Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Just tried superpump....this stuff is so good! It felt like I could workout all day.

I know this stuff can't be good for you though, anyone have any experience with superpump or no-xplode??
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you guys really think his form was that bad though?

once you get to curling that kinda weight it's pretty tough to keep your body still no matter what.....

plus cheating is essential on some sets imo

I actually thought his form was pretty good. It wasn't perfect obviously, but in reality I dont think ive ever seen someone with perfect form past 95 lbs.

I'm typically a cynic when it comes to other peoples workouts (
), but I was actually impressed with that clip.
I think the same thing too.. His form was pretty good with that weight. But IMO, less weight with better form = better isolation
some random dude curling what a lot of you are benching

step your game up

What he needs to step up, is his form

Hes working out his lower back�or something? Lol alota ppl would be able to curl�20-30lbs more if they were to swing and lean back like that.

Let me see�him do that with his back against the wall and his arms�tucked to�both his sides.

No thanks.

That was Erik Frankhouser. He's a recent IFBB pro bodybuilder. Couple of things with him using that form and that weight:

1. He's juiced to the gills. Nobody's that big naturally, and almost nobody turns pro in the IFBB naturally. Just doesn't really happen. Someguys juice way more than others, but still, it takes something. So as far as stepping your game up, nobody who's in the gym bodybuilding for their ownpersonal goals and just to have a better phsyique (i.e. not trying to compete on a pro stage) needs to worry about curling 185lbs.

2. He's a mesomorph, meaning his body is naturally very symetrical and very muscular. People with his type of build are always going to be musuclar withlittle effort, but they'll plateau, so the best way to get past that is for them to use heavy weights and fast, explosive reps. It's really dependantupon body type. That type of form is something I would almost NEVER have a client doing in the gym, but that's because I really just train generalpopulation type of individuals who just want to look better and who don't have those types of genetics.

Strict form is your best bet for the most part. Most people aren't going to get bigger biceps from the form he was using, just stronger traps, biggerfront delts, imbalanced arms, and eventually an injury...
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you guys really think his form was that bad though?

once you get to curling that kinda weight it's pretty tough to keep your body still no matter what.....

plus cheating is essential on some sets imo

I actually thought his form was pretty good. It wasn't perfect obviously, but in reality I dont think ive ever seen someone with perfect form past 95 lbs.

I'm typically a cynic when it comes to other peoples workouts (
), but I was actually impressed with that clip.
I think the same thing too.. His form was pretty good with that weight. But IMO, less weight with better form = better isolation
yeah durden that's what i'm saying.....i can't do 185 but even on 135 it's pretty impossible for me to keep my body still doingthose.

syxth- why though? heavy weight and a little cheating will yield better results than strict isolation.

pana- maybe his build is unattainable w/o juicing but curling 185 is not superhuman, one of my buddies who i lift with frequently can rep 185 a few timesw/that form. he's probably 215-220 right now, no juice

point of me posting the vid wasnt to say- you need to be at this point, the point was it is motivating (at least for me) to see people rep weight you arenteven close to getting up once are a trainer from what i gathered? of course you're not gonna be telling most (or any) of your clients to do heavy straight bar curls.doesn't mean it isn't a good mass builder for your biceps. different goals different lifts
There is such a thing as cheat curls (that's what that guy was prob doing) and I guess they have their place for BB'ers although I've never triedthem on a regular basis.

I don't think going past a certain weight automatically induces that form though. I do think bb/db curls is an exercise whereby too many people use muchmore weight than they can truly handle so they're forced to use bad form.

Cheat curls have their place though. Usually at the letter end of bicep workout. are a trainer from what i gathered? of course you're not gonna be telling most (or any) of your clients to do heavy straight bar curls. doesn't mean it isn't a good mass builder for your biceps. different goals different lifts
Yeah, I know what you mean, but honestly, I have alot of my clients use heavy straight bar curls, just not that heavy, and not with that loose ofa form. If they want to build size and detail in their arms, etc... I usually make that an important part of their arm training, but I'm just not traininganyone at the moment who is already a beast and trying to break through a plateau.
btw the youtube comments are funny as hell/very skeptic

wj4 this might blow you away
^ I dont believe that.

His whole body got too ripped in 12 weeks. Na.

Definitely some enhancements were used in that period.
he was already pretty big....he just had too much fat

crazy transformation nonetheless

whether or not he had "help,"......i dunno, who cares. very nice work.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

he was already pretty big....he just had too much fat

crazy transformation nonetheless

whether or not he had "help,"......i dunno, who cares. very nice work.

yea vid motivated me to stop effin around with my cardio/diet

imma do a 60 day log/transformation though starting 9/1
My first day of college is on Monday (31st), and that is when I am joining the gym. I've been to the gym here and there, but never thought about gettingserious until this weekend. My schedule for school is great, so getting to the gym in the afternoon/night will be no problem.

