obviously, but in reality I dont think ive ever seen someone with perfect form past 95 lbs.

I'm typically a cynic when it comes to other peoples workouts (
),but I was actually impressed with that clip.
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