I am not looking to lose weight at all, but to gain some weight and muscle. Looking to get broader, and also have a 6pack by the summertime. I have a reallyfast metabolism, so eating is not an issue, but I know to cut down on junk food and whatnot.

Let's get it
Lurkin- that dude got on the ultimate P90X or something.
Give me 3 yrs and I'll be like that. SMH.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wait youre cutting ?

and post that log up in this thread man

yep i switched it up

im gonna cut but trust i wont be skinny, ive done this before.

but i believe for me its REALLY about the diet being on point, well not even for me but for us all, my best cut ever i still had size i wanted. it was a goodbalance.

when i do a serious bulk though i am strong as hell

but yea im switchin it up, i gotta make up for this terrible summer........i said 60 days though so by november ill be pushin real heavy

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wait youre cutting ?

and post that log up in this thread man

yep i switched it up

im gonna cut but trust i wont be skinny, ive done this before.

but i believe for me its REALLY about the diet being on point, well not even for me but for us all, my best cut ever i still had size i wanted. it was a good balance.

when i do a serious bulk though i am strong as hell

but yea im switchin it up, i gotta make up for this terrible summer
i thought you were already pretty shredded but go for it man. what kinda diet are you lookin at?

im in the middle of cutting for the first time in my life.....have stuck to my diet 100% of the time, that's the biggest part by far

but.......i'm dying to put on some weight, cutting is way less fun. up your recipe, man. The cut that won't be skinny sounds interesting.

My shoulders are sore right now. Did the low weight, high rep...aside from looking like a little girl struggling to finish sets of minimum weight, I thinkit's working out well. Dudes looking at me like I'm crazy because I try to do sets of 15 as fast and efficient as I can. Probably looked like a hip hopvid from the 90's with me raising the roof and all.
Lurkin and anyone else who cut/bulk...don't your clothes fit you improperly? Like if you were to bulk up, I'd imagine your gear will fit pretty tightafter a while. Vice versa for cutting. Unless you got a closet full of size s-2xl lined up and all.
ive only cut this once, but yeah i definitely cant fit into anything i was wearing 2 years ago. jeans & tees specially

with this cut though its not really that dramatic......i clean bulk so i wasnt carrying around too much fat to begin with.
Originally Posted by wj4

Lurkin and anyone else who cut/bulk...don't your clothes fit you improperly? Like if you were to bulk up, I'd imagine your gear will fit pretty tight after a while. Vice versa for cutting. Unless you got a closet full of size s-2xl lined up and all.
Can only imagine what it would be like for those 2, but I recently went out on a nice dinner with some friends of mine...was kinda dressy so Ipicked up something I bought before summer (and my workout) started. I couldn't move in it
. It didn't feel right no more, my back and shoulders were bulging from itinsane and my arms couldn't move up past my shoulders. Nonetheless, it was a very pleasant surprise considering what I'm going for.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive only cut this once, but yeah i definitely cant fit into anything i was wearing 2 years ago. jeans & tees specially

with this cut though its not really that dramatic......i clean bulk so i wasnt carrying around too much fat to begin with.
Clean your waist size didn't go up much, dude? Some of my pants are starting to feel tight around the waist now, and I haven'teven bulk up or anything. Weight still the same roughly...donno what's going on, SMH.
lot of great info in this thread, i want to post up a pic of my body

so i can get feedback on what exactly i need to do to get in much needed shape,

but I'll refrain from doing so just cuz im overweight and this is niketalk and ill get roasted.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wait youre cutting ?

and post that log up in this thread man

yep i switched it up

im gonna cut but trust i wont be skinny, ive done this before.

but i believe for me its REALLY about the diet being on point, well not even for me but for us all, my best cut ever i still had size i wanted. it was a good balance.

when i do a serious bulk though i am strong as hell

but yea im switchin it up, i gotta make up for this terrible summer
i thought you were already pretty shredded but go for it man. what kinda diet are you lookin at?

im in the middle of cutting for the first time in my life.....have stuck to my diet 100% of the time, that's the biggest part by far

but.......i'm dying to put on some weight, cutting is way less fun.
yea i know

an im gonna be eating 5-6 times a day, ive had my best results on this plan, muscles/body always looked full and hard (pause)

i wont lie my diet is pretty boring, im know magic chef too lazy, dark green veggies, beans, chicken, turkey, fish.....i consider myself not a red meat eaterbut when im serious on bulking a lean steak here an there does wonders.

i call it a lean bulk basically, then from nov thru dec im gonna really go for mass up the caloric intake of course keeping it real clean. just looking for thebalance like i said before i need to be back at my lean 205ish + range like attained before

so from sept to end of dec thats 122 days, ill prolly get serious with a bodyspace and other forums to really keep me on track, dunno who here has bb account igot so many s/ns but NT is my fave place of course.
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